This search includes results that are not relevant to tricks or sleights (e.g. columns, reviews, articles, ...). Click here to hide these results.
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jerry Andrus A Drunken False Shuffle false slop shuffle
Related to 1956 91
Theodore Annemann, John Scarne Switchcraft duplicate, glass
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 34
Frank Garcia, John Scarne Poker Dream based on Scarne's Drunk Poker Deal, cards dealt from face up face down shuffled deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 88
Father Cyprian Father Cyprian's Wild Card four Jokers into four Aces
Related toVariations 1973 192
Juan Tamariz El Valor de un Soplo Magico card at small number, performer counts once and fails, then spectator repeats it and card is found, re-count
Related toVariations 1973 41
Arturo de Ascanio El Juego que Yo Haria a Dai Vernon three phases
VariationsAlso published here 1977 40
Arturo de Ascanio Culebreo "Las Palmas"
VariationsAlso published here 1978 60
Roy Walton The Smiling Mule two parts, first gag then surprise twist, named card ends up sandwiched between aces in the middle of the deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 13
John Cornelius Threefold three spectators cut the deck, remember the bottom card of the pile and put the cards in their pockets, three thought of cards are divined, trick not named in these notes, name taken from "The Award-Winning Magic Of John Cornelius"
VariationsAlso published here 1980 1
Ben Harris Super Flip! top card turns over at end of dribble onto table or face-up card appears at end of dribble, also with back-to-back double as transformation
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1985 7
Robert D. Michaels, David Ben, Michael Close, Bob Farmer, Michael Weber Invisible Triumph rough smooth, for credit information see reference
Related to May 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Ben Harris Four to the Top Super Flip deck dribbled face down onto table, Aces appear face up on top, three already reversed under top card
Related to Aug. 1986 2
Darwin Ortiz Hitchcock Aces
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1988 86
José Carroll The Unwary Cheater or The Nine Card Monte, ungaffed
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 47
José Carroll Suit Appearance suit produced, changed to other chosen suit
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1988 137
Juan Tamariz Black Days seven black cards, selected one found, rest changes red
Related toVariations 1989/91 109
Juan Tamariz Total Coincidence first single cards from two decks match, then both decks are in exactly the same order
Related toVariations 1989/91 224
Aldo Colombini The Fly using blank Cards with Flys printed on them
Variations Feb. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 2)
José Carroll Reflections four Aces change six times, Universal Card plot with Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1991 9
Gabi Pareras {Introduction} three routines using three coins
1991 i
Gabi Pareras Monedas de Mano a Mano three coins travel from hand to hand, using spectator's hands as table
1991 1
Gabi Pareras Monedas a Traves de la Mesa with extra coin, one behind
1991 7
Gabi Pareras Monedas al Vaso three coins travel to glass, with extra coin
1991 12
Nick Trost Court Card Conclave twelve court cards pair themselves
VariationsAlso published here
  • in "3 Pet Secrets" (Nick Trost)
1995 63
Francis Carlyle, Philippe Socrate, Jimmy Grippo, Roberto Giobbi Homing Card Plus extension with deck to pocket
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1996 288
Harry Lorayne Two Over Easy 4&4
Inspired by
  • Gabi Pareras idea
Also published here
2001 209
Gabi Pareras Introducción theory in this manuscript explained using Tamariz's Koornwinder Kar, Carroll's Suit Appearance and Ascanio's Restless Lady
2001 ca. 7
Gabi Pareras Naturaleza
  • Objetos-Personaje
  • El Fenómeno
2001 ca. 9
Gabi Pareras Enfoque on the focus in the presentation of a trick
2001 ca. 13
Gabi Pareras Caracterización
  • Caracterización directa
  • Caracterización indirecta
    • El Emblema
    • El Espacio
      • Areas
    • El Tiempo
    • Secuencias
2001 ca. 15
Gabi Pareras Presencia
  • Por lo que hace
  • Por lo que piensa
  • Por el nombre
2001 ca. 22
Gabi Pareras Intuición Magica two packets are cut, numbers of cards are divined in Miraskill fashion
2001 ca. 30
Gabi Pareras Parejas Reales twelve court cards pair themselves
Inspired by 2001 ca. 36
Gabi Pareras Magnetismo Animal 4x4
  • El Espectador "Magnetico"
2001 ca. 40
Gabi Pareras Naturaleza theory explained using the tricks above
  • Objetos-Personaje
  • El Fenómeno
2001 ca. 46
Gabi Pareras Enfoque theory explained using the tricks above
2001 ca. 48
Gabi Pareras Caracterización theory explained using the tricks above
  • Caracterización directa
  • Caracterización indirecta
    • El Emblema
    • El Espacio
    • El Tiempo
    • Secuencias
2001 ca. 50
Gabi Pareras Presencia theory explained using the tricks above
  • Por lo que hace
  • Por lo que piensa
  • Por el nombre
2001 ca. 54
Gabi Pareras Dedicación / introducción on the different kinds of magicians
2002 ca. 1
Gabi Pareras Final Para Reyes Cazadores (Sentido & Lógica) face-down selection travels from sandwich in the hands between sandwich on the table
  • Sandwicheando
  • Papirotazo
  • Volteando
  • Notas
2002 ca. 2
Gabi Pareras Sandwich Estimación (Un caso de lógica absurda) two red cards are placed face-up in fan and end up next to selection
  • Preliminares
  • Estimación perceptiva
. Trabajando después de acabar
  • Notas
2002ca. 14
Gabi Pareras Damas / Comodines (O "El juego de Dolores") Queens are divided on two Jokers, Jokers and Queens end up separated. Repetition where Queens are placed first, followed by the Jokers.
