253 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Four-of-a-kinds deck is dealt in thirteen piles, value named, one pile is removed that consists of all those cards
1889 78
Grand Card Maneuvre Jacks on top and Kings on bottom of deck, Queens under plate, Queens vanish and appear on top of deck, Jacks and Kings under second plate, then Queens back under first plate
Related to 1897 160
Charles T. Jordan Leave it to the Aces No. 22, Aces pushed in deck, named Ace lies next to selection, using Diagonal Palm Shift
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 64
Charles T. Jordan The Phantom Aces No. 23, four Aces are alternated in color, spectator cannot take two of same color
Also published here 1919/1920 65
Jack Merlin A Four Ace Assemble Aces rise on top of the deck, featuring a fine jog at the front that's controlled with the left first finger
Also published here 1927/28 4
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Kaffeekränzchen four of a kind separated in the deck ends up back together in the middle
1930 66
Louis Lam The "El-El" Master Four Ace Effect aces disappear one by one between two faced piles, indifferent cards then change to aces via glide
1935 7
Victor Farelli Poker and Brag four Aces produced in "magic gambling" routine via dealing procedure
Inspired by
  • "After the Four Ace Trick" (Billy O'Connor, The Magic Wand, June-Sept 1935)
1936 33
U. F. Grant The Vanishing Mirror Aces are found without looking at faces, apparently with mirror that vanishes, one-way backs
1937 152
Companionable Kings Kings come together in middle after spectator's shuffling, stripper deck
1937 265
Theodore Annemann Slates and Aces message on slate changes itself
Also published here 1937 357
U. F. Grant U-Do-It Ace Trick spectator loses Aces and deals out four hands to find them again, no-touch by magician (telephone trick?)
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 349
Theodore Annemann Annemann's Aces Aces change to Kings, reappear somewhere else and the Queens show up as well, begins like a regular Ace assembly
Variations 1938 365
The Three Musketeers and D'Artagnan jacks lost in deck, four hands dealt out, chosen one contains jacks
1938 7
Orville Wayne Meyer The Burglars three Jacks between the four Kings, all face down
Variations 1938 17
Theodore Annemann Slates and Aces initialed message on slate changes itself
Also published here 1939 14
Clyde Cairy Sympathy
Variations Sep. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 43)
Arthur H. Buckley The Lost Aces Experiment No. 5 - Aces are lost and indifferent cards transform into Aces
1946 155
Herb Runge Duo
Inspired by Mar. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 122)
Acrobatic Aces aces come to top and bottom via charlier cut
1948 173
U. F. Grant Four-Ace Routine Aces with twelve indifferent cards are mixed and dealt in four piles, Aces in spectator's pile
Also published here 1948 119
Edward Marlo Face-Up Ace-embly aces distributed in pack, all together reversed in center
1948 123
Arthur H. Buckley The Sympathetic Cards Ace to Three of Spades are used to find Aces, Twos and Threes and make them transpose and change to match
1948 111
Al Leech, Edward Marlo Aces Up Aces vanish from deck, then are found face-up in deck
Variations 1949 10
Al Leech The Influential Ace
Inspired by 1949 11
Paul Rosini Kings and Queens Kings and Queens behind back, performer brings forward a set of each suit, then again behind back and performer brings forward all Kings or Queens as requested, then performer separates them again after a shuffle
1950 51
Eddie Joseph Confused Four Aces four Aces lost into deck during slop shuffle, deck dealt to separate face-up/face-down, Aces found (no Triumph part)
1951 8
Bill Simon The Thought-Of Ace thought of Ace (or all Aces) rise to top
1952 109
Bill Simon Unexpected two red aces are laid on spectator's hand and transform into black aces, then the red aces are pinched out of the deck one by one, first phase similar to Fechter's "Be honest"
Related toVariations 1952 133
Bill Simon The Magnetic Cards cards are cut in four packets, one card selected and with that card the other of the same value rise on top of each packet
1952 137
Dr. A. Ch. Wilsmann Meta Morphosen four cards change to Queens, part of description is missing
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 6)
Al Leech Quad Reverse three Mates of selected Card turn over
1953 3
John Hamilton Annemann's Slates and Aces in Miniature prediction of an ace, slate in envelope
Also published here Apr. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 279)
Stewart James So Nero spectator loses Jacks and deals out four hands to find them again, no-touch, story presentation, with spelling strategy to force one of four piles
Inspired byVariations Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
Jack Avis Cards of Sympathy four quartets show up, transform, transpose
1957 11
Tom Ransom Australian Poker three cards placed on each Ace, packets combined, after down-under deal performer ends up with the Aces
