119 entries in Book / Book Test / Magazine Test
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Telepathic Foresight chosen ad from magazine predicted
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Theodore Annemann The One-Man 'Genuine' Magazine Test three magazines, fake cover ploy
Related to 1931 46
Theodore Annemann A Rule of the Thumb book or magazine test with assistent or medium, information secretly written on magazine with nail writer
Also published here 1934 8
Theodore Annemann The Double Ad Test ads selected by spectator, performer divines them
Also published here 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Robert Parrish Magazine Miracle pages glued together
1937 14
Robert Parrish Strange Interlude words from magazine and dead name divined, subtle impression device use
1937 15
Albert Sidney One Little Word chosen word found via dictionary directions
Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Orville Wayne Meyer Symmyst two phases, named numbers added to select word, using magazines with exchanged covers
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
Theodore Annemann Weird Wire medium phoned and tells one out of five designs, selected cards and word
VariationsAlso published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 89)
Theodore Annemann Stunner No. 5 book or magazine test with assistent or medium, information secretly written on magazine with nail writer
Also published here 1941 3
Syl Reilly The Magazine Test clever, luminous paint
1942 376
William S. Houghton Magazine Test Wrinkle
1943 14
James G. Thompson Jr. Life Liberty Or - trick performing for friends over phone
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 57)
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magazine Test with playing cards
Also published here 1944 5
Theodore Annemann The Double Ad Test ads selected by spectator, performer divines them
Also published here 1944 74
Orville Wayne Meyer Symmyst two phases, named numbers added to select word, using magazines with exchanged covers
Also published here 1944 76
Theodore Annemann Weird Wire medium phoned and tells one out of five designs, selected cards and word
  • The E.S.P. Symbol Projection
  • The Word Projection
  • The Card Projection
Also published here 1944 327
Theodore Annemann Like An Open Book No. 5, book or magazine test with assistent or medium, information secretly written on magazine with nail writer
Also published here 1944 13
L. Vosburgh Lyons, Ronald B. Edwards, Clayton Rawson, Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson Boxed piece of a magazine is put on a string and the ends of the string thread through two holes in a box, a word is selected and when checked on the piece on the string all words are crossed out except the selected one
Related to Apr. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 81)
George G. Kaplan The Spirit-Slates and Magazine Test for close-up work
1948 218
Dai Vernon Magazine Test
Related to 1948 154
Frank Kelly Magazine and Picture Test combination
1948 159
Cy Endfield Astounding! with Brema Tube, for prediction
Mar. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 146)
Harvey P. Graham Inside Job forcing a page by putting a magazine in a paper bag and stabbing a knife somewhere in it
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 149)
Edward Clinkscale, Franklin V. Taylor Djinn's Journal divination of selected word
May 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 176)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Pinned ripped page from magazine is pinned, word is divined, see p. 762 for ideas by Al Baker
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 185)
Don Tanner Having Fun in Your Own Home ideas for a wireless microphone, transmitting conversation into next room
Apr. 1949 8
Franklin V. Taylor Reader's Digest idea for Annemann's magazine test
Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 211)
U. F. Grant Grant's Secret
Nov. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 216)
Eddie Clever, Mike Zerance E Z Magazine Test three magazines, using cards
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Fred Peterson Puzzle of the Pages word isa selected with the aid of a business card, that has a hole punched through to read one word, card is moved on page and stopped
Variations Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 221)
U. F. Grant, Bob Somerfeld Impromptome with borrowed business card as a bookmark
Inspired by 1951 7
Herb Runge Go! closing trick, spectator choses word "go" from a book and performer does just that
May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 255)
Bob Somerfeld The Last Word two versions, one without preparation
1952 9
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der 6. Sinn magazine test, several identical magazines with different covers
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Eddie Joseph Bombay: Effect No. 7 three cards chosen with counting procedure, those are used to get to a page in a magazine, word is divined
1952 3
