121 entries in Pendulum
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Pendel weiss es! card is located with pendulum, two decks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Pendle with male/ female and a pendulum
VariationsAlso published here May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 151)
Ormond McGill Contact Telepathy general comments, ideomotor effect, pendulum
1951 9
Ormond McGill Spirit Communications thread with weight is attached in empty bottle and begins to move, pendulum
Related to 1951 6
Ormond McGill The Pendulum: Introduction pendulum im different contexts
1951 22
Ormond McGill The Pendulum: In Performance
  • constructing the pendulum
  • operating the pendulum
  • powers of the pendulum
  • individuality in working with the pendulum
  • experimental evidence with the pendulum
  • and as to miracle
1951 24
Dick Johnson The Spirit Speaks thread with weight is attached in empty bottle and begins to move, pendulum
Related to 1961 29
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Pendel with male/ female and a pendulum
Also published here 1961 49
E. Leslie May Lucky Lips lipstick kissed card by female spectator is found by using lipstick as pendulum
Inspired by Nov. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 19)
P. Howard Lyons, Bill Elliott Magic Sex Detector Letters
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Sam Dalal The Skull of Tamoa-mi-ber as Sam Delal, skull pendulum, card found by spectator
Magick (Issue 42)
Raymond Hafler The Mystic Pendulum of Amon-Ra ESP brainwave and symbol found with pendulum
Magick (Issue 63)
Chandler Mason Punk Chow! living and dead test, with food spectator likes and one he does not like, divined with pendulum
Magick (Issue 71)
Stephen Minch The Satan's Pendulum card is found by pendulum
1974 30
Paul Maurer Lesen Ausprobieren Urteilen pendulum experiment with several people
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 5)
Stephen Minch St. Vitas' Table and Pendulum pendulum inside glass bottle starts to swing
1975 37
Al Mann Psychic Feedback answering different questions, sitter answers her questions with a pendulum
1976 21
Al Mann Suspended Animation thread with weight is attached in empty bottle and begins to move, pendulum, different bottles, with threads of different lengths
Related toAlso published here 1976 22
Jack Bridwell Psychokinesis! magic tricks in mentalism context, psychokinesis
  • golf ball moves on table
  • pendulum in bottle
  • U. F. Grant's Light and Heavy Glass
Magick (Issue 159)
Philip T. Goldstein Onstage Bender staging for key-bending with pendulum
1977 18
Philip T. Goldstein Ranch Dowser with a pendulum, duplicates
Inspired by
  • Ranch Bird (Don Alan)
1977 21
Al Mann The Reach of the Mind box with several pendulums of different lengths, chosen one starts to move
Related to 1977 16
Al Mann, Bobby Hughes Bottle BanG-G-G! thread with weight is attached in empty bottle and begins to move, pendulum, different bottles, with threads of different lengths
Related to
  • David Abbott "Behind the Scenes with the Mediums", 1907
Also published here
Magick (Issue 206)
Terry Tyson Psi-rcle pendulum held by spectator reacts different over billets with male and female names
Magick (Issue 247)
Stephen Minch The Silver Key haunted key on second finger, key also turns on spectator's finger, signet is found by using key as pendulum, then key vanishes in box
Also published here 1979 21
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing For Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 3
George B. Anderson Introduction and Routine intro on pendulums and routine where filled can is found amount empty cans with a pendulum
1980 3
George B. Anderson The Signature Effects five spectators sign a file card, tear it in half and mixed all together, the corresponding halves are found with the pendulum
1980 6
George B. Anderson ESP Cards ESP card is chosen and found with a pendulum, stack
1980 7
George B. Anderson One of Five living and dead with male female theme, pendulum finds female
1980 8
George B. Anderson The Pendulum Picks a Playing Card card is found with pendulum, selection is shuffled among several other cards and found
1980 8
George B. Anderson The Pendulum and Random Numbers number is divined with pendulum, number force
1980 9
George B. Anderson The Pendulum and the Ouija Board book test, word is divined with pendulum and ouija board
1980 11
George B. Anderson Untouched by Human Hands pendulum in bottle, to gaffed versions
1980 12
George B. Anderson The Pendulum Weight suggestions for what to use as the weight
1980 14
Bruce Bernstein A Bruce Bernstein Pendulum Routine spectator signs a business card and tears it up, the pieces are mixed with other torn pieces of business cards, he finds his parts with a pendulum, pieces put in envelope
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 16
George B. Anderson Variation on the Previous Routine
1980 18
George B. Anderson The Pendulum and a Deck spectator pockets unknown card, pendulum finds card which indicate suit and value
1980 20
George B. Anderson The Pendulum and a Magic Shop Deck two cards are reversed in the deck and found with pendulum, first by performer, second by spectator
1980 21
George B. Anderson Pendulum ESP Test prediction, spectator choses ESP card with pendulum
1980 23
George B. Anderson Serial Number Divination serial number of folded bill is divined with pendulum, switch
