387 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Rubber Band & Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die Kartenbrücke long spread between hands that defies gravity, hidden rubber thread
Related to 1896 72
Der magnetische Zauberstab selected card jumps out of deck
1896 215
Die dressierte Karte card rises or jumps out of envelope
1896 216
The Bridge of Cards long spread between hands, elastic underneath
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1897 170
Die Kartenbrücke No. 3, deck spread out between hands about fifty cm, stays suspended, secret rubber band/thread set-up
1900 65
Jumping Card from Deck card sleeve with rubber band in deck, rubber band locked until needed, then card jumps out
June 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Charles T. Jordan The Escape No. 12, card travels from rubber-banded half to other half, cards are secretly propelled to other half
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 42
Charles T. Jordan The Pack that Cuts Itself No. 19, rubber-banded deck cuts itself at selection, duplicate
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 56
Charles T. Jordan The Impossible Journey No. 20, selection comes to top in rubber-banded deck, executing classic pass with rubber banded deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 58
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary No. 2, deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1920 5
T. Nelson Downs The Downs' Hinge Shift actually apparently just a cut, also as slip cut with left thumb and with rubber banded deck
Also published here 1920 8
Louis Haley The Straight-Jacket Reversed Card No. 3, selection pushed into rubber-banded deck turns over
Also published here 1920 8
Charles T. Jordan The Triple Escape No. 4, deck with selection is rubber-banded cross-wise, cased, rubber banded again and sealed in envelope, yet selection is produced from elsewhere
Also published here 1920 10
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Sie spottet der Fessel. No. 5
  • 1. Der Kartenflüchtling (Ace vanishes from deck and appears inside envelope, pip covered by black Aces so Ace of Hearts poses as Diamonds)
  • 2. Die Karte als Ausbrecher (deck is encircled with rubber band, bottom card vanishes under handkerchief and appears in spectator's pocket)
1926 21
Another Version of "The Burglars", two duplicates and rubber bands
1933 13
T. Page Wright Rubber band top card of banded deck shown, a few cards dealt off, same card shown on top
Related to 1933 10
The Cops Get Their Man black Kings reverse, they are encircled with rubber band, selection appears between banded Kings
1934 62
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant An Easy Color Change face card of rubber-banded deck changes, pass
1935 34
The Reverse "Count-Down" Trick faced deck, banded deck
1937 171
Theodore Annemann, Thirteen of Magic Authentical rubber banded deck stands on edge during rise
Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 73)
Eddie Joseph The Popinjay rubber banded deck tossed up and selection shoots out halfway, repeated with other selections
1942 67
Eddie Joseph The Revolution rubber banded deck, card removed and put back, then it shoots out at right angle as in Impromptu Haunted Deck
Related to 1942 83
Eddie Joseph Two Old Horses in New Harness "Cards to Pocket", using rubber band around wrist to hold cards
1942 90
James G. Thompson Jr. XX one of four cards is selected and packet wrapped with a rubber band, medium divines card
May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 151)
Hen Fetsch Band-It Card selection is lost in the deck and encircled with two rubber bands, deck is placed behind back and when shown again selection is on face of the still encircled deck
1949 1
Hen Fetsch Band-It Card Cache same effect as Band-It Card, more rubber bands and clean at the end
1949 3
Hen Fetsch Band-It Card Escape removing selection from deck, encircled with rubber bands
1949 6
Phil Thomas Band-It Card Undercover card is removed from deck under handkerchief held by spectator, deck encircled with rubber bands
1949 7
Jerry Andrus A Mystery with Rubber Bands center steal from cross-wise rubber-banded deck into left hand
1957 5
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Prison Card in Box cards in card case secured with rubber bands, card visible through window cut from card case changes into selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Jerry Andrus Sleeving As You Fasten The Deck With Rubber Bands with rubber band, with effect in which a card travels from banded deck to between two file cards on the table
Related to 1961 13
Nick Trost Band-It
Apr. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 368)
Robert Parrish Magician vs Pickpocket signed card in deck, deck rubber banded, wrapped in newspaper and put in spectator's pocket, performer reaches in and removes signed card, see p. 874 for vague Charles Jordan credit
