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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
S. W. Erdnase II. To Retain the Complete Stock
Related toVariations 1902 45
S. W. Erdnase The Diagonal Palm-Shift mention of top palm, bottom palm and multiple shift on page 141
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1902 137
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Walter Gibson, Bill Woodfield, Cy Endfield, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Richard Himber, H. P. Graham, Ben Braude
June 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 128)
Cy Endfield Astounding! with Brema Tube, for prediction
Mar. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 146)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on, the winners of the contest, Bill Larsen, Dariel Fitzkee, Clayton Rawson, Cy Endfield
Mar. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 147)
Cy Endfield Time Must Tell using natural imperfection
Also published here Apr. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 174)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Lee Noble, Carl Ballantine, Mike Bornstein, Jerry Cohen, Dai Vernon, Cy Endfield, Milbourne Christopher
June 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 180)
Eddie Joseph Staggered - Prime Presentation two decks, one card is selected and both decks dealt until same card is found in other deck, card found at same position as mate of selection is named and its mate is not found in other deck but in envelope, repeated with written prediction inside card case
Related toVariations 1949 1
Cy Endfield Tacked Extra Corner-Piece. Variation with specially printed card
Related to Mar. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 199)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Russell Swann, Cy Endfield, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Martin Gardner, Dai Vernon, Lee Noble, Richard Himber
Aprs 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 200)
Cy Endfield Sub Aqua image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Fred Keating, Wally Dean, Ballantine, Cy Endfield, Martin Gardner, George Schindler
Apr. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 201)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Simon, Ted Messenger, Cleopatra, Sorcar, Frank Garcia, John Scarne, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Greer Marechal, Jimmy Herpick, Frank Joglar, Larry Weeks, Cy Endfield
June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 206)
Cy Endfield Jack in the Box triple prediction, selected color, number on penny and card on top of the deck
Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 221)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Cy Endfield, Jay Marshall, Roy Benson, Dr. Braude, Max Katz, Martin Gardner, Audley Walsh, Hen Fetsch, Cardini, Charlie Miller, Dai Vernon, T. Nelson Downs
Aug. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 235)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Milbourne Christopher, Lee Noble, Don Alan, Carl Rosini, George Starke, Stars of Magic, Orson Welles, Cy Endfield, Charlie Miller, Jimmy Grippo, Cardini
Jan. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 246)
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ralph Read, Dr. Kayton, John Scarne, Cy Endfield, Lewis Ganson, Frank Garcia, Friday Night Sodality, Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller
Apr. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 253)
Edward Marlo The False Count
Related to 1953 94
Cy Endfield Slow-Motion Ace Trick
Related toVariations 1953 74
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Cy Endfield, Stan Musial, Francis Carlyle, Frank Garcia, Roy Benson, Ballantine, Dante, Don Alan, Del Ray, John Platt, Bert Allerton, Meyer Silberstein, Jack Miller, Leslie Guest, The Seven Circles, Frank Joglar, Raymonde
Sep. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 315)
Cy Endfield Foreword
1955 4
Cy Endfield Two To Divine card appears between sandwich cards in hand
Related toVariations 1955 10
Cy Endfield Method of Edge Marking
1955 13
Cy Endfield "Conjure Bones"
1955 21
Cy Endfield Pip-Misshow Three as Ace
1955 22
Cy Endfield "Blackie is with us!" jacks travel together in center, card appears between them
1955 24
