219 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Vanish / Multiple Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Professor Hoffmann The Multiplying and Vanishing Cards single card "reproduces" into duplicates, repeated with other cards, duplicates vanished again, pull
1890 131
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster In fremder Hand verschwindende Karten cards disappear into tray
1896 181
The Vanishing Of Thought Cards twenty-six double facers
1897 143
Die aus dem Spiel verschwindenden Karten thought-of cards vanish, double facer deck with odd cards on one side and even on the other side
Mar. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 3)
L'Homme Masqué La carte kinématographique thought-of picture card and all picture cards from same suit vanish from deck and are reproduced from pocket of spectator
Also published here Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XX. Ein anderes Bild
  • 1. Das magnetische Kartenspiel (cards cling to hand)
  • 2. Bibifax (hole cut into hat, hat is then fully restored)
  • 3. Sympathie (card penetrates hat visibly)
  • 4. Ein Meisterschuss (cards are torn and loaded into gun, they appear restored inside hat)
  • 5. Die verschwindenden Karten (cards vanish under silk)
1903 186
Nate Leipzig Sixth Method Aces vanish from deck, reappear via Slap Aces
Variations 1909 219
Jack Merlin Change Making Palmed Card Disappear sucker moment, palming cards of and showing the problem of changes, in the end hand is empty
1927/28 18
Louis Lam The "El-El" Master Four Ace Effect aces disappear one by one between two faced piles, indifferent cards then change to aces via glide
1935 7
Nate Leipzig The "Slap" Aces Aces vanish from pack and reappear
1940 244
Edward Marlo Double Vanish and Recovery two cards vanish from face of two halves when rubbed together, reappear in deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1942 8
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Good Companions four Kings, one put in pocket, others vanish one by one, removed from pocket, three double facers
1942 2
Edward Marlo Double Vanish and Recovery two cards vanish from face of two halves when rubbed together, reappear in deck
Also published here 1942 7
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Mr. and Mrs. Hart - The Adventures of a Loving Couple King and Queen of Hearts vanish and then travel together, and make "little hearts"
1943 20
Al Leech, Edward Marlo Aces Up Aces vanish from deck, then are found face-up in deck
Variations 1949 10
Jack Yeager The Vanishing Reds fan of ten cards, red and black alternating, then all red cards vanish and are produced from pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Edward Marlo The Follow Up Aces Aces lost in deck come to top
Related toVariations 1953 91
Edward Marlo The Impromptu Phantom five cards with selections are under handkerchief, two removed, rest vanishes
1953 192
Stanley Palm Ghost Cards packet vanishes beneath handkerchief with funny (?) presentation
1954 60
Edward Marlo The Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected hand for an unexpected number of players, Aces vanish as finale
Variations Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
James Steranko Aces in Abstraction Chapter Ten, A Lesson in Extraordinary Card Technique
  • Part One: Aces and Kings removed, Kings shuffled back, Aces placed in deck reversed, when deck is spread the Kings are face up and Aces have vanished
  • Part Two: Kings placed in row, deck placed on each and they change to Aces
1960 67
Edward Marlo Vanishing Eleven eleven cards vanish, selection remains, Biddle steal
Related toVariations Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Frank Garcia The Apex Ace Aces vanish on pack, Ace of Spades comes to top three times, aces reappear face up
Related toVariations 1962 88
Al Leech Lost and Found Aces Aces vanish and reappear at face of four packets
Variations 1962 195
Card Vanish reversed on bottom, displayed in batches and put underneath reversed
1962 196
Edward Marlo Impromptu Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected positions, then are spelled out, Aces vanish as finale, five phases
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Nate Leipzig Slap Four Ace Routine Aces disappear and reappear on deck one by one