Related to June 1967 101
Marconick The Jumping Card deck wrapped with rubber band and held with bulldog clip, selection shoots out
Also published here 1967 18
Jack Avis Houdini Card deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief, p. 241 for further reference, p. 246 for idea by Harrison Beale
VariationsAlso published here Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Eddie Joseph Borrowed Sight peeked card is divined three times, last time with rubber banded deck
Related to 1969 25
Eddie Joseph Step Peek also with rubber banded deck
1969 26
Eddie Joseph Trapped in Space rubber banded deck, spectator peeks at card, banded deck tossed up and selection pulled out
1969 29
Eddie Joseph The Critical Thrust skewer pushed into deck that has four rubber bands around it, card there remembered by spectator, skewer removed, performer stabs skewer next to selection, flashy reveal
1969 42
Clark Wirthlin Snap card jumps from deck encircled with a rubber band, cut and twist
Magick (Issue 1)
Takashima Challenge Change deck encircled with two big rubber bands, face card changes to selection and vanishes again, gaff with fake rubber band parts
Magick (Issue 1)
Marconick The Jumping Card deck wrapped with rubber band and held with bulldog clip, selection shoots out
Also published here 1970 12
Val Andrews Snap! No. 11, word gag
1970 (ca.) 6
Jay Ose, Frank Garcia Shoot-Out Poker Royal Flush shoots out of the deck, secret rubber band
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1972 84
Eddie Joseph The Revolution rubber band around deck, selection is pushed out
1972 96
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces
Also published here 1972 131
Roterberg Bridge Of Cards No. 693, long spread between hands, elastic underneath
Also published here 1972 187
Harry Lorayne Two Rubber-Band Ideas (that I don't know what to do with!) magically (?) removing a card from a banded deck & lapping move as rubber band is removed
1973 144
Charles T. Jordan Elasticity card inserted in middle of banded deck, deck tossed in air, selection appears at face
Also published here Oct. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Stabbing Effect banded deck, joker apparently tossed between selections
Jan. 1974 703
Bert Fenn, Karl Fulves, Joseph K. Schmidt Impromptu Haunted Deck rubber band around deck, deck pivots and card sticks out
  • Bert Fenn
  • Schmidt & Fulves
see also p. 780 for comment by Joseph K. Schmidt
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1974 704
Philip T. Goldstein Impromptu Haunted Deck Version
Inspired by Dec. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Double Crosstrick two cards selected from rubber-banded red packet travel to rubber-banded black packet
Related to 1974 51
Karl Fulves Like A Bandit gaffed card with rubber band around its length, used to steal/drag card along secretly
1975 58
Karl Fulves Snap Out Aces two rubber banded halves rubbed, Aces snap out one by one and are caught between packets
1975 179
Karl Fulves Not Even Houdini card inserted in banded deck penetrates it and drops to table
1975 182
Karl Fulves Banded Deck Problems
  • Jump In (rubber band around case penetrates inside around chosen card)
  • Puzzling Passage (card inserted in banded deck through rubber band)
  • Hooked (after previous trick card is pulled out again with band only around card)
Related toVariations 1975 184
Jerry K. Hartman Shootout Rubberbanded deck shoots out selected card
Inspired by 1975 5
Charles T. Jordan The Escape card travels from rubber-banded half to other half, cards are secretly propelled to other half
Related toAlso published here 1975 14
Charles T. Jordan Elasticity card inserted in middle of banded deck, deck tossed in air, selection appears at face
Also published here 1975 54
Charles T. Jordan The Flight Magical chosen card is lost in rubber-banded packet, rest dealt into pile, chosen card travels from banded packet into a chosen pile
Also published here
  • marketed 1919
1975 62
Charles T. Jordan Elastic Transfer cards secretly shoot from rubber-banded packet to packet in other hand
Related to 1975 63
Charles T. Jordan The Pack That Cuts Itself rubber-banded deck cuts itself at selection, duplicate
Also published here 1975 72
Charles T. Jordan The Impossible Journey selection comes to top in rubber-banded deck, executing classic pass with rubber banded deck
Also published here 1975 73
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1975 77
T. Nelson Downs The Downs' Hinge Shift actually apparently just a cut, also as slip cut with left thumb and with rubber banded deck, see p. 74 for credit information
Related toAlso published here 1975 78
Louis Haley The Straight-Jacket Reversed Card selection pushed into rubber-banded deck turns over (here apparently credited to Charles T. Jordan?!)