  • Primera Fase
  • Segunda Fase
  • Notas
Related to 2002ca. 20
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Color (Y una versión "impromtu") triumph with Aces, color changing back kicker
  • Perdiendo los ases
  • Mezclando
  • Transformación
  • Notas
  • Versión "impromtu" sin cambio de color
2002ca. 32
Gabi Pareras Cantauros y Sirenas (...y una versión más directa) four Kings change into selection and back to Kings, with variation
  • Apertura
  • La cueva
  • Primer centauro
  • Segundo centauro
  • Tercer y cuarto centauro
  • Notas
  • Una versión directa
    • La entrada
    • La salida
2002ca. 39
Gabi Pareras Ases Clandestinos (Una "rota y recompuesta" inesperada) four Aces signed on the backs penetrate post card / piece of newspaper, "quinta firma", duplicate, last card is torn in pieces, vanishes and then found restored under post card
  • Firmando los dorsos
  • El reparto
  • Primera penetración
  • Segunda penetración
  • Tercera penetración
  • Notas
    • Las penetraciones
    • La carta rota y recompuesta
2002ca. 50
Gabi Pareras Wild Comodines (O la jota saltarina) Jack of Hearts turns into Jokers and appears again, eventually entire deck turns into Jokers
  • La jota de corazones
  • El que vale por todas
  • ¿Vais siguiendo el juego?
  • Todos comodines
  • Notas
    • La jota de corazones
    • El atisbo de Ascanio
2002ca. 60
Gabi Pareras Los Ases Evanescentes - Ases de Caroline Slow-Motion McDonalds Aces
Variations 2003 280
Gabi Pareras Aparición Flash deck is gently dribbled on the table and the for Aces appear face-up on top
Variations 2003 280
Gabi Pareras La Flor de Coleridge
Also published here 2003 289
Gabi Pareras Los Dias Negros - Versión Impromptu
Related to 2003 291
Gabi Pareras Introducción
2004 1
Gabi Pareras Girando los Ases (Versión con el As, dos, tres y cuatro) twisting the Aces , with Ace to Four, using one double facer card
  • Desarrollo y ejecución
  • Sobre la carta doble cara
  • La composición de la secuencia
2004 5
Gabi Pareras Sugestión (El arte de la verosimilitud) four Jokers transform into Aces
Inspired by 2004 12
Gabi Pareras Sobre la Enseñada Optico de Hamman notes on Hamman's Flushtration count, see page 12 for technical description
2004 13
Gabi Pareras Una Prueba de Atención (Con carta extra) a five-card row magically reverses its order, with repetition, extra card
  • Principio de Conservación
2004 18
Gabi Pareras El Ascensor (...y otra versión "relámpago") Two to Five come to top of packet of four other cards, one by one, variation of Vernon's elevator
  • Improvisando el inicio
  • Una versión "relámpago"
2004 27
Gabi Pareras El Triunfo (...suma y sigue...) slop shuffle triumph with selection
  • Mi coartada
Related to 2004 38
Gabi Pareras Poker Optico (La cobertura como camuflaje) four Poker hands are dealt and spectator can chose how many cards are exchanged in each hand, performer ends up with four Aces
  • Sobre el concepto de camuflaje
2004 45
Gabi Pareras El Fiasco de Dunbury (Una vuelta de tuerca) found at number indicated by card
  • ¿Por qué el forzaje clásico?
