99 entries in Numbers / Number Forces / Other Props
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das Geheimnis des Wörterbuches empty billets put in hat, a page chosen in a dictionary, that page opened in another one and counted down to a word that corresponds with a number chosen from a change bag of number cards, that word is suddenly on a billet that's chosen form the hat, using force book with only two numbers to force page
Related to May 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Charles T. Jordan The Book Mystery No. 10, page selected with knife stab, word counted to according to time on watch, word predicted, this book is a forcing book in which the fourteenth word on every page is "magician"
Also published here 1920 22
Oswald Rae The Miracle Slate sum appears on initialed slate under individual numbers
1926 43
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Orville Wayne Meyer Addition Force named digits are added up, performer fills in number that is required for force total
Also published here Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
Theodore Annemann 'Number, Please' prediction of a name in a telephone book, the Accessory as a number force with counters
1939 11
Orville Wayne Meyer Addition Force named digits are added up, performer fills in number that is required for force total
Also published here 1944 76
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Also published here 1944 135
Mel Stover Days of Force calendar number force
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 77)
Tom Fitzgerald Advertising Stunt two lines printed on a card, one with letters one with numbers, number divined
Related to
  • see also "The 'Q' Trick" in Hoffmann's " Modern Magic" p.560
Dec. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 97)
Milbourne Christopher Super Date Senses sheet of calendar is used and days named, blindfold performer names total of numbers, matrix force
  • Stage Version
  • Impromtu Version
Inspired by Mar. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Mel Stover Calendar (4)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
calendar number force
Also published here July 1951 819
Ronald B. Edwards Two Quickies
  • transposition of two cards
  • forcing a number with coins
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 277)
Walter Behm Zahlen-Forcieren two ways to force a four-digit number
  • with dice
  • with bills
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 5)
Mel Stover The Irrisistible Force
Variations Jan. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 340)
Tony Corinda Page Force same as David Hoy's
Related to 1959 205
David Hoy Miscall Page Force two books
Related to 1963 22
P. Howard Lyons Small Choice adding the digits of the dates on a coin as a number range force
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Chan Canasta Oops 4: Matches not for burning Some matches placed in three equal groups on the page, moved around according to instructions, predict how many matches in the middle group
1966 10
Miscall Page Force
Related to 1968 40
Alan Shaxon Newspaper Number Force number force using page numbers of newspaper
1972 ca. 5
Ken De Courcy Everything is Relative forcing 34 in a 4x4 matrix with the numbers from one to sixteen
1973 6
Ronald B. Edwards Small Change Prediction forcing 2010 with coins
Inspired by Aug. 1975 1043
Kabon Fujimara, Juan Tamariz El Pez Japonés puzzle and number divination with 8 cigarettes, fish layout
Inspired by 1975 85
Gerald Kosky Easy Magazine Test forcing a number using stapled magazine
1975 169
Charles T. Jordan The Book Mystery page selected with knife stab, word counted to according to time on watch, word predicted, this book is a forcing book in which the fourteenth word on every page is "magician"
Also published here 1975 218
Richard Webster Hermetica Tarot card off-beat prediction
Magick (Issue 158)
Burling Hull Volta's Master Book Test Mystery several two-digit numbers on paper, cut out, two pieces chosen and all digits added, first sentence on that page divined
1976 67
Burling Hull An Old Word Force double-pocket bag with numbered chips
1976 74
Burling Hull A Mind Reading Number Divination number chosen, it appears spelled out on slate
  • With a Flap
  • Without the Flap
  • Another "No Flap" Method
1976 89
Al Mann The Locked Book with locked book, forcing a limited choice, numbers written in a row and three are encircled
Variations 1977 22
C. L. Boarde By the Numbers - Variation B numbers written on papers are placed inside envelopes to chose a page, flapless envelope switch, range
1978 93
Arthur Emerson Force 27 different numbers on slips of paper, number is forced
Magick (Issue 227)
Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik Rainbow Matrix number force with a magic square