Also published here 1975 79
Charles T. Jordan The Triple Escape deck with selection is rubber-banded cross-wise, cased, rubber banded again and sealed in envelope, yet selection is produced from elsewhere
Also published here 1975 79
Jerry Andrus The Banded Injog injog with rubberband
1976 24
Jerry Andrus Bandit LFX with rubber band
1976 33
Jerry Andrus The "Banded" Panoramic Shift with rubber band
1976 36
Jerry Andrus Banded Twivot with rubber band
1976 37
Jerry Andrus Sleeving with Banded Deck with rubber band
Related to 1976 39
Jerry Andrus De-Sleevery (Retrieving from the Sleeve) loading a card form sleeve between two card, which are hold together with a rubber band
Related to 1976 39
Jerry Andrus More Bandit Sleevery rubber band crossed
1976 40
Jerry Andrus Bandit Sleeving Variations
1976 40
Jerry Andrus Bandit Sleevery No. 2
1976 41
Jerry Andrus Rubber Band and File Card Variation file card folded around card to be sleeved
1976 41
Jerry Andrus Banded Shuffle overhand shuffle with rubber band
1976 58
Jerry Andrus Banded Cut cutting the deck with rubber band around
1976 58
Jerry Andrus Banded Shuffle No. 2 riffle shuffle with rubber band
1976 58
Jerry Andrus Bandit Hindu Shuffle hindu shuffle with rubber band
1976 58
Jerry Andrus Banditry stealing card from deck, double banded
1976 61
Jerry Andrus A Double Barreled Bandit two selection transpose to other half, with rubber bands
1976 61
Jerry Andrus Wind Up two selection transpose to other half, with rubber bands
1976 62
Karrell Fox Bullseye Card Trick shot on deck, selection flies out, bullet hole through selection, "Sure-Shot"
  • The Second Version (a lipstick lip print appears on card)
1976 155
Stephen Minch Anthropophagic Jacks Jack put on card, card becomes blank with bone picture, more cards become blank between two Jacks, rubber-banded Three become miniature card, card with fly picture vanishes, Jacks transform in flap card case, partial rough-smooth
1977 11
Karl Fulves Flash Aces spectator shuffles deck an snaps rubber band around it, four Aces jump out
Inspired byVariations 1977 74
Paul Harris Stretch rubber banded deck, top card pulled through and penetrates rubber band
Variations 1979 148
Father Cyprian, Karl Fulves Jump Shot banded deck, first rubber band jumps around half the deck, then around single selection, progressive
Related toVariations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 16)
Karl Fulves Rubber Band Problem inserting a packet in card case and removing it with rubber band around, posed as problem
The Chronicles (Issue 16)
Snap rubber band around card, card penetrates and is now around next card, "Pixel" precursor
1979 15
U. F. Grant Elastic-Scape two halves encircled with rubber bands, selection placed between those halves, vanishes, then jumps out
VariationsAlso published here
  • "The Encyclopedia of U. F. Grant Magic"
1979 21
The Deck that Cuts Itself - Al Baker strange Al Baker credit
Related to 1979 23
Criss-Cross deck wrapped both ways with rubber band, thrown to other hand, selection remains in hand
1979 24
Beadazzled bead on long rubber band, held stretched next to card spread, moves and stops at selection
1979 26
Instant Transformation face card of deck changes when rubber banded deck is thrown in air
1979 32
Marconick La carte sauteuse deck wrapped with rubber band and held with bulldog clip, selection shoots out
Also published here 1979 27
Jerry K. Hartman Band in Boston card jumps from one rubber banded packet to another
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Karl Fulves Boston Notes more ideas for the rubber band ideas
Inspired by 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Karl Fulves Other Applications
Inspired byRelated to 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Karl Fulves Back Bay Blues two rubber banded sandwiches, the sandwich cards themselves transpose
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Karl Fulves Impromptu Haunted Deck Presentation