Cy Endfield Cards to Pocket twelve cards
1955 28
Cy Endfield showing pocket empty trouser pocket
1955 30
Cy Endfield Color Change as a vanish from a small packet
1955 34
Cy Endfield card vanish
1955 37
Cy Endfield The Escape of the Musketeers three cards, Biddle Handling
Variations 1955 42
Cy Endfield The Famous Magazine Test force with coin and cards, performed by Dr. Stanley Jaks
Variations 1955 46
Cy Endfield Forcing 23 using a coin's date-sum to count to a card and adding it to the date to arrive at 23
1955 46
Cy Endfield Second Deal (Single Handed) Two Methods
1955 51
Cy Endfield The Endfield Slip Cut
1955 53
Cy Endfield The Best Overhand False Shuffle lift shuffle
1955 55
Cy Endfield The Buckle Count
1955 58
Cy Endfield False Count
1955 60
Cy Endfield Jog Control
1955 62
Cy Endfield The Three Card Monte Basic Moves
1955 5
Cy Endfield Preparation of the Cards. (a) The Bridging
1955 6
Cy Endfield The Bent Corner
1955 9
Cy Endfield The Pencil Mark on the Card
1955 11
Cy Endfield The Tacked Card Extra Corner-Piece. Variation with specially printed card
Related to 1955 13
Cy Endfield The Routine incl. Bent Corner, Pencil Mark, Tacked Card
1955 15
Cy Endfield Card Selection and Control general comments
1955 20
Cy Endfield The Spectator's Glimpse Fingertip-Grip for Demo
1955 21
Cy Endfield Handling the Pack. 1. The Riffle after-peek context
1955 22
Cy Endfield 2. Transfering the break to the right thumb
1955 23
Cy Endfield 3. The Greek Break after-peek context
1955 23
Cy Endfield The Performer's Secret Glimpse two methods
1955 25
Cy Endfield The Side Steal somewhat delayed
1955 27
Cy Endfield Glimpse of Thought one of five, card is thought of as pack is riffled, card named or brought from pocket, OOSOOM
1955 30
Cy Endfield Sub Aqua image of card appears on little "photographic paper"
1955 35
Cy Endfield Card Penetration and Change card placed in handkerchief "penetrates", in its place selection
Also published here 1955 37
Cy Endfield, Charlie Miller, Dai Vernon The "Hofzinser" Top Change
Variations 1955 41
Cy Endfield, Bill Simon There's Five Aces! four Aces are counted as five as a gag
Related toAlso published here 1955 44
Stanley Collins, Cy Endfield Aces for Connoisseurs Collins Aces
Variations 1955 46
Cy Endfield The Ambitious Card
1955 5
Cy Endfield The Catch in the Pack next to selection or at named position
Related to 1955 14
Cy Endfield Signed Card to Pocket simple center steal
1955 20
Cy Endfield Center Steal
Related toVariations 1955 20
Cy Endfield Time Must Tell using natural imperfection
Also published here 1955 25
Cy Endfield The Single Flight of the Aces
Related to 1955 28
Cy Endfield Gambler Out-Gambled
Related toVariations 1955 38
Cy Endfield Slip Cut Force
1955 44
Cy Endfield The Slip (or Blind) Cut
1955 46
Cy Endfield The Endfield Bottom Palm
1955 48
Cy Endfield Time Must Tell using natural imperfection, clock lay out, with lie detector presentation
Also published here 1956 110
Cy Endfield Card Penetration and Change card placed in handkerchief "penetrates", in its place selection
Also published here 1956 11
Jack Avis, Cy Endfield, Roy Walton Three From Three
  • Effect No. 1: three card location, one reversed others next to it
  • Effect No. 2: off-beat card location, pocket
  • Effect No. 3: multiple transformation
Related toVariations 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 345)
Cy Endfield Preface
1959 4
Cy Endfield Endfield Slip Cut
1969 230
Horace E. Bennett Jacks in Flight Nines change into Tens and then Jacks, assembly with Jacks as finish
Inspired by Apr. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Lin Searles, Cy Endfield Impromptu Miracle
Inspired by Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Fred Robinson Focus on John Calvert, The Magic Castle, Cy Endfield, Christopher Pratt, David Carré, David Beckley, Ken Hawes
Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Frank Shields Top Change
Inspired by 1975 2
Fred Robinson Focus on Fred Kaps, Ricky Jay, Richiardi Jr., Gaeton Bloom, Archie McIntyre, Ramsay Reunion, Juan Tamariz, Cy Endfield, Ed Marlo
Jan. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Cy Endfield, Fred Robinson A Cy Endfield Location two key cards on two halves, spectator shuffles them together
Variations Jan. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Lewis Ganson Tribute to the Card Stars three or even four four-of-a-kinds show up
