137 entries in Cards / Sleights / Break / Buckling
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Buckle Count
1940 255
False Table Deal buckle undercount on the table
1940 416
Buckle Count
1942 21
Bottom Buckle
1946 3
Buckle Count
Dec. 1946 275
Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller Buckle Count see credit on page 50
1947 48
Buckle Count
1948 58
Dai Vernon The False Count buckle count
Stars of Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Buckle Count brief
1950 6
The "Buckle Count"
1950 100
Edward Marlo The Double and Triple Buckle
Related toAlso published here 1953 102
Edward Marlo One-Hand Buckle Count brief
1953 37
Buckle Count
1954 73
"Senator" Clarke Crandall One Handed Buckle Count
1954 80
The Buckle Count
1954 202
Cy Endfield The Buckle Count
1955 58
Tony Kardyro T. K's Master Utility Sleight deck held with both hands, top cards buckled with right first finger, inner right corners buckle up
  • The Peek
  • The Count
Variations 1955 3
Dai Vernon The Buckle False Count
1957 57
Edward Marlo Double Buckle Vanish card vanishes from packet
  • With all Five Cards Face Down
  • With all Cards Face Down
  • With all Cards Face Up
  • To Show all Cards and Reverse the Selection During the Process
  • Devilish Miracle Handling
  • The Triple Buckle Vanish
June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo The Buckle Break multiple cards
Related to 1957 31
Edward Marlo Marlo Bottom Count cards spring off right thumb via buckling with diagonal pressure at upper left corner
1957 31
Buckle Count
1958 20
Norman Houghton Angle Buckle for buckle count, buckling with left thumb at left edge
Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo M.S. Two Hand Loading Move displacements with buckling, see page 13 for credit information
Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Dai Vernon The Buckle Count
  • To count cards onto the table.
  • To count cards into the other hand.
1960 86
Cliff Green An Imperceptible "Get-Ready" multiple card buckle
Related toAlso published here 1961 16
Edward Marlo Double Buckle
Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Double Buckle
1971 224
Cliff Green Imperceptible Get-Ready
1971 228
Edward Marlo M.S. Loading Move loading multiple cards into spread from underneath, brief
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Sam Leo Horowitz End Grip Buckle bottom card of packet held in right hand, buckled and transferred to bottom when placed on left-hand packet
Autumn 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 5th Folio)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Triple Buckle brief
1971 34
George Sands The Buckle Turn showing four cards, hiding one surface
1971 6
Karl Fulves Block Buckle with small Packet
1973 46
Edward Marlo Buckle and Spread brief
Also published here 1974 43
Buckling with second finger
1976 17
Buckle Count
1977 84
Doug Alker Three Card Buckle
Jan. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Buckle Count
1977 65
Edward Marlo Buckle Count triple buckle
1977 80
Buckle Bottom Card
1978 39
Steve Beam The Maeb-Y Count (Pronounced "Maybe") right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left, Veeser concept
Also published here 1979 13
Das Buckle-Zählen
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Steve Beam Maeb-Y Veeser Variation right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left
Related to 1980 16
The Buckle Count
1980 158
Buckle Count Explained
1980 26
Dai Vernon The Buckle Count
1981 13
Buckle Count brief
1981 4
Triple Buckle
1981 21
Steve Beam Maeb-y Count right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left
1982 25
Steve Beam The Maeb-y Count right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left
Related to 1983 5
Yoshio Hirose Action Change four jokers change to kings when thrown one-handed onto table, using triple buckle
Also published here 1983 34
Edward Marlo Buckling in Overhand Position
1984 62
Cliff Green Imperceptible Get-Ready brief
Jan./Feb. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 17 & 18)
Frederick Braue Braue Bottom Card Break buckle
1985 9
Frederick Braue Bottom Buckle
1985 11
Frederick Braue Bottom Buckle - Two Cards
1985 12
Frederick Braue Bottom Buckle - Three Cards or More
1985 12
Frederick Braue Buckle Fan
1985 12
Yoshio Hirose Action Change four jokers change to kings when thrown one-handed onto table, using triple buckle
Also published here Sep. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 9)
David Regal Triple Buckle Handling
1987 32
John C. Wagner Buckle Displacement small packet
1987 41
Edward Marlo Double Buckle
1987 4
Double Buckle Spread spreading five as four
1987 25
Edward Marlo Triple Buckle spreading five as four
1987 26
Edward Marlo The Buckle Break above one to three cards
1988 234