Ronald B. Edwards Ron's Ramblings idea for magazine test
Apr. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 279)
Milbourne Christopher Magazine Test with playing card to select page
Variations 1954 3
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein Experiment mit einer Zeitung cross sum of date of a coin and value of card are added to select page
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Cy Endfield The Famous Magazine Test force with coin and cards, performed by Dr. Stanley Jaks
Variations 1955 46
Gene "Phantini" Grant Phantini's Magazine Miracle prediction, page selected with a card pushed in the magazine
Related to 1955 12
Allessandro Divine Touch twelve Reader's Digit magazines, month divined behind back
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Dr. Spencer Thornton I'll Read Your Mind several magazines
1958 13
Tony Corinda Zarkamorta II. - The Ceremony of Reincarnation page is torn from a magazine and a word selected by randomly sticking a pin in that page, the page is burnt and reappears back in the book, with a hole in the chosen word and burnt edges
Related toVariations 1959 201
Tony Corinda A Classic Swindle - Magazine Test several magazines, same cover
1959 206
Eddie Clever, Tom Sellers (c) The Magazine Test marking the page with an X
1959 25
Ali Bongo Magazine Test prediction, with riffle page force
1960 31
Eric Grause A Telephone Directory Test two methods
1960 34
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein unerklärliches Hellsehen ripped page from magazine is pinned, word is divined
Also published here 1961 44
Dr. Stanley Jaks Tituba multiphase magazine test with Pegasus Page climax
Also published here 1961 108
Gerald Kosky Mystery Magazine Test
Also published here 1964
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Tom Sellers, Rolf Andra Magazin Test marking the page with an X
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 4)
Milbourne Christopher The Devanagari Oracle clever book / magazine test, two people select a word, gaffed magazine
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 76)
Steve Skomp Watch Out time from a watch in a magazine commercial is divined
Magick (Issue 88)
Dai Vernon Magazine Test - Vernon Way of determining which page spectator opened a magazine / book, gimmicked
1975 152
Stephen Minch Burning Thoughts magazine chosen, page number chosen from bag with numbered discs, chosen page is burned
1975 29
Gerald Kosky Easy Magazine Test forcing a number using stapled magazine
1975 169
Gerald Kosky Mystery Magazine - Book Test using mystery magazines
Also published here 1975 171
Gerald Kosky The Dream prediction of chosen pile, chosen word and relation of black cards in a pile to red cards in another pile
1975 174
Gerald Kosky Over-The-Phone - Basic Code magazine test with medium on telephone
1975 186
Charles T. Jordan Telepathic Foresight chosen ad from magazine predicted
Also published here 1975 238
Alan Shaxon Television Mindreading with tv programs, all corners are torn from a magazine, two selected and numbers added to receive a number
1976 20
Erwin Schussel Mind Freeze as Edwin Schussel, Magazine test with TV-Guide
Magick (Issue 151)
Burling Hull Premier Magazine Book Test page chosen with playing cards
1976 71
Philip T. Goldstein Para-Sight with magazines bought by spectators
1977 1
Erwin Schussel Mind's Eye! with number cards and a torn page from duplicate magazine in envelope as a prediction
Magick (Issue 179)
George Kemp The Book Look magazine test, page found by adding the numbers of the year of a selected coin
Magick (Issue 188)
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Book - Variation B fake cover ploy
1978 3
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Book - Variation C fake cover ploy, mixed with equivoque
1978 5
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Book - Variation D four books, naming a number, fake cover ploy
1978 6
C. L. Boarde Under Cover - Variation B magazines of different sizes, fake cover ploy
1978 85
C. L. Boarde Under Cover - Variation C several magazines, using a reference tome
1978 87
C. L. Boarde Under Cover - Variation D magazines, fake cover ploy
1978 88
C. L. Boarde Under Cover - Variation E do as I do with magazines, same word is chosen, fake cover ploy
1978 89
C. L. Boarde Magazine Mnemonics memorized
1978 104
C. L. Boarde By the Phone over the phone magazine test
1978 106
James G. Thompson Jr. Magazine Mentalism No. 35, trick performing for friends over phone
Also published here 1979 56
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magazine Test with playing cards
Also published here 1980 23
Robert Priest Orobas Factor before the show spectator buys a magazine and seals a bill in an envelope, magazine test and serial number reading, himber wallet
Magick (Issue 265)
Karroll Priest, Robert Priest The Priests' Prayer Book gaffed magazine
Magick (Issue 276)
Marcello Truzzi The Hole Truth magazine test, business card with punched holes is moved on page
Inspired byRelated to 1981
Magick (Issue 297)
Al Mann The Want Ad Mystery word from a want ad section is selected and divined