Related toVariations Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo Face Up Assembly spectator shuffles cards into deck, yet they are all together again
1959 114
Edward Marlo Order of Aces magician predicts order of aces in freely shuffled deck
1959 115
Mel Stover Triptych spectator cuts deck in two piles, card cut to is placed aside, down-under-deal with both halves, the remaining cards match, and they also match the card placed aside, fourth card in wallet
Variations July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Edward Marlo Related Quadruplets performer removes unknown four-of-a-kind from blue-backed deck, spectator removes any quartet from a red deck, they match
Inspired byRelated to May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Neal Elias Down & Out sixteen-card packet is sorted into four fours-of-a-kind with down-under-deal
Inspired by May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Francis Haxton Royal Company four packets of four cards each, one card removed from each packet, they are the four Queens
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Lin Searles Quick Watson, the Aces Aces in row on table, three cards put on first Ace, that packet lost, repeated with next two Aces, three cards put on last Ace, packet shown to be Aces
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Harry Lorayne Fantasia Aces are found without looking at faces, then deck changes color
1962 255
Bill Elliott Clap Hands Charlier cut applications
  • First Cheat (Ace cut into deck return to top and bottom)
  • Second Cheat (demo gag/flourish)
Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Arthur Monroe Hart Throbs Ace of Hearts and Kings lost in the deck, Kings appear and Ace in between, life guards story
Dec. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Edward Marlo On the Re-Stacking Pack two spectators decide for numbers and remember the cards at their number four times with faros in between, each has a four of a kind
Inspired by 1964 18
Edward Marlo Changing of the Cards performer cuts deck in four face up piles, spectator chooses one, face cards of the other three piles are changed to match selection, faro
1964 39
Bill Simon Sleight of Mind travelling production combo with red Aces in one and black Aces in another packet
1967 239
Stewart James Smart Alexis three-of-a-kind removed, then choses a card face-down which matches
Inspired byRelated to
  • p. 77 for credit information
  • p. 88 for comment by George McLean
Jan. 1967 73
Lu Brent Smart Alexis II three-of-a-kind removed, then choses a card face-down which matches
Inspired by Mar. 1967 88
Theodore Annemann Four Ace Routine from "Annemann's $50 Manuscript" (ca. 1932)
aces change to kings, appear in chosen pile, queens assemble as well
Jan. 1968 154
Mel Brown Combination four indifferent cards turn into Aces, are lost and found again, then lost and found once more
1969 137
Edward Marlo Marlo Re-Stacking Pack two spectators decide for numbers and remember the cards at their number four times with faros in between, each has a four of a kind
Inspired by 1969 175
William P. Miesel 3rd Flight follow the leader with 3 quartets
July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Aldini Monte Aces Aces travel from packet to packet
1969 8
Edward Marlo Si Stebbins Sorcery
  • First Effect (selection from incomplete faroed deck is named)
  • Second Effect (matching four-of-a-kind found)
    • First Variation (four-of-a-kind dealt in poker deal)
    • Second Variation (mate for pocketed card is found)
    • Third Variation
  • Third Effect (mate for pocketed card is found)
  • Fourth Effect (prediction)
Variations Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Bruce Cervon Zauberkunste Triumph! based on a Hofzinser trick, amount of chosen card is divined by finding the four cards with the same value, re-deal force
Magick (Issue 23)
Frank Garcia Hide and Seek Kings Kings vanish, Queens appear in between
1972 57
Edward Marlo The Elusive Jacks black jacks change to red jacks, blacks reversed in deck, spectator locates reds again
Inspired by May 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Ace Placement No. 302, Aces inserted in fan but next to key cards apparently
1972 78
Ace Act Routine No. 519, titles of three Ace tricks that are combined to routine
1972 146
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Four Ace Mix No. 606, Aces put on four packets that are assembled and double-cut each time, Aces end up alternating on top
  • Note (Dai Vernon)
Related to 1972 169
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Face Up Four Pile Trick With Clip Steal No. 620, some kind of lost and found Aces, unclear
1972 173
Karl Fulves No-Cover Aces four aces, four indifferent cards, aces vanish/change into indifferent cards, aces found again
Variations 1973 21
Ken Beale Poker down under deal packet trick with poker theme
  • Canberra Poker
  • New South Wales
