230 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Deck / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
"Cornered" Cards whole deck corner-shorted
1889 45
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Protean Pack three selections, "General Pack"
1889 140
The Diminishing and Dissolving Cards two versions
1889 148
Ein ganzes Kartenspiel in freier Hand verschwinden zu lassen No. 50, deck cut in half with pivot point on pull, fan looks like normal deck, thread into sleeve
1895 59
Das Thaler-Kartenspiel "oder Die durch ein Kartenspiel spazierenden Thaler"
deck placed on glass and covered with handkerchief, coin penetrates through deck into glass or flies invisibly into glass
June 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Das verschwindende Kartenspiel Eine Kartensoirée No. 9
deck vanishes from borrowed hat, long ribbon pours out instead, card triangles attached so they can be fanned, attached to pull
Nov. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 3)
"Das Verwandlungsspiel" deck shown normal, than it changes into duplicates of one picture card, than another, then back to normal
1896 137
Das Thalerkartenspiel deck put on glass, coin borrowed and it penetrates deck and drops into glass
1896 173
Das geheimnisvolle, unsichtbare Uhrwerk half the deck cut out so the center cards can rise from deck
Related to 1896 206
The Eclipsed Pack of Cards fan of cards thrown in air vanishes
1897 269
Das Verwandlungs-Kartenspiel transformation deck with divided duplicates on one side and normal faces on the other side à la Hofzinser, can be shown normal, then all-alike for one selection then another and then normal again
June 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Das wunderbare Kartenspiel "Hofzinser's Kartenkünste III."
entire deck changes into duplicates of three selections one after the other
Also published here Apr. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Carl Willmann Der pneumatische Kartensteiger houlette on stick, spectator blows into stick and selection rises one by one, deck with hollowed out section
Nov. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Carl Willmann Mephisto's Kartenspiel deck put on top of wine glass, wine comes out of deck and fills glass
Aug. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der forcierte Gedanke performer tables card, spectator thinks card from another deck, it disappears and the prediction card on table is correct
Also published here 1910 78
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Der forcierte Gedanke (Zweite Ausführung) card removed by performer and wrapped in handkerchief, card thought of from second deck vanishes and travels to pocket, wrapped card is also thought-of card
VariationsAlso published here 1910 82
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Das wunderbare Kartenspiel entire deck changes into duplicates of three selections one after the other
Also published here 1910 148
To change a drawn Card into the Portraits of several of the company in succession picture cards change into portraits of spectators
1911 112
Eric F. Impey Mysto - The Masterpiece thought-of card vanishes, thirteen half-waxed pairs in deck, also as named vanish
Also published here 1928 2
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant A Sweetheart card marked on the right side of the face, then card marked on left side of the face, they turn out to be the same
1935 31
Perfect Spelling Trick deck with four duplicate sets of thirteen different cards
1937 64
Card Spelling Deluxe very fair, deck with four duplicate sets of twelve different cards
1937 64
Repeating Card Turnover twenty-six double backers
1937 123
Reversi three selections turn over, 51 double backers
1937 124
Rolland Hamblen Blind Man's Bluff about ten selections are located blindfolded
1937 289
Stereotyped - Reading the Cards index on card is traced with ink that leaves an imprint on finger
1937 306
R. M. Jamison Touch blank cards variation, deck of blank backed cards, small-packet suggestion
Variations 1937 48
Al Baker With Prepared Cards "Albaka", name of a red card is written on every black card in stacked deck
Related toVariations 1938 343
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Protean Pack of Cards full deck changes to duplicates of three selections, deck of divided cards, with deck switch
1938 490
Albert Sidney Dark Sorcery spectator signs card and selects number, light turned off, when back on the signed card traveled into sealed envelope numbered with number, luminous paint on back of cards
