217 entries in Cards / Sleights / Palming / Gambler's Cop / Left Hand
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das Kartenstehlen - III. Methode "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
Jan. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Dai Vernon The Gambler's Palm
Stars of Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Paul LePaul A Bottom-Card Steal
1949 58
Paul LePaul, Dr. Jacob Daley Bottom Card Steal as a Switch gambler's cop as a switch using a double
1949 156
Paul LePaul A Transfer Palm reverse from reference
Related to Nov. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 332)
Edward Marlo The Shuffle Palm overhand shuffle, originally top Cards
Related toVariations 1956 1
Edward Marlo Count Cop for Left Hand
1956 14
Edward Marlo Take Techniques for Action Palm Overhand Shuffle Cover, two Methods
1956 31
Edward Marlo Square Up Drop Palm two Cards to Pocket
1956 33
Edward Marlo Drop Cut Palm Triple Cut Cover
1956 34
Edward Marlo The Insertion Steals from center
Variations 1957 40
Edward Marlo Direct Rear Palm as top card is placed openly to bottom
Related to 1957 31
Edward Marlo Direct Rear Palm - Multiple Cards
1957 32
Gambler's Cop of double card
1958 14
Charles Aste Jr. Coffin Cop hand with copped card is brought to mouth for coughing as cover
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Dai Vernon Second Gambler's Palm described for single card, with new replacement
1961 42
Edward Marlo The Master Position on the Master position, which is: card(s) secretly in-jogged for most of their length (see fig. 7) or less (see fig. 42), after a diagonal insertion, applications:
  • to Rear Palm
  • to the bottom of the deck (five methods)
Inspired by 1961
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Charles Aste Jr. Cop Cover copped card is bent, corrected from Hugard's Magic Monthly write-up
Related to
  • write-up in Hugard's Magic Monthly
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Jerry Andrus Sleeving To Get Rid Of Extra Cards cards copped off small packet and ditched in sleeve of same hand
1961 16
Gambler's Cop
1962 257
Edward Marlo Bluff Shift and Palm Off Tilt to bottom and cop or palm "Side-Squaring Palm"
1962 5
Gambler's Cop
1967 47
Edward Marlo One Hand Cop here bottom card of double is palmed
1970 121
The Gambler's Palm
1970 128
Gambler's Cop brief
1971 29
Gambler's Cop brief
Aug. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Cop Lap
1973 24
Jerry Mentzer MPT - Palm "multiple push through", copping out injogged card
1973 17
Martin A. Nash Gambler's Cop with table edge transfer kind of Tenkai position at table edge
1975 90
Harry Lorayne The HaLo Cut Cop action cop
1975 47
Harry Lorayne The Spread Cop card touched and displayed is copped
Inspired by 1975 49
Larry Jennings Bottom Placement also into gambler's palm
Also published here 1975
Epilogue (Issue Special No 3 (Part 1))
Edward Marlo The Spread and Palm in-the-hands spread, two methods
Inspired by 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Gambler's Palm one of two cards
1975 90
Gambler's Palm
1976 11
Jerry Andrus Heel Steal from top to kind of gambler's cop
1976 44
Harvey Rosenthal Left Hand Bottom Cop Outjogged Placement Control with cop, see Notes 2./3. on p. 168
1977 158
Gambler's or Square-Up Cop from packet
1977 30
Empalme a lo Tahur Gambler's Cop
1977 68
Harry Lorayne Gambler's Cop from small packet
1978 171
Ken Krenzel The Squeeze Steal
Related to 1978 189
Edward Marlo Bottom Cop from small packet, as Ambitious Classic sequence
1978 44
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut Cop
1979 187
Tony Slydini Instantaneous Cop
1979 28
Edward Marlo Double Undercut Palm - First Method
1980 67
Edward Marlo Double Undercut Palm - Second Method
1980 68
1980 30
Gambler's Cop
1982 66
Edward Marlo Covered Cop small packet
1982 13
Gambler's Cop table edge cover
July 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Ross Bertram A Top Palm (method #1) from top to left hand cop
1983 129
Ross Bertram A Top Palm (method #2) from top to left hand cop
1983 130
Ross Bertram A Bottom Palm
1983 132
Ross Bertram To Palm a Card from the Middle of the Deck into left hand cop
1983 133
Edward Marlo As a Rear Clip Palm bottom, left hand
1984 137
Edward Marlo Marlo's Cop from bottom into left hand rear clip palm
1984 160
Martin A. Nash Disarming Hide-Out fanning deck while cards are in Gambler's Cop