Related toVariations 1963 42
Al Leech Four Ace Vanish not visual
Variations 1965 23
Al Leech Double Vanish on the pack
1965 48
Harry Lorayne Vice Triumphant four jacks vanish from deck, reappear in pocket, story presentation
Related to 1967 135
Edward Marlo Vanishing Aces one at a time, then found one at a time
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Piet Forton Color Change Aces Aces appear one by one in packet of blue backed cards, blue backed cards disappear, then Aces change into red backs
1967 9
Piet Forton, Remo Inzani, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Four Disappearing Queens Change Visibly To Four Aces
Related toAlso published here 1967 10
Piet Forton Lucky Seven Routine Four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1967 14
Piet Forton Glückszahl 7 four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1968 13
Fred Lessor Nice Recovery four Aces vanish in sandwiches, reappear in deck via spelling
Variations July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo Vanishing Eleven eleven cards vanish, selection remains, lapping
Related to 1970 153
Bill Derman Quick Trick small packet cut and shown which contains selection, all cards but selection vanish, then card changes to second selection
July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 20)
Jeff Fowlston, Bob Wagner ... and then there was nun! four Jacks vanish one by one, last Jack turns into a nun, with rhymed patter
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 25)
Karl Fulves Swallow the Leader Ace assembly, then Aces vanish
Mar. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 11)
Sam Leo Horowitz 3-Card Princess as finale in last phase the other two vanish, see also p. 476
Related to Autumn 1971
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 6 No. 5th Folio)
Jerry K. Hartman Four-gone Delusion “Apex Ace” sequence to vanish Aces one at a time, then indifferent cards are changed into Aces
Inspired byRelated to 1971 20
Walter Rollins, Jerry Mentzer Unexpected Surprise four of five cards vanish, with odd-backed card variation
Related to 1972 31
Francis Haxton Nice Recovery - 2 four aces vanish in sandwiches, reappear in deck via spelling, stand-up handling
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Jerry K. Hartman Sandwitchery - Phase II Ace of Clubs inserted in middle of deck, red Aces vanish from top and bottom and sandwich Ace of Clubs in middle
Related to 1972 44
Now You See 'Em four of a kind vanishes from pack and reappears face up in centre
1973 122
Karl Fulves Four Gone 4&4, oil and water type routine, unequal transpo kicker
Variations 1973 53
Jerry K. Hartman Invisible Cut Plot change to Al Leech's Lost and Found Aces
Inspired byVariations 1973 23
Jerry K. Hartman Four-Gone Delusion III Four Kings vanish one by one, reappear next to Queens
1973 26
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Trick #6 packet of cards put under handkerchief, pulled away, cards have vanished, in sleeve
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974 790
Persi Diaconis Diaconis Card Vanish several cards one by one with double backer, no details, only mentioned
Related to 1975 159
Jon Racherbaumer No Force Vanish & Recovery two cards vanish in deck and reappear, roughed deck, see also Fulves' Jumping Gemini
Related to 1975
Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Karl Fulves Approaching Zero "negative ace assembly", aces vanish one at a time without deck, lapping
1975 190
Karl Fulves Kannibal Kards - Phase Four four jacks become three, then two, then one, single card placed in center comes back to top with other jacks
Related to 1975 3
Karl Fulves Going.... Aces vanish one at a time on deck, credit information, Ace-vanish idea with double backer by Vosburgh
Related toVariations May 1975 959
Roger Smith Two Cards That Went Poof two cards peeked in IF condition are shown to have vanished
Inspired by 1975 12
Bob Haines Four Gone Conclusion two selected cards, four top cards are shown to be all alike, two of the disappear, the two left are now the selected cards
May 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Paul Harris La La's Lu Lu three Aces travel from Ace packet into deck one by one, last Ace travels from deck to other three Aces under spectator's hand
