170 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Traveling / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Locked and Corded Box "Washerwoman's Bottle" to steal handkerchief stuffed in opaque bottle, reappears in box or nest of boxes or elsewhere
1876 241
The Transformed Handkerchief "one of Herrmann's favourite tricks", borrowed handkerchief transforms into pieces, reappears in produced lemon, burned and restored once more
Related to 1876 246
Buatier de Kolta The Two Decanters and the Flying Handkerchief disappears visually from bottle and appears in second covered bottle
Related to 1890 216
The Flying Glass, Watch, and Handkerchief the three items travel into isolated hat
1890 364
Professor Mattmueller Der Zauberlehrling spectator rolls up borrowed silk, an egg is inside which breaks and ruins silk, silk put in pistol and shot, egg comes out of spectator's vest, handkerchief appears on back of spectator
Aug. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster The last mysterie à la Conradi envelope sealed by spectator, silk vanishes from glass (loop and pull behind chair), reappears inside
Related to Aug. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Glaskassette und Tücher silks travel from paper cone to clear glass casket
Feb. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Warentelephon "Die wandernden Tücher"
two glass cylinders with lids, two silks in one of them, covered with borrowed handkerchief, silks travel to first into hand and then into other cylinder
Related to Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Ein Variété-Programm patter by Eduard Hensel
  • Entrée (glove shrinks and becomes stocking)
  • Das Durchdringen der Materie (glass through hat)
  • Glasphänomen (two silk travel from bottle to bottle)
  • Schützenliesl (Queen of Clubs chosen, in a large target appears a woman in Queen of Clubs dress)
Related to Mar. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Ein Variété-Programm part two, methods
Related to Apr. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Gervinus second part of description
Related to May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Tuch und Apfel No. 22, silk vanishes and reappears inside apple or potato
1899 68
Francis King Das wandernde Tuch und Glas glass with silk vanishes from paper tube, reappears in borrowed hat
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Professor Bellonie Das wandernde Tuch small bottled wrapped in borrowed handkerchief, silk vanishes from matchbox and reappears in the bottle, travels back
Sep. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Großes Changement No. 10, two silks put in two glass bottles, they vanish visibly and reappear in spectators's pockets, pull into table operated by assistant
1900 131
Tuch und Zauberstab No. 12, wand wrapped in newspaper, silk vanishes, newspaper torn apart and silk comes out
1900 135
Carl Willmann Das wandernde Tuch silk vanishes and appears on elbow, vanishes again and appears at knee, two methods
Mar. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Die magische Bonbondüte watch and handkerchief borrowed and put in a box, then both reappear in a paper packet along with candy
Sep. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Carl Willmann Das Taschentuchkästchen borrowed watch and handkerchief vanish from box/apparatus and reappear inside bread
Apr. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Carl Willmann Flagge und Trauring auf der Wanderschaft borrowed ring wrapped in paper is burned, flag vanishes as well, both reappear in previously sealed glass held by spectator
July 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Two Vanished Handkerchiefs Reproduced from a Nest of Three Envelopes spectator seals nest of envelope, two handkerchiefs vanish and reappear inside, one in each, loading envelopes behind and taking out inner envelope from behind
1903 294
Francis King The Hat and Handkerchief glass with silks vanishes from paper tube, reappears in borrowed hat
Also published here 1903 315
D'Alvini D'Alvini's Egg and Handkerchief Trick egg broken and poured on borrowed handkerchief, put in pistol and shot on performer, handkerchief comes from his mouth, egg as well
Also published here 1903 329
Carl Willmann Das Weinglas des Teufels oder "Die magische Färberei" glass filled with beer and emptied, filled again, silk produced from glass in dry condition, silks vanish and flag of same colors produced from glass, glass with tube inside, gaffed tray
Related to Mar. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Bald hier, bald dort "Ein kleines Handkunststück"
watch borrowed, wrapped in silk and put in glass, watch vanishes, silk vanishes, then glass wrapped in newspaper vanishes, all item reappear in borrowed hat
