days of force \n calendar number force \n mel stover \n calendar prediction \n mel stover \n rainbow matrix \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik \n rainbow matrix \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik \n matrix number force \n thomas alan waters \n quintasense \n thomas alan waters \n fortunes of a wise fool \n stephen minch \n threesum \n thomas alan waters \n rethink \n philip t. goldstein \n ringo-bingo \n stephen tucker \n four on a date \n george kirkendall \n mindway dream \n dr. e. raymond carlyle \n wipe out! \n stan shultz \n the mind's eye: the calendar force \n leo boudreau \n date sense \n walter b. gibson \n calendar (5) \n mel stover \n magic square and lucky number \n roberto giobbi
the phoenix
Mel Stover
Days of Force
Related to- Date Sense (Walter B. Gibson, 1938)
- Fortunes of a Wise Fool (Stephen Minch, 1974)
- Rainbow Matrix (Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik, 1980)
- Rainbow Matrix (Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik, 1982)
- Matrix Number Force (Thomas Alan Waters, 1982)
- Quintasense (Thomas Alan Waters, 1982)
- Wipe Out! (Stan Shultz, 1985)
- The Mind's Eye: The Calendar Force (Leo Boudreau, 1993)
- Mindway Dream (Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle, 1996)
- Calendar Prediction (Mel Stover, 2010)
VariationsAlso published here
Feb. 1945
the irrisistible force \n \n mel stover \n rainbow matrix \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik \n rainbow matrix \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik \n threesum \n thomas alan waters \n tile force \n doug canning \n force majeur \n philip t. goldstein \n die mehrzweck-zahlenforce \n mel stover \n rudolf braunmüller
the new phoenix
Mel Stover
The Irrisistible Force
Variations- Rainbow Matrix (Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik, 1980)
- Rainbow Matrix (Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik, 1982)
- Die Mehrzweck-Zahlenforce (Mel Stover, Rudolf Braunmüller, 1983)
- Threesum (Thomas Alan Waters, 1984)
- Force Majeur (Philip T. Goldstein, 1987)
- Tile Force (Doug Canning, 2015)
Jan. 1957
rainbow matrix \n number force with a magic square \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik \n days of force \n mel stover \n rainbow matrix - weber notes \n michael weber \n the irrisistible force \n mel stover \n by the numbers \n lewis jones
the violet book of mentalism
Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik
Rainbow Matrix
Inspired byRelated toVariations
rainbow matrix \n number force with a magic square \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik \n days of force \n mel stover \n the irrisistible force \n mel stover
shuffled lecture
Philip T. Goldstein, Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik
Rainbow Matrix
Inspired byRelated to
age cards automaton \n \n maurice kraitchik \n mathematical recreations
the fine print
Maurice Kraitchik
Age Cards Automaton
Also published here
by the numbers \n number force for any number with a magic square \n lewis jones \n rainbow matrix \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik
ahead of the pack
Lewis Jones
By the numbers
Related to
matrix force \n \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik
miraculous minds
Walter B. Gibson, Maurice Kraitchik
Matrix Force
rainbow matrix \n number force with a magic square \n max maven \n rainbow matrix \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik
the black book of mentalism
Max Maven
Rainbow Matrix
Related to
rainbow matrix - weber notes \n \n michael weber \n rainbow matrix \n philip t. goldstein \n walter b. gibson \n maurice kraitchik
the black book of mentalism
Michael Weber
Rainbow Matrix - Weber Notes
Inspired by
tile force \n variation on the matrix force. number force with grid \n doug canning \n mathematical recreations by maurice kraitchik, 1942. \n the irrisistible force \n mel stover
semi-automatic card tricks — volume 9
Doug Canning
Tile Force
Inspired byVariations- Mathematical Recreations by Maurice Kraitchik, 1942.