Variations 1976 29
Paul Curry Half Gone half of the deck vanishes from a handkerchief
Also published here 1977 1
Karl Fulves Limbo named four-of-a-kind vanishes from deck, sleeving
1977 22
Karl Fulves Recalled top card of one half changes into named Ace when covered with fanned other half, other three Aces vanished, sleeving
1977 39
Allan Ackerman EvaporACEtion
Variations 1978 24
Ken Krenzel The Vanishing Collectors cards between Aces vanish and reappear
Related to 1978 209
Paul Harris The Incredible Tap Dancing Aces (La La's Lu Lu Re-Vamped), Aces vanish and reappear, using the pack
Inspired byVariations 1978 92
Reinhard Müller Eine Doppelrückenkarte kann Karten Austauschen und damit verbunden zum Verschwinden bringen using a double backer to switch or vanish cards
  • Grundhandlungen
  • Anwendung 1 der Situation 3
  • Anwendung 2 der Situation 3
  • Anwendung 3
  • Anwendung 4
Related to Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Vanish and Poker Combination four signed selections vanish and reappear in a poker hand
1979 170
Eddie Fechter No Pile four of five cards vanish
Related toAlso published here 1979 69
Ken De Courcy Vanishing Packet all cards except selection vanishes from packet that was placed into handkerchief bag
1979 10
Piet Forton Glückszahl 7 four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Edward Marlo Sudden Interlaced Vanish using three duplicates
1980 116
Edward Marlo No Duplicates without duplicates
Related to 1980 117
Edward Marlo Count Conjuring five cards, three selections appear one by one, indifferent cards vanish
1980 153
Frank Garcia Ubiquitous Aces aces found by fake riffle cull, aces vanish one by one on deck, produced again
1980 41
Karl Fulves Backless 2&2, backs of one color disappear in stepped spread
1980 41
Paul Harris The Time Machine using a black piece of cardboard as time machine three Kings vanish and reappear in deck
Also published here 1980 1
Gert Malmros The Disappearing Aces four Aces vanish one by one, bare handed
1980 2
James Swain Passing Along the Vanishing Aces one by one, classic pass
Related toVariations 1981 42
Geoffrey Latta Collecting the Vanishing Aces Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, then they are shown to have collected four selections
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1981 45
Walt Lees The Return of the Missionaries Jacks vanish one by one, reappear with selections in between
Related to 1981 35
Al Smith Audition Aces Aces produced, then they vanish on top of the deck one by one, Vernon Fooled Houdini sequence, then Aces reappear, one Ace in pocket transposes with one Ace in the deck, duplicate
Related to 1981 9
Geoffrey Latta Vanishing Collectors Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, then they are shown to have collected four selections
Inspired byAlso published here 1981 1
Jon Racherbaumer Vanishing Oil and Water 4&4, all cards become blank, gaffed
1982 86
James Swain The Vanishing Aces aces vanish and reappear face up in center, passes
Related to 1982 298
Harry Lorayne, James Swain Vanishing Aces Explored additions for Swain's effect:
  • The Card Between
  • Kings Between
1982 301
Harry Lorayne Aces Vanish Quickie
Also published here 1982 380
Dave Robertson The Back is Gone cards vanish and 'Gone' written on back of selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Curtis Kam Condens-ace-tion
Inspired by 1982 33
Edward Marlo Vanishing Aces Aces vanish out of the pack
1983 196
Edward Marlo Packet Vanishing Aces four Aces placed on four piles vanish
Variations 1983 79
Brother John Hamman The Phoenix Four four selections vanish, are named and reappear face up via spelling
Variations 1984 16
Martin Gardner Wild Aces No. 88, Aces vanish under handkerchief and reappear reversed in deck
1984 134
Richard Kaufman Slap Happy Aces disappear from top of deck, then are reproduced one by one
Inspired by 1984 10
Seth Kramer An Instant Card(s) Vanish false transfer and unload on spread deck
Related to July 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Ben Harris The Return of the Alien combo of odd-backed elevator, universal card, three-card vanish, color changing backs