Aug. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Variation zur "Tuchwanderung" silk pushed into glass with beer, it travels into another glass, glass with tube inside
Related to Oct. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Carl Willmann Die bezauberte Weinflasche wine poured from bottle, then vanishes silk is removed from bottle in dry condition, more wine poured out, bottle put in case, silk vanishes again, in case is now only silk and some production items
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIII. Variatio Delectat
  • 1. Feuer in den Fingerspitzen (flame of candle is ignited again with fingers)
  • 2. Kerzen-Metamorphose (candle transforms into silk, wrapped in paper)
  • 3. Wanderschaft (Tuch- und Teller-Kunststück) (silk vanishes and appears under plate)
  • 4. Das Chamäleon-Tuch (silk changes color inside tube)
  • 5. Das verschwindende Seidentuch (silk vanishes in paper cone)
1903 140
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVI. Trifolium
  • 1. Das verwandelte Kartenspiel (deck changes to silk, shell placed in shell)
  • 2. Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme (silk appears in flame of a candle)
  • 3. Das plötzlich erscheinende Seidentuch (silk appears)
  • 4. Seidentüchlein auf Reisen (silk vanishes and appears knotted between two others, with glass tube)
  • 5. Die magischen Knoten (knotted silks unknot)
1903 164
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die mysteriöse Tuchwanderung two silks travel from paper-covered glass cylinder into two glasses that are covered with other silks
Jan. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Willmann's wandernde Tücher traveling silks with glass cylinders that have a metal bottom and top
May 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Carl Willmann Tuch und Karaffen two glass bottles are covered with handkerchiefs, silk travels from inside one bottle into the other
July 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Eine Ueberraschung borrowed watch and handkerchief put in tube, things travel into gift package on table
Aug. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Wilhelm Zimmermann Ein Tuchkunststück in verschiedenen Variationen long routine combination, silk splits in two, one put in paper cone, borrowed handkerchief put over glass vase, in cone are now flowers, water in vase changes to ink, glass with handkerchief vanish under silk, handkerchief reproduced from spectator's pocket
Related to Dec. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 1)
The Cannon-Ball-Globes large ball put in giant ball vase, ball travels into hat and silk and coin are in ball vase instead
Dec. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Wilhelm Zimmermann Ein Tuchkunststück in verschiedenen Variationen part two
Related to Jan. 1905
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Stanley Collins The "Knee" Plus Ultra Handkerchiefs a yellow handkerchief is tied on left leg and a green one on the right leg, then the yellow handkerchief penetrates the leg and the green one travels knotted on the other leg
1915 77
Louis F. Christianer Tobacco, Water and Silks tobacco put in glass, water in tobacco can, silks vanish and appear dry from can, water poured out of can, tobacco vanishes from glass and reappears in can
1915 14
Louis F. Christianer The Candle, Die and Handkerchief multiple transpositions/travel effects with candle, handkerchief and large Die with a glass sheet, hat, tube
1916 3
Louis F. Christianer The Handkerchief and Decanter silk is shot onto a decanter in a paper bag and appears inside
1916 10
Louis F. Christianer The Handkerchief and Die silks put in tube, die vanishes and appears in tube, silks found in paper cone
1916 34
Louis F. Christianer The Wandering Wine and Silks silk travels into glass which was previously filled with wine, wine is found in previously empty glass
1917 8
Louis F. Christianer The Wandering Block and Flying Silks two cardboard tubes, one closed on both ends, the other filled with solid wood block, silks vanish and are found in tube that had the wood block in it, block is in other tube
1919 3
Louis F. Christianer The Handkerchiefs, Cone and Water silks are put in glass of water, covered with cone, water and silks vanish and are found in cone
1919 8
Louis F. Christianer The Flying Silks and Jar of Confetti jar with confetti, covered with cloth, confetti has vanished and hot coffee is found, two silks vanish and are produced dry from hot coffee, coffee changes back to confetti
1919 11
Stanley Collins Necromancy with Nic's Napkins different colored serviettes with rings are put in a hat and the rings are piled up, then a color is chosen, the serviette vanishes from the hat and appears in the pile of serviette rings
1920 59