Related to Sep. 1973 655
Harvey Rosenthal, Piet Forton The 5th Jack red Jacks put on table, top card of deck are also red Jack, tabled ones now black, all put on table, top card is another jack, cards on table are now Aces, see also p. 782 for improvement
Inspired by
  • trick of Piet Forton (see also Gus Southall and Francis Haxton variations in The New Pentagram)
Dec. 1973 692
Jerry K. Hartman Four Downs Four Aces placed in one half of the deck "penetrate" to appear in another half of the deck
Inspired by 1973 17
Jerry K. Hartman PersuACEive Three Aces lost in deck face down, Ace of Spades left face up in the middle. The other three Aces appear face up near to Ace of Spades
Also published here 1973 18
Jerry K. Hartman One Good Turn Aces placed between the Jokers will reverse itself
Inspired byVariations 1973 20
Jerry K. Hartman Invisible Cut Plot change to Al Leech's Lost and Found Aces
Inspired byVariations 1973 23
Jerry K. Hartman Four-Gone Delusion III Four Kings vanish one by one, reappear next to Queens
1973 26
Gene Finnell Strictly to Enhance Your Imagination Aces lost and found, then two selections found and deck separated into reds and blacks, faro
Related to 1973 36
Roy Walton Tricky Tuition fake explanation, spectator places four black cards among twelve red cards in position for a deal, when cards are dealt, those cards change to Queens
Also published here 1975 67
Trevor Lewis A Las four cards are selected, they change into the queens
Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Faucett Ross Card Act Description of routine of card tricks

  • Cards Up the Sleeve
  • Matching the Cards
  • Leipzig Four Ace Trick
  • Changing card under foot
  • Twenty Card Transposition
1975 200
Charles T. Jordan Leave it to the Aces Aces pushed in deck, named Ace lies next to selection, using Diagonal Palm Shift
Also published here 1975 96
Charles T. Jordan The Phantom Aces four Aces are alternated in color, spectator cannot take two of same color
Also published here 1975 96
Shigeo Futagawa Japanese Ace Trick Oil and Water effect with two red Aces and two black Aces, 2&2
Also published here 1976 22
David Carré The Card Expert multiphase routine, fullstack
Feb. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Fourflinger Ace with matching suit changes into selection, other Aces in matching value
1978 18
Roy Walton A Changeable Nature red Ace face up in center, changes to other red Ace, then both red Aces, then black Aces, then all four Aces, then Tens, then Kings are reversed in Center
Related toAlso published here 1978 21
Harry Lorayne Strange Harmony values of three selections add up to previous selection, they transform into mates, see also reference for color-changing back kicker
Related to 1979 9
Richard Kaufman Number Nine Blue values of three selections add up to previous selection, they transform into mates, then back color of deck changes, colorchanging back addition
Related to 1979 12
Walt Lees Four Card Surprise card is selected, three other cards transform into the cards with the same value
Jan. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Piet Forton Der offene Doppelzufall two cards placed on table as predictions, two other cards placed on top, four Aces
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Jean de Merry Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Les As "Saute-Moutons" deck shuffled face up into face down, performer cuts to four Aces, slip cuts
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 4)
Gene Maze Pop Jump Aces four Aces are each sandwiched between two cards, appear one by one in the center of the table
Related toVariations 1980 39
Andrew Galloway One, Two, Three, Four Aces aces turn into an ace, two, three and a four, with the two, three and four the missing aces are found
Inspired byRelated to 1980 25
Ken Brooke Ken Brooke's Card Act end strippers
  • First Effect (Aces produced from shuffled deck, lost in packet and dealt out again, spectator choses Ace packet)
  • Second Effect (Triumph with fair shuffle)
  • Third to Seventh (routine with twenty-four duplicates, stripper Svengali, all alike display, switching duplicates in and out)
Also published here 1980 172
Ken De Courcy, U. F. Grant, Archie Byford Four Ace Duet stand-up with stand, dealing
  • The Solo Version
Inspired by 1980 65
Richard Kaufman One-Hand Exes to Aces four indifferent cards are turned over in different parts of the deck with one hand, change to aces one by one
1981 37
Stephen Tucker Abort selection vanishes with a big bang and four parts appear on the back of the four aces, see also p. 269
Sep. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Piet Forton Chroma-Zone two red Aces appear, then they change to black Aces and back several times
The Talon (Issue 7)
James G. Thompson Jr. "A" wie in Asse during a quick mate coincidence, the four Aces are secretly brought to the top, then Aces found by counting to values and other Ace effects
Also published here
  • Magic to Delight, Thompson Jr.