Inspired by 1985 7
Ben Harris Hanging Card two cards vanish by hanging them in the air, another card changes into those two cards and the the third card is reproduced from air
Inspired by 1985 16
Daryl Martinez Risen from the Ashes three peeked-at cards vanish and reappear face up
1986 18
Edward Marlo, Justin Higham The Harlam Ace Vanish four Aces placed on four piles vanish, lapping
Inspired by Nov. 1986
Inside Out (Issue 1)
Darwin Ortiz Darwin's Aces Aces vanish and reappear "around" Selections
Inspired byVariations 1988 131
Keikan Miyanaka Non-Prediction all the cards from one color that match a selection vanish from the deck
1988 109
Larry Jennings Slap Aces combo of Cavorting Aces, Leipzig's Opener, Slap Aces
Inspired byVariations 1988 73
Rocco Silano The Card Trick That Fooled Vernon wrong card becomes a full packet, then all vanish except selection
Feb. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Paul Harris The Tap Dancing Aces Aces vanish and reappear, using the pack
Also published here 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Edward Marlo Vanishing Aces Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, effect by Jack Vosburgh, ungaffed
Related toAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1964
1988 51
Justin Higham Packet Vanish - Pocket Reproduction Aces put in pocket, Kings are in the hands, Aces removed and put between Kings one by one where they vanish, Aces change to Kings as climax and Kings are in pocket
Variations Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Brother John Hamman Phoenix Four four selections vanish, are named and reappear face up via spelling
Related to 1989 202
Justin Higham Packet Vanish - Pocket Reproduction II Aces put in pocket, Kings are in the hands, Aces removed and put between Kings one by one where they vanish, Aces change to Kings as climax and Kings are in pocket
Inspired byVariations 1989 5
Father Cyprian Mirror Aces
  • Card Vanish From a Glass
card or packet of cards vanishes from wine glass and is found reversed in deck or something else
  • I
  • II (using gaffed card with mirror surface)
  • III (card travels into another glass)
  • IV To change for Aces into a selected card
Inspired by 1989 31
Ken Krenzel Swain's "Passing Along the Vanishing Aces" or Latta's "The Vanishing Collectors"
Inspired by 1990 185
Richard Kaufman The Dissipated Aces aces vanish from top one by one
1990 185
Michael Powers Blowing Away the Aces Aces vanish one by one, then are seen to have collected three selection in center of deck
Inspired by 1990 65
Michael Powers The Invisible Aces Aces vanish one by one, reappear, change to Kings
1990 91
Jamy Ian Swiss The Vanishing Aces Revealed Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, deck cut into four piles, Aces re-appear on top
  • For the Purist
  • The Jennings Revelation
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 5
Larry Jennings Up in Smoke only four cards in hand, they vanish with a puff of cigarette smoke and reappear in four pockets, two methods
Also published here 1990 12
Larry Jennings A Handy Transformation four cards change to single card (selection) in spectators hands
Related toAlso published here 1990 18
Michael Close Dancers at the End of Time Aces vanish from top of deck, trap kings, transposition with quartets, all change into jokers
Inspired by 1991 29
John Bannon Timely Departure three cards are thought-of via "packet is cut off and counted..." procedure, they disappear and reappear face up
Related toVariations 1991 160
Edward Marlo Revised Double Vanish Unit Discovery two selections vanish, card appears in sandwich, other face up in deck
May 1991 2
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces Aces vanish one by one from hand and reappear face-up in center of deck, shown one-by one, deck of double backers
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Steven Hamilton Nocturnal Gambler Aces vanish one by one and reappear together reversed in center
Inspired byAlso published here June 1991
Profile (Issue 2)
Allan Ackerman The Vanishing Aces one at a time and reappearance
Also published here 1991 21
Don England, Richard Kaufman England's Vanishing Aces aces vanish on top of deck one by one
1992 xxxviii