1980 24
Richard Mark Pendulum Power! personal items in boxes used as pendulums, pseudo psychometry
Magick (Issue 250)
Tieneblas Pendulum Power pendulum held in empty water glass, sound
Magick (Issue 270)
Al Mann Cosmic Notion pendulums with different lengths are hanging in a frame, chosen pendulums begin to move
1981 13
Al Mann Remote Psycho-Motion pendulum in bottle begins to swing without touching the bottle nor the table with the hands
1981 15
Al Mann The Long Range Control other version
1981 16
Al Mann The Psychic Tray three pendulums in three bottles on a tray, spectator thinks of one, which begins to swing
1981 16
Al Mann For the Researcher chain of people, one holds a pendulum it begins to swing when any (?) person in the group thinks of the pendulum
Related to
  • Frank Lind's "My Occult Case Book"
1981 16
Al Mann An Experiment why a pendulum works and how
Related to
  • Ormond McGill's "Psychic Magic" Vol. 6
1981 17
Bruce Bernstein A Pendulum Routine spectator signs a business card and tears it up, the pieces are mixed with other torn pieces of business cards, he finds his parts with a pendulum, pieces put in envelope
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 20
Robert Cassidy Pendulum Power! spectator holds pendulum and performer asks questions, card is divined, then sealed selection is divined using the pendulum by the performer
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1982
Magick (Issue 311)
Al Bertini Al Bertini's Geistesblitze: Die Macht des Pendels different spectator write date of birth on papers, one spectator finds his own by the use of a pendulum
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1984 2
Robert Cassidy The Pendulum spectator holds pendulum and performer asks questions, card is divined, then sealed selection is divined using the pendulum by the performer
Also published here 1984 47
Robert Cassidy The Dowsing Rods using dowsing rod / pendulum for Syd Bergson's Sixth Sense, spectator finds odd colored ball
Related to
  • "Sixth Sense" (Syd Bergson, markete 1972)
1984 49
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing For Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1985 1
Vic Perry Ring Challenge spectator use pendulum to divine names of male and female written on business cards
Oct. 1985
Magick (Issue 359)
Gene Nielsen Psychic Pendulum pendulum spells out information chosen from zip loc bag
1985 6
Thomas K. Saville Scanners pendulum in glass jar
Sep. 1986
Magick (Issue 377)
Robin DeWitt The No Effect thoughts on the use of a pendulum
Mar. 1987
Magick (Issue 387)
Stephen Minch The Silver Key key turns on hand, then on spectator's hand, the key on chain swings by itself over selected disk, then key is wrapped in paper and vanishes in flash of fire
Also published here 1987 31
Pascal Pendeln on the pendulum, pendulum in bottles
Related to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Diabelli Erklärung für: Pendeln ganz verrückt (HOPO Juni 1987 explanation for pendulum in bottles
Related to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Bruce Clark Pen-Tarot finding chosen Tarot card using a pendulum
Aug. 1988
Magick (Issue 409)
Larry Baukin Bendulum key on string used as pendulum is bent
Dec. 1988
Magick (Issue 414)
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 1988 7
Peter Wilker Das Pendel three objects placed inside three boxes, instruction game of switching objects using pendulum
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Sandy Spillman Spill-Master pendulum in bottle, bottle starts to shift slightly, plate lifter
Aug. 1990
Magick (Issue 443)
Larry Baukin Tarot Touch divination of Tarot card with pendulum
Aug. 1990
Magick (Issue 444)
Jeff Evason Psychic Pendulum ESP cards are divined by spectator using a Pendulum
Dec. 1990
Magick (Issue 449)
Docc Hilford Dingle Dangle yes or no question is divined, with pendulum
Related to 1990 24
Ford Kross Corner Spot Tarot card is divined by performer using a pendulum
Feb. 1991
Magick (Issue 451)
Chris Kenworthy Cover Up location of selected Tarot card using a pendulum
Sep. 1991
Magick (Issue 460)
Charles Reynolds Snap Shot light comes from pendulum, name is revealed, FISM flash
Nov. 1991
Magick (Issue 463)
Diabelli Pendeln one of five ESP cards is selected with pendulum, it is marked with an X on the back, boardmarker ink
1991 34
Larry Baukin E.S.Pendulum divination of chosen ESP card using pendulum
1991 8
Jim Magus Digital using five business cards and pendulum
1991 69
Philip T. Goldstein Octext spectator choses one of eight words and removes its letters from alphabet deck, divined with pendulum, binary coding via card removal from deck, for correction see reference
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Octext corrected description, spectator choses one of eight words and removes its letters from alphabet deck, divined with pendulum, binary coding via card removal from deck
Related to Aug. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Dr. Lawrence Weinstein Card Sensor spectator divines unknown card using a pendulum
Related to Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Richard Osterlind Mirrored Darkly design duplication using pendulum and business card case
June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Steve Dusheck Keytector key on string swings wildly over selected ESP card
1993 73