Inspired by 1977 22
Cy Endfield Endfield Slip Cut
1977 30
Cy Endfield, Ricky Jay Tomorrows World electronic coding system, alphabet
Feb. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Roy Walton Second Time Around three cards chosen, found reversed, other cards on either side
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 11
Cy Endfield, Charlie Miller Hofzinser Top Change with Charlie Miller ruse for stroking the card
Apr. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Cy Endfield, Roger Crosthwaite Hofzinser Card Change
Oct. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Lewis Ganson, Paul Curry, Cy Endfield, Audley Walsh Convincers
  • The Bent Corner
  • The Tacked Card (Paul Curry / Cy Endfield)
  • Paper Clip Climax (Audley Walsh)
1980 15
Cy Endfield, Arturo de Ascanio Die Endfield-Ascanio-Palmage Endfield-Ascanio Palm
Also published here 1980 3
Arturo de Ascanio Ases para Conocedores (Saludo a Fred Kaps)
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 7
Al Smith WATA - Where Are The Aces? Collins Aces, spelling finish
Inspired by 1980 30
Cy Endfield Buckle Count Variation cards end up in reversed order
Also published here
  • "The Buckle Count" in "The Gen" Vol. 8. No. 5, p. 147
1981 3
Walt Lees Matchochism Aces lost, then cut to again, last one is King, rest changes to King and Aces are on bottom of four tabled piles
Related to 1981 2
Cy Endfield Introduction
1983 1
Mexican Addition packet levered over with double, adding a card in the process
Related to 1986 31
Kevin Reay No-Touch Transposition two selections lost, red Aces pocketed, Aces appear on deck and selections in pocket
Related toVariations Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Dai Vernon, Cy Endfield Vernon on the "Endfield" Slip Cut
1989 41
Harry Levine Hofzinser Top Change break handling
Inspired by 1989 472
Jack Avis, Cy Endfield Twist And Vanish five cards, one of which is selection, wrong cards turn over one by one, then selection vanishes, Biddle Trick
Inspired byVariations May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Jack Avis Siva's Twist And Vanish five cards, one of which is selection, wrong cards turn over one by one, then selection vanishes, Biddle Trick
Inspired by May 1989
Inside Out (Issue 6)
Arturo de Ascanio, Cy Endfield Ascanio-Endfield-Palm
1990 6
Alex Elmsley Everchange Count four as five while hiding one
VariationsAlso published here 1991 74
Arturo de Ascanio, Cy Endfield Ascanio-Endfield-Palm
1991 4
Arturo de Ascanio, Cy Endfield Ascanio-Endfield-Palm
1992 129
Arturo de Ascanio Endfield-Ascanio Palm
Also published here 1992 54
Cy Endfield "Hofzinser" Top Change
1994 141
Andy Greget Tap to the Top variation for Endfield's Center Steal
Inspired by 1994 930
Roger Crosthwaite The Diagonal Palm Shift "A Tribute to Lewis Ganson"
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1994 119
Jack Avis, Cy Endfield Twist and Vanish biddle trick, five-card twisting routine, cards turn over one by one, selection vanishes at the end
Related to
  • Inside Out No. VI (1989, Justin Higham, p. 14)
1994 174
Cy Endfield Shock Treatment "Twist and Vanish", biddle trick with thought-of card (one out of three), five-card twisting routine, cards turn over one by one, selection vanishes at the end
1994 180
Cy Endfield, Bill Simon Endfield-Simon Count four as five
Also published here 1994 182
Arturo de Ascanio, Cy Endfield Ascanio-Endfield-Palm
Jan. 1995
Opus (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Bill McIlhany Cy Endfield
  • Letters
July 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Michael Skinner The Boomerang Card card is tossed up and caught in deck at any number down named by spectator
Inspired byVariations 1996 43
Cy Endfield Slip Cut
1996 75
Cy Endfield The Endfield Bottom Palm brief
1996 133
Cy Endfield Scoop Addition packet levered over with double, adding a card in the process
Related to Aug. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 12)
George McBride Pocket Tweezers two selections are chosen by using the red Aces as tweezers and pocketed, they transpose with the two red Aces
Inspired by 1998 70
Cy Endfield Tweezer Double Lift
1998 70
Justin Higham, Cy Endfield Cy Endfield's Four-Way Slip Cut - Reconstruction