James Swain Vanishing Aces, The Sequel face up Aces vanish one at a time from top of deck - as climax rediscovered face up in different sections of deck
Related to 1992 93
Harry Levine The Menace four cards vanish one by one and reappear again
1992 748
Steve Dusheck Phantom Cards five cards shown, two removed from under handkerchief, other vanish
1992 4
William Goodwin Aces For Idiots aces face up in center, vanish one by one until selected ace remains, reappear in different positions, sucker element
1993 18
Eddie Fechter No Pile four of five cards vanish
Related toAlso published here 1993 261
Vicente Canuto Vuelo des Ases four Aces vanish and appear in spectator's pocket, duplicate
1993 283
Allan Ackerman The Vanishing Aces one at a time and reappearance
Also published here 1994 96
Roger Crosthwaite The Magic Salt "Phase Six: Making the Magic"
cards dealt on table become invisible, deck penetrates case
1994 31
Roger Crosthwaite Single Deal Vanish card(s) dealt on table vanish, into LTP, see also p. 234 for credit information, also:
  • Multiple Deal Vanish
1994 32
Jack Carpenter Obliter-Ace-ion Ace vanish one at a time, four random cards are changed into Aces
Labyrinth (Issue 2)
William Goodwin Second Deal Sandwich card peeked at, sandwich cards vanish via face-up tent vanish, sandwich is dealt from top of deck and reappears in process
Nov. 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Lennart Green The Laser Deal Snap Deal as a visual vanish of multiple cards one by one
1995 16
Flyaway Cards No. 3, two cards vanish and reappear reversed
1995 5
Dave Robertson Die verschwundene Rückseite cards vanish and 'Gone' written on back of selection
Also published here 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Jerry K. Hartman One Trap Mind selection mixed together with four other cards and all five sandwiched between Jokers and placed into deck, other cards leave sandwich leaving only selection between Jokers
Inspired by 1995 116
Paul Harris The Time Machine using a black piece of cardboard as time machine three Kings vanish and reappear in deck
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Harris The Tap Dancing Aces Aces vanish and reappear, using the pack
VariationsAlso published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Michael Skinner, Nate Leipzig Skinning the Fat off the Bone... Nate Leipzig's Slap Aces Aces disappear and reappear on deck one by one
Inspired byVariations 1996 46
Dominique Duvivier Ghost Kings four Kings shown, card is selected and lost, chosen pair of Kings vanish and sandwich card in the middle of the deck
Variations 1996 131
Peter Duffie Swatta card chosen and removed, Aces cut to one by one and vanished again, they end up collecting the other three mates of chosen card
Inspired by 1996 12
Larry Jennings The Creeping Aces Aces reversed in center vanish one by one, reappear
1997 144
Larry Jennings The '65 Aces aces vanish, spectator finds aces, come to top, turn over in deck, different handling options
1997 148
Jack Carpenter A Dance for the Devious Queens vanish one by one, reproduced at once together again
Related to 1997 15
Ken Krenzel The Lost Aces of Louie the Loser aces visibly vanish when dealt in poker deal, reappear in one of the other hands
1997 137
Nick Trost Four-Ace Vanish and Recovery Four Aces vanish from deck, and appear back face up in the middle of the deck
Inspired by
  • "Record" (Andre Robert, The Magigram, April 1979)
1997 67
Richard Bartram, Jr. Short Changed Thoughts thought of cards in deck vanish, selected from spread display
1997 74
Karl Fulves Takeaway seven-as-nine count, a Three taken away, only six cards remain
1998 270
Roy Walton Pass Out deck faced, Aces appear when deck is turned over one by one, Aces vanish and are later found reversed in the middle
Related to 1998 121
Steve Mayhew Vanishing Variations
  • The Vanishing Poker Deal: Aces vanish one at a time from top of deck, performer deals out five hands and Aces turn up face up in his hand (or they are “center-dealt” to performer from deck)
  • Topsy-Turvy Vanishing Poker Deal (see p. 24)
  • The Vanishing Fix (see p. 26)
Inspired byAlso published here 1998
