140 entries in Paper / Envelopes / Normal
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Reproduction from a Sealed Envelope container secretly attached to envelope
1903 292
Louis Nikola The Flight Card to Impossible Location At Any Number: Card vanishes from inside an envelope to be found in a deck sealed also in another envelope, at a location named by the spectator
1927 62
Oswald Rae Bending a Piece of Glass framed piece of glass is put in large envelope and bent, when removed, glass is unharmed
1928 54
Oswald Rae Card and Cigarette three pieces of a signed and torn card in envelope transform into tobacco, card is found restored in cigarette, last piece fits
1929 8
Oswald Rae Simple Silk Sorcery chosen one of four different colored silks vanishes from paper cone and appears in desired envelope, with stand
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Simple Silk Sorcery" in "The Sphinx"
1930 57
Nat Scherzer A Neat Publicity Trick address chosen from different envelopes is predicted
Related toAlso published here Feb. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 5)
Franklin M. Chapman Selectosilko one of three handkerchiefs travels into one of three envelopes
Dec. 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Burling Hull, Theodore Annemann New Sheet Reading questions in numbered envelopes answered by medium, Q&A
Also published here Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 73)
Tom Sellers The Spirit Guide thought of number vanishes from a card, this number was predicted as well
1939 5
Tom Sellers Change Over Cards two different colored cards in two envelopes change places
1939 12
Lloyd W. Chambers Impossible Spirit Test with lights off, magician divines names written on cards sealed in envelopes
1941 13
Edw. C. Jochens Your Mind Has Told Me So cards with songs, in envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
R. M. Jamison Invisible Flight signed jumbo card in envelope transposes with jumbo card held and signed by performer
Dec. 1944 90
Nat Scherzer A Neat Publicity Trick address chosen from different envelopes is predicted
Also published here 1944 45
Theodore Annemann, Burling Hull New Sheet Reading questions in numbered envelopes answered by medium, Q&A, chair servante
Also published here 1944 251
Single-Slate Writing flap, big envelope
1945 390
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Larsen and Wright Double Message one slate, flap, large envelope
1945 394
Chinese Comedy Slate Message message appears on signed slate, corner cut flap
1945 408
William S. Groom Clock Dial Card Prediction prediction in envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Tests in a Gold Fish Bowl fifteen spectators write a simple task on a paper, seal it in envelope and sign it, envelopes are selected and names read aloud, performer does the tasks
1947 38
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Second Sight at First Glance performer is blindfolded, accurate description of the people who put a personal object in an envelope
1947 54
Dr. William Weyeneth Amélioration d'un vieux truc two methods to apply alcohol on envelope to glimpse card, followed by german translation "Verbesserung eines alten Trick"
Dec. 1947 7
Dr. William Weyeneth L'enveloppe spirite prediction, using chair to load smaller envelope behind larger envelope, followed by german translation "Das spiritische Couvert"
Related to Aug. 1948 5
Royal Vale Heath Tap Tap Tap selection and five other cards are put in envelopes, performer taps the envelopes and spectator mentally spells his card, when he stops the performer his hand is on the correct envelope, using deck with different backs (rainbow)
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Lu Brent Flighty Aces No. 50, Ace Assembly, aces travel from envelope to join leader ace in other envelope
1950 89
John Hamilton Force force of a color, several pieces of colored paper in different envelopes
July 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 259)
Bob Somerfeld Switchcraft billet switch with envelope
1952 6
Gene "Phantini" Grant Message Reading without a Clue message sealed in pay envelope
Related toVariations 1955 2
Walter Behm Geliehen prediction of card, business card in envelope, envelope placed on pile
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Tony Corinda No. 15. Another Publicity Stunt sent prediction of the name of an audience member
1958 22
Tony Corinda (8) Planting of Envelopes and Slips answering questions that are planted by performer and are not by an actual audience member
1959 347
Dick Johnson Impromptu Headline Prediction prediction in envelope, opened with pair of scissors
1961 30
North Bigbee Secret of the Flame message in envelope, secret reading method, candle
1961 41
Howard A. Adams Predictremens two predictions, with stack of coin envelopes and business cards
Also published here Oct. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 362)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Kuvert-Mysterium several spectators get an envelope, three cards are added and total written on a fourth card, those cards are put in one envelope along with a ribbon, color of ribbon, total, fourth card and person holding the cards are divined
Also published here 1961 71
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks magische Kraft six ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by writing them on the envelopes with chalk
Related toVariations 1961 92
Dr. Stanley Jaks Eine Reincarnation signed piece of paper is burnt and later found in nest of envelopes
Also published here 1961 142
Si Weigan ESP one ESP card is divined and one predicted in envelope
The New Phoenix (Issue 398)
Eddie Clever Macabre Madness on cards in envelopes
Nov. 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 43)
Tony "Doc" Shiels The Juggler and the Black Magician Juggler and Magician appear next to chosen Tarot card from Major Arcana, cards are placed into three envelopes and end up together in selected envelope
May 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 49)
Alan Shaxon Triple Reading three cards in envelopes, color, number and amount of lose change is divined
Related to 1970 43
Roger Rittner Hang It! hanging prediction, loading prediction behind envelope, using a chair
Inspired by
  • a routine by Glenn Gravatt in "Genii".
