172 entries in Paper / Envelopes / Switching with single Envelope & Two-Way Envelopes
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das glückliche Wiederfinden No. 41, card vanishes from envelope and reappears in cigar, card either forced or freely chosen with cigar index
1895 49
Prädestinieren remember and forget with one spectator and additional prediction in double envelope
1896 47
Das amerikanische Couvert item put in envelope is switched when envelope is opened again
June 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das geheimnisvolle Couvert design for two-way envelope
Sep. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Double Envelope
1924 44
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Sie spottet der Fessel. No. 5
  • 1. Der Kartenflüchtling (Ace vanishes from deck and appears inside envelope, pip covered by black Aces so Ace of Hearts poses as Diamonds)
  • 2. Die Karte als Ausbrecher (deck is encircled with rubber band, bottom card vanishes under handkerchief and appears in spectator's pocket)
1926 21
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Wunderkraft des Zauberspruchs writing on piece of paper vanishes and reappears, inside nest of envelopes
1927 21
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Radioschrift number appears on piece of paper inside envelopes
1930 45
a. With an Envelope switch of folded bill while handling an envelope where the bill is inserted
1937 12
h. Prepared Envelope
1937 16
New Prepared Envelope
1938 834
Franklin M. Chapman When Your Number turns Up name of deceased person appears on piece of paper, initialed by spectator and sealed in envelope
Apr. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Eddie Clever Master of Will three cards in three envelopes, same cards are selected from other deck and were predicted
Dec. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Maldino Die Gedankenfotographie picture of selection appears on photo paper, in envelope
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Charly Eperny Eine kleine Improvisation blank cards placed in envelope, pips vanish and appear on blank cards to match selections
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Double Envelope
1941 185
Rapid Banking bill transposes with check in two double envelopes
1941 189
Paul Curry Pay-Off bill folded and put in envelope, serial number is divined
Also published here 1941 17
Application of Scarne's Master Change using envelope to switch something
1943 222
Switching Envelope manila type
1944 75
A double envelope used to vanish stamps
1945 53
How to Force two Messages date and color, billets and envelopes
1945 379
Grady S. Nicholson Thought Projection Test named city in envelope, multiple out
1945 326
Merle L. Fisher Utility Folder for Sucker Effects envelope / folder
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Edward Victor A Useful Envelope using a deck of cards and an envelope to switch pieces of card with tobacco, extra piece
1946 9
Glendi Glendi's Mental Photography - The Dream Photograph paper to photograph in envelope, comedy presentation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Date Divination assistant collects several different coins in an envelope, all dates are divined, clever subtlety
1947 32
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley Holding the Bag thought written on a billet and sealed in envelope is divined
1947 96
Teleport Envelope Precursor
1948 138
Double Envelopes
  • Regular Double Envelopse
  • End-Sealed Double Envelope
  • Two-Ends-Sealed Double Envelope
  • Open-Edge Double Envelope
  • Billet Collecting Double Envelope
  • Century Two-Ends-Sealed Double Envelope
  • Mental Effects with Double Envelopes
1948 172
Bob Somerfeld A Switch for the Mentalist envelope to switch billets
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Al Baker Envelope as an Accessory slit, steal
Also published here 1949 46
Aage Darling Tele-Hypnosis girl sits on one of seven chairs, with alternative method for large cards
VariationsAlso published here 1953 12
Mutliple Out Envelope six out
1954 239
Gene "Phantini" Grant Remoto unconventional Q&A routine
1955 3
Gene "Phantini" Grant Delphic Divination prediction on a slip, in envelope
1955 14
The Amazing Maurice A Spectator Performs Telepathy spectator divines number from a bill by looking into a glass of water
1961 19
Malvano Kartenwanderung twelve black cards in one envelope, three red cards from twelve red cards named, they travel across
1962 32
Bruce Posgate Togetherness follow-up to Clip Climax, several paper clips link into a chain in an envelope
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Ace Gorham Paying It Safe date of bill and serial number are divined
May 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Eugene Gloye Sorting Out Stamps routine with stamp blow book
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
North Bigbee Prophesycic three cards chosen and placed and then one selected by cutting high to high card, winner's card matches prediction in envelope
Apr. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 24)
North Bigbee Three-Way-Envelope
Apr. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Hans "Mr. Bogo" Boginski Mr. Bogo und der Weltmeister headline prediction, envelopes in box, promotion stunt
Related to
  • "Magie" Nr. 2, 1967.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 3)
Arthur Setterington By Royal Command Three of Diamonds disappears from envelope and appears between to cards, with the pictures of Queen Victoria and the Duke of Wellington
1968 9
Arthur Setterington The Amateur Gardener three cards with a pot on it come into envelopes, the first pot gets bigger, the second has now flowers inside and the third a flower as well, which grows out of the card visibly
1968 11
Waru Eine Methode - Eine Spielkarte oder eine Banknote erscheinen oder verschwinden zu lassen sort of Buddha Papers using envelopes
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 4)
Roy Johnson Flap Finesse... (or How to eliminate Flap Fumble!!!) window envelope for switching cards, billets etc.