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2004 51
Arturo de Ascanio The Restless Lady la dama inquieta, First Version 1970
Inspired byVariations 2008 22
Arturo de Ascanio The Aces of My Exam
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2008 182
Gabi Pareras Introducción
2008 ca. 1
Gabi Pareras Bolas Imaginarias multi-phase chop cup routine, last phase on hand of spectator, three balls and jumbo ball finale
2008 ca. 2
Gabi Pareras Bolas Locas multi-phase routine, jumbo ball finale
2008 ca. 9
Gabi Pareras Rutina Clásica de Chop-Cup             multi-phase routine, jumbo ball finale
2008 ca. 15
Gabi Pareras, Albert Goshman Falso depósito de A. Goshman false transfer with ball
2008 ca. 21
Gabi Pareras Falso depósito n° II false transfer with ball
2008 ca. 22
Charlie Miller, Gabi Pareras Pase de Charlie Miller Charlie Miller move, ball through chop cup
2008 ca. 23
Gabi Pareras Torniquete y desaparición seated vanish of ball, à la Slydini one coin
2008 ca. 24
Gabi Pareras Crecimiento I ball placed in hand grows in size
2008 ca. 26
Gabi Pareras Crecimiento II ball placed in hand grows in size
2008 ca. 27
Gabi Pareras por Gabi on Miguel Ángel Gea
2009 55
Gabi Pareras Prólogo
2009 8
Román García El Muro de Cristal four cards signed on the back, through transparent handkerchief, covered with postcard
Inspired byRelated to
  • Gabi Pareras' "Ases clandestino" in "Sequencias"
2010 165
Gabi Pareras Deck Switch direct deck switch while performer demonstrates how to shuffle cards
2011 73
Dani DaOrtiz Técnicas Cartomágicas de Gabi Pareras
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Empalme al voltear card is palmed while deck is turned-over sideways
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Separación con del Meñique en extensión getting a break while closing a spread, without opening up front
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Separación de la carta superior por caida getting a break under top card, while squaring the deck
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Devolución de la carta inferior al cuadrar adding palmed card back to the bottom of the deck, while squaring the deck
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Variantes de la devolución: I. Devolución de la carta inferior y acción de corte adding palmed card back to the bottom of the deck and then cutting them on top of the deck
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Variantes de la devolución: II. Devolución de la carta inferior y cortes en la mesa adding palmed card back to the bottom of the deck and then a multiple cut is executed from hands to table
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Variantes de la devolución: III. Devolución de la carta inferior con triple corte sobre las manos adding palmed card back to the bottom of the deck and then a three-packets cut is executed in the hands
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Sobre el empalme superior modificado, de Dai Vernon variation on Hugard's top palm
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras El empalme superior modificado, de Dai Vernon al cortar Hugard's top palm variation, while cutting the deck on the table
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Pintaje color change of bottom card
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Gabi Pareras Uno por delante version using a palming of classic one ahead triple prediction
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Gabi Pareras Juego de coincidencia
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Gabi Pareras Empty Deal
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Gabi Pareras El Tema
  • Sobre el tema
  • El tema
  • Tipos de temas
  • Ventajas del tema
  • Condicionantes del tema
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Gabi Pareras Reflejos Aces change into Tens, Queens, Twos and back to Aces
Inspired by 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Gabi Pareras Aparición Flash cards dribbled on the table, four Aces appear face up on top
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Gabi Pareras Incauto Bribón Seven card monte
Inspired by 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Gabi Pareras Lapping Technique while counting cards from hand to hand
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 19)
Gabi Pareras La Intriga y la Trama "The intrigue and the plot"
  • Qué es la intriga
  • Cómo nace la intriga
  • Qué es la trama
  • Los elementos dinámicos
  • Resumiendo
  • Clases de intriga
  • Tipos de trama
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Gabi Pareras El Test de Dr. Coue card eventually found a number indicated by another card
Also published here 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Gabi Pareras Una cuestión de técnica - El libro inexistente introduction, thoughts on the Atmosfera Magica
2012 19
Gabi Pareras Indice cronológico de textos chronological order of Ascanio's publications
2012 27
Gabi Pareras Esquema general de conceptos
  • Una ciencia de la magia
  • Sobre el esquema general de conceptos
  • Vida Interna (V. I.) y Vida Externa (V.E.)
