75 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / Fred (aka Phil, Oscar, ...)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul Marcus A Card Named Bill
Variations 1969 38
Edward Marlo Lonely Horace "Phil", name appears on named card, other cards have no name
Apr. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Stephen Tucker Appelation names of back of each card, called out name on selection
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Stephen Tucker Appellation variation on Tucker's "Appelation"
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Gary Inglese, Denny Laub Astro-Logic Fred trick using twelve cards with the different zodiac symbols
Feb. 1983
Magick (Issue 316)
Denny Laub, Gary Inglese The Dream named selection has spectator's name on its back
Variations Oct. 1983
Magick (Issue 324)
Paul Marcus, Fred Lowe George from 1969
1983 94
Bill Worsley It's a Swindle with change bag and slips of paper
Also published here Jan. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 33)
Peter Duffie Fred 23 bold number force, card named, number written on back of named selection
Related to 1984 19
Meir Yedid My Son, My Son female names on faces of all, single male name on back of selection
1985 299
Philip T. Goldstein Final Fred thin cards
Also published here 1985 8
Edward Marlo Female spectator's name on back of named card
VariationsAlso published here 1986 44
Philip T. Goldstein Final Fred thin cards
1986 1
David Britland My Name Is Legion deck has famous names on the back of every card, two cards chosen with Gemini Twins procedure, rest of deck blank
Related to 1986 30
Bruce Barnett Dream World chosen Tarot card has name on back
Inspired by Mar. 1989
Magick (Issue 419)
John Bannon Adjective Dancing "Fred"/"Oscar"/... version with adjectives on the back instead of names, rough smooth, including "A non-rough-smooth handling"
1990 20
Philip T. Goldstein Final Fred thin cards
1990 2
Ali Bongo Fred und Lulu
Also published here 1991 29
Larry Becker Fred spectator reverses a card behind his back, it has Fred written on it
Inspired by 1992 39
Edward Marlo Female spectator's name on back of named card
  • Simmons Note (Ken Simmons)
Also published here 1992 34
Peter Duffie Kruger's Revenge card named, it is only one with Fred on the back, rest shown blank
Inspired byVariations 1992 11
Edward Marlo Female spectator's name on back of named card, with note by Ken Simmons
Related to 1993 20
Dave Campbell Fred
Also published here
  • The Thistle, Vol. 21 No. 2, Dec. 1976, p. 11
June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Peter Duffie Fred - Credit Information
June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Michael Close Erma La Fource "Oscar", name on back of card predicted
1994 11
Bill Worsley So ein Schwindel with change bag and slips of paper
Also published here July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Claude Rix Encore le réveil! cards are dealt on table, alarm clock starts when named card is dealt, with additional prediction, Fred
Inspired by 1995 77
Claude Rix La sibylle des salons... mixture of different routines, Fred, birthday book and other coincidences
1995 127
Peter Duffie Laurel & Hardy Card Trick two cards chosen from deck with names on the backs, they are Stan and Ollie and prediction is Laurel and Hardy photograph
1996 8
Robert Waller Psychic Psuds spectator look at a beer and form name of a card, when deck is removed, back of named card matches brand of beer, two methods
Variations 1996 41
Peter Duffie, Dave Robertson Vanished Or Gone spectator thinks of any card, card is shown to have vanished from the pack / word GONE is printed on the back
Inspired byRelated to 1997 142
David Acer, Ken Schwabe, Michel Huot Nomen Omen: Three Approaches ideas for the marketed trick, names written on backs of every card, one card chosen from front and one from back, other side of each card predicted
  • The "Collection" Approach (Ken Schwabe)
  • Star Power
  • Cardtune
Inspired by
  • "Nomen Omen" (David Acer, marketed 1990)
1999 189
Peter Duffie Backlog card freely chosen face-up, value and suit spelled to separately and the two cards removed and added, that number is written at the back of the selection
Related to 2000 2
Peter Duffie Easy-Going Diary combined with name on back of cards
Variations 2000 15
Don Alan Clyde
2000 150
Don Alan Fido other presentation for Fred trick
2000 157
Philip T. Goldstein Final Fred thin cards
2002 1
Chuck Hickok Bonus Demonstration Two: State of Mind flashcards with names of US states, one is named and on the back is name of spectator, different names on other cards
Inspired by 2002 148
Ali Bongo Vodka Surprise beverages written on backs of cards, named card and beverage is predicted
2002 5
Ali Bongo Fred and Lulu brief
Also published here 2003 11
Jon Allen The Usual Suspects using two decks, card is chosen and then spectator names "name" which is written on the back of the card which matches selection in second deck
Also published here 2003 4
Jon Allen Force of Nature Fred, name of spectator on card, two decks
Also published here 2003 6
Wesley James A Sleight Case of Murder "beta", card predicted, names on every card back and selection has spectator's name
  • Alternates for the Pass
  • Alternate Methods
  • Premise Variations
Inspired by
  • "Who Killed Roger Rabbit?" (Dale Dewey)
2004 104
Philip T. Goldstein Final Fred thin cards
2004 1
Philip T. Goldstein Final Fred thin cards
2004 1
Dave Campbell The Original "Fred" Trick credit information
VariationsAlso published here
  • The Thistle (Scottish Conjuror's Association's magazine)
2004 331
Jay Sankey What's In A Name?