Inspired by 1999 60
Cy Endfield The "Hofzinser" Top Change
2000 818
David Britland Further Discoveries on Canasta's psychological forces, painting, boustrophedon, movies, Cy Endfield, reports by Fred Taylor, Doug Gibbard, Basil Horwitz and Roy Walton
2001 11
Cushing Strout Holmes Meets Endfield Using a Sherlock Holmes book and a deck of cards to create a coincidence, story telling
Inspired by 2005 35
Arturo de Ascanio, Cy Endfield Endfield-Ascanio Palm
Also published here 2006 258
Stewart James TRY aNother FIELD Magician predicts a number, a card, and a picture from a picture deck
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Letter to Allan Slaught, Dec 1979
2007 171
Arturo de Ascanio Aces for Connoisseurs
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 175
Allan Slaight Tri-Endfield with number force using cards and the date on a coin
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Oct. 1979
2008 68
Bob Hummer Hummer's Three-Card Monte Spectator thinks of one of three cards and switches a few cards around, magician divines thought of card, can do with any three objects
Variations 2012 204
Cy Endfield Rock, Paper, Scissors Hummer's Three Card Monte with Rock paper scissors theme
Inspired by 2012 209
Arturo de Ascanio, Cy Endfield Ascanio-Endfield-Palm
2013 12
Jon Racherbaumer On the Slant
  • Playing Scared (Sara Solovitch, 2014)
  • Mindware (Richard E. Nisbett, 2015)
  • The Many Lives of Cy Endfield (Brian Neve, 2015)
Oct. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 10)
Jesús Etcheverry Capitulo cuarto: Juegos con habilidad, segundo bloque Notes on tricks Ascanio performed, tricks using sleight of hand
  • 5 Rojas y 5 Negras (mio)
  • Cuatro Ases Charles Miller
  • Transposición de Ases con 6-7-8 rojos (Marlo)
  • The Follow Up Aces (Marlo)
  • Cardician Makes Good (Marlo)
  • Carta rota (Marlo, yo)
  • Carta rota (Al Saal, yo)
  • Ases y Reyes (Cy Endfield)
  • Salute to Dai Vernon (Al Koran)
  • Los dos cartas vueltas (mio)
  • Siguiendo al lider (Marlo)
  • Mental Reverse (Marlo)
  • Supreme Reverse (Zingone)
  • Carta ambiciosa
  • Imanes (Leech)
2015 123
Jesús Etcheverry Capitulo quinto: Juegos con habilidad, tercer bloque Notes on tricks Ascanio performed, tricks using sleight of hand
  • Cards up Sleeve (Daley)
  • Slow Motion Four Aces (Vernon)
  • Aparición Ases de Bill Simon
  • Four Aces for Connoisseurs (Cy Endfield)
  • Por Todas Partes y Ninguna (mio)
  • Face Up Face Down Surprise (Hamman)
  • Error Pronto Reparado (final Arthur Buckley)
  • Cutting the Aces (Vernon)
  • Fuera de este mundo (mio)
  • Versión de Channing Pollocl
  • Cinta de Zingone (versión mia)
  • Cinco rojas y una negra (m. Kaps)
  • Sequacious Spades (Daley, yo)
  • Ases a través de la mesa (Hamman-Kaps)
  • Alternando los colores (mio)
  • La cartera y el sobre (Paul LePaul - Freddy Fah)
2015 139
Jesús Etcheverry Capitulo sexto: Juegos con habilidad, cuarto bloque Notes on tricks Ascanio performed, tricks using sleight of hand
  • Agua y aceite (mio)
  • Antiguo Triumph (Vernon)
  • Ases Transposition
  • Three Queens Monte (Simon)
  • Four Aces Bang! (Pollock - Kaps)
  • In One Shuffle (Marlo)
  • 4 Ases "al tiempo" (Expert Card Technique)
  • 1-2-3 (Vernon)
  • Bolsillo Transposition (Gerald Kosky)
  • Homing Card (Carlyle)
  • A través del pañuelo (Cy Endfield)
  • Ace-Eight-Ace (Marlo)
  • Sandwich (Leech)
  • Peek Superlimpio (para magos)
  • 3 más 6 igual a 9
  • Transformación al atravesar la baraja (Kaps)
2015 161
Arturo de Ascanio, Cy Endfield Ascanio-Endfield-Palm
2015 112
Gary Plants "This is Why I am Here" replacing glimpse after spectator's shuffle with set-up and shuffle strategy
Inspired by Sep. 2017
Operandi (Issue 3)
Johnny Thompson Finessed Hofzinser Snap Change
Inspired by 2018 69
Charlie Miller Vertical Snap Change
Inspired by 2018 80
Johnny Thompson The Prowling Jokers three-phase sandwich routine
  • selection appears between Jokers held in hand
  • single cut makes wide-apart Jokers trap selection
  • Joker tossed next to selection
Inspired by 2018 199
Tom Gagnon Packet Collectors three selections lost, groups of four cards each biddle counted off deck and spectators put their hand on the groups that contain their cards, selections travel to between Kings
Inspired by 2019 53
Cy Endfield "Hofzinser" Top Change
2020 47