63 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Coincidence / Birthday Book & Variations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Mysteries of the Zodiac elaborate, mathematical selection procedure
Also published here 1897 116
Die Geheimnisse des Thierkreises elaborate, mathematical selection procedure, translation by John Willmann
Also published here Jan. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 1)
E. Leslie May The Fortune Telling Book two decks and two spectators, fortune-telling book with cards for each dates, selections match cards on birth date
Magick (Issue 40)
Des Colgan Diary Dice-Card card chosen by throwing a pair of dice, card in diary at that date matches prediction
May 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Robert Cassidy The Telepathic Diary birthday is looked up in book, card written next to the date is found inside envelope as a prediction, see PEA News and Information Service #2 for corrections
Related toVariations 1977 12
Philip T. Goldstein Another Birthday birthday number is counted from the deck and card predicted
1978 10
Philip T. Goldstein Another Birthday birthday number is counted from the deck and card predicted
1978 4
Robert Cassidy The Devil's Diary card at though of day is in envelope
Magick (Issue 296)
Alex Elmsley The Book of Fortunes humorous presentation, selection derived at by "power-of-thought"-coincidence is predicted in book
Variations 1991 347
Karl Fulves Birthday Value, Birthday Suit two decks, reversed card in one deck, birthday count procedure with other deck to arrive at a "birthday card", it matches prediction
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Philip T. Goldstein The Diary Trick credit information and references
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Vicente Canuto La Agenda Mágica diary with cards, spectator selects card which matches day of performance, then he names any day and card is found reversed in second deck
1993 343
Alex Elmsley Fate's Datebook part of "The Dazzle Act" (starting on page 425 until the end of the book), using a improvisational type of selection procedure
Related toVariations 1994 433
Karl Fulves Day One date chosen by choosing some face-up and face-down cards from grid layout, looked up in diary, card noted there predicted, tapestry
Variations 1994 35
Simon Aronson Happy Birthday odd-backed card matches spectator's birthday card in date book
Inspired byVariations 1995 96
Simon Aronson The Calendar Card card chosen by spectator matches card on spectator's birthday in calendar list
1995 103
Simon Aronson Fate card freely chosen from range of twelve, then birthday named, then chart removed, using cross-index index
Variations 1995 249
Claude Rix Les cloches de Nuremberg glass attached to string produces sound and divines position of named number, and is used to divine chosen card, calendar and second deck used for additional phase
1995 71
Claude Rix Triumphallaieux triumph using a memorized deck, variation where triumph and birthday book are combined
1995 85
Claude Rix La sibylle des salons... mixture of different routines, Fred, birthday book and other coincidences
1995 127
Peter Duffie The Diary forcing the 14th or 22nd of a month, card predicted, using stunumber force with four blank cards that have numbers on both sides
Sep. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Michael Close The Birthday Book memorized deck
1996 156
Karl Fulves Open Season with repeat phase
1996 19
Sam Schwartz Devil's Date "Two Diary Tricks"
card listed in diary is only odd-backed card in deck
Related to 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Sam Schwartz Fate Accompli "Two Diary Tricks"
card listed in diary is only odd-backed
Underworld (Issue 3)
Peter Duffie Double Vision any red and black cards removed from face-up spread, values added, that day in calendar has both those cards written next to it, both also predicted in envelope
1996 1
Karl Fulves Cast A Card
1997 10
Karl Fulves The Tomorrow Card
1997 39
Peter Duffie The Diary of Delusion Two cards cut to are used to choose a date in a pocket diary - the two cards form a composite card, which is predicted in the diary at that date
1997 69
John Morgan The "Birthday" Book birthday book, shuffled deck one card freely selected
1997 83
Peter Duffie Centrifugal Diary spectator cuts off pile and counts court cards for month and either red or black number cards for day, forcing a day with a stack, word in calendar predicted
1998 2