Related to
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 28)
Fredric Kolb Annemental reading message from sealed envelope
Magick (Issue 39)
Paul Siegel Trance Image signed prediction in envelope, prediction of named date, name ant telephone number
1972 30
Steve Spillman Dollar Delusion close-up version, with coin envelopes and metal washers
Variations 1972
Magick (Issue 45)
Walter B. Gibson Without a Shadow of a Doubt double facer with two indices on each side, prediction of one of four cards
Magick (Issue 57)
Alan Shaxon Triple Reading Again three cards in envelopes, color, number and amount of lose change is divined
Related to 1972 ca. 8
James G. Thompson Jr. Another Dimension single card prediction in envelope, partial two-way forcing deck
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 69)
Jack Kent Tillar Shock Waves three sealed envelopes in which are three billets with two-digit numbers, freely named number is found in chosen envelope
Magick (Issue 75)
Gary Kurtz Diabolique! card prediction in envelope, number is named and card at that position in deck is used, half forcing deck
Magick (Issue 76)
Bascom Jones Mirror Image! several symbols drawn and sealed in envelopes, one is chosen and symbol duplicated by performer
Magick (Issue 105)
Ray Cox Odd Cards Out four cards in a envelope, suit is chosen and card turns blank, gag
Magick (Issue 109)
Ronnie Gann Tele-kin-'easy' chosen ESP card falls over, selection with second set in envelopes
Magick (Issue 136)
Sydney Bergson 81-Cent Mystery cards with numbers, one is selected, prediction in form of coins
Magick (Issue 139)
Basil Horwitz The Burning Question bill in one of five envelopes, spectator names a number and finds bill, other envelopes are burnt
Variations 1975
Magick (Issue 142)
John Bragoli Mental Jigsaw a page from a book is torn in pieces, those pieces put in envelopes and shuffled, the perform describes the pieces
Feb. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Olof Jonsson, Al Mann Clairvoyance spectator puts cards in envelopes and those envelopes in a bigger envelope, light is turned off and performer names the cards
1976 31
Al Mann The Telepathic Artist design divination of five people, with slate, flap
1976 23
Jack Bridwell The Door! ten numbered cards in envelope, one is selected and placed in a bag, number is divined
Magick (Issue 145)
Marvin Miller Cop-Out! center tear, billet in envelope
Magick (Issue 154)
Paul Rylander Psi Traveler bills in envelopes, performer finds only envelope containing foreign currency
Related to 1976
Magick (Issue 154)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott 'Super' Mental Image five ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by drawing the symbols on the envelopes
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1976
Magick (Issue 157)
Paul Rylander Psi Traveler... Revisited follow up for Psi Traveler, serial number divination
Related to 1976
Magick (Issue 157)
Erwin Schussel Cigmental five cigarettes from different brands in envelope, performer divines chosen cigarette
Magick (Issue 165)
Erwin Schussel Mind's Eye! with number cards and a torn page from duplicate magazine in envelope as a prediction
Magick (Issue 179)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Stuck! two numbered envelopes, change as prediction matches change from spectator
Magick (Issue 180)
David Douglas Mental 3 Cards Across! three jumbo cards travel from envelope to other envelope, selections, envelopes numbered
Magick (Issue 190)
Robert Cassidy Ultimate Fourth Dimensional Telepathy three pieces of information are written down, sealed in envelopes and later divined
Related toAlso published here 1977 25
Elizabeth Warlock Gypsy Witch prediction of two Tarot Cards, with envelopes and glasses
Magick (Issue 199)
Barry Wiley Psi-Search paper is signed and sealed in envelope, mixed among others performer destroys all envelopes except the one with the paper
Magick (Issue 217)
Larry Becker The New Math Miracle six cards with numbers on both sides in envelopes, shuffled and turned over by spectator, total is divined
Inspired by 1978 29
Larry Becker Effect No. 2 five symbols drawn on cards and put in envelope, selected one is predicted
1978 37
Thomas Alan Waters Burning Questions questions are written on paper and put into envelopes, after the questions have been answered the envelopes are burnt in a bowl
Inspired by 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Thomas Alan Waters Burning Questions II questions are written on paper and put into envelopes, after the questions have been answered the envelopes are burnt in a bowl
Inspired by 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Thomas Alan Waters The Psychic Coercion of the Interrupted Schoolboy slate in envelope, first the name of a card appears then a number, flap, Mental Masterpiece gimmick, chalk band-writer
Related to 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Paul Rylander Strangers seven Spades are shuffled, secured with a rubber band and placed in an envelope, performer manages to order seven Clubs in same order
Magick (Issue 239)
Robert Siepielski Keylock several blank cards in envelopes and and one with a drawn key, key is found and person who chose envelope, metal detector method