Also published here Mar. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 42)
Jack Vosburgh The Future Deck prediction written on a playing card matches selection, gaffed deck with cards already written on the faces, related to Curry's "Touch"
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 108)
Billy O'Connor Instanto cutting to any named card, gaffed deck
Related toAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 115)
Billy O'Connor Rising Cards using "Instanto" deck
The Jinx (Issue 115)
Orville Wayne Meyer Location of Consequence using "Instanto" deck, named card version of Annemann's Magic Thurst
The Jinx (Issue 115)
Harold Denhard Thought Across Space medium finds card, center tear and gaffed "Instanto" deck
The Jinx (Issue 115)
Billy O'Connor Cutting Off any Number of Cards using "Instanto" deck
The Jinx (Issue 115)
Theodore Annemann Coincidence spectator and performer cut their decks, bottom cards are the same, "Instanto" deck
The Jinx (Issue 115)
59 - "New Era Instanto Deck" Performer can cut to any card desired
Also published here 1940 74
Allan Lambie Double Prediction card reversed behind back is predicted, repeat, deck of double backers
1942 7
A. Vantur Jeu de cartes changé en fleurs / Vom Kartenspiel zum Blumenbukett two methods to change deck into flowers
Oct. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Fadnacar named card is reversed and has different colored back, prepared deck using thread and needles to hold cards back, german translation on page 10 as "Fadnadkar"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Albert Sidney Dark Sorcery spectator signs card and selects number, light turned off, when back on the signed card traveled into sealed envelope numbered with number, luminous paint on back of cards
Also published here 1944 171
Jack Vosburgh The Future Deck prediction written on a playing card matches selection, gaffed deck with cards already written on the faces, related to Curry's "Touch"
Also published here 1945 117
Eddie Clever What You Can Do With Nelson's Thunderbolt Deck no explantation of the thunderbolt deck
1. i'll read your mind
2. the prophet again
3. direct my hand
4. master effect
5. "stop!""
6. three thinkers
1945 56
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty, Dr. William Weyeneth Fluidum coins and cigarette cling to deck of cards, followed by french translation "Fluide"
Mar. 1945 5
Eugene Gloye A New Idea on Rising Cards entire deck floats in midair, then three chosen cards rise from deck and fall to the floor, deck then lovers back into glass
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Conny Steffensen Magische Lektionen / Leçons magiques brief explanations of various techniques to control a card, followed by french translation
  • Reflektor
  • Sehen des Indexes an der gewählten Karte
  • Wo im Spiele befindet sich die Karte?
  • Abzählen von der untersten Karte
  • Die X-Strahlen Karte
  • Die berührte Karte
  • Auffinden einer Karte mit Hilfe von Wachs
  • Wie verfährt man, um mit dem Spiele zu rauschen?
  • Forcierung durch das "Rauschen"
  • Ein Forcierungs-Spiel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
Tony Lopilato "Yeast" Pack cards kind of rise inside of handkerchief, using spring
1948 97
Don Alan Parachute cards are thrown into the air, selection floats down on a little parachute
Related to 1950
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Don Alan Merv Taylor Split Deck deck cut with a knife, one is only pierced it is the selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Jack Vosburgh The Future Deck No. 136, prediction written on a playing card matches selection, gaffed deck with cards already written on the faces, related to Curry's "Touch"
Also published here 1950 262
Al Baker Double Thought two spectators open deck in another room to choose a card, performer divines them, accordion-connected triples
Also published here 1951 62
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Flip Deck cutting to any named card, gaffed deck
Related to Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Edwin Leist-Bernini Kartenspiel Bleistift als Vorhersage prediction of any red card is written on a black card and placed inside pocket, match
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 4)
Albert Sidney Dark Sorcery spectator signs card and selects number, light turned off, when back on the signed card traveled into sealed envelope numbered with number, luminous paint on back of cards