Jan. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Lin Searles Ace Routine Aces in row on table, three cards put on first Ace, that packet lost, repeated with next two Aces, three cards put on last Ace, packet shown to be Aces
Also published here Jan. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Roy Walton Sign of Four mathematical, faro, free cut principle
1982 95
James Swain Innov-ace-tion aces pushed in deck separatedly, one to top, one to bottom, one reversed, on sandwiched between to previous selections
1982 307
Simon Aronson From All Indications... four piles, top card of one pile chosen, top cards of other piles used to count down to mates of the chosen card
Variations 1982 9
David Solomon A Simple Indication four piles cut by spectator, top card of one pile chosen, top cards of other piles used to count down to mates of the chosen card
Inspired by 1982 13
Bob Jardine Serendipity Kings and Queens are laid out, little transposition effect, Kings change to Aces, ungaffed
Variations Feb. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Karl Fulves No-Gaff Brainwave paper clip vanishes and appears around named four-of-a-kind, using comb type gaff which allows to locate any card in the deck open index like
Inspired by
  • "Card Trick" (Clinton Burgess, Magic And Its Professors, Evans, 1902)
1983 114
Edward Marlo Direct Observation Test Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks dealt on four piles, one value assembles on one packet, Benzais Cop
1984 237
Douglas Cameron Devil's Delight
Inspired by Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Lin Searles Four-Star Aces No. 85, Kings dealt to table, they're Aces now
1984 128
Peter Duffie Collins Upturned Aces change to Kings in packet instead of vanishing, Drunken Poker Deal finale
1984 17
Jerry Sadowitz Ipcress Ace through Three of Hearts lost, then Ace through Spades appear visually and change to Hearts
1984 31
Philip T. Goldstein Future Indicative deck cut in four packets, spectator choses top card of one pile, top cards of other piles are used to count down, mates to selection found
1985 403
Harry Lorayne Past Participle deck cut in four packets by spectator, spectator choses top card of one pile, top cards of other piles are used to count down, mates to selection found
1985 406
Jerry Sadowitz The Trick with No Name selection is sandwiched between the four kings, the five cards transform into the aces and the kings and selection are found in the wallet
May 1985
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Louis Histed, Frederick Braue Crimp Four Aces aces fairly lost in deck, then they arrive in poker hand
1985 24
Audley Walsh, Bert Allerton, Frederick Braue Aces Up black Aces put in center, the appear at top and bottom, red Aces appear in repeat
1985 25
Larry Jennings The Courting Queen picture cards are face up in center, named queen disappears & reappears
1986 88
John W. McClure Serendipity and Beyond Kings and Queens are laid out, little transposition effect, Kings change to Aces, ..., ungaffed
Inspired by July 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 7)
John Riggs Aces for Airheads off-beat cutting the aces, four random cards on top, when position of packets are changed, aces appear on top of the packets
1986 258
Jon Racherbaumer Fuddle Aces black and red aces do some tricks and then sandwich selection
Feb. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Tetsuyoshi Hoshino Not By Sight one of four Aces chosen, found, one-way faces, garden-path-presentation
Related toVariations Mar. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Roberto Giobbi Die Verwandlungskünstlerinnen Queens change one by one into Aces
Also published here 1987 17
Rolf Andra «Pech» selection is placed unseen in spectator's pocket, three cards are produced to apparently divine card, the all change into mates of selection
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 1)
Roy Walton Tricky Tuition fake explanation, spectator places four black cards among twelve red cards in position for a deal, when cards are dealt, those cards change to Queens
Also published here 1988 54
Roy Walton A Changeable Nature red Ace face up in center, changes to other red Ace, then both red Aces, then black Aces, then all four Aces, then Tens, then Kings are reversed in Center
Also published here 1988 120
Fred Kaps A Four Ace Trick four cards chosen and put in performer's pocket unseen, spectators look through piles and see Aces, but then no Aces are found in pack and pocketed cards are the Aces
1988 46
Jerry Sadowitz Split Marriages Royal Marriages theme, instant reverse oil and water with kings and queens
1989 46
J. W. Sarles, Karl Fulves Twos Much selection lost, indicator Two-spot turned up, but selection under eight cards, other three Twos under original Two
1989 24
Karl Fulves Longitudinal Aces paper clip on top card, deck set on table, when spectator turns over top card with clip it changed into previous selection or
(B) into the four Aces
(C) into named Ace
Variations 1989 24
Karl Fulves Hidden Diamonds Diamonds, Jacks and Queens found with story presentation