Sandy Spillman Something on my Mind: Automatism - Part 1 on pendulums
Jan. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 7)
Sandy Spillman Something on my Mind: Automatism - Part 2 on pendulums
Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Sandy Spillman Something on my Mind: Automatism - Part 3
  • The Power of the Pendulum
  • How to Question the Inner Mind
Mar. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Mary Tomich A Ritual of Royalty using pendulum, spectator cuts to a card and four court cards are removed, cut card matches previously selected card
Inspired by May 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 11)
Lance Campbell Double Dowsing pendulum is used to select a card among several cards with different items, performer holds same item in hand
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 13)
Marc Salem Intuitive Flash number is built by using pendulum, prediction
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 18)
Steven Brehe The Pendulum Glimpse question written on business card is mixed with other cards, answered by performer using pendulum and runes
Jan. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 7)
Didier Chantôme Criterium Voice Print, special name is divined among others using pendulum
June 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 12)
John Riggs The Compelling Key keys in a bag are removed by spectators and held in closed fists, padlock as pendulum starts moving over correct key
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Docc Hilford Who Knows? The Pendulum Knows! yes or no question is divined, with pendulum
Related to 1996 12
Christoph Borer Mery spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2000 25
Ciro Gargano For Whom the Bell Tolls living and dead test using a rod with for pendulums of different lengths
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Christoph Borer Das Tarot Mirakel two selected Tarot cards are predicted in an envelope, with pendulum
2001 30
Christoph Borer Die Kraft des Pendels performer divines selected city on a map with a pendulum
Also published here 2002 24
Docc Hilford IMPressive Pasteboards imp bottle as pendulum, finding selected Tarot card
2002 10
Massimo Tira Arcanum Nine Point Zero divining chosen Tarot card from Major Arcana using pendulum, Silver Bullet
Also published here
  • "Arcanum Nine Point Zero" in "Under a Silver Moon"
2004 27
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Pendulumix (Three Experiments With The Dowsing Pendulum performer divines thought-of place on a map, word in magazine and finds card with the word poison among other drinks using a pendulum
Related to 2004 41
Massimo Tira Center Dead dated 2002, name of dead person is divined, using a pendulum
2005 61
Christoph Borer Die Kraft des Pendels performer divines selected city on a map with a pendulum
Also published here 2006 143
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2006 145
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2007 15
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2007 17
Carl Montada Leben und Tod spectator chooses one photograph via pendulum, it's the only living person depicted
2008 4
Carl Montada Pendel, die Zweite spectator finds box with water among seven boxes with pendulum
2008 10
Stephen Minch The Silver Key key turns on hand, then on spectator's hand, the key on chain swings by itself over selected disk, then key is wrapped in paper and vanishes in flash of fire
Also published here 2009 55
Christoph Borer Sternzeichen-Pendel spectator locates his zodiac with a pendulum
Also published here 2010 13
Robin DeWitt The Mentalist's Thumb Tip comments and routines using a pendulum
  • Test No. 1
  • Test No. 2 (ESP cards)
  • Test No. 3 (half-precious stones)
2010 17
Jamy Ian Swiss Semi-Precious Pendulum spectator thinks of one of several gemstones and locates it via pendulum, it's also predicted
2012 55
Bruce Bernstein A Pendulum Routine spectator signs a business card and tears it up, the pieces are mixed with other torn pieces of business cards, he finds his parts with a pendulum, pieces put in envelope
Also published here 2012 180
Matt Mello The Spirit Necklace necklace or pendulum moves by itself, stiff section
2013 33
Christoph Borer Massenpendeln group pendulum experience, ideas, tips and a routine
Related toAlso published here 2016 126
Christoph Borer Astropendel spectator locates his zodiac with a pendulum
Also published here 2016 133
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2016 217
Christoph Borer Sternzeichen-Pendel spectator locates his zodiac with a pendulum
Also published here 2018 52
Christoph Borer Das Massenpendeln group pendulum experience, ideas, tips and a routine, in the context of seance
Related to 2018 178
Gregg Webb String & Pencil pencil dangling from string moves pendulum like
Inspired by
  • Bob McAllister idea with knife and shoelace
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2005
2022 402
Christoph Borer Pendulums Aplenty group pendulum experience, ideas, tips and a routine
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
  • Phase Three
  • Key Points
  • Disruptive Audience Members
  • Personal Moments
  • Important
Also published here 2024 198
Christoph Borer Astropendulum spectator locates his zodiac with a pendulum
Also published here 2024 206
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2024 212