91 entries in Cards / Sleights / Flourishes / Turnover of Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jack Merlin Second Method thumb count with one hand, also for finding a card in the center and turning it over on top
1927/28 12
Turning the Top Card
1939 47
Edward Marlo Marlo's Count Down Flourish
Variations 1942 5
Edward Marlo The Cook's Sleight
Related to 1945 6
Arthur H. Buckley The Count one-handed turnover of top card
1946 52
Joseph K. Schmidt One Hand Snap Turn-Up Flourish
Dec. 1947 378
Displaying the Top Card three handlings
1948 37
Gene Gordon Flourish Card Count similar to The Cook's Sleight
Related to Dec. 1948 489
Novelty Legitimate Count one-handed flourish turnover count
1948 141
Larry Klunck The Acrobatic Card No. 49, Deck is thrown across table, selected card physically flips face up
1950 87
Bruce Elliott A. P.
Also published here Feb. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 222)
Dr. Jacob Daley Lipop card is pushed in center and comes out by itself transformed, it helps to have a belly
Related toVariations Apr. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 226)
Jean Hugard To Display the Top Card one-handed
  • 1. Top card turn-over
  • 2. Longitudinal turn-over
  • 3. Lateral display of top card
Aug. 1951 821
Bruce Elliott A. P. also as double lift handling
Also published here 1956 136
Jerry Andrus The Twirl card spins between fingers
Related toAlso published here 1956 99
Jerry Andrus Table Fan Flip fan configuration on soft surface used to flip over a card
1956 106
Jerry Andrus A Flourish Turn Over in the hands, rotates between opposite corners
1956 108
Jerry Andrus Contortionists Turn Over one-handed
1956 117
Bill Carew The Last Word in Card Disclosures slightly bent card flips over when newspaper cover is removed from it with some force
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Dai Vernon To Show the Top Card
1959 35
Jerry Andrus Novel Card Test four indifferent cards shown, one changes into selection and flips face-up from another card with a flourish
1964 1
Harry Lorayne Packet Toss-Turnover flourishy turnover of packet as it is dropped onto deck, "juggling type move"
Also published here 1967 116
Harry Lorayne Packet Toss-Turnover brief
Also published here 1972 1
Edward Marlo, Jerry K. Hartman Count Down Flourish variation of Marlo move (modified grip), see reference
Inspired by 1972 24
Edward Marlo Marlo's Count Down Flourish
1978 42
John Henderson Ribbon Spread With Coin handling touch of spreading the deck with a coin between the cards
Apr. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 4)
John Cornelius Spring Set
VariationsAlso published here 1982 53
Majax Uncanny card turns over from itself at fingertips
1982 72
Turnover of a Card flourish, card is dropped on table
1982 17
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Triple Snap card is turned over in one hand and snapped three times
1983 17
Flourish Count "a favorite of Gene Gordon, of Buffalo"
Related to 1985 10
John Cornelius Spring Set
1987 30
Edward Marlo Marlo Flourish single card turned over in hand
1987 89
Gabriel Moreno Thumb Flip right thumb flips top card in air, works with double
1988 144
Karl Fulves Overthrow coin (or other object) on tabled spread during turnover
1989 4
Tom Craven The Hinge Move half the packet turnover flourish with tricky purpose
Sep. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Flourish Show to show vanish of Ace
1989 65
Edward Marlo One-Handed Top Card Turnover
1989 138
Spring Set
Also published here Dec. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Paul Diamond Glide Revealment
1992 66
Edward Marlo The Marlo Flourish to turnover a card in hand
Also published here 1992 16
Edward Marlo The Marlo Flourish to turnover a card in hand
Also published here 1993 14
スプレッドのターンオーバー (Spread Turnover) Ribbon spread turnover
1993 20
Jerry Andrus Der Wirbel card spins between fingers
Also published here 1993 8
John Cornelius Spring Set brief
1994 20
Turning Over the Top Card 1
1995 169
Turning Over the Top Card 2
1995 170
Turning Over the Top Card 3
1995 171
Turning Over the Top Card IV
1996 395
Turning Over the Top Card V also for double turnover
1996 396
Carmen D'Amico Turning Over the Top Card VI also for double turnover
1996 396
Flourish Turnover with first finger around front edge
1997 42
Flourish Turnover with little finger around back edge
1997 43
Simon Lovell Spinnup! outjogged card spun around fingers, Jerry Andrus Twirl
1997 176
Doug Conn Tic-Tac Turnover flourishy turnover of card between the two first fingers in the air by blowing on it
Also published here 1997 13
Max Malini The Spin Revelation and Display
1998 512
Doug Conn Tic Tac Turnover flourishy turnover of card between the two first fingers in the air by blowing on it
Also published here 1999 56
Joshua Jay J.J. Display displaying four-of-a-kind in applause position
Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Fredric P. Lamazor G. Top Card Turnovers two references given
1999 9
Erhard Liebenow The Four-card Turnover Display
2000 1019
Gianni Pasqua The Star Turnover Display
2000 1020
Jerry Andrus The Twirl
Also published here 2000 1022
John Cornelius Spring Set
Also published here 2001 41
Steve Reynolds A Moment With Rosini top card changes into selection, flourishy way to turn card over with a snap and the help of the spectator
July/Aug. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Paul Rosini Revealing a Selection
July/Aug. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Volteo de una carta one-handed turnover of a card
2002ca. 24
Gábor G. Szabó LS Display showing four cards face up in a flourish, righting reversed cards in process
2003 11
Tyler Wilson Displayboy flourish to spin out a card that sticks out half-way from front
Related toAlso published here 2005 13
Tyler Wilson Displayboy flourish to spin out a card that sticks out half-way from front
Also published here 2005 19
Rick Bronson Spinner "(A Flourish)"
card spun off right hand's fingers onto deck, Duck Change type dynamics
Related to 2005 13
Tyler Wilson Displayboy flourish to spin out a card that sticks out half-way from front
Also published here 2006 36
Mike Rogers Around the World card moves around the packet
2010 102
Steve Reynolds Flip Flop Find one-handed flourish turnover of top card
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Arsenal Notes, 2000
2010 20
Darwin Ortiz Ace-Turnover Flourish from tabled deck
2012 151
Gabi Pareras Volteo de una carta one-handed card turnover
2012 137
Kiko Pastur, John Cornelius La Falsa Tortuga using John Cornelius' Spring Set move from center
2014 77
Kiko Pastur Tweedledee, Tweedledum one handed turnover of card and shooting it to other hand
2014 78
Kiko Pastur Humpty Dumpty one-handed turnover of card, ends up face-up between two halves
2014 79
The Rotary Card gravity pivot turnover between fingers
Hidden Agenda (Issue July 28)
Samy Liardet Flourish Turnover as Samy Liarday, card is flicked off a glass
2016 14
John Cornelius Spring Set
2018 264
Samy Liardet Flourish Turnover as Samy Liarday, card is flicked off a glass
2019 159
Gabriel Moreno Thumb Flip right thumb flips top card in air, works with double
2019 210
Steve Forte face-up/face-down deal
2020 1006
Steve Forte blackjack hole-card turnover with another card
2020 1007
Steve Forte up-down toss
2020 1008
Jerry Andrus The Twirl card spins between fingers
Also published here 2020 62
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Flying Sandwich card selected and returned and deck ribbon-spread on table, two Queens placed onto spread get sprung into air via ribbon-spread turnover, Queens are caught and selection between them
2022 84
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Packet spin flourish packet is given quick spin flourish as it is tabled
2022 132
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
2023 98
Roberto Giobbi When Revealing a Selected Card
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Oct. 8)