Variations 1971 21
Roy Johnson Spot (The amazing vanishing rabbit!!) comedy routine, card with rabbit in a top hat is put in window envelope, rabbit vanishes from card
Related to
  • Bill Severn's "Magic Comedy"
1971 23
Rolf Andra Mental-Test set of number cards is shuffled and spectator numbers them correctly on the back, set of ESP cards and spectator locates his chosen symbol
Related to 1971
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 5)
Nathan Stark The Fourth Dimension clever single card prediction in envelope, partial three-way forcing deck
VariationsAlso published here 1972
Magick (Issue 52)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Envelope Bill Switch No. 120, dummy bill already in envelope
Also published here
  • The Linking Ring?
1972 36
Al Koran Five Star Prediction prediction of card in envelope, spectator deals through cards and stops at any point
1972 19
Edward G. Brown The Force Card Is Substituted for a Chosen Card by Means of Apparatus
1973 195
North Bigbee ESP-Sonic Prediction in envelopes, prediction
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 80)
Emil Loew Educated Envelope switch envelope, thought-cards-across application
Related to July 1974 753
Emil Loew, Karl Fulves Other Applications of the "Educated Envelope"
Related to July 1974 754
Roy Miller Psy-Clops several drawings in envelopes, one is chosen and duplicated
Magick (Issue 127)
Vic Perry, Al Koran Envelope Switch prediction of coin in envelope, envelope to switch coin
Magick (Issue 143)
Gerald Kosky Strike-Out card with five diseases written on it is handed to spectator, one is selected and card placed inside envelope, name of disease vanishes
1975 177
Alan Shaxon The Invisible Card and Envelopes An invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope. Envelope and correct card appear.