Inspired by 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
John F. Mendoza S-T-R-E-T-C-H Stretched
  • The Startling Appearance of Two Selected Cards
  • Color Change
Inspired by 1980 36
Paul Harris The Inner Circle rubber banded deck, band vanishes and encircles selection which is removed, suddenly it vanishes form selection and is back around the rest of the deck
Variations 1980 1
Howard A. Adams Encircled ESP cards divided in two piles, two spectator select a card each and turn them over in the pile, performer stabs a card next to the selection behind his back, packets encircled with rubber band
OICUFESP (Issue 4 - esp card & mental miracles RETURN)
Edward Marlo Banded: That's Impossible!
  • First Effect: face card on banded deck changes
  • Second Effect: top and bottom card of banded deck change, a center card turns over
  • Third Effect: face card of banded deck changes
  • Fourth Effect (An Ambitious Bit): card comes to top in banded deck
  • Emphasizing the Difference: card peeked at in banded deck turns over
Related to 1981 85
Edward Marlo Bonus Effect card on tabled banded deck changes
Inspired by 1981 7
Don England Snaparoon face card of tabled and rubber-banded deck changes, tosheroon
Variations 1981 12
Karl Fulves Shoot Out deck is wrapped with a rubber band, deck dropped on the table and the four aces shoot out
1981 38
Stephen Tucker Banned one card penetrates encircled deck, see also p. 269 for additional ideas by Bill Worsley
Inspired byAlso published here June 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Stephen Tucker T & R idea for Banned, card is pulled through rubber band, two halves fuse back to one card
June 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Al Mann The Self Cutting Deck with twisted rubber-band, also as a force
Inspired by 1982 6
Jay Sankey Pyramid banded deck is transformed in pyramid shape, including (mediocre) applications
Related toVariations Jan./Feb. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 5 & 6)
John Carney Rubber Detective rubber band visually disappears to find selection in middle
Apr. 1983 67
Jon Racherbaumer Automatic Pyramid
Inspired by Apr. 1983 72
Jay Sankey Temporal Elasticity signed rubberband disappears from deck and reappears around wrist watch
Aug. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Eddie Taytelbaum, Stephen Tucker Flash of Light collection of ideas
  • for the rising card, two cards rise aligned (Taytelbaum)
  • card changes while removing rubber band from wrist (Taytelbaum)
  • Miracle Aces, to produce a Full House (Tucker)
  • rope restoration with flash paper (Tucker)
  • rope vanish idea (Tucker)
Inspired by Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Michael Weber Upward Mobility card rises, then card rises through rubber band of banded deck and stops halfway with band through center of card
Also published here 1984 8
Steve Beam Ideas with a Rubberbanded Deck
1984 84
Bandit Aces No. 78, named Ace penetrates rubber banded deck
1984 117
Jack Avis Houdini Card No. 79, deck sealed with crossed rubber bands, yet selection extracted underneath handkerchief
Also published here 1984 118
Karl Fulves Eyewitness No. 87, bottom card of rubber banded deck shown to four spectators and removed, they change to Aces
1984 132
Ben Harris More Pyramid banded deck is transformed in pyramid shape in spectator's hands, with revelation of card
Inspired byVariations 1985 103
Ben Harris No Crimp Pyramid banded deck is transformed in pyramid shape in spectator's hands, with revelation of card
Inspired by 1985 106
Ben Harris Pyramid Cards No. 1, banded deck is transformed in pyramid shape, as simple revelation
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1985 1
Francis Carlyle The Houdini Card deck is wrapped with a rubber band in both directions, selection is pulled out
1985 ca. 7
Bernard Bilis Too Much Is Two Much! two selections, rubber band around deck, face transforms into first selection, rubber band disappears, reappears around second selection
