46 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Knot Effects / False Knots for two Silks
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Vanishing Knots
1876 238
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVI. Trifolium
  • 1. Das verwandelte Kartenspiel (deck changes to silk, shell placed in shell)
  • 2. Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme (silk appears in flame of a candle)
  • 3. Das plötzlich erscheinende Seidentuch (silk appears)
  • 4. Seidentüchlein auf Reisen (silk vanishes and appears knotted between two others, with glass tube)
  • 5. Die magischen Knoten (knotted silks unknot)
1903 164
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der magische Knoten knotted silks become free again
1930 33
Slip Knot
1930 33
Vanishing Knots silks are tied together, false knot
1938 613
Slip Knot
1939 57
Square Knot Release
1943 309
Pull-Apart Silks
1943 310
Tom Sellers Dissolving Knots
1943 6
Edwin Tabor "Fourth Dimension" Silks two silks are tied together in center and come apart
Also published here 1948 37
Gene Tarbell "Pull-Apart" Silks
1948 40
Edwin Tabor Pull Apart Napkins two silks are tied together in center and come apart
Also published here 1949 18
Dai Vernon Fadeaway! two handkerchiefs, knot opens
Related toAlso published here July 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 285)
The Fake Knot for Sympathetic Silks
1954 90
Dai Vernon Fadeaway two handkerchiefs, knot opens
Also published here 1956 78
Ken Brooke Knot-Out knotting for setting up unknotting in sympathetic silks
  • The Reef Knot
  • To Upset the Knot
1956 27
Dai Vernon Method for Upsetting a Square Knot
Related to 1957 157
Robert L. Henderson Tie and Untie knot travel from person to person, magnetic
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Tony Slydini The Convincing Knot technique to tie two different silks with a false knot
1960 180
Tony Slydini The Wrap-Over Knot
1960 194
Edward Marlo Marlo's Magic Knot
Feb. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 366)
Lewis Ganson Stage Three - Tying the Silks
1977 9
Lewis Ganson Notes 1. The Reef or Square Knot
2. Rubber Bands
3. A Different Set-Up
1977 14
Tony Slydini The Granny Knot
1979 57
Tony Slydini The Square Knot
1979 58
Tony Slydini Notes On The Square Knot
1979 59
Ken Brooke Knot-Out knotting method for Sympathetic Silks
Also published here 1980 79
Edwin Tabor Fourth-Dimensional Hanks No. 71, two silks are tied together in center and come apart
Also published here 1981 85
Karl Norman Knot Again Slydini's Knotted Silk handling
Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Slip Knot
1985 26
Jean Hugard Tuchknoten & andere Spielereien collection of silk knot effects and flourishes, stretching silk
  • 1. Ein Tuch in die Länge ziehen
  • 2. Das nicht zu verknotende Tuch
  • 3. Ein beidhändiger Blitzknoten
  • 4. Zwei Blitzknoten
  • 5. Die Vereinigungs-Knoten
  • 6. Der Arm-Blitzknoten
  • 7. Ein einhändiger Blitzknoten
  • 8. Fliegende Knoten
  • 9. Einhand-Knoten mit zwei Tüchern
  • 10. Ein-Hand-End-Knoten
  • 11. Drei-Tücher-Blitzverknotung
  • 12. Doppel-Schleifen-Knoten
  • 13. Die verschwindenden Schleifen-Knoten
  • 14. Verschwindende Knoten
  • 15. Ein Tuch mit sieben Enden
  • 16. Zwei Knoten aus einem
  • 17. Ein magisches Auffädeln
  • 18. Tuch durch Bein
  • 19. Die Stanley Collins' Variante
  • 20. Das Schlagen eines Knotens ohne Loslassen der Enden
  • 21. Das sich selbst entkontende Tuch
  • 22. Ein nützlicher Knoten
  • 23. Das schwebende Tuch
  • 24. Das Heimkehrer-Tuch
  • 25. Das Herumwirbeln eines Tuches
  • 26. Ein Geschicklichkeits-Trick
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Karl Norman, Edward Marlo But Knot For Me dissolving knot, credit correction on page 1307
Aug. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Twist Away Knot
1987 12
Karl Fulves, Tony Slydini Dissolvo two silks tied together untie in glass
Also published here 1987 39
Twist Away Knot
1988 83
Karl Fulves Square-Knot Secrets chapter intro
1988 94
The Square Knot No. 32
1988 94
False Knot for Sympathetic Silks
Feb. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Der Schwindelknoten
Feb. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Ken Brooke Knoten-Beseitigung knotting method for Sympathetic Silks
Also published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 3)
The One-Step Slipknot for the Seven Corners
2001 26
Ron Bauer A Sympathetic Knot
2003 14
False Knot for Two Silks
2006 17
A Technique Wherein A Rope is Strung Through Both Sleeves... "...the Ends Are Double Knotted, the Knot is Pulled Around into the Chest, after Which the Two Ends Are Pulled and the Knot is Undone", square knot
  • Dan Sherer (additional comments)
  • Max Maven (additional comments)
Also published here
  • Hōkasen, 1764
May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova False Knot discussion of basic method
2016 32
Ignacio López The Fade-Away Double Knot Variation
2019 23