Also published here Oct. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Pañuelos Era Actual routine, silk produced from deck of cards and one produced from purse frame, breakaway fand and twentieth century silks to finish
1967 67
Alton Sharpe Mirabile Dictu any named red card is predicted on back of a black card, cards written on all black cards as index
Inspired by 1969 81
Edward Marlo Blank Thought any named card appears in otherwise blank deck, with two variations
Variations 1969 189
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Future Card "Domination Of Thought"
Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
Aldini The Genie Deck Uses Joe Berg Atomic Deck. Magician manages to place peeked at card next to freely thought of card (cards are never named)
1969 22
Aldini Double-Gali Deck changes to all Four of Spades, then all Six of Clubs, then back to regular deck
1969 23
James Auer Do As I Do (Platform Version) Peek Deck, hole in one index
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Bob Paul Pips Quick climax for picking of the pips, lots of pips fall from deck
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Alan Shaxon Ultimate Nudist Deck
Inspired by
  • "New Nudist Deck" (Edward Victor, Harry Baron's "My Best Card Trick", 1953, p. 20)
Related to
1970 19
Val Andrews Cutting the Deck! No. 5, deck actually cut in two halves, gag
1970 (ca.) 5
Carl Sten, Arnold Furst Once in a Knife Time knife stabbed into pack from back, penetrates cards until selection
1971 62
Al Baker Al Baka - Effect With Nikola Deck No. 458, very brief
Also published here 1972 129
Jochen Zmeck Mein Super-Verwandlungsspiel deck transforms itself three times, faced and backs, to match selections, using triple-cards glued in Z-configuration
Inspired by
  • Leopold Figner effect
1972 8
Jochen Zmeck Die J. Z. Kartenships name of chosen card appears on chip, two methods
1974 10
Nick Trost High-Low Cutting Pack specially cut deck
1975 26
Al Mann The Cut Force sewn cards
1976 27
Ray Mertz A $2.85 Deck gaffed deck with slits for coins
Related to 1977 26
Jean Faré New Blank Thought Handling Handling of "Blank Thought" by Ed Marlo - freely named card appears in blank deck, then disappears
Inspired by 1977 9
Robert J. Nedbalski Gag Deck Switch deck switched for gaffed deck (bottom half hollowed out, top half strung together), spectator cuts deck, it either bangs or spring flowers jump out of it, then performer admits a deck switch and openly brings out stacked deck from lap
1978 5
Simon Aronson Stranger Deranger unknown blue-backed selection put in red deck, card chosen from red deck face up, blue-backed deck counted face up and the card just chosen is missing, it is then shown to be the blue-backed card
Related toAlso published here 1978 60
Edward Marlo, David Solomon The Pinned Cards whole deck is punched, same effect as The Stapled Cards, one of two cards pinned together transposes with selection
  • 1st Method (Marlo)
  • 2nd Method (Solomon)
  • 3rd Method: Gaffed Pip Method (S.)
  • Double-Bubble Method: Taylor Peek Deck Card (S.)
  • Clipper Method (S.)
  • 2nd Clipper Method (M.)
  • The Double Double Bubble (2 Selections) (S.)
  • Marlo's D.D. Bubble Method
  • Direct Pinned Cards (M.)
Inspired by 1979 190
Sid Lorraine Two-Faced spectator turns over card behind back, is predicted, deck of double facers
Related to July 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Maurice Fogel The Amazing Fogel performer writes prediction of a card on back of joker, it matches chosen card
Magick (Issue 222)
Ken De Courcy, Hen Fetsch Super Spell gaffed deck, spelling to any named card, count-spell
Inspired by
  • "Magic Spell" (Hen Fetsch, ca. 1950)
Related to
1980 2
Karl Fulves Divino devano deck to switch cards
1982 19
Edward Marlo, Jack Vosburgh Double Proof Triple Prediction three selections are predicted on both billets and other cards, extension of Vosburgh's "Prediction Deck"
1983 65
Stephen Tucker, Paul Brignall Anatomy Deck name of called out card is found written on a selected card
Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Edward Bagshawe The Optica Deck pairs held together with cut-outs and raised parts, all backs can be shown either blue or red, and face cards change to all the same
  • The Optica Technique
with reproduction of ad and original instructions, 1928
Variations 1983 35
Eric F. Impey Mysto, The Masterpiece thought-of card vanishes, thirteen half-waxed pairs in deck, also as named vanish
VariationsAlso published here 1983 42
Robertson Keene Thought Cards Across