June 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 6)
Carl Mellish Banded - Or Not
Oct. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Jay Sankey Elastic Infiltration rubber band around card case is initialed, vanishes and reappears inside case around deck
Related toVariations 1986 11
Jay Sankey Please Don't Feed the Playing Cards one-handed method with rubber band
Inspired by 1986 13
Bert Fenn, Charles T. Jordan Self-Cutting Deck rubberband
1986 15
David Britland Fallen Angel card shoots from banded deck
Related toVariations 1986 26
Ken Simmons A-Band-Ment rubber band around deck, vanishes, encircles card in center
VariationsAlso published here 1986 1
Ben Harris Pyramid Cards banded deck is transformed in pyramid shape, as simple revelation
Inspired byAlso published here 1986 3
Ben Harris The Exploding Pyramid banded deck is transformed in pyramid shape, as four-of-a-kind revelation, pyramid splits at the three mates of a selection
Inspired by Aug. 1986
New Directions (Issue 4 Supplement)
Jerry K. Hartman Out of Bounds
Also published here May 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Mark Sicher Stretch of the Imagination
Sep. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 9)
John C. Wagner Bandorama selection spins from banded deck
Variations 1987 6
Edward Marlo Banded Revelation four piles are rubber banded
Inspired by 1987 69
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Bound to Fool two rubber-banded Queens, card selected, Queens whisper name to performer, selection appears between, see also p. xi at back of book
Variations 1987 4
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #1: Face-up Finale deck rubber-banded, thrown in other hand, selection appears face-up on deck
Related to 1987 43
Drop Turnover with rubber-banded deck, card appears on deck
Related to 1987 44
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #2: The Rubber Room Rise deck rubber banded, spectator checks that his card is not on top, but then it is
1987 45
Ken Simmons Introduction to the Banded Effects
1987 56
Ken Simmons A-Band-Ment rubber band around deck, vanishes, encircles card in center
Also published here 1987 56
Ken Simmons A-Band-Ment II allowing to show face card of deck, double is found and face-card loaded off
Inspired by 1987 59
Ken Simmons A-Band-Ment III wrong card encircled, changes into right card, double is found and face-card loaded off, two methods
Inspired by 1987 61
Ken Simmons A Banded Vanish rubber band around deck simply vanishes, two methods
1987 64
Ken Simmons Banded Card on Ceiling card on ceiling has previously vanishes rubber band around it
1987 68
Jim Patton A Case of A-Band-Ment rubber band around cased deck, it vanishes, deck removed and rubber band found around selection in deck, two methods
Inspired byVariations 1987 69
Ken Simmons Additional Notes and Ideas for the Banded Effects
1987 74
Ben Harris Sleight of Band! rubber band is around the deck lengthwise, the bottom strand penetrates upwards so it encircles half the deck, then down again and up again and stops at selection
Also published here 1987 13
Ben Harris Rubber Twins rubber band is widthwise around deck, card is pushed into deck from the side and penetrates the band
Related to 1987 18
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders One for Fifty-One! signed card on table transposes with whole deck in rubber-banded case
Related to Mar. 1987 82
Mark Sicher Rubberband Sandwich
Inspired by Mar. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Time Machine rubber band around case, card inserted in band and flicked forward, it changes, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 49)
David Britland Haunted Angel rubber banded deck cuts itself slowly at selection
Related to 1988 3
David Britland Spring Heeled Jacks sandwich cards are rubber banded and cut into deck, they leap out with selection in between
Related to 1988 7