1989 46
Roberto Giobbi The quick change artists Queens change one by one into Aces
Also published here May 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Michael Powers Evolution four Kings change to all backs to four Two of Clubs to the four Aces with patter about the history of cards
Inspired byVariations 1990 1
Karl Fulves Procrastination Card Trick performer wants to find card, but other trick with Kings gets in the way
1991 16
Ken Brooke Mein Kartenakt end strippers
  • Effekt Nr. 1 (Aces produced from shuffled deck, lost in packet and dealt out again, spectator choses Ace packet)
  • Effekt Nr. 2 (Triumph with fair shuffle)
  • Effekt Nr. 3-7 (routine with twenty-four duplicates, stripper Svengali, all alike display, switching duplicates in and out)
Also published here Jan. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 1)
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The L. W. Simplicity Four Aces Aces dropped on four packets, deck assembled, after some dealing the Aces are together again
1991 252
Jerry K. Hartman PersuACEive three Aces lost in deck face down, Ace of Spades left face up in the middle. The other three Aces appear face up near to Ace of Spades
Also published here 1991 212
Stephen Tucker The Return
Aug. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Mel Brown Syner-Aces Aces are lost, found, lost, found
Related to 1992 268
Charles T. Jordan, Karl Fulves Leave It to the Aces No. 111, Aces pushed in deck, named Ace lies next to selection, originally using Diagonal Palm Shift, with easier method by Karl Fulves
VariationsAlso published here 1992 138
Charles T. Jordan The Phantom Aces No. 207, four Aces are alternated in color, spectator cannot take two of same color
Also published here 1992 247
William Goodwin Aces For Idiots aces face up in center, vanish one by one until selected ace remains, reappear in different positions, sucker element
1993 18
Alexander de Cova Fandango Asse Aces lost and found, change to Kings, Aces found again
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Peter Duffie Handout four packets with an Ace in each, cards are placed on deck in random order, when four hands are dealt, one gets all Aces
1993 16
Shigeo Futagawa, Vicente Canuto Mini Agua y Aceite 2&2, repeated
Also published here 1993 248
Karl Fulves DU/Process thirteen-card packet distributed via down/under deal, two four-of-a-kinds and a royal flush come out
1994 7
Karl Fulves X's Are Aces four random cards are openly stacked for two and then become aces when dealt
1994 24
Karl Fulves Astral Aces four odd-backed aces cut into deck, suddenly they're together in deck, they change into 5-card royal flush
1994 68
Alexander de Cova On the Devilish Aces lost and found, change to Kings, Aces found again
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 32
Karl Fulves Intruder Threes on table, one put with three indifferent cards, they change to Threes, tabled cards change to Fours, computer virus presentation
Inspired by
  • Roy Walton trick from Linking Ring ca. 1986/87
Related to
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
As You Like It magician cuts to named four-of-a-kind
1995 192
Aaron Fisher, Jack Birnman The Long and Winding Trick Aces lost, four indifferent cards found, their values used to count down to four cards, they are the Kings, Aces found on other side of counted packets
Also published here 1995 2
Dominique Duvivier Twilight Zone Four Aces lost into deck. Four indifferent cards change one by one into the Aces, back and forth visual changes
1996 85
Dominique Duvivier Progressive Jazz Four Aces and three indifferent cards used to do a series of transformations and transpositions, not Jazz Aces
1996 90
Peter Duffie, Neil Smith The Con Artist
  • Stage One: bottom deal shown and exposed, then spectator tries it but performer gets Aces instead
  • Stage Two: Aces put reversed in center, four hands dealt, one of them are the Aces, cards assembled and Aces shown back in center
1996 12
Michael Vincent The Many Faces of a Woman longer routine about the four queens
Oct. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 10)
Nick Trost Four-Ace Vanish and Recovery Four Aces vanish from deck, and appear back face up in the middle of the deck
Inspired by
  • "Record" (Andre Robert, The Magigram, April 1979)
1997 67
Nick Trost Observation Test with Aces Black Aces change to red Aces, black Aces shown to have vanished and then reappears on faced halves
1997 83
Doug Edwards It's Good - It's Pretty Four Aces lost and found in a rhythmic way
1997 13
David Solomon The Hotel Put-On spoof version of Hotel Trick with four quartets
Also published here 1997 163
Joshua Jay That's The Hard Part Find two four of a kinds, and deck separates into red-black
Also published here 1998 26
Peter Duffie The Arrow Deck arrows in four directions drawn on every card, cards sorted according to arrows, suits are separated except for named four-of-a-kind
1998 44
Peter Duffie Sudden Impact Aces lost, deck cut onto table at an Ace, the rest of one packet changes into other Aces
