138 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Deck / Al Koran type
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Three Cards Repeating Forcing Pack
1876 125
Professor Hoffmann To Force Three Cards together three force cards repeat abcabcabc...
1889 15
Professor Hoffmann To Force three Cards together three cards repeat itself, spectator cuts anywhere
Variations 1890 13
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das mysteriöse Würfelchen selection in deck, deck dealt into six piles, spectator throws die which identifies the pile with the selection
1896 231
Kartenspiel und Würfel card chosen and lost, six piles made by performer, spectator throws die and the number indicates the pile with the selection
  • 1. Ausführung (six banks of the same six cards each, separated by wide cards)
  • 2. Ausführung (ungaffed)
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVIII. Prädestination (Vorherbestimmung)
  • 1. Die Karten (prediction of chosen pile, cards can be divined, Koran type)
  • 2. Die Blumen (name of chosen flower appears on paper in sealed envelope, half forcing deck)
1903 174
Edward Bagshawe A "Spirit Divination" Mystery name of card appears on empty paper
1924 42
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine gezogene Karte, die sich in einem von sechs Päckchen das durch Würfelwurf bezeichnet wird, wiederfindet thrown dice to find packet with selection, deck consists of six cards repeated
1930 89
William Larsen Shuffle It Yourself twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination, same as Walsh
Related to 1931 4
Card Spelling De Luxe No. 25, spectator cuts anywhere, remembers top card and buries it, it is spelled to by spectator
1935 26
Michael F. Zens Zens' Miracle Pocket to Pocket Trick three chosen cards, envelopes, repeating set-up deck
Related toVariations 1937 298
Henry Christ The New Spell Me twelve card set-up or four sets of douplicates
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 37)
The "Perfect" Spelling Trick four banks of duplicates with thirteen cards
1938 323
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream four banks of twelve cards, fishing
Related to 1938 346
Bert Allerton Mind Reading with the Finger Tips as Bert Gustafson, two thought-of-cards are removed behind back
1938 900
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination
Related toVariations Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
Theodore Annemann Trance Card Al Koran type deck for spelling routine
Dec. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 151)
Val Evans The Prognostication Pack half Koran-type deck, one of five cards thought of, then performer shows five-card groups, card predicted on piece of paper
1941 34
Roger Barkann, Audley Walsh Magician's Nightmare first impossible card location and then another card is spelled out from the spectator's pocket, four times thirteen Koran deck (Audley Walsh idea), clever fishing method
Related to
  • missing lines on p. 44
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 10)
Michael F. Zens The Improved "Zens" Cards & Envelopes
Related to 1945 55
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream
1945 119
Victor Farelli, David Devant Hew Devant Used to Force method to force three cards, three cards repeat itself, spectator cuts anywhere
Inspired by Nov. 1949 601
Al Baker The Jet-Propelled Card unsigned but fair selection vanishes, to nest of envelopes
Also published here 1951 42
J. G. Reed J. G. R. Mental Force five times six cards repeating
Aug. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 11)
Paul Marcus Think of a Card Koran deck with set of eleven, fishing over phone
Related to Aug. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 371)
Edward Marlo Thoughts on Blind Choice two selections from one deck match two reversed prediction cards in second deck, four methods with different gaffed decks (Ultra Mental Deck, deck with twenty-six different cards duplicated, Audley Walsh's Dream Deck / Koran Deck)
Inspired by
  • "Blind Choice" (Jack Avis, The Gen, June 1962, p. 44)
1964 67
Gene Nielsen Card Sense poker presentation, prediction in envelope
Variations 1971
Magick (Issue 37)
Glenn G. Gravatt, Al Koran The Antique Medallion
Inspired by 1972 58
Jochen Zmeck Das J.-Z Buchstabierspiel four eight-card blocks repeat itself, all cards spell with eight letters
Inspired by
  • Duke Stern effect
1972 8
Al Koran Five Star Prediction prediction of card in envelope, spectator deals through cards and stops at any point
1972 19
Audley Walsh, Al Koran Magician's Nightmare description Koran Deck and some Koran anecdotes
1975 130
Simon Aronson The Aronson Artifice spectator stops anytime during dealing, takes two cards, then one of those, it is divined and predicted, Koran meets Gilbreath
Also published here 1978 49
Ken De Courcy Last Card Prediction final card predicted in pocket or wallet, with index or sticky dummy prediction
Inspired by 1979 8
Michael Skinner Das Gedanken-Projektions-Spiel two spectators choose cards hands off, two halves with different sets of Koran type set-up