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magische Transformation und Analyse routine with three silks, silks vanish, appear and change colors, with paper tube and glass cylinder
1922 29
Louis F. Christianer The Flying Handkerchief silk travels from hand into paper tube, silk bundle hangs on a loop
1923 12
Edward Bagshawe Cigarette Sorcery silk flag vanishes, is found in cigarette case, cigarettes are now on a tray under a tissue paper
1924 50
Edward Bagshawe A Wireless Wonder chosen quantity of silk travels from a "book of silks" to a box that was shown empty
1924 71
Oswald Rae Passe Passe Silks handkerchief travels from paper tube to paper tube, variation as a transposition
1928 60
Oswald Rae Cigarette and Card tin box with fifty cigarettes, card is selected and handkerchief vanished, when box is opened, handkerchief is found and cigarettes arranged themselves to form the name of the selection
Also published here
  • "Cigarette Card" in "The Sphinx"
1930 49
Oswald Rae Simple Silk Sorcery chosen one of four different colored silks vanishes from paper cone and appears in desired envelope, with stand
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Simple Silk Sorcery" in "The Sphinx"
1930 57
Tom Sellers Handkerchiefs and Lemons chosen silk to lemon
1931 12
Eddie Joseph Additional Moves a. spectator holds cup on palm, ball appears under it
b. borrowed hank vanishes and appears under cup
1936 6
Edward Bagshawe The “Rapid Transit” Silks three silks vanish and reappear on the stand they came from, apparatus
1936 ca. 13
Lorne de Blois Hank the Hermit marked silk travels to pocket twice
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
G. W. Hunter G. W. Hunter's Silk Routine two silks appear in empty hand (yanked out on thread), vanish and reappear from collar, written up by Max Holden
1937 62
Franklin M. Chapman Purse Mys'Try handkerchief with signature vanishes and appears in purse
July 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Franklin M. Chapman Selectosilko one of three handkerchiefs travels into one of three envelopes
Dec. 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Robert Parrish Silks of a Color Follow Each Other two orange and two blue silks put in paper bag
  • Part One: spectator removes a silk, its color mate appears outside, only other color remains in bag
  • Part Two: knotted silk vanishes from magician's hand and reappears in bag
  • Part Three: repeat with variation
1939 52
Das Foulard im Briefumschlag one of four envelopes is chosen as well as one of four different-colored silks, four silks are placed inside tube and selected travels into chosen envelope
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Thirteen of Magic, Stanley Collins, Tom Sellers A Trick routine with vanishes and productions of three silks, also featuring a small mirror tube/box for silk productions by Tom Sellers
The Jinx (Issue 111)
Shaman Lost-Found blank silk, then with card printed on it
The Jinx (Issue 119)
Gordon R. McKenney Silk Gone Mad handkerchief to egg combined with handkerchief to light bulb
The Jinx (Issue 122)
The Wandering Handkerchief handkerchief travels from trouse pocket to trouser pocket, changes color
1941 345
Lamp Chimney and Silk silk vanishes from tube and appears between two knotted silks
1941 53
Greer Marechal Jr. Streamlined Hoffmann
Inspired by Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 19)
Joseph Ovette The Traveling Silks silks travel from one paper bag to another held by spectator
1944 17
Hen Fetsch Practical Suggestions for the Welsh Rarebit Pan
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Herman L. Weber Namreh's "Electrick" handkerchief and bill are shot into a light bulb, apparatus
1945 337
Hervel Un tour amusant pour les petits et... les grands! rabbit, fruits and silks vanish and appear in box, followed by german translation "Ein unterhaltendes Kunststück für die kleinen... u. die Grossen!"
May 1946 7
Carlton King The New and Improved Ink, Handkerchief and Turnip Trick ink vanishes from glass and appears back in bottle, handkerchief vanishes and appears in turnip
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Jean Hugard The Flight of Time Watch Silk and Tumbler Combination watch vanishes from tissue paper and appears inside hat, then watch is placed inside handkerchief and inside glass, all disappear one by one and appear inside the hat
May 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Joseph J. Kolar Balloon and Silks silks vanish from bag an reappear in balloon that is burst
1948 234
U. F. Grant Color Splash white silk produced, changes to red, water changes to red water and is poured in paper bag, red silk vanishes and is produced from paper bag in place of water
Oct. 1948 11
U. F. Grant Brain-Storms in Magic - Flight of a Handkerchief borrowed handkerchief burned in a flash, reappears in paper cone, "by WT"?!
