287 entries in Cards / Sleights / Additions / from the Top of the deck
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Addition & Switch cards from deck inserted in middle of packet in right hand, cumbersome
Also published here 1920 11
Charles T. Jordan Throw-Switch Addition
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan Throw-Switch Addition
Also published here 1937 26
Addition and Switch
1939 14
Edward Marlo Secret Card Add
1945 10
Frederick Braue The Secret Addition strange handling, deck in right hand's dealer's grip, cards are flipped over
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1945
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Frederick Braue The Secret Addition improved
Inspired byRelated to July 1945 135
D. M. Amann The Secret Addition Again
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1945 145
Frederick Braue Braue Addition and Switch no credit
1949 204
Bill Simon The Simon Secret Addition Aces apparently put on top of deck in out-jogged fanned condition, really under top cards, left hand held with back of hand towards spectators
Related toVariations 1952 107
One Hand Scoop Addition as cards a scooped up from table
Related to 1953 99
Edward Marlo Marlo's Secret Card Add
1954 22
Frederick Braue The Secret Addition Braue Addition
1955 10
Edward Marlo Count Cop and Transfer from packet to packet, sometimes called "Spontaneous Add"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1956 10
Edward Marlo Marlo's Secret Card Add
1956 17
Edward Marlo Secret Addition Release during display sequence, the extra cards are dropped
Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
P. Howard Lyons Covered Secret Addition bottom card of several slipped into break near top
Related to Mar. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo The Fake Change card added to tabled card(s) as it is turned over
1959 31
James Steranko Concealed Card Addition
1960 40
Frederick Braue Braue Addition and Switch
1962 50
Al Leech Instant Addition packet flipped face-down onto left-hand pile, card added to its face and packet placed on table
1962 198
Dai Vernon Edgewise bottom card of deck changes
1962 57
Edward Marlo Tilt Addition "Eighteenth Effect", using Tilted Aces to add cards behind them
Inspired by 1962 25
James Steranko Display Sequence and Addition top cards turned over one by one and taken into right-hand end grip, card added with last shown card
1962 53
Al Leech Instant Addition packet flipped face-down onto left-hand pile, card added to its face
1965 36
Edward Marlo Further Handling for the Addition or Secret Card Ass - Addition Method I - From Face of Pack
1968 22
Edward Marlo Addition Method II - From Top of Pack
1968 23
Edward Marlo As An Addition Move
1968 29
Edward Marlo As an Addition Move
1968 33
Russell T. Barnhart Barnhardt Card Add On card perpendicular behind fan
Related toAlso published here 1968 33
Edward Marlo, Bill Simon As an Ace Addition
Inspired by 1968 35
Edward Marlo As a Card Addition
Related toVariations 1968 37
Eddie Fields Field's Add-On adding top card of the deck on top of a fan of five cards during squaring up of the fan
Related toAlso published here 1968 62
Edward Marlo Scoop-Up Addition
Related to 1969 138
Frederick Braue The Braue Addition
1970 28
Jerry K. Hartman Preliminaries general technical background and some credit info of top-of-deck, Braue-style add-on/switches, six contexts to add top card(s) to a packet, three methods to obtain initial break below card(s)
1970 1
Jerry K. Hartman Covered Break-Maker breakless add-on of multiple cards to a packet, deck is beveled and right second finger riffles top of deck below packet
1970 3
Jerry K. Hartman Flourish Count Add-On each card Flourish-Counted face down beneath packet after being peeling onto deck, “to avoid the unnatural action of tabling and retaking the deck or the rather cumbersome repositioning of the deck required by the standard methods”
1970 5
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Subtraction – Variation 2 similar to Variation 1, switch out first two Aces, next two Aces get left face up on deck after peeling them
1970 8
Harry Lorayne The Scoop Change tabled
1971 285
Roger Smith FC Ace Addition cards counted from deck onto table, then placed back on deck, cards added to top
1971 2
Edward Marlo Marlo Notes No. 425, addition without enough detail
1972 115
Karl Fulves Fan Addition
1973 30
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On Move
Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Edward Marlo Addition Move as kings are removed from deck
1973 5
Jerry K. Hartman Flourish Count Add-On
1973 18
Edward Marlo The Casual Addition Move Aces flipped face down on pack, cards secretly added on top
1974 159
Edward Marlo The Convincing Addition Move
Variations 1974 164
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Scoop-Up Addition/Switch with multiple cards
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Block Add-On block of cards added from top of deck to packet placed on top of deck
Related to 1974 28