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 12
Alan Shaxon A Perfect Jumbo Card Change Jumbo card put in a window envelope changes to another card
1976 15
Walter B. Gibson, Al Mann Walter's Letter prediction in nest of envelopes, sent to spectator by mail
1977 10
Neil Poliakoff Fire the Boss! ads from newspaper are torn and sealed in envelopes one is selected and content divined
Magick (Issue 184)
Hen Fetsch Double Envelope
1978 11
Neal Rider Clairvoyant several spectator draw something on a slip, one is selected and duplicated by performer
Magick (Issue 221)
Larry Becker Midas Mentalism silver coin turns into golden coin in envelope, alchemy presentation
1978 59
Nathan Stark Der Haltepunkt clever single card prediction in envelope, partial three-way forcing deck
Also published here Oct. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Homer ESP symbols, cards match with cards in envelope
Magick (Issue 232)
Karrell Fox A K.F. Idea on an O.M. Switch envelope as billet switching box
Inspired by 1979 119
Larry Becker Will Power six checks to celebrities, prediction of chosen check
Related to
  • Dai Vernon's "Mental Die"
1979 118
Larry Becker Heads or Tails invisible coin, prediction of heads or tails in envelope
Also published here 1979 164
Len Belcher Eine Vorhersage three window envelopes with different colored cards, chosen one has prediction on back
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 3)
Roy Johnson The Great Divide two-way envelope
Inspired by 1979 18
Philip T. Goldstein Key to... the Future! in box is prediction on which attempt the lock opens
Also published here 1980
Magick (Issue 273)
Stephen Minch Mind Runes four rune sticks with one spot on one side and two on the other, stick thrown and card at spot-sum position in Tarot deck noted, number and card predicted as well as spot configuration on rune sticks
1980 1
Basil Horwitz Challenge Thought a name, color and a symbol are noted on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer returns correct envelopes and then divines content
Related toAlso published here 1981 49
Neil Somerville PSI-Brations X spectator divines special ticket, prediction in envelope, himber wallet
Magick (Issue 299)
Bruce Bernstein Triple Prediction prediction of coin toss, chosen card and total of numbers
Related to 1981 34
Al Mann Haunting Headlines newspaper page is selected and headline is circled, prediction in envelope
1982 23
Philip T. Goldstein Positive I.D. Four one-in-two chances predicted correctly, No-Gag kicker
1983 119
Note: The Lick Switch billet is stolen while envelope is sealed
1983 11
Alan Shaxon Die unsichtbaren Karten und Umschläge An invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope. Envelope and correct card appear.
Also published here 1983 7
Carl Herron The Shadow Switch switching envelope
1984 124
Roy Johnson The Switch envelope switch, normal card is switched while removing prediction jumbo card
1984 14
Stephen Minch Plagiarists three predictions of symbols on a board, humorous and clever presentation
Inspired by 1984 49
Karrell Fox How to Do - The "Let's cut out all of the Phoney Baloney and do something normal and natural for a Change" Prediction sending letter ahead for headline prediction, slip of paper switched when dumped out of envelope
1986 47
Burton S. Sperber Mind Flash headline prediction, predictions inside envelope
Nov. 1987
Magick (Issue 398)
Switching Envelope z-fold
1988 45
Alan Shaxon Two-Way Envelope divider
Sep. 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Basil Horwitz Gedankenübertragung x3 a name, color and a symbol are noted on a card and sealed in an envelope, performer returns correct envelopes and then divines content
Also published here July 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Norman Houghton KISMET Envelope
1990 4
Hiroshi Kondo ESP Prediction II ESP card prediction, all cards in different envelopes
1990 14
Richard Webster Star Crossed zodiac prediction, addition for Grismer's What's My sign
Nov. 1991
Magick (Issue 463)
Alan Shaxon Two-Way Envelope divider
1991 3
Jim Steinmeyer The Two-Sided Triangle two "thought-of" playing cards vanish from packet held by performer and appear in envelope hanging from a ribbon
1991 107
Roger Curzon Miracle Card in Envelope window envelope, clean extraction
Related to Aug. 1992
Profile (Issue 9)
Alan Shaxon Two-Way Envelope divider
1992 3
Larry Becker Switcheroo switching a bill using an envelope
  • The double envelope concept
1992 126
Larry Becker The Revenger prediction of chosen weapon, humorous presentation using a sound machine
1992 135
Steve Dusheck Four-Way Prediction
1993 53
Mary Tomich Crystallized Thought prediction of chosen Zodiac card, 10-11 force
Feb. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Alan Shaxon Die unsichtbare Karte und Umschläge An invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope. Envelope and correct card appear.