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Thomas Alan Waters Trionic three phases
  • card is seen and reversed in the deck, card is revealed
  • card is unseen and reversed in the deck, card is revealed
  • prediction of a selected card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Trionic)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Super Mental Deck Al Koran Deck meets Svengali
1981 26
Robert Cassidy, Ross Johnson Princess A Hoy cards are distributed to five people, they think of one card in their pile, tossed out deck version
Variations 1981
Magick (Issue 290)
Michael Skinner Thought Projection Pack two spectators choose cards hands off, two halves with different sets of Koran type set-up
Also published here 1982 1
Michael Weber Floored Al Koran Five-Star Deck, prediction is jumbo card on the wall when an elevator is left
1983 33
Karl Fulves Notes by Karl Fulves
Related to 1983 45
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann, Alessandro de Luca Das Televisions-Spiel card is selected and is missing in second deck, found in envelope
1983 28
Stephen Minch Étoile D'Éventualité sealed prediction in wallet, two cards that match two selections, first card is stopped at and second selected by throwing a die, Himber wallet
Related toAlso published here 1984 25
Paul Maurer, Dr. Wittich Eine Kartenroutine selected card is found, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
Gene Nielsen Card Sense II poker hand, one of the cards remains face down, a card chosen from zip loc bag matches
Inspired by 1985 3
Philip T. Goldstein Phonex using Al Koran forcing deck
Oct. 1986
Magick (Issue 379)
Philip T. Goldstein Der Kartencomputer card travels into card box prop
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Ron Wilson Hoy's Legacy with five people
1987 89
Stephen Minch Étoile D'Éventualité spectator deals cards face up and stops, that card removed, die rolled and to that number counted to from stopped spot, both cards predicted, Himber Wallet
Also published here 1987 22
Juan Tamariz Miraculous Adivination (Al Koran Style) as divination or location, Al Koran Deck
  • First Version
  • Second Version
1988 61
John Bannon, Al Koran Five-Star Engraved Prediction four cards selected, reduced to one, this is engraved on brass disc in purse, inspired by Al Koran's "Five-Star Prediction"
1990 139
Marco Fida Against Odds locating chosen card, cards inside bag
Jan. 1991
Magick (Issue 450)
T. Page Wright The Miracle Spelling Deck card selected out of hands and deck pocketed, performer reaches into pocket and takes out cards one by one spelling the selection and finds it, repeat with the spectator spelling the card out of the performer's pocket
1991 227
Mike Porstmann Risiko card is chosen by putting a dagger in a deck, prediction of card using envelope
1991 54
Juan Tamariz Exactly the Same! nerve trick followed by card to wallet
Also published here June 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 6)
Peter Warlock Your Fate in a Teacup color, card and word from book predicted on three billets, reprinted from Pentagram Vol. 1 No. 1, 1946
Mar. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Bob Farmer Overcon two cards thought of from fanned deck and then divined
Aug. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Al Koran Miracle Wallet Five Star Prediction, edited reprint of "Ken Brooke's instructions" from 1982
  • Another Handling (sixteen cards distributed on table, one chosen, predicted in wallet)
Oct. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Justin Higham (ESP)ionage normal cards have ESP Symbols on their face, one chosen and divined
1993 21
Alexander de Cova, Toni Forster Dynamite Prediction Koran prediction
Also published here 1994 16
Ted Lesley Dream Decks history and ideas for the Bagshawe / Koran Forcing deck
1994 117
Ted Lesley Symbolico deck with symbols, chosen one is divined, Koran type with pumping feature
1994 121
Simon Aronson The Aronson Artifice spectator stops anytime during dealing, takes two cards, then one of those, it is divined and predicted, Koran meets Gilbreath
Also published here 1994 53
Alexander de Cova Five Star Prediction Koran prediction, with Himber wallet
Also published here 1994 12
Al Mann Hallucination card in wallet changes to thought of card, hallucination presentation, Diplo-Mental Pouch
Apr. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 10)
Simon Aronson Fate card freely chosen from range of twelve, then birthday named, then chart removed, using cross-index index
Variations 1995 249
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Philius' Tossed-Out-Deck blindfolded
1995 12
Paul Daniels Meine Karte in Brieftasche using five credit cards with cards on their back as index in wallet
1995 33
Alexander de Cova Zum Al Koran Forcierspiel handling tips
1995 11
Alexander de Cova, Toni Forster Dynamite Prediction Koran prediction
Also published here 1995 12