2012 31
Gabi Pareras Principios en la ejecución
  • Técnica Manipulativa
  • Carácter - Técnicas Falsa y Técnica Secreta
  • Naturalidad
    • Distanciamiento
    • Camuflaje
    • Autoestudio
  • Fases ("Psicologia del Empalme")
  • Diversión (Misdirection)
  • Grados de intensidad
    • 1° Grado: Disolución
    • 2° Grado: Atracción
    • 3° Grado: Desviación
  • Efecto Tubo
  • Medios o expedientes
  • Las expresiones de la cara del mago
  • Los gestos
  • La versación
  • Carácter (Diversión Fisica y Diversión Mental)
  • Diversión Fisica
  • Diversión Mental
  • Timing
  • Oportunismo
  • Sincronia
  • Cadencia
  • Acciones en Tránsito
2012 34
Gabi Pareras Principios en la composición
  • Acentuación: Esquema de un juego
  • Fase Expositiva
  • Situación Inicial
  • Momento Mágico
  • Corroboración del efecto
  • Paréntesis
    • Paréntesis de Olvido y Paréntesis Anticontraste
    • Acciones de Continuidad Aparente
  • Susceptibilidades
  • Economia y Claridad
  • Leer a Ascanio
  • Palabras Finales
2012 67
Gabi Pareras Manejos y técnicas
2012 85
Gabi Pareras Cuenta Bucle del meñique buckling bottom card of deck or small packet
  • Separación del meñique
  • La cuenta
2012 86
Gabi Pareras Cuenta con move por contagio spread of cards is moved to show apparently single cards, one double
2012 88
Gabi Pareras Cuenta en abanico taking cards from top and showing them, hiding one in process
  • Con acción de mostrar
  • Con acción de dar (Joaquin)
2012 89
Gabi Pareras Enseñada Sincera double card handling, open hand with lose card on top
  • Apertura
  • Cierre
2012 91
Gabi Pareras Doble Volteo
2012 93
Gabi Pareras Doble Volteo Pivotante double card turnover, one handed, without deck
2012 93
Gabi Pareras Exensiones
2012 94
Gabi Pareras Extensión con Twist turning two cards as one or four as three, one-handed with twist
  • Para tres cartas como dos
  • Para cuatro cartas como tres
2012 94
Gabi Pareras Extensión D'Amico/Ascanio (Variante) Detalle
2012 95
Gabi Pareras Extensión D'Amico/Ascanio (Variante) Vertical
2012 96
Gabi Pareras Extensión D'Amico/Ascanio Triple
2012 97
Gabi Pareras Extensión en mesa con doble five as four, spread on table
2012 97
Gabi Pareras Extensión en manos con doble spread in hands, hiding double
2012 98
Gabi Pareras Extensión vertical con escalón vertical spread, hiding double
2012 99
Gabi Pareras Extensión por doble empuje double push, hiding double in spread
2012 100
Gabi Pareras Acordeón con cuenta del meñique simple accordion style spread, to hide double
2012 101
Gabi Pareras Acordeón con cuenta del meñique doble accordion style spread, to hide double
2012 102
Gabi Pareras Culebreos Las Palmas para cinco cartas using five cards
Inspired by 2012 103
Gabi Pareras Culebreo por pelaje Ascanio Spread using a peeling action
2012 104
Gabi Pareras Empalme clásico por culebreo palming card during Ascanio Spread action
2012 105
Gabi Pareras Empalme del tahúr por culebreo palming card during Ascanio Spread action
2012 106
Gabi Pareras Dejada simultánea double laydown and pick-up, while putting several cards on the table in a row
  • Expansión
  • Recogida
2012 107
Gabi Pareras, Edward Marlo Adición de cartas al cuadrar de E. Marlo adding cards from bottom of the deck, after dealing cards and square-up
2012 109
Gabi Pareras, Dai Vernon Ola de D. Vernon con extensión spreading cards in the hands, hiding double card
2012 110
Gabi Pareras Abanico con volteo dealing cards from deck in left hand to other hand, hiding double
2012 111
Gabi Pareras Hombre de Soñar ("Una versión de carta al número") card at number, using incomplete faro and cut packet
  • Desarrollo y ejecución
  • Consideraciones finales
    • Sobre los espectadores
    • Sobre el procedimiento
  • Mecánica de la faro
  • Una importante variación
  • Sobre el número y la carta
  • Sobre la naturalidad
2012 117
Gabi Pareras Agua y Aceite ("Sin culebreos") 4x4
  • Un final mas Ascaniano
  • Consideraciones finales
2012 123
Gabi Pareras Damas / Comodines (O "El Juego de Dolores") Queens are divided on two Jokers, Jokers and Queens end up separated. Repetition where Queens are placed first, followed by the Jokers.