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Magician Monthly, June 1930
1983 45
Karl Fulves No-Gaff Brainwave paper clip vanishes and appears around named four-of-a-kind, using comb type gaff which allows to locate any card in the deck open index like
Inspired by
  • "Card Trick" (Clinton Burgess, Magic And Its Professors, Evans, 1902)
1983 114
David Regal Audacity Based deck changes back color and suits are changed to reverse colors printing (spades and clubs red, hearts and diamonds black)
Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Stewart James The Gnikool Device a duplicate of a thought of card is added to a deck
Jan. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 5)
Michael Close, Stewart James Coda Chrome based on "Chronothot" from New Tops, prediction from odd-backed deck is put on table and matched named card, gaffed decks and double backer
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Michael Weber Sutured Incision threaded deck, further ideas, inspired by Bob Cassidy book test
Also published here 1984 5
David Britland Britlandeck name of card written on back of card, prediction
Also published here Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Thomas Alan Waters Standout spectator finds a card, which another spectator wrote down, faded deck
Also published here Sep. 1984
Magick (Issue 339)
Randy Tanner The Holey Deck New One-Way Preparation, whole in deck, preparation while deck is still sealed
June 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Thomas Alan Waters Standout spectator finds a card, which another spectator wrote down, faded deck
VariationsAlso published here 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Myxtyr)
Michael Weber Sutured Incision threaded deck, further ideas, inspired by Bob Cassidy book test
Also published here 1985 6
Daryl Martinez The Ultimate Ambition popular rope finale, for ungaffed versions see references
Variations 1985/87 117
Thomas Alan Waters Zensory using Phantini's Delusion deck, two decks with different backs
Related to
  • "Delusion Deck" (Gene Grant, Phantini's Incredible Mental Secrets, 1980, marketed 1957)
May 1987
Magick (Issue 390)
Karl Fulves Hangout deck face up on table, spectators cut anywhere and remember cards while the magician's back is turned, located
1987 11
Bob Farmer Special Deck Version same effect, duplicates in deck
Also published here 1987/1988 6
Brother John Hamman The Faked Deck how to organize packet tricks
1989 216
Chris Payne The "Whizzo" Prediction! odd-colored card with prediction written on the back matches selection
1989 29
Tony Cachadiña The Nudist Deck special design for gaffed deck
1991 1
Bob Farmer Jack To The Future card thought of, then card selected, written on the thought-of card is the selected card
Inspired by Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Peter Duffie Two Packs But With A Single Thought named card travels from one deck to another, two prepared decks
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 1
Peter Duffie Kruger's Revenge card named, it is only one with Fred on the back, rest shown blank
Inspired byVariations 1992 11
Alexander de Cova Gedanken zum David Hoy Deck
Also published here Apr. 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Alexander de Cova David Hoy Deck
Also published here 1993 11
Dave Campbell Fred
Also published here
  • The Thistle, Vol. 21 No. 2, Dec. 1976, p. 11
June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Jerry Mentzer Another Point of Thought same effect
Inspired by 1993 203
Alexander de Cova David Hoy Deck
Also published here 1993 11
Alexander de Cova, James Swain Triple Prediction prediction from wallet, values written on blank cards, blank-backed deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 10
Simon Aronson Stranger Deranger unknown blue-backed selection put in red deck, card chosen from red deck face up, blue-backed deck counted face up and the card just chosen is missing, it is then shown to be the blue-backed card
Also published here 1994 62
Alexander de Cova Triple Coincidence prediction from wallet, values written on blank cards, blank-backed deck
Also published here 1994 20
Peter Duffie Folded and Stapled two cards signed and lost, matchbook vanishes, when deck is cut the matchbook is found on lower half stapled to signed selection with second selection inside, hollow block gaff
1994 3
Peter Duffie Two Decks But With a Single Thought named card travels from one deck to another, two prepared decks