1984 48
Martin A. Nash Disarming Hide-Out fanning deck while cards are in Gambler's Cop
Jan. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut Cop here to first cop then lap the card
1985 115
Eric DeCamps Bottom Card Cop different cop palm position
1985 11
One-Handed Cop of Top Card as deck is set down
1985 16
Larry Jennings Gambler's Cop
1986 34
David Regal Gambler's Cop
1987 17
John C. Wagner Thoughts on the Gambler's Cop
1987 29
Direct Cop card placed directly into cop
1987 36
Dai Vernon Palming Position
1988 174
Edward Marlo From a Gambler's Cop loading into side-coat pocket
1988 32
Larry Jennings Gambler's Cop management to cop off the bottom card of a double
1988 11
Edward Marlo The Shuffle Palm original top cards
1988 85
Larry Jennings Tip on Gambler's Cop for better angles
1988 88
Larry Jennings Gambler's Cop Display management for cop, showing apparently empty hand
1988 156
Larry Jennings Bottom Placement Kelly/Ovette alternative, also directly into left cop or right palm position
Also published here 1988 159
Edward Marlo Moveless Card Cop from small packet fan, left rear clip palm
Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Autopalm three Aces, one chosen and all three put in deck, deck cut at other two Aces, chosen one is palmed and produced from anywhere
Related to 1989 38
Karl Fulves Card from Case Removal handling from left cop position
1989 40
Gerd Winkler Zufallspalmage a bit like Tenkai center steal into cop position
1989 69
Harry Lorayne Double Edged bottom card either in right hand classic palm or left hand cop, fan cover
1990 115
Wesley James The Drop Cop Switch packet in left hand turned over with deck in right hand and switched
1990 54
Edward Marlo Direct Rear Palm card placed directly in palm
1990 187
Gambler's Cop
1990 12
Chris Power Card under Case Load from gambler's cop
1990 6
Chris Power Das Fächerstehlen "Von oben und aus der Mitte"
fan steal, top card or glimpsed card in center is stolen directly into left-hand cop
1990 22
John Carney Full Deck Cop
1991 22
Cop from Double copping bottom card from double
1991 48
Cop from Double copping bottom card from double
1991 72
Edward Marlo Gambler's Cop to Pocket finesse for removing copped card from trouser pocket, only thumb and first finger enter pocket
May 1991 1
Edward Marlo Direct Rear Palm Steal
May 1991 9
Karrell Fox The Injog Palm injogged card copped from center when deck is removed
1991 33
Vanni Bossi Gambler's Rest Grip of One or More Cards stealing top card(s) into left hand from small packet as it is removed with right hand
Also published here 1991 12
Charles Aste Jr., Undercover Cop cop position and transition at table edge
Related to 1992 88
Dai Vernon, Edward Marlo, Charles Aste Jr. Cop Grips different positions, Deep Cop
1992 90
(Out)Standing Cop cop position
1992 92
Jack Carpenter Notes on the Gambler's Cop
1992 75
Gambler's Palm
1992 61
Transfer Cop
1992 6
Justin Higham Cut Cop
Mar. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 1)
Steve Draun, Edward Marlo The Depth-Illusion Palm directly into gambler's cop or full palm
Related to 1993 46
Steve Draun Swing-Cut Action Palm
1993 53
Steve Draun Gambler's Cop
1993 119
Gambler's Cop stealing card from a double
1993 12
Gambler's Cop brief
Apr. 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
ギャンブラーズボトムパーム (Gambler's Bottom Palm) Gambler's Cop
1993 52
John Scarne Palm Transfer with Deck card in right hand classic palm replaced injogged and then retained Lowe-style in left hand cop as deck is transferred
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Gambler's Cop stealing card from a double
Apr. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Larry Jennings Gambler's Cop Handling
Aug. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Vicente Canuto 3.- Empalme de Tahúr Para la Carta Debajo en la Mano Izquierda gambler's palm / cop
1993 278
Gambler's Cop position
1994 4
John Scarne Ovette Master Move Cop directly into cop position
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Rear Clip Palm deeper cop position, see also p. 166
1994 156
Thumb Clip and Table Edge Hold-Out card copped and held at table edge with thumb
June 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Darwin Ortiz Gambler's Cop
1995 95
Gambler's Cop
1995 9
Edward Marlo Cop at End of Deal packet dealt onto table one by one, last card copped