  • Primera Fase
  • Segunda Fase
  • Notas
    • Decalado de los paquetes
Related to 2012 129
Gabi Pareras Volteo de una carta one-handed card turnover
2012 137
Gabi Pareras Los ases de la tia enriqueta (Hitchcock Aces" de Darwin Ortiz) Hitchcock Aces routine
  • Introducción
  • Primer As
  • Segundo As
  • Tercer As
  • Consideraciones finales
  • Técnicas y "Si no prestas atención..."
Inspired by 2012 138
Gabi Pareras Doble volteo directo
2012 153
Gabi Pareras Cambio del libro versa-type
2012 155
Gabi Pareras El Juego que yo haria a Dai Vernon ("El juego que yo hice a Dai Vernon") three phases, variation with extra card
  • Versión para cuatro cartas
    • Alternando los colores
  • Versión para cinco cartas
    • Primera Parte
      • Fase Expositiva
---Situación Inicial
      • Momento Mágico
    • Segunda Parte
    • Tercera Parte
      • Situación Inicial
      • Momento Mágico
  • Consideraciones Finales
    • Primera versión
    • Segunda versión
Inspired by 2012 159
Gabi Pareras Doble extracción por debajo
2012 163
Gabi Pareras Dama Inquieta (versión con carta de doble cara) la dama inquieta, with Himber wallet
  • A Modo de Prólogo (Joaquin Matas)
  • Introducción
  • Primera Fase
  • Segunda Fase
  • Tercera Fase
Inspired by 2012 175
Gabi Pareras La Dama Inquieta ("Card Flight" de Tenkai) la dama inquieta
  • Paco Roads, el maestro y amigo
  • Introducción
  • Primera fase
  • Segunda fase
  • Tercera fase
Inspired by 2012 198
Gabi Pareras, Joaquín Matas Ases para conocedores ("Los ases de mi examen")
  • Los preliminares ("Una idea deliciosa")
  • As de Trébol ("El abanico")
  • As de Diamantes ("El pincel")
  • As de Picas ("El escondite")
  • As de Corazones ("La frotadita")
  • Un Final ("Y dos alternativas")
    • La mano de póquer
    • Cortando por los ases
  • Gran Final ("Cortesia de Joaquin Matas")
Inspired by 2012 215
Gabi Pareras Arturo de Ascanio (Memoria y Olvido)
2012 251
Gabi Pareras Tabla biográfica biografical notes on Arturo de Ascanio
2012 253
Gabi Pareras Esquemas complementarios
2012 266
Gabi Pareras Y la historia continua... (Epilogo)
2012 267
Gabi Pareras Sobre la Ordenaciones on simplifying and harmonizing stacks, example of Vernon's Matching the Cards
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 24)
Gabi Pareras Simplificando el Suit Apparition on José Carroll's Suit appearance, analysis
  • Secuencia de apariciones
  • Consideraciones adicionales
    • Sobre algunas apariciones
    • Sobre el enfile al tiempo
Inspired by 2013
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 25)
Ignasi Ruiz Frases de Gabi various phrases by Gabi Pareras
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 25)
Gabi Pareras La Intriga y la Trama on the intrigue in a plot that connects the different moments,
  • Qué es la intriga
  • Cómo nace la intriga
  • Qué es la trama
  • Los elementos dinámicos
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 26)
Gabi Pareras ¡Ya Está!
2014 11
Joaquín Matas Asas Matas-Donalds Mac Donalds routine
Inspired by 2014 111
, Gabi Pareras Two-Card Catch Variation with double boomerand
2014 141
Gabi Pareras Packet Switch similar to Carney's Versa Switch
2014 144
Arturo de Ascanio, Gabi Pareras Paintbrush Change el Pincel, with small packet
2014 222
Gabi Pareras Sandwich Vallarino jokers placed on spread, spread is flipped over and jokers caught with right hand, selection is found sandwiched in between
Inspired by
  • Jean-Pierre Vallarino's "Jumping Sandwich" in "Genii", November 1993, p. 44
2014 11
Gabi Pareras La Carta en el Estuche random card is placed inside card box, same card appears reversed in the deck and selection inside card case
2014 12
Gabi Pareras Sandwich al Número card from named number is found sandwiched between two jokers, then card is found at named number from the beginning
2014 14
Gabi Pareras La Máquina del Tiempo time machine type effect, card placed in center transposes with card on top