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 209
Robert Parrish Trained Cards two cards in two pockets transpose, using deck of double facers
Inspired by
  • routine by Dave Jones (from Ken Allen Lecture Notes from 1957)
1995 78
Tommy Wonder Squeeze whole deck visually shrinks when put in miniature card case
1996 149
Paul Harris The Anything Deck any named word is written on the backs of cards in a prediction packet, one letter on each card
Related toVariations 1996 23
Walter Brusa Card Rise heavily gaffed deck
Related to 1996 3
Karl Fulves Thoughts Of Others card written down by a spectator is thought of during riffling by other spectator, O'Connor's Instanto Pack
Related to 1996 11
Karl Fulves Side Effects gaffed deck with various shortened cards, cutting to any card of tabled deck
Related to 1996 32
Karl Fulves Simple Stebbins using Side Effects Deck with Si Stebbins set-up
Related to 1996 44
Dominique Duvivier The Duvivier Deck Freely named card is only card printed in blank deck (along with another card that the magician previously took out)
1996 128
David Britland Das Britland Spiel name of card written on back of card, prediction
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Karl Fulves Dr. J unknown face-down card is placed in face-up deck where spectator cuts, the card he cuts to is then the face-down card, SBS deck
Related to 1997 20
Alexander de Cova The Psychodelic Winning Game two handlings, peek deck, miscalling or billet switch with index
Also published here 1997 4
Bob Farmer Blackjack Attack (Inspired By Actual Events)
  • Flim-Flam

  • Ordinary Deck Version
  • The Wired Deck Version
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Oct. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Alexander de Cova Any Card at Any Number peek deck, miscalling
1998 18
Alexander de Cova The Psychodelic Winning Game peek deck and billet switch with index
Also published here 1998 24
Brian Kloske Danger Deck hole appears in deck signed selection ends up in performers mouth
1998 1471
Jack Avis The Switch Force Deck force deck with cut-out section in half the deck to switch cigarette
1998 135
Steve Mayhew How You Like Me Now? Opener named card is only odd-backed card
Related to 1999 6
Ellis Stanyon Eclipse Vanishing a Pack of Cards No. 44, card sections riveted together so fan can be closed to narrow packet and is attached to pull
1999 183
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Protean Pack No. 45, three selections, "General Pack"
1999 183
Ellis Stanyon Making a Half Pack of Cards Vanish No. 46, every card cut in half and cards stuck together, loop to hide deck behind hand with loop over thumb
1999 184
Ellis Stanyon The Sticking Pack of Cards No. 47, deck thrown against wall to which it sticks, then cards rise out of deck
1999 184
Ron Bonneau Enlightened Company spectator divines card of other spectator, cards look faded to spectator
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 13)
Andy Nyman Dead Of Night three cards in different positions remembered, they are spelled out with increasingly more stringent conditions
Also published here 1999 20
Peter Duffie Backlog card freely chosen face-up, value and suit spelled to separately and the two cards removed and added, that number is written at the back of the selection
Related to 2000 2
Michael Sibbernsen Future Shock prediction written on a playing card matches selection
Inspired by 2000 96
Paul Curry, Michael F. Zens, David Devant Out of the Past deck is separated in halves, two cards thought of and one is selected, performer puts one card from the half into the other, first card is missing, second spectator touches a card, that is put into the other half and also his card is missing, third card invisibly travels into the other half
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Genii" vol. 7 no. 4, 1942
2001 102
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Domination Of Thought #1 performer tables card, spectator thinks card from another deck, it disappears and the prediction card on table is correct
VariationsAlso published here 2002 73
Karl Fulves Domination Of Thought #2 card removed by performer and wrapped in handkerchief, card thought of from second deck vanishes and travels to pocket, wrapped card is also thought-of card
Also published here 2002 76
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Mysterious Pack Of Cards entire deck changes into duplicates of three selections one after the other
Inspired by
  • Protean Pack (Robert-Houdin)
Also published here