Related to 1998 2
Andrew Wimhurst Ten Below four Tens are produced, Selection is ten card down in deck
1999 10
Ellis Stanyon To Pick Out Any One or More Values No. 12, "The gathering of the Clans", quartets come together after dealing thirteen piles
1999 89
Fredric P. Lamazor Twist Follow-Ons/Amenities
Related to 1999 51
Al Leech, Roberto Giobbi, Frank Garcia Ace-capades aces lost and found, change to kings, aces found again
Inspired by 2000 1055
Karl Fulves Unification Aces "Problems"
unexpected assembly, three packets cut off and Ace shown at bottom, four cards remain and they're the Aces, posed as a problem
Variations 2000 78
William P. Miesel Unified Aces unexpected assembly, three quarters cut off and Ace shown at bottom, four cards remain and they're the Aces, three double facers
Inspired by 2000 94
William P. Miesel All By Themselves four selections lost in deck, then four Kings distributed face-up, they end up next to the selections
Inspired by
  • "Royal Command" (Peter Duffie, Abra #2576)
2000 12
Karl Fulves Witch Hunt No. 26, twelve-card packet dealt into piles three times, Queens come together
2001 41
Harry Lorayne Darn! I Couldn't... four Tens on table, three cards on each, CATO ("leave or reverse"), Aces are only cards reversed cards in the end
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2001 485
Harry Lorayne Symbiotic sixteen cards shuffled face-up/face-down, Aces are only cards reversed at the end, faro
2001 493
Karl Fulves Base Deal deck shuffled, two-handed game dealt, one hand clearly off the bottom, those are the Aces
2001 92
Iain Moran The Aces Pop four Aces are each sandwiched between two cards, appear one by one in the center of the table
Inspired by July 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Aaron Fisher Three Kings one of four cards is chosen and use to count down and find a selection (king), the other three change into the missing kings
Variations 2002 94
Aaron Fisher, Jack Birnman The Long and Winding Trick Aces lost, four indifferent cards found, their values used to count down to four cards, they are the Kings, Aces found on other side of counted packets
Also published here 2002 116
David Solomon Just Friends four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets
VariationsAlso published here 2002 135
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I Spy four Jacks show up, eventually their backs change color, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Roberto Giobbi The Quick Change Artists Queens change one by one into Aces
Also published here 2003 1163
Roberto Giobbi, Father Cyprian, Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Coalaces four aces change into single selection
2003 1178
Karl Fulves Commitment card lost, four Tens outjogged and squared back, top four cards dealt in square and next card in middle, they are the Tens and the selection
Off The Books (Issue 10)
Harry Lorayne Really! four-of-a-kind ends up reversed after CATO/TOAC procedure
Inspired byAlso published here June 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Gambler's Luck top seven cards taken, after three reverse faros three cards are discarded, the Aces remain, also with Royal Flush
Also published here Dec. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Credit And Aces spectator's credit card put in rubber banded deck, jumps out next to named ace
2004 55
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Mag(net)Ic Kings put on table, one used by spectator to stab to an Ace, other Kings change into Aces as well, using BMT
Variations 2004 10
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I Spy four Jacks show up, eventually their backs change color, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 2004 144
Juan Tamariz Controlled Pairs after several shuffles pairs and different four-of-a-kinds are found together in the deck, peculiarity of doing faros with the Tamariz stack
2004 64
Karl Fulves Noble Cause twelve court cards memorized by performer who then produces Jacks, then Queens, then Kings from packet, see also p. 102 for further notes
Related to 2005 39
Justin Higham Side-Faro Aces Up Aces in the center with one Ace face-up, that Aces is put on top and other Aces follow
2005 4
Ray Kosby Influential Choice three indifferent cards are held spread in right-hand end grip and visible change to mates of a selection
Oct. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 10)
Jack Parker X-Factor Kings put in deck so they stick out, they change to Aces, Kings found again
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Derek Dingle, Karl Fulves Chump Change Ten to Ace straight in mixed red suits, one freely chosen and put in deck, found again face-up and value of bottom card after dealing top four card face-down on table, those cards are Royal Flush in Spades except for the chosen value which changes to Spades
  • For The Expert (different finish)
Prolix (Issue 2)
Harry Riser Four in the Hole Aces lost in deck, a hole card inserted by spectator locates them again, faro
Also published here
  • MUM, May 2001