2014 16
Gabi Pareras Puro Tacto spectator thinks of a number and remembers card at position, performer cuts same number and finds card
2014 18
Gabi Pareras Triple Adivinación deck cut in three piles, three card divination
Inspired by 2014 20
Gabi Pareras Predicción Póker prediction of poker hand
2014 22
Gabi Pareras Educando la mirada del espectador on the spectator's view
  • 1. La mirada resbalante de Arturo de Ascanio
  • 2. Diseño formal
  • 3. Teoría del camarero
  • Conclusiones finales
  • Y asi continua la historia
  • Y también surgió otra voz
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 27)
Gabi Pareras Elección Subliminar packet of two piles is shuffled and separated in two piles, performer builds pairs of two without looking at the cards, pairs always consist of one red and one black card, which matches prediction
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 30)
Kiko Pastur, Gabi Pareras Aparición Flash Variation deck is gently dribbled on the table and the for Aces appear face-up on top
Inspired by 2014 185
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Version
Inspired by 2014 5
Gabi Pareras Turnover turnover of packet, after spread on table
2014 6
Gabi Pareras Triple Triunfo red black separated deck, two cards are selected and end up reversed in other colored half, only brief description of handling variation
Inspired by 2014 8
Gabi Pareras Nuevo Movimiento Para Los Ases Mac Donals three different choreographies to vanish Aces and show backs of cards, Mac Donalds Aces
Also published here 2014 10
Gabi Pareras Nueva Rutina de Mac Donals Mac Donalds Aces, using two Jokers
2014 17
Gabi Pareras Agua y Aceite I 4x4, with follow the leader ending
  • Alternativa
2014 23
Gabi Pareras Agua y Aceite II 6x3 as 4x4, all cards are red as climax
2014 27
Gabi Pareras La Ordenación en Rosario brief intro to cyclical stacks
2014 30
Gabi Pareras Test Del Libro book test, using a deck of playing cards, three cards are selected to form page number and position of word, +5 stack
2014 31
Gabi Pareras Coincidencia Total three phases, solution with just one deck
Inspired byRelated to 2014 34
Gabi Pareras Ordenación de Cuartetos introduction to stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together
2014 38
Gabi Pareras Ia Aleteo card is selected, three mates are found reversed together in the middle of the deck
2014 38
Gabi Pareras 2° Coincidencia card is selected, three mates are found when card is placed back in the deck
2014 40
Gabi Pareras 3° Aparición card is selected and three mates are produced, brief
2014 41
Gabi Pareras 4° Estimación named four-of-a-kind is produced
2014 42
Gabi Pareras 5° Escaleras de Color four Aces controlled in one poker hand, four complete bridge hands as climax
2014 43
Gabi Pareras De Baraja Precintada a Rosario Aritmetico New Deck Order to cyclical stack
  • a) El orde de palos
  • b) La mezcla por paquetes
  • c) La recogida de paquetes
2014 46
Gabi Pareras De Baraja Precintada a Cuartetos en Rosario Aritmetico New Deck Order to stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together
  • a) El orde de palos
  • b) La mezcla por paquetes
  • c) La recogida de paquetes
2014 49
Gabi Pareras De Rosario Aritmetico a Cuartetos Aritmeticos from cyclical stack to stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together
  • a) El orde de palos
  • b) La mezcla por paquetes
2014 51
Gabi Pareras De Cuartetos Aritmeticos a Rosario Aritmetico from stacked deck with all four-of-a-kinds grouped together to cyclical stack
  • a) La mezcla por paquetes
2014 52
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Ordenado four Aces end up reversed, cards next to Aces are cards from the matching suits in order
2014 5
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Color I with color changing back kicker
Inspired by
  • "Triunfocolor" in Roden's "Mosaico Mágico" 1961.