2002 114
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Flying Thought selection flies out of deck, spring mechanism
Also published here 2002 145
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Three Powers three chosen cards vanish from deck, arrive in pocket, deck vanishes (in topit type space) and appears in pocket, three selections rise one with corner torn off that visible restores, a card is shot with pistol into candle
Also published here 2002 146
Peter Warlock Twin Thoughts two decks, unknown freely chosen card put in wooden frame, named card from other deck as well, they match, one deck composed of only hinged double cards
Related to 2002 258
Tom Stone Subliminal Persuation secret message appears as cards are riffled, nudist deck presentation, typo "Persuasion"
Also published here 2002 20
Al Baker Double Thought two spectators open deck in another room to choose a card, performer divines them, accordion-connected triples
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Al Baker Albaka spectator thinks of card, performer writes card on a card, it matches, gaffed
  • Advanced Version
  • Added Suggestions
Related toAlso published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker New Method wide and narrow pack for control
2003 692
Jim Steinmeyer the princess Caraboo deck
Also published here 2003 7
Karl Fulves The Right Pocket two cards chosen, duplicates are in pockets as prediction
2003 4
Karl Fulves Count Force counting to a number twice, second card is forced, deck of double facers
2003 4
Karl Fulves Hofzwindle red-backed deck cut in half, card chosen from each half, blue-backed duplicates produced from pocket from blue deck
2003 5
Karl Fulves Pick It Out spectator thinks of a card from one deck, then upjogs three cards from another deck one of which must be his selection, another spectator find the right one from the backs, arrows on cards point to the right card à la instant stooging
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Jim Steinmeyer The Princess Caraboo Deck
  • Conjuring
Also published here May 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Nicholas Einhorn The Money Deck gaffed deck to produce four coins
Related to 2004 20
David Acer Jim's Pick Card freely selected matches prediction on table
2004 166
Dave Campbell Thought Anticipated card chose from face-up blue deck and put on table, sealed red deck opened and counted, the selection is missing and tabled card turns out to be red-backed
Also published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 14 No. 12, April 1959
2004 155
Dave Campbell The Original "Fred" Trick credit information
VariationsAlso published here
  • The Thistle (Scottish Conjuror's Association's magazine)
2004 331
Ron Frost Scrambled Identity Alphabet cards, mixed, end up spelling name of company
2004 139
Michael Weber, Dean Dill A New World very clean procedure
Related to 2005 1
Dean Dill Bonus Routine two-phase routine
Inspired by
  • "Red & Black" (John Kennedy, Genii Vol. 52 No. 9, p. 560)
2005 7
Barrie Richardson "My Card" Trick spectator freely choses a card, that card is predicted in pocket with "My Card" written on its blank back
Also published here
  • Club 71, Summer 1994
2005 211
Alexander de Cova Forte-X three predictions written on blank cards, they match three chosen cards
Also published here 2005 3
Alexander de Cova Forte-X three predictions written on blank cards, they match three chosen cards
Also published here 2006 36
Sean Carpenter Named! spectator's name appears written on the back of his selection
Also published here
  • DVD "Sean Carpenter’s General Magic"
2006 11
Bruce Cervon Faro Fooler from NDO to NDO with two faros, double index cards
2007 32
Tyler Wilson Oscar The Grouch deck with celebrity-names on backs, some transformations on both sides of one of those cards, back changes to named name
Also published here Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova A.C.A.N. - Any Card at Any Number peek deck, miscalling
Also published here 2007 8
Tom Stone Subliminal Persuasion secret message appears as cards are riffled, nudist deck presentation
Also published here 2010 21
Tyler Wilson 36 Wheeler flip book animation on Bicycle League Backs with roulette presentation, named number appears on back of chosen card, memorized deck
2010 155
Tyler Wilson Oscar The Grouch deck with celebrity-names on backs, some transformations on both sides of one of those cards, back changes to named name
Also published here 2010 164