Also published here 1994 6
Rudolf Braunmüller Der Ein-Umschlag-Austausch
  • Der Zweiwege-Umschlag
  • Der Dreiwege-Umschlag
  • Der Vierwege-Umschlag
July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Der Spezial-Umschlag-Austausch
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Klappen Finesse
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Eric C. Lewis Der Extra-Finesse-Umschlag
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Ted Lesley The Kismet Connection spectator cuts to a card which matches card from second deck which was placed in envelope
Related toVariations 1994 27
Norman Houghton Kismet three-way envelope
1994 28
Ted Lesley Two Decks with But a Single Thought a spectator selects card and places it unseen inside an envelope, other spectator selects same card, Kismet envelope
1994 34
Ted Lesley Serial Killer using the Teleport Envelope
1994 191
Ted Lesley Herald from the Invisible Realms an invisible though of card is put in an invisible envelope and sealed in an empty visible envelope, including sticker with named number, Teleport Envelope
Related to 1994 196
Ted Lesley The Sough of Horses' Wings part of chosen page appears in envelope, Teleport envelope
  • Surrounded Performance
1994 203
Ted Lesley Construction of the Teleport Envelope
Also published here
  • "Neuer Teleportations-Umschlag" in "Magische Welt" Vol. 30, Nr. 6. 1981. P. 307.
1994 211
Bruce Bernstein Utility Mental Routine prediction of coin toss, chosen card and total of numbers
Related toAlso published here 1994 19
Philip T. Goldstein Key to the Future in box is prediction on which attempt the lock opens
Also published here 1995 6
Doug Edwards American Express a credit card application form is shown to be blank, it's then shown to be filled out and a credit card (or dollar bill) is produced with it
Labyrinth (Issue 5)
Nick Trost, Stewart Judah O-Aces Red backed and blue backed Aces, predict selected Ace/color of back (presentation by Stewart Judah), includes ideas by Stewart Judah (double envelopes) and Tom Hubbard (Himber wallet)
Related to 1997 127
Karl Fulves Himber Envelopes two compartments, two versions
1997 125
Mike Porstmann Double-Decker construction for clever switching envelope, two-way envelope
Also published here Aug. 1997 7
Ted Lesley Black Magic III four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins, with clever gaffed envelopes
Inspired by
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Wrong Banknight" in "Magische Perlen Band I", 1995.
Related to
Nov. 1997 8
Norman Houghton The "Kismet"-Envelope three-way envelope
1997 10
Ted Lesley Teleport Professional construction details
Related to
  • Ted Lesley's "Neuer Teleportations-Umschlag" in "Magische Welt", 06 / 1981. P.307.
1997 21
Ted Lesley Origami-Telekinesis bill in envelope folds itself into origami figure, using Teleport-Envelopes and Glorpy
Also published here 1997 25
Ted Lesley Goin' Back in Time page is selected, signed and placed into an envelope, eventually signed page vanishes from envelope and is back attached in the book
1997 28
Mark Strivings Thirty-Seven named number is predicted on billet in envelope, psychological force with outs, using a "window double envelope"
Jan./Feb. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 39)
Mark Strivings ESP in my Pocket prediction of named ESP symbol, on billet in envelope, using Window Double Envelope
Related to Jan./Feb. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 39)
Bruce Bernstein Picture That Tell a Story four envelopes, spectator selects one which matches ring, story presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 1
Ted Lesley Origami - Telekinesis bill in envelope folds itself into origami figure, using Teleport-Envelopes and Glorpy
Also published here Apr. 1998
Mind & Magic Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Larry Becker Coinetic two-way envelope for coins
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 9)
James Cuthbert Tourist Trap envelopes with coins from different countries, one is selected and matches chosen postcard
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 9)
David Regal Sweet Tooth Spectator selects candy from a stack of cards, prediction is a bag of that selected candy in an envelope
1999 218
Ellis Stanyon The Envelope Restores a Burnt Card No. 11, back-to-back envelope
1999 219
Ellis Stanyon Other Methods of Preparing Double Envelopes No. 12, two methods
1999 219