Tenkai Ishida Addition single card is added from top of the deck, while card spread on table is gathered
1974 47
Edward Marlo Casual Card Add starting with face-up cards on pack
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Charles T. Jordan Addition & Switch cards from deck inserted in middle of packet in right hand, cumbersome
Also published here 1975 23
Charles T. Jordan Throw-Switch Addition
1975 30
Frederick Braue, Philip T. Goldstein Braue Add-On modified
1976 2
Jerry Andrus Heel Steal Addition angly
1976 44
Jerry Andrus Swing Shift
1976 45
Edward Marlo Ace Additions actually more switches
1977 107
Edward Marlo Marlo Pickup Move add card(s) to packet without palming from tabled deck, three methods
1977 177
Edward Marlo Scoop-Up Addition quintuple is used to scoop up cards,context
1977 291
Edward Marlo Tilt Scoop Up Addition double tilt is used to get into position
1977 296
Gene Maze Add-On Subtract
1977 292
1977 4
Addition and Switch simple
1977 100
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1977 10
Ken Krenzel The Panoramic Shift Add-On
1978 125
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On
Jan. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On
July 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On
1978 18
Jerry K. Hartman Flourish Count Add-On
1979 367
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On
1979 10
Trevor Lewis Add On Plus variation for the Braue Add-On
Oct. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 10)
1979 1
Frederick Braue, Philip T. Goldstein Braue Addition variation
1979 2
Al Leech Instant Addition packet flipped face-down onto left-hand pile, card added to its face
1979 56
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On no credit
1980 25
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On
1980 34
Frederick Braue Braue Addition and Switch
1981 1
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On no credit
1981 4
Frederick Braue Braue Addon
The Talon (Issue 7)
Edgar Peters The Paddle Wheel Add-On/Change
Apr. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Frederick Braue Brause Secret Add-On
1982 75
Edward Marlo, Harry Lorayne A Sweet Four-Card Change get into
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1982 150
Harry Lorayne Ultra Move also to add a card to small packet
1982 540
Harry Lorayne The Lorayne Double-Lift Breakthrough addition of a card to face up cards which briefly touch deck
1982 39
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
1983 48
Michael Skinner, Herb Zarrow Block Push-Off Technique Herb Zarrow's?
July 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Ross Bertram Scoop-Up Addition/Switch scooped up with left hand which holds deck
Related to 1983 122
David Britland Add On Finesse cards in step configuration
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo The Rising Add On using rising card technique
1984 188
Edward Marlo Tabled Add On
1984 189
Edward Marlo Drop Off Add On as aces are tossed on table
1984 195
Edward Marlo Single Cut Add On aces are tabled, deck cut and placed aside
1984 196
Edward Marlo On The Side-Jog Add On tip for add on on page page 183
1984 215
Warren Stephens One-Card Add-On from top of deck to bottom of tabled packet
Nov. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein, Frederick Braue Braue Addition variation
1984 5
Edward Marlo Braue Addition without credit
1984 89
Larry Jennings The L.J. Add-On
  • First Effect (Four Robbers Variation)
  • Second Effect (Ace Assembly)
Also published here 1985 97
Braue Secret Addition Variation
Arcane (Issue 13)
Bob Farmer To Add 1 Card, Subtract None PAT Switch variation
1985 420
Bob Farmer, Frederick Braue Braue Add-On Handling PAT Switch application
1985 421
T. Nelson Downs Downs Move
1985 15
Frederick Braue Braue Secret Addition ace switch context, some credit information
Related to 1985 26
Tenkai Ishida, Frederick Braue Tenkai Secret Add "Fred Braue Handling" (1936)
1985 12
Larry Jennings L.J. Insertion Addition Braue Add-On alternative
Related toVariations 1986 61
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1986 117
Roberto Giobbi, Frederick Braue Braue Addition Handling
1987 24
Darwin Ortiz Braue Secret Addition Handling
1988 20
Dai Vernon "Slow-Motion Four Aces" Add-On Move
1988 87
Card Add-On
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Hiroshi Sawa Scoop Add-On as cards a scooped up from table
Related toVariations 1988 64
Hiroshi Sawa Multiple Scoop Add-On with multiple cards, pulled to in-jogged position one-handed
Inspired by 1988 70
Herb Zarrow The Zarrow Block Addition Move
VariationsAlso published here 1989 30
Edward Marlo Scoop-Up Addition
July 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 7)
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1989 64
Edward Marlo Scoop-Up Addition
1989 2
Roger Curzon Drop Switch Variation
Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Roberto Giobbi Braue Addition Handling
May 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Justin Higham Subtle Square-Up Steal
Related toAlso published here 1989 13
Add-On Move
1989 63