David Britland Business Thoughts business card signed by spectator and put in packet, rubber banded, selection slowly rises up
Related to 1988 11
David Britland Inside-Out Angel rubber banded deck, selection slowly rises out of it
Inspired by 1988 16
Karrell Fox The "World's Fairest" Card Revelation ungaffed banded deck tossed out, a card peeked at, found
1988 92
Dai Vernon Caught in the Stretch card is extracted
1989 63
Dai Vernon The David and Goliath Deal Aces shoot out of the deck, hidden rubber band
Variations 1989 111
Doug Edwards Out of Bondage
Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Stephen Tucker Gebannt! one card penetrates encircled deck
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Ben Harris Sleight of Band rubber band is around the deck lengthwise, the bottom strand penetrates upwards so it encircles half the deck, then down again and up again and stops at selection
Also published here 1989 5
Harry Lorayne, Edward Marlo, Jay Sankey The Pop-Up Ace Pyramid forming a pyramid with a banded deck, four of a kind revelation
1990 80
Ken Krenzel Bouncer ungaffed version with banded deck
Inspired byVariations 1990 98
Ken Krenzel Rebound card comes to bottom in banded deck
1990 100
Ed Andres Banded Deck Force a pile is banded with invisible elastic, band secretly removed during display, see also Added Notes on p. 21
1990 18
Skip Sansoucie Ambitious Card Finale phase with rubber-banded deck
Inspired by Nov./Dec. 1990
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 2)
John Carney Rubber Detective rubber band around deck vanishes, encircling half deck in center, in second stage only selection
1991 250
Ken Simmons A-Band-Ment rubber band around deck, vanishes, encircles card in center
1991 7
Ken Simmons A Banded Vanish rubber band around deck, it vanishes and remains gone
1991 10
Ken Simmons, Edward Marlo Banded Card to Pocket - First Method card peeked at, rubber band around deck, it vanishes, card with rubber band around it from pocket
1991 12
Ken Simmons Banded Card to Pocket - Second Method card peeked at, rubber band around deck, it vanishes, card with rubber band around it from pocket
1991 12
Robert LaRue Banded Card to Pocket - Variation on Second Method card peeked at, rubber band around deck, it vanishes, card with rubber band around it from pocket
1991 13
Ken Simmons A Banded Tip for routines with banded deck
1991 14
Ken Simmons The Clinging Subtlety banded card drags another with it
1991 14
Ken Simmons Through the Deck rubber band around deck, vanishes, reappears, vanishes and reappears around selection, two handlings
Variations 1991 15
Ken Simmons Banded Transposition card pocketed, another card found via A-Band-Ment, it's pocketed card and selection is in pocket, seven methods
1991 17
Edward Marlo Simplex Banded Card to Cardcase rubber band around cased deck, it vanishes, spectator removes deck and finds rubber band around selection in deck
Inspired byRelated to 1991 28
Edward Marlo Peek Force of Rubber Banded Card
1991 28
Edward Marlo Stretching It card pocketed, banded deck, rubber band vanishes and reappears around pocketed card, two methods
Variations 1991 29
Ken Simmons Stretching It Too Far card pocketed, banded deck, rubber band vanishes and reappears around pocketed card, two methods
Inspired by 1991 32
David Neighbors Neighbors's Killer Penetration rubber band around deck twice, vanishes and appears around selection
Inspired by 1991 33
Ed Andres Snap It spectator snaps band of rubber banded deck and it vanishes
1991 37
David Neighbors A Different Approach first deck is rubber banded, then card inserted, band vanishes and appears around selection
1991 38
David Neighbors, Ken Simmons As Applied to "Bandorama" selection spins from banded deck
Inspired by 1991 39
Edward Marlo Bonus Effect banded tosheroon
Inspired byRelated to 1991 40
Hiroyuki Sakai Band On the Run rubber band around deck disappears and is found around selection, see p. 760 for credit information