Andi Gladwin Omni Deck Climax climax for Open Travelers in which whole deck becomes invisible/transparent
2010 52
Skip Trace two holes at both ends through hole deck, stick inserted, selection pivoted out
Prolix (Issue 7)
Steve Bryant A Sure-fire Prediction deck spread face-up, then it is suddenly mixed face-up/face-down, then normal again, then all cards are shown Queens of Hearts, comedic presentation for Duvivier's deck
Inspired by
  • "The Deck That Shuffles Itself" (Dominique Duvivier)
2010 26
Andy Nyman Dead of Night three cards in different positions remembered, they are spelled out with increasingly more stringent conditions
Also published here 2010 93
Andy Nyman Big Reaction "(Lucky Cards Reborn)"
every card has "Boo" written on its back, but named selection has "Clap & Cheer"
  • Big Reaction
  • Lucky Cards (different presentation)
Inspired by
  • "Lucky Cards" (Roy Johnson, By My Guest Plus!, 1989)
2010 171
Helder Guimarães The Deck construction of the gaffed deck
2011 4
Helder Guimarães Triumphant new pack order finale despite seeing deck mixed
2011 14
Nick Trost Oscar
2011 759
Doug Edwards, Billy O'Connor, Cardini Billy O'Connor's Instanto Deck how to build an Instanto deck, more ideas
Related to 2013 63
Carlos Vinuesa The Sports Almanac (The Race) combination of strippers with cuts in short and long sides; prediction of race results in Shuffle-Bored style (including photo finish of the race)
Inspired byRelated to 2013 66
Robert Cassidy An Interesting Fact on two different deck of the Hoyle Maverick Poker Size Playing Cards
2013 61
Alexander de Cova Mein Extraktor card placed inside cased deck can easily be accessed and removed when pocketing case
Inspired by
  • Abstractor, marketed item, Alakazam
Also published here
Oct. 2013 20
Dr. Stanley Jaks Rasputin number and card are written on business card, with other deck number and card is divined
Also published here
  • "Rasputin" in "M.U.M." March, 1974
2014 217
Alan Shaxon Ultimate Nudist Deck evolved version of routine from 1970
Inspired by
  • "New Nudist Deck" (Edward Victor, Harry Baron's "My Best Card Trick", 1953, p. 20)
Related to
2014 130
Alexander de Cova Abstractor card placed inside cased deck can easily be accessed and removed when pocketing case
Also published here Jan. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 3)
Helder Guimarães Post-Monition named card missing from deck and in prediction envelope
Also published here 2015 29
Helder Guimarães The Solo Act
  • 1. Triumph
  • 2. Anti-Oil and Water
  • 3. Kings Production
  • Finale - Cards to New Deck Order
2015 35
Steve Beam Mind-Reading Deck Magician uses a deck of cards to grade the quality of thought of a spectator. Ultimately, the deck turns blank.
2015 60
Dani DaOrtiz Doubly Impossible
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
card chosen and card thought of from blue-backed deck, chosen card vanishes from hands and appears at named number in deck, thought-of card vanishes and appears in a second red-backed deck
May 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Calendarium combined with message on back of chosen card à la Brainwave
Inspired byRelated to 2015 204
Alexander de Cova Abstractor-Gimmick card placed inside cased deck can easily be accessed and removed when pocketing case
Inspired by
  • Extractor, marketed by Alakazam Magic
Also published here
2015 259
Ryan Plunkett The Mexican-American War three blank cards, predictions written on them, match three freely selected cards
Inspired by 2016 20
Roberto Giobbi Lefty Deck created by Kevin Reylek
Hidden Agenda (Issue Oct 7)
Jonathan Pendragon Accidental Prophecy effect in which a spectator follows along the performer and both have a card chosen, one uses a blank deck ("Factory Blanks" by Tom Stone)
Dec. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 12)
Tom Stone Psychic Paper blank card shown to various people, they "see" a card which also has been predicted, "Factory Blanks"
Related to Dec. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 12)
Alexander de Cova Forte-X three predictions written on blank cards, they match three chosen cards
Also published here 2016 83
Alexander de Cova Lefty Deck spectator thinks of a card from half the deck, concept of using a mix of left-handed index cards with normal cards to limit the choice
Inspired by 2016 103
Alexander de Cova Bonus Routine multiple location, deck minus the selections switched for left-handed lefty index deck
2016 108
Alexander de Cova Psychodelic Winning Game peek deck, billet switch with index
  • A.C.A.N.