Harry Lorayne In Or Out 4-Card Switch switch or addition
1990 135
Bill Simon Necktie Add-On
1990 45
David Solomon Deep Addition Move Deep Braue Addition
1990 3
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On
1990 26
Justin Higham Subtle Square-Up Steal
Also published here 1990
Inside Out (Issue Special No. 1)
John Carney Versa Switch as addition and later as switch
1991 12
Alex Elmsley Addition to Packet
1991 50
Jerry K. Hartman Secret Subtraction
  • Flourish Count Handling
  • Variations
  • Instant Sandwich
  • Dingle Handling
  • Applications
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 48
Edward Marlo Secret Card Add
1991 410
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Addition
1992 58
Edward Marlo Scoop-Up Addition
1992 258
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
1992 24
Frederick Braue, Jack Carpenter Braue Addition & Switch
1992 101
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
Nov. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan Throw-Switch Addition
Also published here 1992 64
Charles T. Jordan Addition & Switch cards from deck inserted in middle of packet in right hand, cumbersome
Also published here 1992 137
Ernest Earick Elevated Addition as packet is squared above pack
Variations 1993 30
シークレットアディション I (Secret Addition 1) Squaring up action
1993 69
Edward Marlo シークレットアディション II (Secret Addition 2) Seems to be just a Braue Addition, not sure why it is credited to Marlo
1993 70
シークレットアディション IV (Secret Addition 4) With push off multiple lift
1993 73
Edward Marlo Marlo's Spontaneous Add from packet to packet
  • Disregarding Angles
Related to Mar. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1994 213
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On with diagram
1994 86
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
Labyrinth (Issue 1)
Al Leech Leech Pick-up move
Labyrinth (Issue 2)
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition variation
Labyrinth (Issue 2)
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Addition Move
1995 104
The Secret Addition of Cards
1995 203
Frederick Braue The Braue Addition
1995 204
Frederick Braue Braue Add-On
1995 10
William Goodwin The Floating Add-On cards added to packet from top of deck, gives impression packet never came in direct contact with top of deck, see reference for technical correction and how to get into it and how to proceed after it
Related to 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 5)
Jerry K. Hartman Addition of Cards cards added from top of deck to bottom of packet, see p. 85 for added finesse
1995 84
Top-of-deck addition working from in-jog, no break
1995 109
Jerry K. Hartman, Al Leech Leech pick-up not credited to Leech, top card of deck loaded beneath packet as it is flipped face up on top and lifted away, see also p. 168 and p. 177
1995 164
Frederick Braue Braue Secret Addition
1995 169
Jerry K. Hartman, Derek Dingle Secret Subtraction – Dingle handling
Also published here 1995 195
Jerry K. Hartman Addition of cards to packet different grip than standard and a “no-contact” element to it
1995 196
Al Leech Instant Addition packet flipped face-down onto left-hand pile, card added to its face
1996 267
Edward Marlo Scoop Addition
1996 98
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
1997 42
Frederick Braue, Jack Carpenter Big Block Braue Addition
1997 87
Herb Zarrow, Ken Krenzel Block Addition Version
1997 143
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1997 64
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1997 67
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1997 306
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1997 60
Edward Marlo Scoop Addition
1997 107
David Solomon Deep Block Addition
1997 148
Eddie Fields Subtle Fan Add-On adding top card of the deck on top of a fan of five cards during squaring up of the fan
Also published here 1997 48
Frederick Braue Braue Addition Sequence
1998 67
René Lavand One-Hand Scoop Addition (Single Card) tabled card
1998 28
René Lavand One-Hand Scoop Addition (Multiple Cards)
1998 83
Russell T. Barnhart Barnhardt Card Add On card perpendicular behind fan
Also published here Jan. 1998
Onyx (Issue 2)
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Addition brief
1999 128
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
1999 21
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
1999 74
Herb Zarrow, David Regal Zarrow Addition Variant
1999 22
Edward Marlo Scoop Addition
Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Justin Higham Variations on Marlo's Underhanded Scoop Add adding card under a deck or packet, table edge, from deck
  • Underhanded Deck Add
  • Underhanded Covered Switch (packet switch except top card(s))
  • Underhanded Mid-Air Add
Inspired byRelated to 1999 53
Justin Higham Lengthwise Spread Addition
Also published here 1999 96
Al Leech Leech Pick-up move
Labyrinth (Issue 12)
In-Transit Steal packet steals card(s) from top of deck as it brushes over it
Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Fredric P. Lamazor FL Reverse Fan Steal "technique to steal one (or more) face down cards under an exhibited face up packet that resides on top of a face down deck"