Inspired byRelated to 1991 722
Jerry K. Hartman Out of Bounds
Also published here 1991 192
Jerry K. Hartman Band in Boston card jumps from one rubber banded packet to another
Also published here 1991 194
Tom Frame Rubber Wrangler rubberband finds card
Sep. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 9)
Jack Carpenter The Robber Band: The Final Days of Jesse James rubber band penetrates deck to catch four Jacks on top of deck
1992 81
Karl Fulves Transfer of Power Aces cut into deck, rubber band around deck, it disappears and traps Aces in center
Related to 1992 44
Karl Fulves Yumpin' Yake jacks cut into packet, rubber band around packet vanishes and traps jacks with previous selection
1992 46
Karl Fulves Self Cutting Deck getting the deck to cut itself when wrapped with rubber band, posed as problem
Related to 1992 69
Karl Fulves Transpo of Power transferring rubber band from one group of cards to another
Related to 1992 90
Karl Fulves Transfer Routine card travels from sandwich to sandwich with one rubber banded
1992 91
Karl Fulves Transfer Routine II substitution trunk routine with two cases, queens, kings and rubber band, no handling details
1992 92
Karl Fulves Reverse Power reversing one or more cards in rubber banded packet
1992 92
Charles T. Jordan The Straitjacket Reversed Card No. 18, selection pushed into rubber-banded deck turns over
Also published here 1992 21
Charles T. Jordan Elasticity No. 19, card inserted in middle of banded deck, deck tossed in air, selection appears at face
Also published here 1992 22
Charles T. Jordan The Escape No. 20, card travels from rubber-banded half to other half, cards are secretly propelled to other half
Also published here 1992 24
Karl Fulves "Escape" Notes No. 21, simplified handling
Inspired by 1992 27
Charles T. Jordan The Triple Escape No. 22, deck with selection is rubber-banded cross-wise, cased, rubber banded again and sealed in envelope, yet selection is produced from elsewhere
Also published here 1992 28
Charles T. Jordan The Impossible Journey No. 23, selection comes to top in rubber-banded deck, executing classic pass with rubber banded deck
Also published here 1992 30
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary No. 24, deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1992 31
T. Nelson Downs The Downs Hinge Shift No. 25, actually just a cut, also as slip cut with left thumb and with rubber banded deck
Related toAlso published here 1992 33
Doug Edwards The Band Playes On handling for standard pop out
Feb. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Bernard Bilis Instant Opener rubber band pop out with peek force
Feb. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Dr. Michael Bilkis Lost and Bound vanishes around deck and reappeares around one card
Related to Mar. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 3)
T. C. Churchwell Cased and Bound with cased deck
Inspired byVariations May 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 5)
T. C. Churchwell Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by July 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 7)
Mike Bornstein Band-It rubber band diagonally around deck vanishes and reappears around selection
VariationsAlso published here
  • Backstage - A Journal for Magicians (Chuck Windley)
1993 153
Bernard Bilis, Jean Philippe Total A-Band-A-Ment rubber band around deck, finger put through, selection jumps face-up onto back of fingers, with locking feature, Hiro Sakai not mentioned
Inspired byRelated toVariations June 1993 1
Martin Gardner Band Release rubber band penetrates card case or something else
Inspired by
  • Dan Harlan item on video The Band Shark
Aug. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Karl Fulves, Joseph K. Schmidt Aparición Fantasma card appears from deck encircled with a rubber band
Also published here 1993 226
Karl Fulves Power Eject packet moves out of banded deck, mate found
Related to 1994 18