2014 7
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Invisible invisible deck / Triumph combo
Related to 2014 11
Gabi Pareras Coincidencia Color spectator stops at three mates of prediction, rest of deck has different colored backs as climax
2014 14
Gabi Pareras Transformación Ases four Aces change into selection and back to Aces
2014 17
Gabi Pareras El Mazo Adivino performer finds selection four times, those cards then change into Aces
2014 22
Gabi Pareras Viajes Imposibles two signed selections one is found using clock trick, second card folded in matchbox
2014 25
Gabi Pareras Nueva Dimensión brief intro tricks using the deck in the situation where all cards are face up except top and bottom card
2014 28
Gabi Pareras 1° Girando Cartas all cards turnover, then only named card is reversed
Related to 2014 28
Gabi Pareras 2° Triunfo-I
2014 29
Gabi Pareras 3° Triunfo Blanco y II with blank backs kicker
2014 30
Gabi Pareras 4° Todo Dorsos with a selection
2014 31
Gabi Pareras Ases de Mano a Mano using six gaffed cards
2014 8
Gabi Pareras Asamble Triunfal de Ases (Con Cartas Gigantes) Aces appear after triumph, one card is a ten which indicates position of fourth Ace, followed by Assembly, with jumbo cards
  • Ia Fase - La aparición de los ases
  • 2a Fase - Asamblea triunfal
Also published here 2014 17
Gabi Pareras Variante Sobre Daryl Martinez four-of-a-kind appear in other packets
2014 23
Gabi Pareras Las Damas Voladoras with signed cards, last signed queen transposes with card signed by performer
  • Ia Fase - El monton de las cuatro damas
  • 2a Fase - Los cuatro montones indiferentes
  • 3a Fase - El reparto de las damas
  • 4a Fase - La reunió de las cuatro damas
  • 5a Fase - La elección y posterior transposición de la dama de corazones y el tres de picas
2014 28
Gabi Pareras Las Almas Errantes with signed cards, with blank cards, similar construction as Las Damas Voladoras
2014 42
Gabi Pareras Comodines Progresivos Progressive Ace Asembly using Jokers, Jokers are back in separated packets as climax
  • Ia Fase - Exposición de las cartas
  • 2a Fase - El primer comodin
  • 3a Fase - El segundo comodin
  • 4a Fase - El tercer comodin
  • 5a Fase El cuarto y ultimo comodin
Inspired by 2014 44
Gabi Pareras Ases Evanescentes - Nuevo Movimiento para Ases MacDonals three different choreographies to vanish Aces and show backs of cards, Mac Donalds Aces
Also published here 2014 3
Gabi Pareras Ases Flash - El Múltiple Destello Ases come to the top, four selection vanish one by one and end up face up in the deck with Aces sandwiched , transposition of selection and Aces
  • Preparación
  • Aparición Flash
  • Reordenando
  • Nuevo Flash
  • Atrapadas
  • Transposición
Variations 2014 16
Ben Harris, Gabi Pareras Aparición Flash four Ace production, while dribbling cards on the table, no credit
Related to 2014 17
Gabi Pareras As Padre - El Último Reencuentro
  • Preparación
  • Fase Expositiva
  • 1a Transposición
  • 2a Transposición
  • 3a Transposición
Inspired byRelated to 2014 33
Gabi Pareras As Padre - El Último Reencuentro - 2a Parte introduction to technical variations
  • Sobre el cambio por adición
2014 45
Gabi Pareras Extraccción de los Ases jogging Aces out of the deck and turning deck over, maintaining break on bottom/top of the deck, while turning the deck over
2014 46
Arturo de Ascanio, Gabi Pareras A) Cluebreo por Pelaje Ascanio Spread variation, pealing, followed by addition / switch of two out of four cards
2014 48
Gabi Pareras Las Transposiciónes handling variations for the transposition phases
Related to 2014 56
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Versión with and without selection
Variations 2014 15
Gabi Pareras Triple Triunfo red black separated deck, two cards are selected and end up reversed in other colored half
Variations 2014 18
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Blanco all cards but selection turn into blank cards as kicker
2014 21
Gabi Pareras, Frank Garcia El rey de los Tahures cards dealt from face up face down shuffled deck, with triumph finale
Inspired by 2014 25
Gabi Pareras Ases Triunfales
  • 1" fase: El Volteo
  • 2° fase: Finalidad
2014 30
Gabi Pareras Asamblea Triunfal de Ases Aces appear after triumph, one card is a ten which indicates position of fourth Ace, followed by Assembly, with jumbo cards
  • Ia Fase
  • 2a Fase
Also published here 2014 37
Gabi Pareras La Baraja de Abuelo presentation for slop shuffle triumph
2014 41
Gabi Pareras El Triunfo del Periódico cheek to cheek
2014 44
Roberto Mansilla Fictional Magic Gabi Pareras' theory
  • "Realistic" Magic
  • Fictional Magic
  • A Revision
  • About the Trick
  • Lies vs Fiction
  • Proof vs Evidence
  • Greater Expressiveness
  • The Endless Game
Related to Spring 2015
Quarterly (Issue 2)
Miguel Ángel Gea, Juan Gallego Luque About Gabi Pareras extract from "La Magia Española del Siglo XX" (Ed. Páginas)
Spring 2015
Quarterly (Issue 2)
Gabi Pareras, Ricardo Vizcarra, Joaquín Matas Arturo de Ascanio. "El maestro a tres voces" conversation on Arturo de Ascanio, memories
2015 235