1999 14
Karl Fulves A Non-Sleight Additive
2000 186
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2000 190
Edward Marlo Spontaneous Add
2001 18
Edward Marlo Spontaneous Add
2001 10
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
2001 106
Harry Lorayne The Lorayne Secret Addition Braue Addition Variation
2001 281
Frederick Braue Braue add-on Switch
2002 144
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Addition
2002 204
William Goodwin The Floating Add-On
July/Aug. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 2)
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo Scoop-up Addition uncredited
2002 175
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
2002 230
Frederick Braue, Roberto Giobbi Braue Addition Handling brief
2003 1166
Karl Fulves Flexible Addition
  • Adaptive Addition
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 9)
Al Leech Instant Addition packet flipped face-down onto left-hand pile, card added to its face and packet placed on table
2003 70
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
Also published here Jan. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 5)
Multiple Add-On and Switch
  • Adding a Card
  • Switching a Card
  • Switching Several Cards
2004 40
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2004 103
Al Leech Instant Addition packet flipped face-down onto left-hand pile, card added to its face
2004 113
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2005 49
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2006 93
Edward Marlo Cop-and-Transfer Move "Spontaneous Add"
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Edward Marlo Count Cop & Transfer
2006 49
Edward Marlo Count Cop and Transfer
Also published here 2006 23
Harry Lorayne The Lorayne Secret Add-On described with three cards added
2007 148
Harry Lorayne The Lorayne Secret Add-On described with one card
2007 249
Herb Zarrow, Jack Parker Sloppy Zarrow Addition
2007 155
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2007 194
In-Transit Steal packet steals card(s) from top of deck as it brushes over it
2007 104
Al Leech Leech Pick-up move brief, also see p. 164
2007 141
Al Leech Leech Pick-up move brief, also see p. 141
2007 164
Frederick Braue Braue Addition brief
2007 322
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition uncredited, also see p. 5
2007 2
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition uncredited, also see p. 2
2007 5
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
Related to 2008 251
Edward Marlo Secret Card Add
Related to 2009 10
Frederick Braue Braue Addition brief
2009 40
David Williamson Throw-Switch Addition underneath fanned cards
Oct. 2010
Gambit (Issue 2)
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
2011 49
Allan Ackerman The Oops Addition cards face-up on table are picked up, card(s) left behind at first, addition, partial or full packet switch
Related toAlso published here 2012 11
Allan Ackerman The Cliff Green Add-on stepped card on top of deck pushed together with right thumb
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 27
Frederick Braue The Braue Add-on
2012 3
Justin Higham Disguised Braue Addition
2012 7
Herb Zarrow, Tony Chang Outjogged Zarrow Block Addition
2013 22
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2014 29
Frederick Braue Braue Addition no credit
2014 36
Arturo de Ascanio, Gabi Pareras A) Cluebreo por Pelaje Ascanio Spread variation, pealing, followed by addition / switch of two out of four cards
2014 48
John Carney B) Metodo del Libro versa switch, no credit
2014 53
Al Leech Add-On Move
2014 36
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
2014 50
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2015 9
Herb Zarrow Block Addition brief
2016 34
Edward Marlo Secret Card Add
2016 33
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
2016 3
Jack Carpenter Le Temps Style Add-On
2017 57
Al Leech Leech Pick-Up Move
2017 61
Xiaobo Zhou Screw You Addition similar to Versa Switch, add cards secretly to packet on table while scooping it up with deck
Related to 2018 39
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
2018 70
Vic Trabucco Zarrow Block Addition Addition variation
2018 169
Harry Lorayne A Sweet 4-Card Change
Also published here 2018 78
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition see reference (the second variation of the original technique, p. 34), also see p. 71 for a subtle variation of the original technique
Also published here 2018 65
Allan Ackerman The Oops Addition cards face-up on table are picked up, card(s) left behind at first, addition, partial or full packet switch
2019 24
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
2019 41
Herb Zarrow, Yves Carbonnier Zarrow Block Addition variation, to get a break
2019 56
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Addition with packet
2019 40
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
2019 75
Al Leech Instant Addition
2019 172