Mar. 1949 15
Felix Korim Silk to Light Bulb
Apr. 1949 4
George F. Wright The Wright Silk in Lite Bulb
June/July 1949 11
Cecil Keech Ropan Silk silk tied around long rope, it jumps to short rope, rope grows after being tied into circle, rope with connection
1952 63
Karrell Fox Where's the Bunny? handkerchief with rabbit printed on it vanishes from bag an appears in hat but without image, instead real rabbit is found in hat
1954 1
Max Andrews Silcolor silk vanishes and appears knotted between two other silks in glass, repeated with other silk
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Jean Hugard Das Raketentuch silk appears knotted between two others which were wrapped in flash paper
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 4)
Charly Eperny Eine wunderbare Tuchreise three silks appear in frame and appear in three glass cubes
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Daumenspitze various brief ideas using a thumb tip
  • Eine Zigarettenverwandlung
  • Inflation - Deflation
  • Der wasserdichte Geldschein
  • Verbrannter Geldschein
  • Der Geldschein als Likörglas
  • Geldscheintrick
  • Würfelzucker-Fabrikation
  • Tuchwanderung
  • Geld und Seidenband
  • Die Geldverlosung
  • Die verschwundene Karte
  • Die verschwundene Zigarette
  • Gelöste Knoten
  • Geldschein im Ei
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 1)
Marconick Silks and Bottle sequence for multiplying bottles, silks vanish and appear on neck of bottles and inside glass
Variations 1967 52
U. F. Grant Silks, Paper & Wrists Newspaper wrapped around wrists, silks disappear, appear around spectator's wrists
1968 67
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Vanishing Deck deck placed in metal box, silk vanished, deck vanished except selection and silk in box too
Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
Alois Eisenlohr Ein physikalisches Grundgesetz two matchbox with different colored stickers, silk travels from one matchbox to the other
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 3)
Jimmy Williamson Caught Short panties appear between two knotted silks
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Parker Swan How to Force a Watermelon card or silk in watermelon, gag
1970 3
Das Seidenwunder silk placed on stand and empty box on top, silk vanishes and appears inside box
Also published here
  • "Magikeren", January 1942.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Roy Johnson Mutilated Hanks Routine handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Also published here 1970 11
Pavel Encore the Silk in the Knot handkerchief disappears and appears knotted on rope over neck
1970 ca. 21
Faucett Ross Handkerchief Box Routine Silk routine with various effects using Japanese Box
1975 32
Charlie Miller Eine Moderne Version von Alexander's Schlangentuch borrowed handkerchief transforms into different shapes, then travels into lemon
Also published here
  • Genii
June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Joseph J. Kolar Produktions- und Verwandlungseffekte - 7. vanished silks appear in balloon
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Punx Das Märchen von Elfchens Zaubertüchlein presentation for Ottokar Fischer's Klein-Elfchen, silk vanishes and appears back in glass, small figure of a kind appears under tube
1977 19
Peter Warlock Teleportation marked bill and rubber band wrapped in silk and put in glass, then covered with tube, travels in glass under second tube with silk over top of glass held with rubber band
Inspired by
  • "Snaretainer" (Stewart James, Linking Ring, Vol. 32 No. 8, p. 91)
Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Jochen Zmeck Karte-Tuch-Geldschein card torn up and put in silk, another silk vanishes, deck put in case, deck vanishes and silk and restored card are found in case, in silk is bill instead of pieces of torn card
Variations 1977 14
Jochen Zmeck Karte und Tuchröhre variation of previous routine
Inspired by 1977 17
Len Belcher Schlaue Spinne silks placed inside match boxes and shuffled in a bag, blue on is divined using a spider on a stick (Chinese stick), blue silk vanishes from box and appears with spider
Also published here
  • Len Belcher's "Parlour Games"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 4)
Donald Holmes The Tea Chests of Wang Foo handkerchiefs vanish and appear inside candle, then placed inside one of three chests, covered with a tube and handkerchiefs travel from chest to chest
1978/76 235
Jean de Merry Fez et Foulards fez placed on table and one handkerchief placed inside, three others vanish and are found knotted to handkerchief inside hat
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 2)
Roy Johnson A Lesson in Magic handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Related toAlso published here 1979 61
Robert Zürcher Das Schanghaikästchen silk vanishes and appears in chosen tube, box
Inspired by
  • Salern & Firnholzer's routine in "Magie" Nr. 3, 1940.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 4&5)