Ted Danson It's a Date card in envelope, matches card written on birthdate in diary
1998 27
Tony Griffith The Bilton Diary
2000 110
Peter Duffie Easy-Going Diary combined with name on back of cards
Variations 2000 15
Robert Cassidy Bonus - The Ultimate Mind Trip birthday is looked up in book, cities written next to dates, chosen date/city is predicted in envelope
Also published here 2002 13
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Accidental Diary sixteen-card Unicycle Stack, credits George Sands's "One to Eight" principle (really Hummer Addition Principle)
Variations 2003 70
Basil Horwitz Challenge Diary Body Language Test
2004 31
Tony Griffith Rainbow Prediction birthday theme, prediction joker, card and also back, rainbow deck
2004 46
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Versatile Diary randomly filled diary, day chosen via packet counting and not birthday, using Killer Count
2004 17
Peter Duffie Pure Devilry
  • Phase One - Fortuity
  • Phase Two - A Date to Remember
Inspired by 2004 120
Robert Cassidy The Telepathic Diary birthday is looked up in book, card written next to the date is found inside envelope as a prediction, update version
Inspired byVariations 2004 87
Robert Cassidy Bonus - The Ultimate Mind Trip birthday is looked up in book, cities written next to dates, chosen date/city is predicted in envelope
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 264
Barrie Richardson Birthday Cards three phases, paper clip gimmick
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Club 71, Summer 2002
2005 144
Jack Avis A Variation on the Diary Trick red/blue double backer
2006 46
Michael Powers Psychic Birthday Predictor selection matches card written on spectator's birthday in birthday calendar, card also predicted in envelope
Also published here
  • Channel One No. 10
2006 52
Justin Higham Fate, Chance, Freewill featuring a multiple out force
Variations 2007 347
Mike Hopley Beyond Chance
2009 23
Lewis Jones Make My Day date chosen with cards, card in diary at that date matches prediction
2010 150
Alexander de Cova, Patrick Page Der Kalendertrick
Inspired by
  • "Old Moore's Diary" (Patrick Page)
2011 11
Patrick Page, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ted Dansons' Diary Trick with two variations
2011 96
Patrick Page, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Ultimate Variation: Old Moore's Diary
Related to
  • Arun Bonerjee's "Another Diary" in "Club 71" Easter, 2000. P. 67.
2011 99
Karl Fulves Kreskin's Diary odd-backed card in deck, any date named, they match in diary, method guessing from Kreskin's radio performance
Prolix (Issue 9)
Patrick Page, Roberto Giobbi Old Moore's Diary with additional thoughts by Roberto Giobbi
May 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 5)
Simon Aronson No-Stack Datebook Birthday book effect without stack, based on formula
2014 179
Simon Aronson Fate Accompli Birthday book effect, based on Fate, without gaffs, duplicates or index
Inspired by 2014 179
Simon Aronson Birthday Backer Combining Birthday Book with a special double backer
Inspired by 2014 204
Alexander de Cova Der weibliche Kalendereffekt spectator's name on back of named card, combined with birthday book
Inspired byRelated toVariations Aug. 2014 749
Alexander de Cova Calendarium combined with message on back of chosen card à la Brainwave
Inspired byRelated to 2015 204
Alexander de Cova Female spectator's name on back of named card, combined with birthday book
Inspired by 2015 113
Alexander de Cova Idee zum Kalendereffekt
  • Die Eddie Joseph Variante
2016 218
Patrick G. Redford The Perpetual Birthday Card Birthday Book with Google Calendar, card at birthday matches the card placed in card box
2019 76
Alberto de Figueiredo La agenda impromptu birthday book, spectator stabs ID in shuffled deck, card next to it matches card written in book at his birthday
2019 309
Adam W. Elbaum The Visible Deck named card has spectator's name written on it, using rough/smooth or plasti-dip spray (Science Friction), with alternative presentations
  • Stop! (STOP written on card that the spectator stops at in another deck)
  • In the Pocket (freely pocketed card matches with card that has POCKET written on it)
  • Happy Birthday (birthday book)
  • Business Card
  • Spinning Coin (Pascal El Hakim inspired, two-deck coincidence)
  • Logo
  • Shape (named shape is on named card)
  • Mr. Sticky (stick figure presentation)
Related to June 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 6)