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Steve Mayhew Topsy-Turvy Vanishing Poker Deal Aces vanished as in original (p. 23), deck is shuffled face up into face down, hands are dealt out and all cards come out face up except performer’s, rest of deck becomes all face up, performer’s cards are the Aces
Also published here 1998
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Steve Mayhew The Vanishing Fix Aces placed on bottom, one by one they are placed on top and vanish, following each vanish the others are seen still on bottom, trick can end as in previous variation (p. 24), or without the "Topsy-Turvy" aspect and performer just gets the only face down cards – the Aces
Also published here 1998
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Joe Rindfleisch Vanishing Aces Aces put reversed in one half of the deck, they vanish there and are found in other half
Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Theodore DeLand The Phantom Card Trick No. 8, five cards shown fan, three remembered by spectators, two removed from under handkerchief and rest vanishes, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Variations 1999 128
Theodore DeLand Improved Phantom Cards No. 9, same effects but backs can be shown, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Inspired byVariations 1999 128
Ellis Stanyon Phantom with Ordinary Cards No. 10, ungaffed version, pseudo duplicates and palming
Inspired by 1999 130
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note three selections, vanish and disappear, not too convincing packet handling
Inspired by 1999 217
Joshua Jay Kan't Kill A King Kings vanish one at a time, then reappear
Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Peter Duffie Forbidden Fruit matching Kings and Queens vanish one by one from top and bottom of deck and are then found mated in the center
Inspired by Nov. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Trick Play Sevens vanishes from deck and reappear, poker deal, spectator gets Sevens and performer the Aces
Inspired byRelated to 2000 100
Paul Curry Half Gone half of the deck vanishes from a handkerchief
Also published here 2001 90
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Finding the Aces four-of-a-kind found while dealing through shuffled deck, doing face-up push-off second deals and glimpsing next card, also for vanishing named card(s)
2001 21
Terry LaGerould It's All in Your Mind spectator thinks of highest card in five-card packet, then vanishes from another five-card packet, then all other cards vanish except selection from packet
2001 22
Aldo Colombini The Aces Are Gone four black cards, four red cards, four Aces, Aces put between other two packets and they vanish, then Oil & Queens with remaining 4&4 cards with Aces as kicker
Inspired by
  • "Off-Counted" (Erhard Liebenow, Linking Ring, Mar. 1995)
Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Aaron Fisher Golden Nugget Queens disapear one at a time from top of the deck and reapearance, with additional "Advanced Handling"
2002 85
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Turning Tricks two halves placed face-to-face after remembering the facing cards, they vanish, one reversed in deck and other one spelled to
Inspired byRelated to 2003 119
William Goodwin The Queens four queens disappear and reappear one at a time on top of deck
Variations July 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 8)
Wesley James Vanishing Eleven and Placement "final", eleven cards vanish, only selection remains, Nine-Principle Placements (digits added, credit information)
Inspired byRelated to 2004 113
Juan Tamariz Flying Through Thin Air when dealt through deck named four-of-a-kind is missing, cards return face-up at different parts in the deck
  • Reassembling the Stack
Variations 2004 102
Juan Tamariz Come and Go two thought-of cards vanish from packet and appear again
2004 214
Larry Jennings Up In Smoke only four cards in hand, they vanish with a puff of cigarette smoke and reappear in four pockets, two methods
Also published here 2005 50
Jack Carpenter, Allan Ackerman I Dance for the Devious - Two Queens vanish one by one, reproduced at once together again
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 43
Euan Bingham A Hobbit's Tale black Aces vanish from top and bottom of deck, then red Queens appear on top, they change into the black Aces and Queens are reversed in center