Karl Fulves Sandbagged blue- and red-backed deck sprung in paper bag and shaken, performer then reaches in an produces one color until all are separated
Inspired byRelated to 1994 31
Karl Fulves Jonah & Jaws card placed in rubber banded deck vanishes and is brought in from waiter, card shoots away secretly
1994 106
Karl Fulves Auto Predict application of "Self Cutting Deck" problem to business card prophecy prediction
Related to 1994 108
Aldo Colombini Snapping rubber-banded card is inserted and drags out two selections, then the cards changes into third selection
Inspired by
  • Andre Robert routine
1994 72
Michael Weber Gaffect card rises, then card rises through rubber band of banded deck and stops halfway with band through center of card
Also published here 1994 9
Yves Carbonnier Phantom Torn and Restored Card torn card is restored folded inside a card pyramid
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Jon Racherbaumer Houdini Breaks Out rubber banded deck, a King snaps away still doubly (!) looped, second rubber band
Inspired by Nov. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Ken Sutherland The World's Only Living Rubber-Band Mindreading Magician "thought of" card is found via Lost ands Bound
Aug. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Stretch Test exercise with rubber band
1995 11
Karl Fulves Perfect Riffle Shuffle actual riffle shuffle, includes banded deck exercise
1995 96
Bret Blackshear The Gunslinger two selections, spectators shoot rubber bands on deck first selection jumps out and eventually transforms into second selection
1995 1020
David Britland Rubber Band Move to make a banded card shoot out from the middle of the deck
Related to 1995 1021
Karl Fulves, Aldo Colombini Magic by Design No. 1, design chosen from chart, triangle, rubber banded deck animates into triangle configuration
1995 1
Laser Printing No. 33, X drawn on Joker transfers to a Two
1995 62
Jon Racherbaumer Banded Together rubber band around deck, vanishes and reappears in case, banded deck face up on table, face card changes
Inspired by 1995 15
Aldo Colombini Band-It ten red and ten black cards, one of each selected, packets are rubber-banded, the two cards transpose
Inspired byRelated to 1995 85
Paul Harris Stretch aka Rubber Band Scam (revised) four ace production, combines
  • Stretch
  • Inner Circle
  • Classic Rubber Band Haunted Pack
Inspired byVariations 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Stewart Judah The Really(?) Wrapped Deck extraction, credit correction see p. 2784
Sep. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 9)
Joseph K. Schmidt Houdini's Getaway card jumps & pivots out of banded deck, presentation for "Impromptu Haunted Deck"
Inspired byRelated to 1996 38
Karl Fulves Watch Bess two card transposition with Houdini/Bess presentation and a rubber banded deck, Impromptu Haunted Deck
1996 44
Karl Fulves Trap Shoot banded deck, visual propelled sandwich, Impromptu Haunted Deck
Related to 1996 49
Karl Fulves Thot Lock signed card from red deck pops out of rubber-banded blue deck, Impromptu Haunted Deck
1996 54
Karl Fulves Interceptor card jumps out of red deck into center of blue deck between two signed cards, Impromptu Haunted Deck
1996 57
Gerry Scharnböck Karten & Gummiring deck bound by rubber band, card pops out at right angle
Also published here 1996 52
Larry Jennings Houdini Card Escapes Again interesting structure
Inspired by 1997 79
William Goodwin A Trick for a Danish Prince rubber band on top of deck visually encircles entire deck
1997 1
Joe Rindfleisch Trampoline deck dropped on a a rubber band stretched on other hand, deck encircled except selection
1997 1231
Helge Thun Double-Bind signed card appears folded in quarters in a box, folded card is wrapped in a rubber band
1998 73
Peter Gunn Stretching 'Stretched' rubber band is wrapped around deck, card inserted into the middle, jumps to the top, climax: card visually melts through rubber band
Inspired by 1998 126