1995 117
Edward Marlo Unloading Techniques lapping sandwiched card, or deep cop, five methods
1995 233
Card Cop at Table Edge brief
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
James Swain Bluff Control Palm Swain Bluff Control followed by copping the cards
1996 105
Gambler's Cop
1996 102
Larry Jennings Gambler's Cop
1997 74
Larry Jennings Sleeving a Card from left cop into right sleeve to show both hands empty
1997 173
Gambler's Cop
1997 29
Deck Cop
1997 29
Gambler's Cop brief
1997 29
Larry Jennings, Roberto Giobbi A Sure Bet magician finds wrong card which then changes into spectator's choice
VariationsAlso published here 1998 565
The Gambler's Cop
1998 707
Roberto Giobbi, Fred Kaps Management Strategies for the Gambler's Cop
  • Seated at the Table
  • Standing
  • Replacing Card in Gambler's Cop Under the Deck
1998 709
Dai Vernon The Transfer Palm
Related to 1998 710
Cop Unload into pocket
1998 37
Jack Avis Swing Cut Bottom Palm into cop, HaLo Cut type action
1998 30
Ellis Stanyon Palming the Bottom Card Across the Left Hand No. 9
Variations 1999 242
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details of handling, also for reverse
Inspired by 1999 242
Steve Silverman Card reversal deck is fanned face out and turned over onto bottom cards
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Gambler's Cop
2000 9
Cop Replacement brief
2000 10
Barry Price Price's Top Cop from top of deck
Also published here 2000 11
Baltazar Fuentes Kick Kut Kop swing cut palm, into kind of perpendicular cop position
Inspired by 2000 8
Simon Lovell Copthinks
2000 100
Barry Price An Easy Faro Palm
2000 17
Barry Price Price's Top Cop from top of deck
Also published here 2000 24
Barry Price Clip Palm Change card comes in via clip palm, and out via cop
2000 44
Barry Price Hofzinser Change Cop Steal doing Hofzinser Change action with a double
2000 65
Gambler's Cop
2001 355
Harry Lorayne Down And Dirty convincing control into cop (called "Rear Palm" here), to pocket application, two handlings
2001 427
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut Cop
2001 439
Harry Lorayne Optically Controlled illogical cut control, showing that card is not on top and bottom, with Convincing Control addition and pocket finale
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 463
Thomas Baxter The Basic Cop Position
2002 4
Thomas Baxter, Edward Marlo The Action Cop overhand shuffle action
Inspired by 2002 8
Thomas Baxter The Spread Cull Cop palming out a culled card
2002 16
Thomas Baxter Under-Cover Cop "An Added Acquitment", fan to cover copped card
2002 18
Thomas Baxter The Fan Cop
2002 21
Thomas Baxter The BC Cop (Baxter Count Cop), cop from small packet as it is counted, used to vanish card in 3 Card Monte
2002 24
John Carney The Carney Cop steal from center
2002 76
Peter Gröning Center Action Cop a card is out-jogged and a block from the center put in gambler's cop position
2002 28
R. Paul Wilson Gamblers Cop variation into left-hand gambler's cop
Inspired by 2003 ca. 14
Wesley James The Fake-Take Dribble Force deck dribbled on table, copped card added to bottom of right packet
2004 111
Ron Bauer Gambler's Palm direct
2004 14
Daryl Martinez, Bill Simon Daryl-Simon Convincing Control card ends in cop position
Also published here 2004 5
Gambler's Cop
2005 10
Fred Robinson, Barrie Richardson Center Cop card from center into left cop
Related to 2005 212
Daryl Martinez Convincing Control into Gambler's Cop
Mar. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 3)
Gambler's Cop of entire deck
2007 54
Karl Fulves Undercover Cop stealing bottom card into copped position beneath out-jogged card as it is stripped out
"a Karl Fulves idea"
2007 301
Ken Schwabe Skinning the Fan top card into cop, earlier version is in Bingham's "Cardboard Capers"
2009 49
Ken Krenzel, Ken Schwabe Skinning the Fan Variation bottom card(s) into cop
2009 52
Ken Krenzel The Clip Slip from center into left hand, thumb clip position, see also John Carney's handling (Secrets)
2009 90
Justin Higham Gambler's Cop Applications combined with Illogical Dribble Force
Related to 2009 29
Arie Vilner Packet Cop from small packet that has an out-jogged card
2009 51
Larry Jennings Cop from Double
Apr. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 4)
Marc DeSouza Tipping the Sleight Fantastic thumb slide directly into cop position
Inspired by 2010 51