  • First Handling
  • Second Handling
Inspired by
  • "Ally Opps" (Euan Bingham, The Card Booklet, Issue 5, 2003)
Related to
2005 18
Peter Duffie Sudden Impact aces lost, AS found by cutting off half the deck, this half vanishes/changes into four aces
2007 305
Harvey Rosenthal Other Damsels in Distress Queens vanish one by one from top of deck and reappear together in center
Jan. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Bob Farmer Christ Almighty four selected cards vanish, using quadruple peek-card gaff ("Christ Almighty Card")
Also published here Oct. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 10 (The Jinx - 75 Years))
Bob Farmer Christ Almighty four selected cards vanish, using quadruple peek-card gaff ("Christ Almighty Card")
Also published here 2009 16
John Bannon Counterpunch selection lost, Aces are found and used to find selection, but selection was an Ace so the wrong three Aces vanish instead, sucker
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 5
Claude Impériale Sans Skill three cards vanish and appear again reversed
Inspired by 2010 16
Ryan Swigert Ode to Ose two of three cards vanish, selection remains
2010 199
Troy Hooser More Queens Queens vanish one by one, then appear
Inspired by 2010 93
Jamy Ian Swiss The Vanishing Aces Revealed Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, deck cut into four piles, Aces re-appear on top
  • For the Purist
  • The Jennings Revelation
Also published here 2011 1
Bébel, Patrick Lehnen Vanishing Aces four aces vanish one by one
2013 2
Steven Hamilton Nocturnal Gambler Aces vanish one by one and reappear together reversed in center
Also published here 2013 3
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces Aces vanish one by one from hand and reappear face-up in center of deck, shown one-by one, deck of double backers
Also published here 2013 72
Jan Logemann The Famous 100-Card Trick (The Unfamous 100-Card Trick)
finale for Williamson's effect, surplus cards vanish after inflated deck climax
Inspired by 2013 4
John Bannon Counterpunch selection lost, Aces are found and used to find selection, but selection was an Ace so the wrong three Aces vanish instead, sucker
Also published here 2013 25
Tomas Blomberg Rhythm Switch Bluff Assembly four-of-a-kind vanishes, leader packet as indifferent cards
2014 281
Gabi Pareras Ases Flash - El Múltiple Destello Ases come to the top, four selection vanish one by one and end up face up in the deck with Aces sandwiched , transposition of selection and Aces
  • Preparación
  • Aparición Flash
  • Reordenando
  • Nuevo Flash
  • Atrapadas
  • Transposición
Variations 2014 16
Steve Mayhew The Vanishing Poker Deal Aces vanish one at a time from top of deck, performer deals out five hands and Aces turn up face up in his hand (or they are “center-dealt” to performer from deck)
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 213
Steve Mayhew The Vanishing Topsy-Turvy Poker Deal Aces vanished as in original deck is shuffled face up into face down, hands are dealt out and all cards come out face up except performer’s, rest of deck becomes all face up, performer’s cards are the Aces
Also published here 2014 215
Steve Mayhew, Stephen Hobbs The Vanishing Fix Aces placed on bottom, one by one they are placed on top and vanish, following each vanish the others are seen still on bottom
Also published here 2014 217
Harry Lorayne Aces Vanish Quickie
Also published here 2017 81
Alexander Hansford Squash four Kings change into one King of same suit as selection, then it changes into selection itself
2018 46
Scott Robinson Willy in Your Pocket signed card vanishes between two Kings and appears in pocket, then Kings vanish and appear in different pockets
2018 26
Alberto de Figueiredo, Gabi Pareras Atrapadas para Gabi card is selected and placed on table, four cards vanish one by one and are eventually found in the center with mates trapped in between, inspired by Gabi Pareras' "Atrapadas"
Inspired by 2018 243
Yves Carbonnier Petit Bonus Qui Mérite Qu'on S'y Attarde three selections between face-up Kings vanish and appear in pocket, Collectors follow up
Also published here
  • in "Yves Carbonnier Passe à Table"
2019 89