Magick (Issue 244)
Stephen Tucker Concorde string through envelope and finger ring placed inside, ring is found threaded on string
Jan. 1979
The Talon (Issue 3)
El Duco Bill Prediction five numbered envelopes in glasses, remaining envelope contains bill and remaining number is predicted
1980 9
Steve Spillman Dollar Delusion Deluxe close-up version, with coin envelopes and metal washers, combined with monte theme, x on back of one envelope
Inspired by 1980 9
Al Mann One Message one of five envelopes is selected and it's the only one containing a message, the number of the envelope is also predicted, Himber Wallet
Variations 1981 15
Gene "Phantini" Grant Into the 4th Dimension spectator's credit card is sealed in an envelope and put in a book, then it travels in an envelope in an other book
Related to 1981 50
Gene "Phantini" Grant The Audience Hits Back ESP cards sealed in envelopes and divined, majority of spectators guess always correctly
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge's "Mass Miracle"
1981 63
Gene "Phantini" Grant Supreme Psychometry pseudo psychometry, different objects in envelopes, serial number divination of a bill
1981 71
Gene "Phantini" Grant A Sense of Color five envelopes with different colored sheets, spectators guess them correctly
1981 77
Robert Cassidy Screen Test four spectators write something down and seal paper in envelope, three words are divined, fourth word is drawn, transparent and opaque envelopes
1981 2
Thomas Alan Waters Seller's Markcut prediction in index card is in a window envelope, spectator selects a card which comes in the envelope too, then the deck is shuffled and cut and the performer names a card, he puts the envelope somewhere in the deck, under it is the named card and the prediction inside matches the card chosen earlier
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Thomas Alan Waters Spyhole mask prediction / revelation, word on a card is chosen and prediction is another card with holes on it, when held on a text it reveals the chosen word
Related toVariations 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Thomas Alan Waters Thinky seven glass vials in envelopes, spectator finds the one filled with ink
Inspired by
  • Orville Meyer's "Think Ink" in "Magic in the Modern Manner"
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Norman Houghton Love Match spectator and performer shuffle envelopes and pair them up, inside are names of celebrity pairs, they match
1982 65
Stephen Tucker, David Britland Adder spectator write numbers on paper in envelope, performer removes some they add up to any named number
Also published here Feb. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 10)
M. B. Grierson Lost Fumbulators joke, pull pants pocket out and showing the elephant "impersonation"
joke with an envelope
Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Joseph Dunninger The Single Handed Method without assistant
1984 11
"Fast Mike" Lewinski The Simple Killer card in signed envelope changes into ashes and is found in nest of boxes, Himber Wallet, duplicate
1984 32
Card Switch with Envelope double lift, with deck in hand
1984 54
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks' Incredible Prediction billet knife handling
  • The Double Envelope Method
Related to 1984 10
Howard A. Adams Doppelprophezeiung two predictions, with stack of coin envelopes and business cards
Also published here Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Thomas Alan Waters Mutattle question written on a card is put inside two envelopes and is sealed, performer answers the question and when the envelopes are open, the question is gone and a spirit message is found on the card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Terry Seabrooke Seabrooke's Cards Across with two spectators and cards in envelopes
1986 95
Paul Hallas Mail and Female sex detector plot, cards in envelopes
1990 12
Paul Hallas Second Message one of five envelopes is selected and it's the only one containing a message, the number of the envelope is also predicted
Inspired by 1990 28
Lee Freed Digit Master business cards placed inside envelope, information on one is glimpsed
Variations Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 485)
Basil Horwitz £100 ESP Test shuffled ESP deck, top three cards are predicted
1994 39
Basil Horwitz £100 Card Test blindfolded, card prediction in envelope
1994 77
Ali Bongo Four Kings Easy Kings vanish and appear in envelope, with four glasses, brief
Also published here 1994 1
Ali Bongo Lucky Number prediction of a number from 1-10 in envelope
Also published here 1994 2
Jon Allen Get the Point prediction in envelope, spectator sits on it, with funny gag
Also published here June 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Docc Hilford Mystero one of several pay envelopes is chosen, prediction of content and total of money in other envelopes
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Dan Harlan Business Sense several names in a category are called out by the spectator's and noted on business cards, chosen one is predicted in envelope
Inspired by
  • Jim G. Thompson, Jr. & Eddie Clever's "Aforesaid" in "The Linking Ring", June 1947