2006 128
Bob Farmer Bummer (Bob's Hummer)
  • Flim FlamMagic
packet cut off and mixed face-up/face-down, face-down cards are a royal flush, slop shuffle
July 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 7)
David Solomon The Hotel Put-On spoof version of Hotel Trick with four quartets
  • New Ending
Also published here Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Joe Berg Mental Miracle esoteric, apparently Moe Seidenstein's
Related to 2007 54
Harry Lorayne, Bob Mason Guess Quotient four four of a kinds are removed, spectator guesses if various pairs match in value or not, everything correct
Variations 2007 19
Peter Duffie Sudden Impact aces lost, AS found by cutting off half the deck, this half vanishes/changes into four aces
2007 305
Jack Parker Old Fashioned Aces Aces vanish one by one, and are reproduced in different ways
2007 165
David Solomon Just Friends four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2007 3
David Solomon Just Friends four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets
Also published here 2007 9
Nick Trost The Lucky Royal Flush weird cutting procedure results in Aces and royal flush
Related to 2008 106
Justin Higham Pseudo Topper four random cards laid on table, spectator chooses one, revealed to be selection, the other three suddenly change to match as four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 2008 53
Harry Lorayne Gambler's Luck top seven cards taken, after three reverse faros three cards are discarded, the Aces remain, also with Royal Flush or routine with two poker hands
Also published here July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Jeremiah Zuo Scary Movie Card Trick Queens on table, unknown card claimed to be in case, Queens lost in deck one by one and found using the case, last Queen is the cased card, story presentation
Related toVariations Mar. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
David Solomon Just Friends four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets
Also published here 2009 4
Harry Lorayne Darn! I Couldn't four Tens on table, three cards on each, CATO ("leave or reverse"), Aces are only cards reversed cards in the end
Also published here Mar. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 3)
Nick Trost Shuffle Tracking the Aces Aces lost, then found with counting procedure and dice, deck separated in suits
Inspired by 2009 376
Karl Fulves Greek Aces Aces on face of packets, openly removed and lost, come out in deal, glide set up with Tenkai book turnover
Prolix (Issue 7)
Roberto Giobbi Cardstalt four of a kind is removed from deck, performer riffles card in front of his eyes and names it
Related to 2010 46
Harry Lorayne Find Four mates come together from different parts and sandwich the four Aces, with variations
Inspired by 2011 111
Harry Lorayne Royal Impossibility Royal Flush cards lost and found again, losing by cutting them into the deck with crimp and cuts
Related toAlso published here 2011 171
Karl Fulves Isolationist black Aces on top and bottom, unknown card put in spectator's pocket, false cut done together with spectator, now red Aces are on top and bottom and the two black Aces in spectator's pocket
Prolix (Issue 9)
John Bannon Drop Target Aces three Aces lost, last Ace is about to be lost but remaining packet in the hand turns out to be all four Aces, Lennart Green off-beat Ace trick
Also published here 2011 32
John Bannon The Bullet Catcher Routine routine of previous effects
Also published here 2011 70
Allan Ackerman Bonus Cull card named, two shuffles performed, named card on top and rest of deck now in four-of-a-kinds
Also published here 2012 19
Paul LePaul, Shane Cobalt LePaul's Aces four Aces placed on bottom of deck one by one, rise to the top
Inspired by 2012 2
Allan Ackerman Bonus Cull card named, two shuffles performed, named card on top and rest of deck now in four-of-a-kinds
Also published here 2012 35
Harry Lorayne Royal Impossibility Royal Flush cards lost and found again, losing by cutting them into the deck with crimp and cuts
Also published here Jan. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 1)
John Bannon Drop Target Aces three Aces lost, last Ace is about to be lost but remaining packet in the hand turns out to be all four Aces, Lennart Green off-beat Ace trick
Also published here 2013 135
John Bannon The Bullet Catcher Routine routine of previous effects
Also published here 2013 159
Nick Trost Royal Weddings
  • Phase One (Poker Player's Picnic)
  • Phase Two (four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets, rehandling of "Just Friends")
Inspired by 2013 627
John Bannon Bluff Oracle Aces II Duplicating Lin Searles' Moracle effect without using the cards preset at the binary positions.
Related to 2015 51
Steve Beam Rock Bottom Duplicating Lin Searles' Moracle effect without using the cards preset at the binary positions.
Inspired by
  • "Swindlaces" (Al Smith, LaBal, April 2011)
Related to
2015 52
Steve Beam The Neutralizer Audience shuffles the deck and magician reverses their shuffles, producing a great poker hand.
