43 entries in Cards / Principles / Locator Cards / Wide Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Long Card
1876 60
To Divide the Pack into several Packets on the Table, allowing the Company to stop you at any Moment, and to cause the Top Card of the Heap last made to Change into the Chosen Card wide card as key card
1876 65
Dribble Force Precursor using wide card
1876 65
Long or Wide Cards
1889 38
Third Method - with the aid of a wide card wide card as key card
1889 69
Wide Cards
May. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Der Kartendegen Eine Kartensoirée No. 2
four cards selected and shuffled back by spectator, stabbed at once from card shower
Oct. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Kartenspiel und Würfel card chosen and lost, six piles made by performer, spectator throws die and the number indicates the pile with the selection
  • 1. Ausführung (six banks of the same six cards each, separated by wide cards)
  • 2. Ausführung (ungaffed)
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Wide Card
1897 135
Narrow Pack Location deck switch to locate cards
1897 208
Die absichtlich verzögerte Volte "by Dr. K. in L.", delaying the pass by marking the position with a wide or long card first and tabling the deck
Aug. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Der Künstler als Wagenmensch No. 7, human scale, performer cuts off cards and knows exact weight and number of cards, repeated, wide cards at known positions
1900 73
Al Baker Al Baker's Deck of Cards with wide locator
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue The Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript)
Al Baker Al Baker's Pack combo pack
  • 1. One Way
  • 2. Short
  • 3. Wide
  • 4. Si Stebbins
Variations 1932
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Pack)
Theodore Annemann The Devil's Four Aces signed Aces, three long duplicates, packets put in glasses
Nov. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 2)
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker The Master Mind two decks, three cards are predicted
1935 16
Theodore Annemann The Act longer routine of The Master Mind, several times cards are predicted on billets
1935 17
Theodore Annemann The Master Mind stack, billet index
1945 69
Conny Steffensen Magische Lektionen brief explanations of various techniques to control a card, followed by french translation "Leçons de Magie"
  • 1. Durch Forcieren
  • 2. Anwendung der Volte
  • 3. Mit Hilfe der untersten Karte
  • 4. Ein Ersatz für die Volte
  • 5. Lange und breite Karte
  • 6. Eine billige, lange Karte
  • 7. Gebrochene Ecke
  • 8. Dicke Karte
  • 9. Kurze Karte
  • 10. Vergilbtes Spiel
  • 11. "Bleistiftstrich" auf der Seite des Spieles
  • 12. Rand und "Augen" Methode
  • 13. Die umgekehrte Karte
Related to 1946
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Dr. F. W. van Klaveren 1 Karte + 1 Tuch "Silcardo", several methods to find selection with handkerchief
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Dr. William Weyeneth Wenn zwei dasselbe tun... spectator and performer each cut four times, performer ends up with four Aces
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Sure Throw #2 and #3 long and short card
1962 75
Jules Lenier Card from Pocket comment on routine in Guyot, card shuffled back in deck and placed inside pocket of spectator, performer removes selection
Related to
  • Gilles-Edme Guyot's "Nouvelles Récréations mathématiques et physiques" (1799)
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 24)
Charles T. Jordan Mephistopheles' Own using two narrow & short and two wide & long cards as key cards for double location with out-of-hand selection
Related to 1975 180
John M. Bauman Another Rising Card sticking partial wide card to selection
Feb. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Ellis Stanyon Three Effects with Wax No. 17
(a) two card location, stuck together offset to make wide card
(b) another location in which card (or cards) is waxed, found by riffling
(c) located by dealing through deck
1999 9
Karl Fulves Chapter 13: The "Long" and "Wide" Card chapter intro
1999 213
Ellis Stanyon Description of the Pack No. 1
1999 213
Ellis Stanyon The Card in the Pocket No. 13, selected card located in pocket
1999 220
Ellis Stanyon Long and Wide Cards No. 18, one of each in the deck, forced on different spectators
1999 221
Al Baker New Method wide and narrow pack for control
2003 692
Al Baker Cutting the same Number of Cards Counted using wide card
2003 707
Jack Avis Jack Avis Ideas - 5. having a wide jumbo index card in a deck, no application
2006 73
Frank Lane Wide and Long Card out of celluloid
Related to
  • Here's How, 1934, p. 31
2006 112
Alexander de Cova Ultimative Kartenkontrolle thick card for multiple card control
Related to 2010 15
Alexander de Cova Anwendung mit Zarrowshuffle using wide card for Zarrow shuffle
Also published here 2010 16
Alexander de Cova Die dicke Berta thick wide card by glueing two card together slightly off
  • Herrstellung
  • Das Prinzip
Related toAlso published here Nov. 2012 34
Alexander de Cova Anwendung mit Zarrowshuffle using wide card for Zarrow shuffle
  • Der Zarrow ohne Gimmick
  • Der Zarrow mit Gimmick
  • Mein Zarrow Mischen in Bildern
Also published here Nov. 2012 35
Tom Gagnon Slug-O-Matic Deck wide/narrow combination, allows riffle shuffle stock control
  • Spectator Shuffles
2013 138
Tom Gagnon Shuffling Monkey spectator riffle shuffles deck with selection and two face-up Jokers in it, afterwards the Jokers sandwich selection, Slug-O-Matic Deck
Inspired by
  • "Monkey in the Middle" (Bill Goldman, marketed)
2013 142
Alexander de Cova Die dicke Berta thick wide card by glueing two card together slightly off
  • Herrstellung
  • Eine andere Präparation
  • Das Prinzip
Also published here 2015 98
Alexander de Cova Anwendung mit Zarrow-Shuffle using wide card for Zarrow shuffle
  • Der Zarrow mit dem Gimmick
Also published here 2015 99
Alexander de Cova Rene Lavand's Trick
  • Notizen
one-handed cutting to the Aces
Inspired by July 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 7)