151 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / Clock Trick & Variations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Der mysteriöse Kartenkreis card chosen from clock dial layout with counting procedure
1896 104
Das Erraten der Stunde, zu welcher eine Person aufzustehen oder auszugehen beabsichtigt clock layout with twelve cards, spectator counts on this layout around a bit, ends up on a value that represents a thought-of hour
July 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Charles T. Jordan The Contrary Clock No. 9, chosen card from clock layout transposes with Joker in pocket, duplicates in pocket
VariationsAlso published here 1920 19
The Clock Trick chosen card vanishes from twelve-card packet and is found in pocket
1928 6
Stewart Judah The Circle of Cards selection and number of counted cards are divined, set-up
Related to 1937 192
The Clock Trick
1937 340
Stewart James Deck Digit Dial and Devil different procedure
Sep. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 48)
The Mystic Card Clock Dial chosen card is put in pocket
1941 239
Hans "Severus" Ernst Mnemotechnik oder Hellsehen? naming missing card, clocking and marked deck, 36 cards, followed by french translation "Mnemotechnique ou bien clairvoyance?"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Herb Runge Time Will Tell cards laid around a watch, hour and card is selected, card vanishes and appears in pocket
Variations June 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 85)
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Clock Trick card from circle to matchbox, thirteen duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945 99
William S. Groom Clock Dial Card Prediction prediction in envelope
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Clock Trick card from circle to matchbox, thirteen duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 72
Mystic Tappit Clock Trick type of routine
1949 29
John Snyder Time Card
1952 10
Eddie Fields The Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Related toAlso published here 1952 28
Chan Canasta Oops 6: Writing on the wall Clock trick disguised with random symbols
1966 14
Fred G. Taylor Crazy Clocks see also p. 420 for comment by Leslie May
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1968 150
Eddie Fields Field's Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 1968 33
Floyd Shotts Penetrating Vision with two dice
1969 102
Edward Marlo The Predetermined Hour clock trick, selection divined, hour predicted as card value, including four impromptu versions
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jon Racherbaumer Foreword
1971 3
Jon Racherbaumer Reversing the Order of the Cards the placement principle in most Clock Effects
1971 3
Eddie Fields The Zodiac Card Mystery card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Also published here 1971 6
Jon Racherbaumer The Technicolor Hour chosen card has different-colored back
Also published here
  • in "M-U-M"
1971 6
Jon Racherbaumer Card Chronometry strict conditions but large set-up
Variations 1971 8
Jon Racherbaumer Synchronicity
Inspired by 1971 9
Jon Racherbaumer A Few Seconds on Stay Stack
1971 9
Marvin Johnson Speaking of the Clock...
1971 9
Jon Racherbaumer On Jordan's "Contrary Clock" comment
Inspired by 1971 11
Edward Marlo The Predetermined Hour clock trick, selection divined, hour predicted as card value, including four impromptu versions
Also published here 1971 12
Roy Walton Tell-tale Clock two selections, faro, with non-faro alternative
1971 14
Roy Walton The Magic Clock two selections, faro
1971 15
Edward Marlo Time For Si Stebbins
1971 16
Edward Marlo Time Zones two selections
1971 16
William Zavis Easy-Determined Hour impromptu method
Inspired by 1971 18
Edward Marlo Stolen Hours
Related to 1971 18
Jon Racherbaumer Appendix
1971 19
Jon Racherbaumer Chronology
1971 20
Horace E. Bennett The Clock two selections
1972 26
Jerry K. Hartman Hickory Dickory Deck Clock Trick without maths
Also published here 1973 61
Edward Marlo The Pre-Determined Hour
1974 115
Edward Marlo Time For Laymen
1974 118
Edward Marlo Prediction Surprise and Clock Combination with additional "The Faro Method"
1974 119
Edward Marlo The Darkest Hour selected card is only black card in clock dial layout, faros
Variations 1974 122
Edward Marlo Another Clock Effect
1974 123
Edward Marlo 2nd Clock
1974 125
Stephen Minch The Wheel of the Heavens combination of zodiacs and tarot cards
1974 21
Tony "Doc" Shiels Magic Circle clock trick, with symbols
Magick (Issue 101)
Stanton Kancyan Heaven Knows! cards with zodiac signs arranged in a clock formation, spectator thinks stop and Zodiac and birth month are divined
Magick (Issue 106)
Edward Marlo, Arthur Finley The Missing Hour twelve cards, selection vanishes, two methods
Variations 1975
Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Charles T. Jordan The Contrary Clock chosen card from clock layout transposes with Joker in pocket, duplicates in pocket
Also published here 1975 201
Edward Marlo The Synchronized Clock card at chosen Hour matches with value
Related to 1976 174
David Solomon Synchronized Clock Set up Version
1976 176
Tony Slydini Mongolian Clock
1976 18
Nick Trost Time Will Tell Clock Trick
Also published here 1976 8
John F. Mendoza The Clock Trick analyzing a simple version
1979 34
Howard A. Adams Clockadial Rock ESP cards placed on table in shape of a clock, two selections match
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Predilock ESP cards placed on table in shape of a clock, two selections are predicted