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1980 8
George B. Anderson The Pendulum and Random Numbers number is divined with pendulum, number force
1980 9
Stephen Minch Mind Runes four rune sticks with one spot on one side and two on the other, stick thrown and card at spot-sum position in Tarot deck noted, number and card predicted as well as spot configuration on rune sticks
1980 1
Philip T. Goldstein Ahoy There! book test featuring a matrix number force
Apr. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Harry Lorayne All Aboard book test featuring a matrix number force
Apr. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Ronald B. Edwards Die Münzen-Zahlenforce forcing a number with coins
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik Rainbow Matrix number force with a magic square
Inspired byRelated to 1982 4
Thomas Alan Waters Wheelie forcing a number with a roulette wheel
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Alex East Musical song prediction
Related to Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Al Koran, Edward Victor Koran / Victor Number Force see Al Koran's Jackpot Coins
Related to Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Martin Breese 4929 force based on basic four numbers on a Visa card
Nov. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Familiar Spirit No. 6, forcing a postion in a dial by adding four number to the same digits scrambled
1983 7
Stephen Clark The Broken Square No. 36, square with two parts missing, still magic square, used for force
1983 61
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense No. 72, numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Related to 1983 92
Martin Gardner Crazy Calendar No. 73, calendar force with matrix principle
Inspired byRelated to 1983 94
Karl Fulves Auto Suggestion No. 84, license plate prediction, involving number cards and state cards
Related to 1983 104
Ali Bongo Force Wheel wheel to force a number, with folded pieces of paper, for banknight etc.
1983 4
Mel Stover, Rudolf Braunmüller Die Mehrzweck-Zahlenforce using a grid
Inspired by Apr. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Thomas Alan Waters Threesum triple prediction on selected playing cards, with Bingo chart (Stover's "irrisistible Force")
Inspired by 1984 557
Peter Duffie Fred 23 bold number force, card named, number written on back of named selection
Related to 1984 19
Stan Shultz Wipe Out! four by four square drawn on calendar with numbers from 1-16, four circles drawn (draw circle and erase row and column each time), Matrix Force
Related to May 1985
Magick (Issue 351)
Karl Fulves Almanac Affinity No. 79, spectator removes page of newspaper and adds all four page numbers, number used to look up word in almanac, forced, two handlings
1985 142
David Britland Star-Gazer horoscope chosen with counters with number on them, reading is predicted
1986 35
Mel Stover Calender Force
1986 52
Philip T. Goldstein Force Majeur matrix force for any number, approach to Mel Stover's "Irresistible Force"
Inspired by 1987 9
Rudolf Braunmüller Zahlenquadrat-Forcen number force with magic square
  • 1.
  • 2. Die Neunkarten-Force
Oct. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Michael Weber Q-Tip
Inspired by 1991 69
Karl Fulves Number Force number from one to ten forced with typewriter
1992 101
Don Nielsen Kronos force of number five, six or seven with wrist watch procedure, newspaper test application, see note on p. 7
Related to
  • "Step Back in Time" (Stephen Tucker, Compendium, 1984)
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Larry White Penny Force digits of date on coin added
1993 11
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: The Calendar Force calendar number force, selecting row and column by drawing numbers
Related to Feb. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Mel Bennett S.P.A.T. letters associated with numbers, credit information
Inspired by
  • Lee Sallows idea in Word Ways, Feb. 1990
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Chris Hurlbert The 68th Parallel numbers written on paper, paper is folded and cut, total of face-up number is forced
Inspired by 1994
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Lyndon B. Wainwright Lucky Number Divination crossing-out with 5x5 square of numbers, some of which where decided upon by spectator, remaining sum predicted, matrix force
Inspired by
  • "A Prediction Square" (Martin Gardner Presents, 1993)
Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Figure Fun No. 12, matrix number force, forces 34
1995 15
Francis Carlyle, ? Truzi, Burling Hull, Paul Harris The Client Confidence Sugar Shocker nine sugar packets are numbered on one side, double facer sugar packet is used to force a certain number