Daryl Martinez, Bill Simon Daryl-Simon Convincing Control card ends in cop position
Also published here 2011 173
Tom Gagnon Cop without a Beat copping card after Versatile Spread Control
2011 128
Barrie Richardson Slippery Jack's Side Steal card from center into left cop, application for card through rubber banded deck
Related toAlso published here
  • The Magician, Mar. 2005
2011 219
Gabi Pareras Empalme del tahúr por culebreo palming card during Ascanio Spread action
2012 106
Gambler's Cop & Lap
2013 147
Gambler's Cop
2013 52
Lance Caffrey Bottom Cop No. 3, three methods
2013 105
Lance Caffrey One Card Cop No. 4
2013 105
Daniel Madison Centre Cop Placing a card from the center of the deck into left hand Gambler's Cop in the action of cutting the deck
2014 27
Roberto Giobbi Gambler's Cop Actus Interruptus application
May 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 5)
Deck Cop
2015 17
Edo Huang TG Murphy Deck Cop originally top card(s) to gambler's cop after deck flip flourish
2015 27
Edo Huang Overhand Cop overhand shuffle action cop
Related to 2015 41
Edward Marlo, Alexander Hansford Convincing Control to Deep Cop
2016 25
Vanni Bossi Stolen Goods stealing top card(s) into left hand from small packet as it is removed with right hand, cop or bent cop
Related toAlso published here 2016 60
Roberto Giobbi Cop Force dribble force, force card starts in cop position
Also published here 2016
Hidden Agenda (Issue Oct 3)
Small Packet Cop
2018 137
Dani DaOrtiz Cop Handling during cut from hand to table
2018 25
Gambler's Cop table edge cover during hold-out
2018 185
Edward Marlo Direct Cop for quick repeat card to pocket
2018 16
Harry Lorayne Optically Controlled llogical cut control, showing that card is not on top and bottom, with Convincing Control addition and pocket finale
Also published here 2018 46
Harry Lorayne HaLo Cut Cop
2018 197
Harry Lorayne Keep Your Eye On It card copped out during convincing control type action
Related to 2018 199
Gambler's cop bottom card of packet set directly into position
2018 268
Jeremiah Zuo Display Cop Choreography copping a card while showing three cards
2019 46
Tom Gagnon Cops Without a Beat cop after Gagnon ribbon spread control
2019 280
Tom Gagnon Gambler's Cop Replacement slight in-the-hands back-and-forth spread
2019 325
Steve Forte pitch holdout from packet which is pitched onto table
2020 534
Steve Forte Gamblers' Cop overhand shuffle cover
2020 578
Steve Forte gamblers' cop
2020 583
Steve Forte direct transfer cap left-hand cop or thumb clip to top of tabled deck via right-hand end grip transfer
2020 592
Steve Forte Overhand Action Cop
2020 1012
Edward Marlo Cop and Transfer
Output (Issue 11)
Gambler's Cop brief
2020 287
Larry Jennings Bottom Placement also into gambler's palm
Also published here 2020 401
Alexander Hansford Tenkai Palm Variation into angly perpendicular cop position from center, overhand shuffle while holding card out
Inspired by 2021 177
Thumb Clip Steal bottom card of double
2022 43
Gambler's cop from bottom of deck and added to bottom of card case
2022 76
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Gambler’s cop including finessed addition of copped card to bottom of packet placed onto it
2022 100
Thumb Clip Steal bottom card of double
2023 94
Pedro Lacerda Cop Vanish
2023 218
David Regal One-Hand Cop Get-Ready
June 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 6)
David Regal One-Handed Injog of bottom card with deck in dealing position
Oct. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 10)
Roberto Giobbi Dribble Force with Gambler's Cop dribble force, force card starts in cop position
Also published here 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Mar 28)
Roberto Giobbi Gambler's Cop - Ruses and Details of Handling see following items
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Apr 18)
Look Ma, No Palm! gripping and taking away the deck with the right hand at a corner
Also published here
  • Ponsin, 1853
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Apr 18)
Martin A. Nash Two-handed Fan Palm - To Palm Bottom Card of Deck
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Apr 18)
Roberto Giobbi Spin-Cut Action Palm
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Apr 18)
Roberto Giobbi Gambler's Cop - One More: The Two-handed Fan Cop
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Apr 19)