Sep. 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 3)
David Britland, Stephen Tucker Der Addierer spectator write numbers on paper in envelope, performer removes some they add up to any named number
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Grocki Safely Sealed three words from books are divined, before the show words were chosen and books sealed in envelopes
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Ron Bauer Second Sight comedy triple prediction, heads or tails, total of numbers from date of the coin and a card, three envelopes
Inspired by
  • David Britland's "Second Sight" in "Sorcerer Vol.1"
1997 77
Patrick Page, Ken De Courcy May the Force be with You prediction in envelope
1999 17
Don Alan A Trick You Can Write Home About! two stamps change places and appear back in envelope, as a climax stamp appears on envelope addressed to spectator, double-sided stamp
2000 237
Chuck Hickok Hickok's Way-Ahead Envelope strategy for predictions in multiple envelopes
2002 128
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Related toAlso published here Mar./Apr. 2003
The Penumbra (Issue 6)
Ali Bongo Four Kings Easy Kings vanish and appear in envelope, with four glasses, brief
Also published here 2003 2
Ali Bongo Lucky Number prediction of a number from 1-10 in envelope
Also published here 2003 9
Robert Cassidy Q and A 2000 thoughts on billets sealed in envelopes are placed in large bowl, several methods involved
Related to 2003 1
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 3
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 4
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 4
Philip T. Goldstein Normal Mailer six addressed envelopes, the spectator chooses the only one addressed to him
Also published here 2004 4
Robert Cassidy Syd's Mystery Restored five ESP cards are placed inside five Envelopes, spectator guesses symbols and they are drawn on envelopes, they all match
Inspired by
  • Syd Bergson's "TelePerception"
2004 204
Chuck Hickok Routine One: Testing Your Intuition pasteboards with different colors in envelops, colors are divined
2005 115
Chuck Hickok Routine Two: Fore-Closer envelopes with letters and printed sides of dice, multiple prediction, scrabble themed
Inspired by 2005 129
Robert E. Neale The Treasure Hunt Five envelopes with names of countries printed on them. Placed in a circle, spectator spells the names of the countries by counting around the circle. Every envelope is empty except the last one with a message
Related to 2008 54
Aldo Colombini Predict-A-Twist seven picture cards with objects, card with envelope is selected via down-under-deal, an envelope is the prediction
Inspired by
  • "Basicdu" (Howard Adams, Mindspa)
Related to
Prolix (Issue 5)
Robert Cassidy Annemann's Fourth Dimensional Telepathy: The Basic Effect three pieces of information are written down, sealed in envelopes and later divined
  • The Transparency Method
  • The "Backwards" One-Ahead Method
  • The Traditional One-Ahead
  • Time Out
2013 371
Robert Cassidy Ultimate Fourth Dimensional Telepathy 1977 three pieces of information are written down, sealed in envelopes and later divined
Also published here 2013 378
Dr. Stanley Jaks Envelope Mentalism several spectators get an envelope, three cards are added and total written on a fourth card, those cards are put in one envelope along with a ribbon, color of ribbon, total, fourth card and person holding the cards are divined
Also published here 2014 143
Dr. Stanley Jaks Mental Image five ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by writing them on the envelopes with chalk
Related toVariations 2014 187
Dr. Stanley Jaks Reincarnation signed piece of paper is burnt and later found in nest of envelopes, with ideas by Bert Allerton
Also published here 2014 219
Alex Ray Silent Nite four envelopes with pictures of objects inside, one is chosen and predicted, e.g. in form of a cuddle toy
2015 12
Roberto Giobbi One of Four forcing one of four envelopes or flat objects, down-under deal
Hidden Agenda (Issue Jan 3)
Roberto Giobbi, Dr. Jacob Daley Card to Envelope and Wallet erased address is replaced by spectator's address
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2016
Hidden Agenda (Issue Apr 17)
Gene Anderson Picto Transpo performer draws spectator and vice versa on poster boards, signed pictures change places in envelopes
  • A. Performance
  • B. Introduction
  • C. Set-up and handling
  • D. Gene's script
  • E. Props
Inspired by 2016 17
Scott Robinson Repackaged Prediction spectator inserts envelope into deck and builds Poker hand by selecting any five cards next to it, envelope is inserted again and another hand is created, both hands consist of same values, inside envelope is prediction of the total of the cards’ values
Inspired by
  • "Package Deal" (Stewart James, The James File Vol. 1, 2000)
2018 164
Ramón Riobóo Two Cards and Two Envelopes Cards placed in envelopes with predictions inside, they are shown to be mates
2019 287
Roberto Giobbi Refusé envelope has been sent to outdated address and came back to performer
Inspired byRelated to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Dec. 29)