Jerry K. Hartman Prize Brain two spectators think of a card from the deck, a second deck is dealt through face up and counted, there are only 51 cards in it and one of the spectators confirms his card was not there, the deck is turned face down and one card has odd back, it is the second spectator's card, multiple decks required
Inspired by 1995 271
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Three Easy Pieces half Koran deck, three cards are divined
Apr. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Note by Karl Fulves thought card rises
Inspired by 1996 9
Karl Fulves Interrogative double ender deck, new deck order on one end, Walsh's Dream Deck on other side, Mind Power Deck
Inspired byRelated to 1996 64
Peter Duffie Double Vision any red and black cards removed from face-up spread, values added, that day in calendar has both those cards written next to it, both also predicted in envelope
1996 1
Barry Levy Impossible Revelation reprint of instructions, first marketed in 1978 by Tannen
card thought of and then spelled to, using a deck with seventeen double enders, progressive spelling
Related to 1997 98
Karl Fulves Dream Sequence only eighteen duplicates in deck, more unusual selection process to arrive at a card in the fishing sequence
Inspired by 1997 103
Edward Bagshawe, Al Koran, Ron Wilson, Gene "Phantini" Grant, Ted Lesley The "Dream-Deck"-Combination single card divination
1997 2
Ron Wilson, Ted Lesley David Hoy's Sensation six cards
1997 4
Richard Bartram, Jr. The Princess' New Clothes deck is cut several times and spectator thinks of one of top cards, process is repeated several times and all cards are divined
1997 71
Harry Lorayne Five Star Miracle spectator selects apparently any card, it's predicted, four outs in Himber Wallet, gaffed and ungaffed deck to force one of the four cards
1998 27
Stephen Minch School of Eventuality sealed prediction in wallet, two cards that match two selections, first card is stopped at and second selected by throwing a die, Himber wallet
Also published here 1998 82
Jeff Busby More Aspects more on fishing and Al Koran type deck, credit information, Richard Osterlind's Radar Deck
1998 86
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Loft covered by newspaper
Also published here 2000 31
Richard Mark Prediction Plus Deck spectator deals through deck and stops at one card, prediction on business card, with 9-force variation
2000 60
R. Paul Wilson Washington Thinks card thought from Koran deck appears on borrowed bill
Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Juan Tamariz Exactly the Same with a Difference nerve trick followed by card to wallet
Also published here Oct. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 10)
Al Baker The Jet-Propelled Card unsigned but fair selection vanishes, to nest of envelopes
Related toAlso published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
David Ben Tossed On Stage tossed out deck version, five spectators
Variations 2003 119
Wayne Dobson Tossed Deck three force cards
2003 6
Peter Duffie Miracle Thot! card thought of, the prediction is removed, it matches thought-of card and they transpose
Also published here
  • marketed in 1990s
2005 62
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Card Stab covered by newspaper
Also published here 2006 108
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Digging Deeper two selections, silently spelled and spectator think stop
Inspired by
  • Paul Hallas' "Magic" in "Son of Totat"
2006 31
Christoph Borer Challenge Peek three cards are divined, half Al Koran deck
2007 37
Bob Farmer The Bammo Dekronomicon thought-of card appears at thought-of number
2007 1
Miguel Gómez La apuesta jumbo card in envelope, prediction of chosen card, five star miracle deck
2007 93
Bill Abbott Pokerface
Inspired by 2008 13
Nick Trost Zenith Card Prediction card selected from blue deck, it matches a single marked card in red-backed deck, 1-0-1 Koran deck
Inspired by
  • "Pentell" (Geoff Maltby, sold by Repro 71 of London ca. 1977)
Also published here
  • marketed 1983
2011 762
Teller The Effect card travels to shoe or wallet, illustrating previous theoretical article
July 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 7)
Bruce Bernstein A Matter of Time matching routine, envelopes with cards are dealt and one is selected, card inside matches selection from deck, 13 variations also with other objects, going back in time presentation
2012 189
Roberto Giobbi The Tossed-Out Deck Switch
2013 133
Alberto de Figueiredo 1 + 4 four cards
2013 125
Alexander de Cova Gedanken zum Forcierspiel von Al Koran 1-0-1 force principle used on backs, with names on backs
  • Das OSKAR-Spiel
Also published here May 2013 12
Alexander de Cova Al Koran Deck Finesse 1-0-1 force principle used on backs, with numbers or names on backs
  • Faro Set-up
  • The Oscar Trick
Also published here Dec. 2013
Scrapbook (Issue 1)
Nick Trost Elmsley Plus 1-0-1 Arith-Mate-Ic followed by Koran Five-Star type prediction (with credit information on p. 757)
Inspired by 2013 754