Roberto Mansilla In Praise of Artifice more on "Fictional Magic", Gabi Pareras and René Lavand
Related to Summer 2016
Quarterly (Issue 4)
Gabi Pareras Interpretation of Scarne's Transposition
Inspired by Summer 2016
Quarterly (Issue 4)
Joaquín Matas La Cuerda Ta-Variada Tabary inspired rope routine, rope is stretched, multiple ends, ends travel and are removed, rope is handed out in the end, with ideas by Jean Merlin and Gabi Pareras
Inspired by
  • Francis Tabary's "The Award Winning Rope Magic of Francis Tabary"
2016 25
José Carroll, Gabi Pareras, Antonio Romero Bill Switch 100 bill switch, different way of folding the bill
2016 220
Helder Guimarães Filling Up the Spaces with Real Bricks
  • Invisible Strings
storytelling, Gabi Pareras's Fictional Magic
Dec. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 12)
Michael Feldman Introduction with an essay on presentation, fictional magic (Gabi Pareras)
2017 5
Alberto de Figueiredo, Gabi Pareras Atrapadas para Gabi card is selected and placed on table, four cards vanish one by one and are eventually found in the center with mates trapped in between, inspired by Gabi Pareras' "Atrapadas"
Inspired by 2018 243
Lorenz Schär Coincidencia Banal Total Coincidence routine using one deck, three phases, bluff
Inspired byRelated to 2019 123
Gabi Pareras Lapping Technique while counting cards from hand to hand
2019 125
Woody Aragón In Memoriam: Gabi Pareras (Gabriel Pareras Fuster) translated by Fernando Rosal
Oct. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 10)
Roberto Mansilla Chatting with Britland
  • Artifices
five-card hand is chosen, spectator removes one card and takes another one, it completes a Royal Flush
Inspired byVariations Oct. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 10)
Gabi Pareras, Roberto Mansilla Chatting with Gabi
  • Artifices
five-card hand is chosen, spectator removes one card and takes another one, it completes an Ace to Five straight
Inspired by Dec. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 12)
Gabi Pareras, Roberto Giobbi Morphology in Magic
Related to 2021 80
Roberto Giobbi Seeing is Believing four random cards put on table, they change into four Aces
Related to
  • "Desmemoria" (Gabi Pareras, Encuentros y desencuentros)
2021 97
Gabi Pareras Waiter's Theory
2021 118
Dustin Stinett Gabi Pareras
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Roberto Mansilla A Thoughtful Journey: Gabi Pareras on Ascanio translated by Pipo Villanueva
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Roberto Mansilla Gabi Pareras and Fictional Magic
  • "Realistic Magic"
  • Fictional Magic
  • A Revision
  • About the Trick
  • Lie vs. Fiction
  • Proof vs. Evidence
  • Greater Expressiveness
  • The Endless Game
  • More About Gabi Pareras
  • Notes
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
The Magic of Gabi intro to collection of tricks by Gabi Pareras, illustrated by Andrés Juárez
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Gabi Pareras Suggestion "The Art of Verisimilitude"
four Jokers transform into the Aces
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Gabi Pareras Flushtration Handling
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Gabi Pareras The Dunbury Delusion "A Twist"
sucker element taken out, spectators think they mis-saw the selection earlier
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Gabi Pareras Coleridge's Flower unusual presentation for three-cards across
Also published here Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Ricardo Rodriguez Gabi, un cambio en la mirada overview of the works of Gabi Pareras, guideline for his inspirations, writings, his philosophy (Magia Ficcional) and the thinking in general
  • Inicios
  • Maestros
  • Ocupaciones profesionales
  • Sociedades mágicas
  • Obras
  • La docencia y Cartomagia Club
  • Concepción ficcional de la magia
  • Gab, potro de rabia y miel
  • Palabras finales
  • Bibliografia
Maese Coral (Issue 3)
Davide Fragione Wild Bolita multi-phase sponge ball routine
  • Part One: Color Change
  • Part Two: Transpositions
  • Part Three: Seeing Red
  • Part Four: Seeing Yellow
Inspired by
  • "Wild Comodines", Gabi Pareras
Feb. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Gabi Pareras Extensión con Twist brief, three cards are turned over and pivoted while hiding a card, Twist de la uña
2022 52
Gary Plants Dunsbury Delusion different handling for Pareras's presentation
Inspired by 2023 13
Mark Calabrese Well Done Dunbury selection lost, deck cut into three piles, top cards shown, one seems to be selection by accident, value of third card used to count to selection, it's not there, but it's there on second try once spectators "believe" in it
Inspired by Jan. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 1)
Roberto Giobbi, Gabi Pareras Empty Pocket - Gag Line gag line by Gabi Pareras, and application to Homing Card routine
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Jan 9)
Roberto Giobbi Morphological Actions with two-card location effect
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Aug. 20)