Related to 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Secrets of the Astonishing Executive)
Paul Harris, Milton Kort Moms Come and Go but a Rolex is Forever "A Revised Milt Kort Classic", 3 1/2 gag with a book page instead of cards, dial force
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Secrets of the Astonishing Executive)
Dan Garrett The Force of Numerology page number chosen by adding predetermined numbers, word there predicted, any borrowed book
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Oct. 1979
1996 19
George Kirkendall Four on a Date sheet of calendar is selected and square drawn, some numbers are chosen, total predicted, Days of Force
Inspired byAlso published here 1996
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle Mindway Dream names of people and predictions written on cards, Stover's Days of Force as last number
Related to 1996
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Philip T. Goldstein Paradox Redux
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
tapestry parity principle, credit information, 4x4 number matrix, 19 or 61
Inspired by 1998 247
Jack Avis Folding Numbers paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, sum of one orientation predicted, parity
Inspired by 1998 86
Karl Fulves Starring Role movie star chosen from list, matrix force and calculator used for a coincidence
  • Notes & References (credit information)
Related to 1998 118
Karl Fulves 10¢ Worth page number chosen with procedure with coin change, forcing a set of possible numbers
2001 183
Karl Fulves Range Force with Date on Coins often nine or eighteen
Discoverie (Issue 6)
Lewis Jones By the numbers number force for any number with a magic square
Related to 2002 233
Allan Slaight The Bard and The Bible matrix number force used for a coincidence about a bible verse and the name Shakespeare
Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Bob Ostin Punchboard Prediction board with holes in one side and numbers in other side, pierced number is predicted
2005 174
Karl Fulves Urban Legends four urban legends and their opposite on cards along with eight numbers, some cards are turned over and numbers added, force for 47
  • Second Method
  • Background
Inspired byRelated to 2006
Prolix (Issue 1)
Don Nielsen Page Force forcing a number from two to nine with a newspaper, book test application
Prolix (Issue 3)
Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik Matrix Force
2007 11
Pepe Medy Destino Fatal stones with numbers on each side are used to form a number, list with words, chosen word is predicted
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Mel Stover Calendar Prediction Mel Stover's "Days of Force" with calendar
Related toAlso published here 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue Oct 20)
Michael Weber Weber's Winning Idea number-matrix force on lottery ticket
Related to 2010 1
Michael Weber References for Number-Matrix Force
2010 4
Dick Christian Mathematical and Numerical Forces to force a page or word, various methods, 1089, calendar force
2010 29
Mel Bennett The Force Methods number forces
  • 1. using number cards (Magigram, Amazing Trelba)
  • 2. "Newspaper Prediction" (Martin Gardner, Magic, August 2005, also Ibidem?)
  • 3. 4x4 matrix
  • 4. magic square
Related to 2011
Xtra Credit (Issue 10)
Alexander de Cova Die Matrix-Force
  • Die 15er-Matrix
  • Die Force der 165
  • Die 34er-Force
  • Eigene Forcierzahlen
  • Die 68er-Matrix
Also published here Jan. 2014 6
Max Maven Rainbow Matrix number force with a magic square
Related to 2015 4
Michael Weber Rainbow Matrix - Weber Notes
Inspired by 2015 5
Doug Canning Tile Force Variation on the matrix force. Number force with grid
Inspired byVariations
  • Mathematical Recreations by Maurice Kraitchik, 1942.
2015 116
Steve Beam The Talisman Non-card version of card trick predicting how long a volunteer has left to live.
Inspired byRelated to 2015 118
Chris Wardle Bargain Prediction price of jacket is predicted as price tag at inner pocket, 1089 force variation with coins
Apr. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 4)
Alexander de Cova Matrix
  • Die 15er-Matrix
  • Die Force der 165
  • Die 34er-Force
  • Die 65er-Force
  • Eigene Forcierzahlen
  • Die 68er-Matrix
Also published here 2015 198
John Gaughan The Mysterious Crystal Clock
  • The Chamber of Secrets
clock hand spins and stops at predetermined number
Related to Dec. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 12)
Adam Hudson Sum It Up any card named, then performer writes down a 4x4 grid of numbers of which one is determined via matrix force, named card is at that number
June 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 6)