Eric T. Dockery Repeat Card to Envelope two signed selections, first appears inside envelope taken from wallet, after failing to find second one, first envelope is shown to be resealed and second one is inside
Labyrinth (Issue 10)
Ray Piatt The Piatt Envelope two-way envelope with several fifty/fifty applications
2000 2
Paul Curry Payoff bill folded and put in envelope, serial number is divined
Also published here 2001 159
Alan Shaxon Double Envelope
2002 14
James Cuthbert Bit on the Backside prediction of heads or tails, coin in envelope with same side up, with chosen side written on other side as a gag
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Al Baker Envelope as an Accessory slit, steal
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Al Baker Card and Envelope envelope to vanish card(s)
Also published here
  • marketed 1945
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
David Ben Restoration Theatre bill in envelope is burned and restored from the ashes
2003 109
Ted Lesley The Card in the Orange card is torn and put in envelope, all but one piece vanish and restored card is found in orange, Teleport Envelope
2003 25
Mark Strivings ESP In My Pocket IV prediction of named ESP symbol, on billet in envelope, using Window Envelope
Related to 2004 76
Gene Taylor The Clear Exchange card in plastic sleeve is seen to be Joker, it is removed and changed into previous selection, featuring a method for switching a card with a clear plastic sleeve
Inspired by Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Paolo Cavalli A Penny For Your Thoughts dated 1997, four chairs and three spectators, prediction of empty chair in envelope, 100$ on empty chair, pennies on the other chairs
Inspired by 2005 30
Double Envelope
Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
Anthony Owen Big Survivor 2 prediction of chosen person, procedure similar to TV-Shows Big Brother and Survivor
Also published here 2007 5
Norman Houghton Kismet Envelope three-way out
2007 9
Jim Steinmeyer, Max Maven Two-Way Envelope Handling
Also published here Mar. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 3)
Jim Steinmeyer Flapless Envelope Principle credit information
2009 12
Alexander de Cova, Alan Shaxon Shaxon Umschlag switching envelope
2011 7
Alan Shaxon Two Compartment Envelope
2012 253
Bruce Bernstein Utility Mental Routine prediction of coin toss, chosen card and total of numbers
Also published here 2012 75
Bruce Bernstein Pictures That Tell a Story four envelopes, spectator selects one which matches ring, story presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 171
Norman Houghton Kismet Envelope three-way envelope
2014 238
Alexander de Cova AVALON-Umschlag window envelope with card or something similar is visible, it is switched when taken out, credit information
Inspired by
  • "Devil's Dollar" (Sam Berland)
Related to
2015 271
Alexander de Cova Comedy Confabulation using Avalon envelope
Inspired by
  • "Comedy Confabulation" (Cody Fisher, marketed)
Related to
2016 152
Alexander de Cova Der Express-Kartentrick card to nest of two envelopes, using Avalon envelope
Related to 2016 139
Bob Farmer 4-Way Outs
  • Envelope
  • Wallets
2017 36
Alan Shaxon, Alexander de Cova Shaxon-Umschlag
2017 57
Anthony Owen Big Survivor 2 prediction of chosen person, procedure similar to TV-Shows Big Brother and Survivor
Also published here 2017 204
Anthony Owen Deal Or No Deal "Deal or No Deal" presentation for Bank Night
2017 211
Ted Lesley Teleport Envelope
Related to
  • Ted Lesley's "Mental Mind-Up"
2018 103
Coin Switching Envelope Instructions to construct a double ended envelope for switching coins
2019 128
Markus Beldig Introduction / Acknowledgements
2019 2
Mike Porstmann Double Decker two-way envelope
Also published here 2019 2
Helder Guimarães, Maurice Fogel Double Envelope
Related to
  • "A Cut-Away Gem" (Maurice Fogel: In Search of the Sensational, 2007, p. 369)
2019 374
Brad J. Aldridge, Jeff Prace Priority Mail Teleport Envelope
  • Left-Handed
using USPS Priority Mail envelope
Inspired by Aug. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 8)
Jim Steinmeyer, Max Maven Two-Way Envelope Handling
Also published here 2019 2
David Regal Virtual Tells
  • Material Concessions
spectator makes four piles, shows the cards to the performer via zoom, riffle shuffles the four piles together, top cards predicted in envelope
Nov. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 11)
Dai Vernon Envelope Switch card apparently inserted into envelope, from private lecture notes by Ernest Shattock
2022 76