John Ferrentino Revenge of the 20 Foot Silk Worm spectacle with vanishing silk, in the end reappears on the end of long spring silk worm
1983 130
Meir Yedid Transpo-Tip silk to thumb tip on fake hand, gag
1983 8
Patrick Page The Silk Purse handkerchief vanishes and appears in purse
Variations 1984 18
Al Bertini Das Tuch im Ärmel silk vanishes and appears in sleeve of spectator
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Christoph Borer Tüchlein, Du musst wandern handkerchief vanishes in a pyro flash and appears in matchbox, gaffed matchbox
Also published here 1988 12
Oswald Rae, Karl Fulves Silk Spectrum No. 27, one of three different colored silks is chosen and vanishes and appears in initialed envelope, with stand
Inspired by 1988 70
Come Back Silk No. 44, silk vanishes from paper cone and reappears knotted to silk given previously to spectator
1988 127
Karrell Fox A "Pack O' Silk" full pack of cigarettes, silk vanishes from paper, cigarettes changes into silk inside case
1988 106
"Vester" Adams Flight of Fabric silk to pocket effect
1989 161
Patrick Page The Vanishing Handkerchief silk vanishes and appears at back of performer
Also published here 1990 40
Karrell Fox Silkenbac silk vanishes from paper cone, reappears on child's back
1991 58
Alexander de Cova Purse Swindle silk vanishes from hand and reappears in purse (Patrick Page), then repeat with purse frame
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Patrick Page Das verschwindende Tuch silk vanishes and appears at back of performer
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova Purse Swindle silk vanishes from hand and reappears in purse (Patrick Page), then repeat with purse frame
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1992 34
Steven Hamilton Silk and Sponge "Professional Routines"
silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Roy Johnson Eine magische Lektion borrowed handkerchief changes into destroyed pieces, pieces put in paper bag, they change into ribbon, then in lemon, handkerchief is in lemon but with hole, put in cloth bag, part of the fabric transposes from bag to handkerchief, finally it appears on head of performer or assistant under hat
Nov. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Salvano Hier! - Dort! silk vanishes in hands and reappears in paper tube that the spectator holds
1994 8
Timothy Wenk Thumb Tip Handling silk vanishes and is reproduced from spectator's sleeve
1994 20
Karrell Fox Peek-A-Boo silk from breast pocket vanishes in hand, reappears by slowly crawling out of breast pocket again
1995 142
Karl Fulves Hank the Ghost No. 38, handkerchief held in front of glass on table, chosen sock that was beside glass is suddenly inside, kind of impromptu third hand method
1995 54
Felix Farrell Air-Brush handkerchief appears with the aid of a felt pen, vanishes and appears inside the pen
1995 13
Jack Bridwell Tuch auf Zauberstab wand placed on transparent glass, silk vanishes and appears knotted on wand
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Mark Prines Tonight Show Silks spectators hold a silk outstretched, another silk is pushed in its center and vanishes, it reappears from another silk, repeat in which a silk is reproduced from spectator's sleeve
1997 1
Jim Steinmeyer The Return Of The Century
  • Conjuring
confetti put in glass on a stand, three different-colored tied silks placed in a box, their order changes, then center silk vanishes and appears in glass, Reverse Twentieth Century Silks, using Silk Cabby and Handkerchief Pedestal props
May 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer Phun With Physics
  • Conjuring
silk put in metal box vanishes and travels to pocket, repeated with two silks that travel to join a third one that has been in a glass, using Demon Hank Box
July 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Peter Warlock Meine Tücherwanderung three silks vanish and reappear knotted onto clear tube inside opaque tube
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
R. Paul Wilson Tipless silk vanishes and reappears in rolled-up bill, thumb tip with hole
2001 1
Sveroni Alles Ablenkung oder was? humorous vanish of a handkerchief, then handkerchief vanishes from hand and is found knotted to other silk
2002 27
Ali Bongo Pongolian Palette silks vanish from palette and appear tied to other handkerchief in breast pocket
2002 6
Thomas Wickham Wandering Eggs - Third Method: Eggs, Silks, and Bottle empty bottle covered with handkerchief, paper bags with messages, three silks and eggs produced from hat, eggs vanish from one paper bag and appear in another where silks were, silks now in bottle with one of the paper bags
Also published here
  • "Handkerchiefs and Eggs" (The Magician Monthly, Vol. 24 No. 8, July 1928, p. 91)
2002 163
Joseph Ovette The Flying Eggs - First Method: Ovette's Original eggs on four ribbons are hanging from ceiling, they are removed and vanishes, then reappear on ribbons, inside eggs appear four previously vanishes silks