1982 18
Al Mann The Longest Word how to make fake want ad sections for thought divination
1982 19
Robert Cassidy The Esquire Magazine Test business cards is placed inside a magazine, description of page, svengali principle
1984 39
Juan Tamariz The Slates magazine test with slates
Variations 1988 69
Karrell Fox "Magamental" page in magazine selected, torn out and crumpled up, tossed to spectator, then content described, switch
Related to 1988 84
Ted Karmilovich Person-Two-Person medium describes pictures in magazine over phone
June 1989
Magick (Issue 423)
Karl Fulves Bookie test with casino brochures that explain the rules of the games, chosen game divined, revealing shadow through covers
Cheat Sheet (Issue 4)
Karrell Fox Tella-Vision tv show chosen in tv guide by saying stop while the performer's finger moves around on page, predicted
1991 72
John Riggs The Open Book Test triple prediction, word, card and picture from a magazine, Mental Epic, comedy presentation
1992 802
Harry Anderson Magazine Test using six magazines
1993 117
The Magazine Trick
1994 1236
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Magazine Wizard medium on phone divines chosen page from magazin, name code
Oct. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Karrell Fox A.T.S. Book Test "Almost Too Simple", page in magazine selected, torn out and crumpled up, tossed to spectator, then content described, no switch, long-short magazine
Related to 1995 54
Larry White My Word Against Yours tearing magazine in process
Feb. 1998 8
Barrie Richardson An Experiment in Remote Viewing performer describes chosen magazine page
Also published here
  • Club 71, Mayday 1998
1999 237
George G. Kaplan Der Geistertafel-Magazin-Test two slates shown and placed aside, six cards chosen to locate page in magazine, headline appears on slates
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Karl Fulves 10¢ Worth page number chosen with procedure with coin change, forcing a set of possible numbers
2001 183
David Regal The New Yorker Magazine Test
2002 75
Barrie Richardson Subtle Influences
June 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 6)
Leon Maguire Leon Maguire Magazine Test
Also published here
  • marketed 1943
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Robert Cassidy Crossroads Crosswords book test using three crossword magazines, flashback, with variations
  • The Variations
  • Alternate Peeks
  • Using More than One Spectator
  • The Dictionary
Inspired by 2003 2
Robert Cassidy The Magazine Challenge spectator buys magazine in a hotel, chosen page is predicted, using a dictionary to get a page number
2004 195
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Pendulumix (Three Experiments With The Dowsing Pendulum performer divines thought-of place on a map, word in magazine and finds card with the word poison among other drinks using a pendulum
Related to 2004 41
Barrie Richardson The Tossed-out Magazine
Inspired by
  • "Dyna" (magazine test by U.F. Grant)
Also published here
  • Club 71, Spring 1993
2005 129
Barrie Richardson Thoughts on the Memorized Magazine Demonstration
2005 299
Docc Hilford, Danton, Stanton Carlisle 21st Century Svengali pick-up artist version of Koran's binary prediction, using dual reality
Inspired byRelated to 2005 17
Allan Slaight Tri-Endfield with number force using cards and the date on a coin
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Oct. 1979
2008 68
Docc Hilford Bound Blossoms "Secret #157 - Control Displacement", prediction of card and page from magazine, spectator stops while dealing, Kismet Envelope
2008 17
Jim Steinmeyer The Magazine Test "A Presentation and Mnemonic List for a Famous Memory Feat"
memorizing magazines
2009 95
Bill Abbott The HoySi Incident "I have performed this twice."
  • Part One: several cards chosen and pocketed, then divined
  • Part Two: word on designated page number in several magazines remembered and divined, with design duplication
2012 15
Bruce Bernstein Magazine Test four two-digit numbers are written on billets, one is selected for magazine test
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "1982 Lecture Notes"
2012 13
Alberto de Figueiredo Más Allá chosen word from magazine appears on slate
2013 73
Dr. Stanley Jaks Pinned ripped page from magazine is pinned, word is divined
Also published here 2014 203
Dr. Stanley Jaks Tituba multiphase magazine test with Pegasus Page climax
Also published here 2014 237
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Mindreader of the Month word from magazine divined, really only from subscription card held inside magazine
Oct. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Roberto Giobbi Catalogue of Magic trick idea
Hidden Agenda (Issue Mar 9)
Mike Pisciotta, Manuel Llaser Ideas for using The Devil's Lunch Sack
  • Lunch 1
  • Lunch 2
  • Map
  • Music
  • Book Test
  • Magazine Test
  • Cards
  • Money
  • Drawing Duplication
2020 7
Michael Murray Show Reel website link to explanation of Show Reel effect, one page from movie magazine used for mind reading
2023 16