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Trick Trock ESP cards placed on the table in shape of a clock, three spectators, cards are located
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams High Noon prediction of ESP card and chosen time
OICUFESP (Issue 3 - FURTHER brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams Watch on Rhine two ESP cards are selected and cards put in clock formation, time of watch is used to find mates of selections
OICUFESP (Issue 3 - FURTHER brand new esp card miracles)
Robert Walker Atomic Clock card from wallet climax
1981 9
Roy Walton Caught in Time clock trick with mate prediction
Also published here Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Gerald Kosky Scorpio Rising 24 index cards, two are selected and marked, cards are in clock layout and both end up at same number
Magick (Issue 283)
Ken Beale A Clock Trick rotating stack application, card in clock layout chosen by value of card chosen from rest
Variations 1982 31
Stewart James Clock Wise new procedure with presentations and variations
Arcane (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo New Approach Digital Clock three methods
1984 333
Roy Johnson Breakthrough Clock selection pocketed and divined
Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Fred G. Taylor Crazy Clocks No. 11
Also published here 1984 14
Roy Johnson Time Please with variation, folded card in matchbox
Inspired by 1984 1
Roy Johnson Zodiaclock blank cards with zodiac signs
Related toVariations 1984 4
Roy Johnson Klok card vanish among twelve cards, second phase card to matchbox
Inspired byRelated to 1984 7
Roy Johnson Surprise Item jumbo card prediction, normal card turns blank and pips found on mirror
Inspired by
  • Ken Perk's "Peeky Mirror" marketed by Ken Brooke
1984 11
Roy Johnson Mythical Princess two cards are found, clock theme, prediction with sucker element
1984 17
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Uhren-Trick card from circle to matchbox, thirteen duplicates
Also published here May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Randy Wakeman Overclock
Oct. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Roy Johnson Zodiaclock Bonus spectator's birth sign is determined with clock principle and zodiac cards
Inspired by Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Takanobu Ishida Chronometer Card same layout, but different procedure
1988 69
Roy Walton "Caught In Time" clock trick with mate prediction
Also published here 1988 105
Randy Wakeman Overclock combining Overkill with clock trick layout, chosen hour divined and card predicted written inside case
Inspired by 1989 1
Roy Johnson Double Time
VariationsAlso published here 1989 49
Simon Aronson Time Out twelve cards, selection vanishes
Inspired byVariations 1990 63
Jon Racherbaumer The Dreamy Dream Clock mate of clock-selection predicted in pocket and hour reversed in deck
Variations 1990 101
Jon Racherbaumer Beat the Clock
1990 106
Jon Racherbaumer The Broken Clock faro
Inspired by 1990 147
Paul Hallas An 'L' Of A Trick Clock trick with ABC cards
Inspired by 1990 21
John Bannon, Bob Farmer Clock O'Doom clock trick with small packet triumph sequence, selection travels from packet to deck, see Racherbaumer reference for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1991 20
Stephen Tucker A Penny for Your Thoughts (on separate sheet), prediction on coin, card with different back design
Inspired by 1991 12
Jerry K. Hartman Hickory Dickory Deck Clock Trick without maths
Also published here 1991 465
Larry Becker 2 O'Thoughts two versions of the clock trick
  • Mind Mirror
  • Cardology
1992 297
Larry Becker, Carlhorst Meier Hour of Destiny with prediction engraved in watch, credit information
Related toVariations 1992 305
Ken Simmons The Darkest Hour Revisited selected card is only black card in clock dial layout
Inspired by 1992 1
Ken Simmons The Colorful Clock spectator selections only odd-backed card
1992 3
Charles T. Jordan The Contrary Clock No. 88, chosen card from clock layout transposes with Joker in pocket, duplicates in pocket
Also published here 1992 110
Karl Fulves "Contrary Clock" Notes No. 89, clock drawing with only four times and cards written next to it, two spectators remember apparently the same card but really a different one
Inspired by 1992 112
Bob King Count-Down card thought-of according to thought-of hour, clock dial layout, selection travels in card case
Related to 1993 11
Vicente Canuto 4.- El Reloj
1993 357
Mark Edward The Book of Love prediction of Tarot cards, clock trick
July 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Tom Daugherty Three Proofs
Sep. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 9)
Peter Duffie Jet Lag actually different effect
1995 128
Darwin Ortiz Time Piece elaborate routine
1995 116
Ken Sutherland The World's Only Living Rubber-Band Mindreading Magician "thought of" card is found via Lost ands Bound
Aug. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 8)
Jack Birnman Timeless three cards are used to form a prediction verbally
1995 81
Barrie Richardson Grandfather Time time also set on watch, using reversed-hands watch, odd-backed climax
Also published here Mar. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 7)
John Graham It's About Time
Mar. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 3)
Nick Trost Time Will Tell Clock trick
Also published here 1997 131
Eddie Fields Fields' Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Also published here 1997 60