Inspired by
  • "The Flying Bells" (Will Goldston, The Magician, Vol. 6 No. 12, Nov. 1910, p. 182)
Also published here
  • "The Flight of Eggs" (Eggstraordinary Ways of Eggshibiting with Eggs, p. 14)
2002 169
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Opal Goblet borrowed handkerchief burns in goblet and appears inside egg
Also published here
  • Ottokar Fischer, The Magic of J. N. Hofzinser, 1942, p. 83
2002 266
D'Alvini D'Alvini's Egg and Handkerchief Effect egg broken and poured on borrowed handkerchief, put in pistol and shot on performer, handkerchief comes from his mouth, egg as well
Also published here 2002 267
Dave Campbell Silk 'n' Tumblers tray with three tumblers and a silk, thread, monkey bar routine
Also published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 20 No. 8, Dec. 1964
2004 393
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Tuch in Flasche bottle covered with shot glass and tube, silk vanishes and appears in bottle
2004 9
Christoph Borer Tüchlein, Du musst wandern handkerchief vanishes in a pyro flash and appears in matchbox, gaffed matchbox
Also published here 2006 43
Alexander de Cova The Filler silk to apple
Related toAlso published here 2008 8
Tom Stone Challenge in Silks vanished silks pop out of pockets and are knotted together, gimmicks to propel silks out of pockets
Inspired by
  • Dr. Raymond L. Beebe's "Smart Slik" (Encyclopedia of Silk Magic 1)
Also published here
2008 9
Tom Stone Redneck Remedy sequence with red silk tied around neck of bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 10
Alexander de Cova The Filler silk to apple
Also published here 2010 18
Alexander de Cova Tuch in Apfel II silk to apple
Related to 2010 2
Tom Stone The Safe Bullet-Catch bang gun bullet catch
2011 24
Tom Stone Redneck Remedy sequence with red silk tied around neck of bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 61
Tom Stone Challenge in Silk vanished silks pop out of pockets and are knotted together, gimmicks to propel silks out of pockets
Inspired by
  • Dr. Raymond L. Beebe's "Smart Slik" (Encyclopedia of Silk Magic 1)
Also published here
2011 193
Alexander de Cova Der Schottische Apfel silk to apple
Also published here 2011 3
Patrick Page H.G. Wells Outdone invisible handkerchief travels knotted between two other handkerchiefs, empty space between silks can be seen, gag
2011 288
Patrick Page Another Version handkerchief vanishes and appears on spectator's back
2011 317
Joey Incollingo The Almost-Invisible Bottle using cut-off top of a plastic bottle, silk is pulled out of opening, it vanishes and is produced from spectator's sleeve, vanishes again in bottle part
Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
Patrick Page Silk to Purse
May 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Das Tuch in Apfel mal ganz anders signed silk vanishes from rolled-up paper and appears inside apple
Also published here Nov. 2012 22
Steven Hamilton Silk & Sponge silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here 2013 154
John Gaughan The Silk Handkerchief in Light Bulb
  • The Chamber of Secrets
May 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Das Tuch in Apfel mal ganz anders signed silk vanishes from rolled-up paper and appears inside apple
Also published here Feb. 2013
New Avantgarde Magic (Issue Sondererausgabe MMC)
Alan Shaxon A Lesson in Magic handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Related to 2014 157
Alexander de Cova Haeggis signed card lost in deck, glass covered with tube (ghost tube), silk and rubber bands vanish, tube lifted and folded card traveled into glass with silk over top of glass held with rubber band
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 2014 564
Alexander de Cova Haeggis signed card lost in deck, glass covered with tube (ghost tube), silk and rubber bands vanish, tube lifted and folded card traveled into glass with silk over top of glass held with rubber band
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 33
Alexander de Cova Tuch in Apfel mal anders signed silk vanishes from rolled-up paper and appears inside apple
Also published here 2015 75
Alexander de Cova Purse Swindle silk vanishes from hand and reappears in purse (Patrick Page), then repeat with purse frame
Also published here 2015 59
Anthony Owen Silk Handkerchief to Spectator's Sleeve - An Approach to the Approach
2017 147
Alexander de Cova Tuch in Apfel signed silk travels into apple
2017 76
Alexander de Cova, Tony Lackner Das LATONI-Wunder silk travels into one of three chosen rolled up paper tubes
2017 87
Alexander de Cova Tuch in Edding marked bill travels into pen, using Antonio Romero's bill tube pen, different loading strategies
2018 162
Alberto de Figueiredo El pañuelo que cambia de color color changing silk routine, silk to mouth and silk fountain finale
  • El primer cambio de color
  • Falsa explicación
  • El pañuelo rojo y la carga
Inspired by 2018 43
Max Malini Silk into Hat and Glove
2022 325