31 entries in Cards / Sleights / Flourishes / Flourish Counts
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Flourish Count
1934 72
Dai Vernon A Flourish Count
1938 220
Edward Marlo Marlo's Count Down Flourish
Variations 1942 5
Arthur H. Buckley Novelty Straight Count
1943 210
Arthur H. Buckley The Count one-handed turnover of top card
1946 52
A Flourish Count
1948 46
Arthur H. Buckley The Count flourish one-handed turnover count
1948 151
Novelty Legitimate Count one-handed flourish turnover count
1948 141
James Steranko Flip Over Count
1960 44
Jerry K. Hartman Flourish Count Add-On each card Flourish-Counted face down beneath packet after being peeling onto deck, “to avoid the unnatural action of tabling and retaking the deck or the rather cumbersome repositioning of the deck required by the standard methods”
1970 5
Dai Vernon Flourish Count
1970 5
Jerry K. Hartman Flourish Count Secret Addition switch out any three of the four Aces, regardless of their order
1970 6
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Subtraction – The Basic Action as example, three of four Aces are stolen back onto deck as fourth is peeled, switching them out
VariationsAlso published here 1970 7
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Subtraction – Variation 1 switch out first and second Aces of packet or second and third
1970 8
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Subtraction – Variation 2 similar to Variation 1, switch out first two Aces, next two Aces get left face up on deck after peeling them
1970 8
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Subtraction – Variation 3 switch out three Aces, leaving them below top card of deck
1970 9
Jerry K. Hartman New Faces #1 (Variation 5)
three Twos and one King change into three Kings and one Two, achieves Secret Subtraction of all four cards, including the last one peeled
1970 9
Jerry K. Hartman New Faces #2 (Variation 5)
four Twos change into four Kings in same suit order, achieves Secret Subtraction of all four cards, including the last one peeled
1970 10
Jerry K. Hartman Notes three brief tips
1970 22
Roger Smith Fancy Count from deck onto table, two-handed
1971 2
Edward Marlo, Jerry K. Hartman Count Down Flourish variation of Marlo move (modified grip), see reference
Inspired by 1972 24
Card Count Flourish one-handed
1976 82
Flourish Count
1978 75
Flip Hallema Spin Flourish to place card in center
1980 20
Flourish Count "a favorite of Gene Gordon, of Buffalo"
Related to 1985 10
Paul Rosini Flourish Count with Cards card pivots off deck
1985 28
James Steranko Flourish Count
Related to 1993 4
Dai Vernon Flourish Count one-handed
1994 28
Jack Avis Flip Up Put Back Count cards counted off the top of the deck, left thumb flips the cards up one by one
  • The Genuine Count
  • The False Count
  • The Force
1994 188
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Subtraction switch of card(s) between top of deck and packet
  • Flourish Count Handling
  • Dingle Handling (p. 17)
see Card Craft reference for more extensive applications
VariationsAlso published here 1995 15
Percy Le Barrow One Hand Count cards counted singly from the top to the bottom one-handed
Also published here
  • Abracadabra
2007 67