96 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Spelling / Four-of-a-Kind
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Al Leech Ace Location
Variations 1952 25
Edward Marlo Follow Up To Pseudo-Cull Stock Shuffle Aces are spelled out, faro
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo Impromptu Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected positions, then are spelled out, Aces vanish as finale, five phases
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo Ace Spell aces placed on top, after one riffle shuffle and one faro they can all be spelled out
1964 11
Harry Lorayne Aces Only - With Kings Aces are spelled to, then Kings are found as well, faro
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, May 1964
1965 32
Harry Lorayne The Indicator procedure to set up a four-of-a-kind for spelling from a shuffled deck
Variations 1967 62
Harry Lorayne Favorite Aces and Kings Aces are spelled to, then Kings are found as well, faro
Related to 1967 122
Gene Finnell Aces Respelled four Aces are spelled
Related toVariations 1967 22
Allan Slaight Faroyal Aces lost and spelled out, Queens found, Kings spelled, Jacks found, selection spelled to, faros in between
  • Setting the Stack
  • Alternative Location
Inspired byAlso published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Sam Randlett Finnell's Spell as a set-up for Gene Finnell's "Spelling the Aces"
Related to Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Allan Slaight New Deck Progressive faros
  • 1. card counted to by adding to cut-to card values, predicted
  • 2. Ace production
  • 3. Aces lost and spelled to
  • 4. poker deal
  • 5. draw poker deal
  • 6. Rummy demo
  • 7. spelling to card from first effect
  • 8. another poker deal
  • 9. Blackjack deal
  • 10. Bridge deal
Also published here July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
Al Leech Spelling Effect to find aces
1969 138
Fred Lessor Nice Recovery four Aces vanish in sandwiches, reappear in deck via spelling
Variations July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Roger Smith The FFF Faro Ace Speller Aces lost, then spelled to and lost one by one, last Ace spelled with four packets and other Aces show up again
1970 11
Roger Smith The Faro Shuffler's Column #3 spelling to the Aces, top cards of packets are then turned over and they are blank cards with message
Oct. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Paul Swinford Spelling the Aces faro
1971 10
Harry Lorayne Stranger Card Faro Location Aces are spelled to, then four of a kind to free selection is found as well, faro
Related to 1971 26
Francis Haxton Nice Recovery - 2 four aces vanish in sandwiches, reappear in deck via spelling, stand-up handling
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Marvin Johnson Shift Spell spelling to the Aces
Oct. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Frank Thompson Any Ace Spell spelling to any Ace called for
Related to 1973 122
Harry Lorayne Spell-Mell Aces lost, four packets formed, one Ace spelled from each, faro
1973 124
Harry Lorayne Spell-Mell Aces lost, four packets formed, one Ace spelled from each, faro
May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Gene Finnell "Do As I Do" Spelling the Aces Aces spelled to after losing them with some face-up/face-down cutting
1973 35
Gene Finnell Spelling the Aces #1,001
1973 67
Gene Finnell Spelling the Aces Number (?) faro
1973 68
Steve Saunders, James R. Hicks Four Aces 1,000,001 Aces vanish and are found again by spelling the cards
Inspired by 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Harry Lorayne Easy Indicator procedure to set up a four-of-a-kind for spelling from a shuffled deck, simplified method
Inspired by 1975 59
Darwin Ortiz Any Ace Spell Variation climax
Inspired by 1975 74
Edward Marlo Marlo Side-Jog Placement Cull for placing four of a kind for spelling
1977 32
Edward Marlo I came here to Spell the Aces a lot of shuffling, additional cards are spelled to in between
1977 39
Edward Marlo A Routine of Spells spelling Aces and other cards from a shuffled deck
1977 52
Al Smith Where Have All the Aces Gone?