Edward Marlo Killer Clock-Work twenty-sixth key card, faro, card and number of cut-off cards divined
1997 62
Karl Fulves Stebbins Clock clock layout, one card turned over and put in center, counting procedure with the value and last card on count always turned over, remaining card forced
Inspired byRelated to 1998 176
Karl Fulves A Stopped Clock "Unsolved Mysteries"
clock layout, one card chosen, it is the only one where the value matches the hour, posed as a problem
1998 178
Roy Johnson Der Karten-Uhrentrick variation of Kaplan's clock trick
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Sam Schwartz Clock Work
Underworld (Issue 10)
Ellis Stanyon The Clock No. 13
1999 65
Ellis Stanyon The Clock - with Ten Cards No. 14
1999 65
Barrie Richardson The Parking Lot Mystery time also set on watch, using reversed-hands watch, odd-backed climax
Also published here 1999 286
Jon Racherbaumer Clocker Shocker clock trick with small packet triumph sequence, selection travels from packet to deck
Inspired by Oct. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 10)
Roy Johnson Doppelzeit
Also published here 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Dean Dill Time Flies Clock Trick plot, with red deck an hour is thought of and corresponding card of clock setup is noted by spectator, cards are re-dealt and there are only eleven, noted card appears reversed in blue deck
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
David Solomon Real-gone Hour twelve cards, selection vanishes and is found in case
Inspired byAlso published here June 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz Blood Brothers spectator's birthday divined (actually only the month) with clock type layout
Also published here 2000 157
Karl Fulves Blood Brothers spectator's birthday divined (actually only the month) with clock type layout
Also published here Apr. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 4)
Jon Racherbaumer Tick-Tock Dot Doc clock trick with small packet triumph sequence in which the chosen hour and then the selection are reversed, selection vanishes, previously tabled prediction turns out to be selection
Inspired by 2000 37
Mark Lewis Clock Trick
2001 31
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Clockwise
2003 37
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Murder Mystery! clock layout, murder presentation
Inspired by
  • "Time and Again" (Robin Robertson, Card Modes, 1983)
2003 88
Juan Tamariz The Clock (A Classic)
2004 261
Karl Fulves, Ken Beale Ten-Hour Day card chosen in clock-layout with mathematical method, second card removed from rest of deck, both cards are divined
Inspired by 2005 40
Cushing Strout The Left-Handed Clock Cards dealt into clock formation, card is located using a spinning physics toy as the clock hand
Inspired by 2005 24
Bob King Time Flies clock trick with card vanishing, card is found in case
2005 10
Still Got Room For More? Bonus clock trick that is integrated into book cover design
2007 112
Karl Fulves When It Started twelve picture cards laid out face-down to symbolize months, spectator exchanges one with the joker, performer divines month and card
2007 35
Karl Fulves Time Of Day mates in clock layout
2007 44
David Solomon Real Gone Hour card to case ending
VariationsAlso published here 2007 30
Armando Gutierrez Armando's Solution
Inspired by 2007 32
David Solomon Casino Clock double clock and two selections, Blackjack is selected
2007 133
Arthur Finley Henry Gavins Clock Trick selection vanishes, whole packet switched while spectator is writing down the name of his selection
2007 17
Philip T. Goldstein Infantastic clock trick meets baby gag
Related to
  • Phil Goldstein in "Magic Manuscript", Vol. 6, No. 2, 1984, p. 25.
2008 81
Carlhorst Meier Your Fateful Hour with prediction engraved in (or stuck to) watch
Related toAlso published here
  • Carlhorst Meier's “Ihre Schicksalsstunde” in "Magie", No. 2, 1992,
2008 121
Nick Trost Triple Climax Clock Trick only red card is chosen and predicted one
2009 461
Ramón Riobóo The Tattletale Card unusual procedure for clock trick
2010 242
Joshua Jay Predictamation cut-off packet correctly estimated, four Aces found along the way, "You will run out of cards" message on a post-it on a card
Also published here
  • Linking Ring Parade, May 2010
2010 112
Woody Aragón Clockwork Woody magician predicts thought of hour and selected card. as a climax, all other cards are blank
2011 235
Justin Higham Time Travel card at chosen number/hour travels back into deck at same position
  • Jinx-Switch Method
Inspired by 2012 24
Alan Shaxon Hour of Destiny with prediction engraved in watch and correct time predicted, Hunter watch
Inspired by 2014 105
Gabi Pareras Viajes Imposibles two signed selections one is found using clock trick, second card folded in matchbox
2014 25
Jon Racherbaumer About a Procedure for the Clock Trick credit information
Related to 2016
Facsimile (Issue 5)
Edward Marlo The Synchronized Clock Procedure brief
Also published here 2016
Facsimile (Issue 5)
David Solomon A Blah-Day Clock clock layout dealt at the start, blank card finale
Inspired by
  • "The Fateful Month" (Ramón Riobóo, Thinking the Impossible)
2018 127
Jim Steinmeyer, Charles J. Pecor Pecor's Clock No. 4, card with message "Your Time" ends up on chosen number in clock layout, reverse-count-placement
2021 13
Edward Marlo Double-Edged Outcome
  • Exhumations (Jon Racherbaumer)
Overkill type effect from 1968 notes, odd-backed kicker (either the selection or deck is perceived to have changed)
Apr. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 4)