Yves Carbonnier Les Rois qui Volent four Kings vanish and appear face up in the deck, with three selections between them
2019 196
Tom Gagnon Versatile Spread Holdout group hidden underneath ribbon spread, application with three selections that vanish
2019 168
Andi Gladwin Fireworks Aces produced, three cards chosen, Aces vanish one by one, collectors, selections vanish, Aces change into selection which changes into each of the other selections
  • Ace Production
  • Apex Aces
  • Selection Vanish
  • Selection Appearance
Inspired by 2020 61
Andi Gladwin Castle Jacks
  • Even More Memory Man (shuffled deck apparently memorized, naming position of selection, finding four-of-a-kind)
  • Glassical Assembly (Jacks signed and put in glass, three removed one at a time to make them vanish on deck, reappear in glass)
  • Travelers (with deck vanish finale)
Inspired by 2020 187
Jackie McClements Brexit three cards vanish under magician's hand
2020 246
Steve Reynolds Loose Ends: Meddler's Bluff Vanish four cards shown as seven, using bluff pass
Inspired by
  • "Meddler's Assembly" (Steve Reynolds, Cosmic Sport, 2001)
Related to
Output (Issue 9)
Larry Jennings Cheshire Aces Aces are lost, then shown to have vanishes from deck, they reappear face-up in center
Also published here 2020 100
Edward Marlo After All One Way Aces of Spades and Diamonds vanish and reappear in the deck
Inspired byRelated to 2021
Output (Issue 19)
Dani DaOrtiz Trapped Thought (Collectors) three selections vanish one at a time from top of deck, they appear face up in middle, surrounded by four-of-a-kind that another spectator is thinking of
Related to 2021 135
"Apex Ace" sequence face-up cards vanish one at a time on top of deck and are simultaneously loaded between face-down cards
2021 137
Edward Oschmann Back In Black card chosen, three more from the same type (e.g. red spot cards) removed and mixed with selection, three black cards appear one by one between the red cards and are tabled, then other three red cards vanish except selection
June 2022
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Florida Issue Part One)
Jeremiah Zuo Hoff in a Box selection put in case, four Sevens vanish one by one on top of deck, only the one matching the suit selection remains, it changes into selection and the Sevens are found in the case
Inspired by Jan. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 10)
George McBride Collecting Box two cards vanish from top of deck and reappear in card case sandwiched between Ace through Three of Spades
2022 62
John Bannon Counterpunch selection lost, Aces are found and used to find selection, but selection was an Ace so the wrong three Aces vanish instead, sucker
Also published here 2022 896
Juan Tamariz Impromptu Double Flying when dealt through deck named four-of-a-kind is missing, cards return face-up at different parts in the deck, repeated with other four-of-a-kind, impromptu version
Inspired by 2022 31
Chiam Yu Sheng Backfire Biddle Biddle trick in which the four other cards vanish and jump back to deck
Related to
  • "Biddleless" (Think Nguyen, Ellusionist download)
  • "Repeat Escape" (Rich Marotta)
Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Brandon Sheffield Compressing Biddle Biddle trick in which the four other cards vanish except selection
Related to
  • "Repeat Escape" (Rich Marotta)
Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Scott Baird A Thought for Making This a Two-Selection Routine Biddle trick in which the four other cards vanish except selection, it then changes into a second selection
Inspired by Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Jamy Ian Swiss Slapping the Cavorting Aces combo of Cavorting Aces, Leipzig's Opener, Slap Aces
Inspired by Dec. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 12)
Jack Carpenter, Allan Ackerman I Dance for the Devious - Two Queens vanish one by one, reproduced at once together again
Also published here 2024 203
Jack Carpenter Vanish Choreography sandwich is covered between both hands, sandwiched card slides out and other two cards vanish
2024 21
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Six Card Repeat Gag Opener six cards counted, three thrown away, no cards left
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Oct. 21)