Variations Aug. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Jimmy Ray Bermuda Aces Aces vanish and appear when their names are spelled, Aces are lost again and found with different methods
1980 21
Al Smith WATA - Where Are The Aces? Collins Aces, spelling finish
Inspired by 1980 30
Gene Castillon Spellbinder Kings spelled out, then Aces found, Kings change back color, rest of deck all Jokers
1981 73
Peter Kane The Eightsome Reel selection spelled to, but wrong suit shows up, repeated three more times until finally selection shows up face-up
Inspired by
  • "Double Spell" (Wilford Jonson, But Not to Play, p. 55)
1982 13
Franz Braun König-As-Parade Aces and Kings are spelleld in german and found
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Vanish - Spell - Surprise aces to kings, ace spelling, assembly combo
Inspired by
  • "Discrepant Ace Routine" (Ed Marlo, Al Sharpe's Ollapodrida, July/August 1984)
1984 320
John C. Wagner J.C.'s Super Closer Aces produced, lost and spelt to, deck sorted in suits as climax
Related to 1987 23
Richard Vollmer Double Spell spelling to the Aces
Sep. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Edward Marlo Breaking the Rule spelling to the four Aces, last one turns over
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1989 44
Steve Pressley Spellfinder
1991 708
Al Smith Simple Spell spelling chosen Ace, or all
1991 17
Edward Marlo Breaking the Rule spelling to the four Aces, last one turns over
  • Marlo Note
  • Simmons Note (Ken Simmons)
Also published here 1992 6
Edward Marlo Breaking the Rule spelling to the four Aces, last one turns over, with notes by Ken Simmons
Also published here 1993 15
Peter Duffie Everything under Control color separation climax
Inspired by Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Alex Elmsley Collinspell collins Aces with spelling finale, setting cards with a faro, featuring interesting vanishes
1994 357
Edward Marlo Rule-Breaking Aces spelling to the four Aces as they are named, last one turns over
Inspired by Nov. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Peter Duffie The Equaliser card chosen, its suit used to spell to all the Aces
1996 11
Jack Avis Over Under Spell Jacks on table, three cards placed on three of them, all collected, Jacks spelled out, one vanishes and is removed from pocket
Inspired by
  • "A Knavish Trick" (W. G. Graigen, 1948)
1998 211
Steven Hamilton S.T.A.F.F. deck shuffled by spectator, Aces immediately spelled out
Inspired by
  • "Immediate Ace Spell" (George McBride, The Crimp No. 15)
Also published here
1998 61
Steve Beam The Macho Magician Versus Wussy Gambler matching value and suit are spelled of selection, then four Aces are found as a kicker by spelling
2000 46
Peter Duffie Spell-Finder Aces spelled to after spectator cuts them into deck
Inspired by
  • "Immediate Ace Spell" (George McBride, The Crimp)
2000 19
Simon Aronson Queenspell Spell the red Queens' names to find two selections
Related toVariations 2001 12
Simon Aronson Aces Awry (Producing the Aces) Tries to spell suit of selection, but wrong 3 times - finally gets the value (Ace), and produces all four Aces
Variations 2001 198
Simon Aronson Fit Four a King (Producing the Kings) Spells to all four Kings while trying to spell to selection, uses up whole deck
2001 231
Simon Aronson Mirror Kings Alternative spelling procedure for Fit Four a King with reverse Aronson order
2001 234
Harry Lorayne Greatest Card Handler Of All Aces lost in sixteen-card packet, then spelled out, two selections found as well
Related to 2001 133
Harry Lorayne Easier Aces Aces lost in sixteen-card packet, then spelled out
2001 141
Harry Lorayne Kingly Loc-Ace-Tion Aces are lost and spelled to, then Kings are found as well, faro
Inspired by 2001 433
David Regal The Automatic Computerized Deck with Spell-Check four selections lost, then four Aces spelled to which change into selections
Sep. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson BJ Immediate Ace Spell
Inspired by
  • "Immediate Ace Spell" (George McBride, The Crimp No. 15)
2004 22
Juan Tamariz Spelling to the Four Deuces
2004 185
John C. Wagner Final Closer aces produced, lost and spelt to, deck sorted in suits as climax, reworked handling
  • Extra Thoughts & Substitutions
  • No Cop/No Switch Method by Syd Segal
Inspired by 2005 7
Cushing Strout The Queens Cast a Spell Locate card by spelling, then produce a named Queen after losing all four into the deck, fortune telling presentation
Inspired by
  • "Aces for Connoisseurs Again" (H. Nicholls Harley, New Pentagram, Mar 1981)
2005 17
Robin Robertson That Darn Four of Clubs! Ace spelling effect with kicker, wrong card always shows up in the beginning, Royal Flush suggestion by Harry Lorayne in Afterthoughts
Variations 2007 179
Harry Lorayne A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Aces lost, "amazing" is spelled and Aces found there
Variations 2007 212
Andi Gladwin Spellace Red Aces spelled to and placed aside. Black Aces spelled to, but find red Aces (transposition).