Also published here 2016 145
Adrian Vega Baraja Apuñalada deck in case is pierced with a knife, knife pushed through all the cards and when pulled out sideways from deck only selection is found on knife
2017 29
Bob Farmer Special Deck Version same effect, duplicates in deck
Also published here 2017 71
Bob Farmer Jack to the Future chosen card is written on named card, one of them is written on the other
2017 97
Helder Guimarães Post-Monition named card missing from deck and in prediction envelope
Also published here Dec. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 12)
Anthony Owen Voodoo Tattoo card chosen and returned to deck, any letter written on paper and burned, letter is found burned into selection
Inspired byRelated to
  • Anthony Owen's "Branded Card 3" 1997.
2017 34
Áriston Arising Card any named card rises from card case
2017 206
Áriston Ariston's Card gaffed deck for rising card in card case
2017 211
Áriston Mazo Inmezclable special gaffed deck to quickly extract cards, brief description
2017 212
Áriston Aristoon variation of Dan Harlan's Card-Toon
2017 213
Bob Farmer The Bammo Brain Bamboozler two spectators think of a red and a black card, both cards vanish and are removed from the pocket before they are named, using version of John Kennedy's "Mind Power Deck"
Inspired by
  • "The Divine and Conquer Deck" (Leo Reed)
2018 1
Bob Farmer Brain Bamboozler Wave one card from red deck to blue deck
2018 12
Bob Farmer The Astounding Derren Brown Prediction from 2000 on the history of the effect
Related to
  • "Smoke" (Derren Brown, Pure Effect, 2000)
2018 15
Harapan Ong Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat kit kat bar appears from deck of cards
2018 190
Alexander de Cova Forte-X
  • Notizen
three predictions written on blank cards, they match three chosen cards
Also published here Apr. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 4)
Michał Kociołek Polish Poker Stacking Pseudo riffle stacking routine, uses Polish Poker deck, marketed by Card-Shark, stack any thought-of poker hand
2019 39
Iñaki Zabaletta Ethereal Deck La Baraja Desaparece, deck vanishes under handkerchief except selection
2019 139
José Carroll The hip-flask deck drink poured from deck
Related to
  • Magic up do Date, W.H.J. Shaw, 1896
2019 264
Nancy Colwell Narrow Minded approach with three selections, with discussion of think-a-card methods
Related to 2020 89
Lee Petrucci Holey Caddiddlehopper named card is only one with hole in it, in an envelope is found the missing hole
Sep. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 9)
John Graham Name-Dropper any name is written on the backs of cards in a prediction packet, one letter on each card, involves the divination of a selection and a gag prediction written on the case
Inspired by 2021 9
Michael Boden The L Vanish all cards vanish except Aces, deck found in pocket, all cards are L shaped and cut
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2013
2022 1196
Jerry K. Hartman Holey Grail any number named, that card counted to in deck, it is predicted
Inspired by
  • "Grail" (marketed, Alakazam)
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2013
2022 1197
Jerry K. Hartman Holey Grail any number named, that card counted to in deck, it is predicted
Inspired by
  • "Grail" (marketed, Alakazam)
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2013
2022 1197
Jim Steinmeyer The Tossed-Aside Deck
  • Conjuring
three spectators have a third of the deck each, red or black is chosen and each thinks of a number card of that color, multiple filter principle
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)
Aldo Colombini, Brent Arthur James Geris X-Ray Deck named card is only card with an X (or other custom mark) on it
2023 46
Kyle Leon Clean Cut Aces using gaffed deck with fifty 70/30 split cards
Related to Feb. 2024
The Hermit (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Adam W. Elbaum OG AWE Struck named card is predicted written on post-it note in wallet
Inspired by
  • "A.W.E. Struck" (Adam W. Elbaum, marketed)
Feb. 2025
Genii (Vol. 88 No. 2)