Edward Marlo Marlo Bottom Count buckle
1988 235
Juan Tamariz Triple Buckle brief
1988 59
Bill Simon Buckle Glide from back corner of small packet
1988 100
Edward Marlo M.S. Loading Move spreading into buckle opening, brief
Related to
  • "The M.S. Deck" (Ed Marlo, marketed 1954)
1988 237
Gary Kurtz Zarrow's Triple Buckle
1990 58
Buckle Count
1990 19
Cliff Green Imperceptible Get-Ready to buckle multiple cards, done with packet, brief, uncredited
1990 27
1990 15
Der Buckle Count
Dec. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 4 & 5)
Herb Zarrow Triple Buckle with three fingers
Sep. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jon Racherbaumer What About the Buckle Count? credit essay referring to notes by Stephen Minch
Related to Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
Arturo de Ascanio Dos Juegos con la Cuenta de "Pasa Paquete" om the Buckle Count (Las Cuentas de "Pasa Paquete" y "Deja Paquete")
1992 56
Tom Mullica Buckle Count Finesse counting cards from hand on the table
1992 80
Jon Racherbaumer, Stephen Minch More on the Buckle Count corrections and additions to the article, quotes from correspondence with Stephen Minch
Inspired by Sep. 1993
The Olram File (Issue 13)
バックルカウント (Buckle Count)
1993 87
テーブル上へのバックルカウント (Buckle Count above a table)
1993 88
ダブルバックルカウント (Double Buckle Count)
1993 150
Double Buckle Spread
1993 12
Quadruple Buckle Spread six cards as five
1993 30
Buckling One or More Cards
1995 212
Edward Marlo No Break Multiple Pull Down Buckle with jog as preparation
Related to 1995 149
Buckle Count
1995 24
1995 26
Single-card Vernon Strip-out Addition using buckle
1995 192
The Buckle Count
1996 318
Cliff Green Breaking Technique Buckle as a double buckle
1997 16
Buckle Count brief
1997 5
Steve Beam The Maeb-Y Count right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left, Elmsley Count
1997 20
Multiple Buckle with small packet
1998 567
Alexander de Cova 2. Buckeln oder Buckle comments
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 2)
The Buckle Count
1999 48
The Modified Buckle Count
1999 54
Small Packet Triple Buckle brief
2000 856
Buckle Count
2001 175
Cliff Green Imperceptible Get-Ready
2002 59
Larry Jennings Tip on Cliff Green's Imperceptible Get-Ready
2002 112
2002 55
Multiple Buckle
2002 25
Buckle Spread spreading five as four
2003 7
Wesley James Splay Grip small packet buckle, similar to reference
Related to 2004 382
Ron Bauer Sidebar three way to double-turnover the top two of three cards, here with business cards
  • A. Block Push-Off
  • B. Single Buckle
  • C. Elmsley Count
2004 10
Buckle Spread and Count
2004 156
Cliff Green Imperceptible Get-Ready buckling multiple cards, brief (see page 11 for photograph)
2005 7
Double Buckle brief
2006 169
Michael Raeburn Buckle Up top card buckle, pseudo second deal
2007 322
Jerry K. Hartman Corner buckle break
2007 78
Bottom Card Buckle brief
2007 185
Dai Vernon, Buckle Count
2008 254
Steve Beam The Third Finger Buckle packet held in right-hand end grip, third finger buckles bottom card
  • The Partial Packet Switch (Veeser type switch)
Also published here 2008 7
Steve Beam Unbuckled Count third finger buckle applied to buckle count
Related to 2008 15
Arturo de Ascanio Buckle Count Subtlety
Also published here Feb. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 2)
Roberto Giobbi, Dai Vernon On Buckling
June 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 6)
Multiple Buckle
2010 104
Wesley James Splay Grip small packet buckle, similar to reference
Related to 2010 109
Aaron Fisher Advanced Methods: Cliff Green and Herb Zarrow intro
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Cliff Green The Imperceptible Get-Ready
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Herb Zarrow The Double and Triple Buckle
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Gabi Pareras Cuenta Bucle del meñique buckling bottom card of deck or small packet
  • Separación del meñique
  • La cuenta
2012 86
Buckle of jumbo cards
2013 25
Buckle single or double
2013 6
Dai Vernon Buckle Count
2013 19
Das Buckle Zählen
2016 32
Edward Marlo Count 2 buckle count, last card snaps off fingers
Facsimile (Issue 6)
Jon Racherbaumer Buckle Count Credit Information Charlie Miller should get credit, according to Vernon
Facsimile (Issue 6)
Steve Beam The Third-Finger Buckle
  • The Partial Packet Switch
Related toAlso published here 2017 19
Buckle Count
2018 60
Double Buckle
2018 88
Johnny Thompson On Buckling buckling with fourth finger, double and triple buckle
2018 135
Cliff Green The Cliff Green Multiple Buckle credit information
Also published here 2020 35
Double Buckle three-card spread
2020 253
Mutliple turnover with packet together with spread cards above it, via buckle, see similar technique on p. 73 without buckle
2022 62