2007 68
Allan Slaight Faroyal Aces lost and spelled out, Queens found, Kings spelled, Jacks found, selection spelled to, faros in between
  • Setting the Stack
  • Alternative Location
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 33
Allan Slaight New Deck Progressive faros
  • 1. card counted to by adding to cut-to card values, predicted
  • 2. Ace production
  • 3. Aces lost and spelled to
  • 4. poker deal
  • 5. draw poker deal
  • 6. Rummy demo
  • 7. spelling to card from first effect
  • 8. another poker deal
  • 9. Blackjack deal
  • 10. Bridge deal
Also published here 2008 44
Allan Slaight, Max Maven Finnell Finale Finish
Inspired by
  • Stewart James's version of Gene Finnell's "Spelling the Aces"
Also published here
  • The James File, 2000
2008 150
Harry Lorayne Spel-Loc-Ace-Tion
2011 85
Steven Hamilton S-T-A-F-F deck shuffled by spectator, Aces immediately spelled out
Also published here 2013 136
Tom Crosbie SpellMaster spelling card, other cards with same value produced as kicker
  • Advanced 4 of a Kind Production
2013 167
Harry Lorayne Greatest Card Handler Aces lost in sixteen-card packet, then spelled out, two selections found as well
Inspired byRelated to 2015 216
Harry Lorayne A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, Plus Aces lost, "amazing" is spelled and Aces found there, Royal Flush kicker
Inspired by 2017 28
Harry Lorayne A-C-E and Kings Aces are spelled to, then Kings are found as well, yet another non-faro handling
Inspired by 2017 37
Harry Lorayne That Darn Four Of Clubs Royal Flush spelling effect with kicker, wrong card always shows up in the beginning
Inspired by 2017 124
Ondřej Pšenička Dealing Any Four-of-a-Kind Shuffled deck, spell and count to names / favorite numbers, find named four of a kind, uses Butterfly cards
Related to 2017 56
Ondřej Pšenička Combination of the Two Above Combining Impossible Divination and Dealing Any Four-of-a-Kind, uses Butterfly Cards
Related to 2017 59
Ondřej Pšenička The Evidence Story Effect Two cards selected. Spelling the color, suit and value of one card locates the other three of a kind for the other selection
2017 64
Nick Trost Free-Cut Marriages, Revisited four Kings lost in four packets, then they are found again by spelling, Queens are found next to Kings
Inspired by 2017 1381
Steve Beam Spellifiknow mentally chosen card is spelled to produce four Aces, with variation where selected card is produced
2018 89
Steve Beam Spellifiknow Too mentally chosen card is spelled and Royal Flush is produced
2018 91
Steve Beam Trispellifiknow
2018 94
Steve Beam Alpha Mail spectator cuts and spells cut card, arrives at the four queens
2018 94
Steve Beam Spell Weaver spelling to the four Aces
2018 98
Steve Beam Successive Spell Weaver spelling to the four Aces
2018 99
Steve Beam Jack Hammer spelling to the four Aces, Aces chosen by spectators
2018 100
Harapan Ong Old School, New School Spelling to divine the first card's suit and value, then find all the mates to the second selection
2019 72
Patrick G. Redford Ace Spell Magician spells to four Aces in succession
2019 24
Richard Vollmer The Fifth Element four Aces spelled to, they show up again a second time as climax
Also published here
  • MAGIC, July 2006
2022 521
Corey Harris Spelling to the Aces Aces lost and spelled to, a Royal Flush shows up as well as climax, faro
May 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Paul Gordon Darned Pain in the Neck performer spells to three Aces but gets same wrong card every time, ends with Moracle to find wrong card again and Aces on top of anti-faroed packets
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • Gold Dust Companion, 2014
Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
David Williamson, Tim Cook The Spelling Champ Aces lost in deck and spelled out, but Joker appears every time and is removed, Aces then shown on tabled spelled packets, Jokers changed to Jacks
Inspired by
  • "Darn Pain in the Neck" (Paul Gordon)
2023 18
John Guastaferro The Other Mates spectator pockets a card from a poker hand (high card force), performer divines it and the spectator finds its mates by spelling trick title
Inspired by
  • "All Three Kings" (John Guastaferro, Hand Off My Notes, 2015)
2023 71