Alexander de Cova, Devin Knight Auto-Spell Deck in deutscher Sprache spectator cuts anywhere, remembers top card and puts it in center, performer cuts once and selection can be spelled out
Inspired by
  • "Auto-Spell Deck" (Devin Knight, e-book)
Also published here
Jan. 2014 4
Alexander de Cova Das Al-Koran-Spiel mal ganz anders 1-0-1 force principle used on backs, with names on backs
Also published here 2015 120
Alexander de Cova, Devin Knight Auto Spell Deck spectator cuts anywhere, remembers top card and puts it in center, performer cuts once and selection can be spelled out
Inspired by
  • "Auto-Spell Deck" (Devin Knight, e-book)
Also published here
2015 108
So Sato So-Lution 2 Invisible Deck presentation, presented as an idea
2016 72
John Hostler The TDQ Deck Triskadequadra Application #3
1-0-1 alternative for Koran type force after a riffle shuffle
2016 69
John Hostler Slipknot Deck to make a thought-of card vanish
2016 135
Paul Vigil, Bill Abbott The Octopus Deck two spectators think of cards in spread, then two selected with tossed-out deck procedure
  • Phase 1: Up Close
  • Phase 2: Furthur
Inspired by
  • "The Octopus Deck" (Bill Abbott, 2008)
2017 197
Paul Vigil The Premonition card predicted in wallet
2017 221
Paul Vigil Ultra-Mental Deck (a.k.a Invisible Deck) combination with Octopus Deck
2017 222
Paul Vigil A History of Influences: From the Bank to the Pump credit information
2017 222
Paul Vigil Cards 1-0-1 credit information
2017 224
Bob Farmer Another Psychological Discovery card thought of and card selected, thought-of card is used to spell to selection
Inspired by 2017 3
Bob Farmer Inquisition Enigmatico card thought of, ten different cards repeated
2017 16
Bob Farmer Pentacle Force applied to three people that are asked to think of a high, low and middle valued card
2017 17
Bob Farmer Gaffus Maximus thought-of card is named and spelled to, it's the only odd-backed card
Variations 2017 19
Bob Farmer I Predict a Red Backed Card odd-backed tabled card turns out to be later thought-of card, red/blue double backer
  • The Spectator Picks the Mystery Card
2017 24
Rudy T. Hunter Himber Wallet Prediction prediction kicker for the effect
Inspired by 2017 25
Bob Farmer Encephalonic Predestination chosen and thought-of card (in relation to chosen one) are predicted, 1-0-1
2017 83
Bob Farmer Science in Aid of Deception - The Top 24 Cards on the 1-0-1 deck, how to avoid duplicates being noticed
2017 86
Bob Farmer The Bammo Brain Bamboozler two spectators think of a red and a black card, both cards vanish and are removed from the pocket before they are named, using version of John Kennedy's "Mind Power Deck"
Inspired by
  • "The Divine and Conquer Deck" (Leo Reed)
2018 1
Bob Farmer Brain Bamboozler Wave one card from red deck to blue deck
2018 12
Johnny Thompson, Millard Lichter The Pump Deck three spectators think of card in fan, all divined
Inspired by 2018 171
Johnny Thompson The Johnny Thompson $100 Prediction spectator stops face-up deal, card predicted, four-way out
  • Forcing Deck
  • Himber Wallet
  • The Four Wallets
  • The Outs
2018 299
Johnny Thompson Spectator Shuffles Koran Stack
2018 313
Nancy Colwell Narrow Minded approach with three selections, with discussion of think-a-card methods
Related to 2020 89
David Britland Trevor Hall's Direct Mind Reading
  • Cardopolis
guessing the method of Hall's effect, one card thought of from a spread and one chosen by cutting, both divined
Inspired by
  • "Direct Mind Reading" (Trevor Hall, marketed 1956)
Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)
Jim Steinmeyer The Lost Quatrain
  • Conjuring
presentation for Koran-type 1-0-1-stack stop trick prediction
Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
David Britland The Vanishing
  • Cardopolis
card thought of, it vanishes and appears in the pocket
  • The Spectator Thinks of a Card
  • Reversing the Block
  • A Casual Interrogation
  • Deep Fishing
Oct. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 10)
Justin Purcell Everywhere & Nowhere three wrong cards in glasses are each shown to be the selection, they then change back
July 2021
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Special Chicago Issue #1)
Sylvain Juzan Mimic Me If You Can performer and spectator have one deck each, four selections match and also match a prediction
Inspired by
  • Luis Otero routine from Penguin Live Lecture
2021 43
Kyle Leon Close-up Miracle Prediction handling for Al Koran Five-Stare Prediction, six outs for prediction (including Frixion pen)
Inspired by
  • Al Koran's "Five Star Prediction"
Oct. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Tom Gagnon Simplex Pool Cue Card Stab whole deck has whole through middle, mixed up in paper bag, pool cue stabbed through bag and selection is impaled on cue
Inspired by 2022 224
Kyle Leon Predetermined Roll invisible dice are rolled, total counted to in deck, card at that position is predicted on the back of another card, 1-0-1
Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Allan Ackerman Another CAAN card thought of from Koran-type deck, ends up at any number
Inspired by 2024 208