Inspired byVariations 2015 57
Harry Lorayne The Top-Level Test twenty cards mixed face-up and face-down including a Royal Flush, Royal Flush is only face-up cards
Inspired by
  • "Really!" (Harry Lorayne, Lecture Notes)
Related to
2015 191
Harry Lorayne Incredible Flush Control diamond Royal Flush mixed in twenty-card packet, CATO procedure, at the end the Royal Flush in Spades is reversed
Inspired by 2015 195
Pit Hartling Murphy's Law last four cards in deck consist of named four-of-a-kind
2016 132
Pit Hartling The Right Kind of Wrong four values cut to in one deck are used to count down to named four-of-a-kind in second deck
2016 178
Pepe Lirrojo, Lewis Jones Tus Cartas Deseadas - Localización named quartet is found on top of four packets, when they are removed, second named quartet is found
Inspired by
  • Lewis Jones' "Aces in a Hurry"
2016 24
Ryan Plunkett The "Eh, Fuck it" Ace Interlude Magician loses three Aces in the deck, remaining Ace multiplies into four Aces
July 2017
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 1 (Summer #1))
Harry Lorayne Guess Quotient four four of a kinds are removed, spectator guesses if various pairs match in value or not, everything correct
Inspired by 2017 24
Edo Huang Finding 4 of a Kind spectator stops at four cards, they change into four of a kind
2017 52
Johnny Thompson Mixed Macs four Ace routine that includes the following routines
2018 159
David Solomon Free-Cut Thought Kings cut into deck, Kings come together and Aces appear reversed in deck as well, faro
  • A Cool Discovery (variations with Queens)
Inspired by 2018 96
Alexander Hansford Oddity four random cards tabled face-down, another card selected and switched for one of those four, the other three change to complete a four-of-a-kind with the selection
2018 16
Steve Beam Quadruple Stack stack to be able to produce four of a kind quickly
Inspired by 2018 28
Harry Lorayne Really! four-of-a-kind ends up reversed after CATO/TOAC procedure
VariationsAlso published here 2018 75
Harry Lorayne Magical Appearance twelve cards removed, after a few anti-faros in pairs with turnovers, the Aces are reversed
2018 240
Harry Lorayne Amazing Tracking moracle type effect to re-find royal flush
Inspired by 2018 243
John Bannon Rockstars
  • Dealing With It
Aces held in right-hand end grip, they are lost in the deck one by one, last one changes into all four again
Inspired by
  • "1-2-3-4" (Jack Carpenter, Seattle Sessions 1, 2009 DVD)
Mar. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 3)
Asi Wind Gang of Four slop shuffle triumph, in second phase a card is chosen from the face-down spread, when deck is gathered and re-spread, all mates turned over
Inspired by
  • "Twin Souls" (Dani DaOrtiz, DVD Que Raro)
2019 27
Tom Gagnon An Expensive Sandwich dollar bill and four Aces placed in different parts of the deck and lost, two cards on either side of bill are then Aces
Variations 2019 16
Tom Gagnon Clipped Thought unknown card with paper clip set aside, it turns out to be named Ace, then changes to another named Ace, then all Aces are in clip, ribbon spread techniques used
Inspired by 2019 104
Tom Gagnon Bill Collector dollar bill and four Aces placed in different parts of ribbon spread deck and lost, two cards on either side of bill are then Aces, gaffed bill
Inspired by 2019 201
Christian Grace, Ollie Mealing, Patrick G. Redford Level Four Spectator names any four of a kind. First card travels to pocket, then half the deck travels to pocket to find second card, then the rest of the cards travel leaving the third card in hand, then last card is on top of the deck in the pocket.
Variations 2019 148
Shannon Clark Positive ID selection lost, four cards chosen, one placed between the hands of a spectator and three on top, those three are three-of-a-kind matching the selection, performer's ID is between the hands and selection in wallet
May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 2 (Spring #2))
Harry Lorayne Really Impossible TOAC "Turn Over And Cut", four-of-a-kind ends up reversed after CATO/TOAC procedure
Inspired by 2020 51
Fritz Alkemade Card Battle Royale gambler vs magician story, both cut to four Kings, gambler's Kings change to indifferent cards, magician's to Royal Flush
July 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Dave Forrest Migration spectator places hand on red Aces, black Aces pushed through deck and they change into two selections, black Aces found under spectator's hand
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2008
2022 748
Jamie Daws SpACEd four spectators push four Aces into deck, card above each Ace is removed and they are seen to be the Aces itself
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2009
2022 859
Frank Fogg Transcollectors collectors, the quartet changes into a named four-of-a-kind as climax
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2011
2022 1024
James Steranko Improvisation Part One spectator stops riffle four times so four packets are cut, the cut-to cards change into Aces of same suit one by one, then they are distributed reversed in the combined four piles and change back to the indifferent cards, Aces are reversed in remaining packet
Also published here
  • Genii, Nov. 1962
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)
Scott Baird Double Agent Collectors Kings taken out, unknown card chosen and tabled, Kings are supposed to find the three mates collectors-style and find three Nines, but selection turns out to be a King Collectors-sandwich reverses King/Nine composition
Related to Oct. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 10)