2004 119
Robert Waller Betcha Can't Eat Just One! a.k.a. Psychic Psuds spectator look at a beer and form name of a card, when deck is removed, back of named card matches brand of beer, more ideas on the plot
Inspired by 2004 42
Elliott Black More Psychic Psuds spectator look at a beer and form name of a card, when deck is removed, back of named card matches brand of beer
Inspired by 2004 43
Mark Strivings Psychic Psnoop using Snoopy card
Inspired by 2004 43
Tyler Wilson Oscar The Grouch deck with celebrity-names on backs, some transformations on both sides of one of those cards, back changes to named name
Also published here Oct. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Max Maven Final Fred
Also published here 2009 1
Jon Allen The Usual Suspects using two decks, card is chosen and then spectator names "name" which is written on the back of the card which matches selection in second deck
Also published here 2009 116
Jon Allen Force of Nature Fred, name of spectator on card, two decks
Also published here 2009 120
Alberto de Figueiredo Los nombres name of spectator on back of jumbo card, Spanish deck
2009 76
Tyler Wilson Oscar The Grouch deck with celebrity-names on backs, some transformations on both sides of one of those cards, back changes to named name
Also published here 2010 164
David Acer Nomen Omen names written on backs of every card, one card chosen from front and one from back, other side of each card predicted
Also published here
  • first marketed 1990 by Camirand Academy of Magic
2011 59
Nick Trost Oscar
2011 759
Ted Karmilovich 17 performer names number and spectator names a card, all cards are numbered on the back, spectator's card matches named number
Inspired by
  • Charlie Buckner's "11"
2011 1
Roberto Giobbi The Deck of Missed Opportunities
2012 1
John Born Right on the Money Card freely named, card is shown to have an amount of money written on the back, wallet has predicted the amount of money
Inspired by 2012 126
John Born Casino Card Killer Card is freely named, deck is shown to have cards written randomly on the backs, card freely named has card written on the back that matches prediction
2012 138
Bruce Bernstein I've Got Your Number with numbers on back of cards
2012 108
Alexander de Cova Gedanken zum Forcierspiel von Al Koran 1-0-1 force principle used on backs, with names on backs
  • Das OSKAR-Spiel
Also published here May 2013 12
Alexander de Cova Al Koran Deck Finesse 1-0-1 force principle used on backs, with numbers or names on backs
  • Faro Set-up
  • The Oscar Trick
Also published here Dec. 2013
Scrapbook (Issue 1)
Hiroyuki Sakai Extra Step: Strange Relationship two decks, on backs of chosen card are names of performer and spectator
2013 37
Alexander de Cova Der weibliche Kalendereffekt spectator's name on back of named card, combined with birthday book
Inspired byRelated toVariations Aug. 2014 749
Alex Ng Call the Number Deck has numbers written on the back, five random cards chosen, the sum of the numbers matches a prediction. When the numbers are placed together, it becomes a phone number, which when called causes the magician's phone to ring
Inspired by 2015 24
Alexander de Cova Das Al-Koran-Spiel mal ganz anders 1-0-1 force principle used on backs, with names on backs
Also published here 2015 120
Alexander de Cova Female spectator's name on back of named card, combined with birthday book
Inspired by 2015 113
Ted Karmilovich Bonus: Name a Card with name of spectator on back of card
2015 45
John Hostler Bertha ends clean with half-deck switch
2016 7
Harry Riser Edna using four decks
Variations 2019 394
Tom Gagnon Freda card is also odd-backed
Inspired byVariations 2019 397
Tom Gagnon Remembering Edna odd-backed, memorized deck version
Inspired by 2019 401