31 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Production & Appearance / Jennings Revelation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Larry Jennings The Jennings Revelation hands wave over four packets and four-of-a-kind appears face up on packets
Variations 1986 71
Randy Wakeman Wakeman's Way
Inspired byRelated to 1987 24
Edward Marlo The Marlo Revelation
Inspired byVariations 1987 67
Edward Marlo Banded Revelation four piles are rubber banded
Inspired by 1987 69
Edward Marlo Holee Revelation coin is placed on each the four piles (Tosheroon)
Inspired by 1987 72
Edward Marlo Another Revelation no cards start reversed
Inspired by 1987 75
Randy Wakeman The Randy Revelation
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1987 116
Larry Jennings Double Revelation performer cuts to four Kings in four piles, they change to Aces via Jennings Revelation
Related to 1988 8
Randy Wakeman The Randy Revelation
Also published here 1989 109
Bob King Double Revelation two-card variation
VariationsAlso published here 1989 17
Bob King Face Up Double Revelation two cards on face-up halves change into selection
Inspired by 1990 18
Michael Powers Industrial Strength Aces slow-motion assembly, then Aces vanish an reappear on packets à la Jennings Revelation
1990 67
Randy Wakeman Wakeman's Way
Related to 1990 71
Jamy Ian Swiss The Vanishing Aces Revealed Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, deck cut into four piles, Aces re-appear on top
  • For the Purist
  • The Jennings Revelation
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 5
Harry Levine, Edward Marlo, Larry Jennings Jennings Revelation Variation
Inspired by 1992 750
Bob King Double Revelation two-card variation
Inspired byAlso published here May 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 5)
Bob King Open-Faced Revelation Aces appear on face of four face-up packets, ringing in double facers for next routine
Also published here 1995 23
Bob King Face up Revelation with double facers
Also published here 1996 28
Baltazar Fuentes Interlaced Vanished Finale Jennings Revelation type reappearance as follow-up to Interlaced Vanish
Variations 1996 5
Simon Lovell Three Card Pop three cards appear on three piles à la Jennings Revelation
Inspired by 1997 157
Doug Conn Doubly Daring Revelation Twos appear with Jennings Revelations type production, they change to Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariations June 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Bob King Delayed Double-Revelation Jennings Revelation with two packets, first two Jokers appears, then they change to selections which are picked up from their packets
Inspired by 1998 5
Joshua Jay Shrunken Revelation Jennings Revelation with four Kings, then the Kings shrink into mini cards
Inspired byRelated to 1999 92
Baltazar Fuentes Interlaced Vanish Finale Jennings Revelation type reappearance follow-up to Interlaced Vanish
Inspired by 1999 43
Bruce Cervon The Diamond Revelation
Oct. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 10)
Joshua Jay Shrunken Revelation Jennings Revelation with cards shrinking to mini cards as an ending
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2005 34
Joshua Jay Shrunken Revelation Jennings Revelation with cards shrinking to mini cards as an ending
Also published here 2005 137
Jamy Ian Swiss The Vanishing Aces Revealed Aces vanish one by one from top of deck, deck cut into four piles, Aces re-appear on top
  • For the Purist
  • The Jennings Revelation
Also published here 2011 1
Steve Beam Poker Jack the magician cuts to the four Aces for a poker hand, then flips over the packets showing the four Jacks for blackjack.
Related toVariations 2015 27
Pit Hartling The Jennings Revelation with a named quartet
Inspired by 2016 129
Joshua Jay King-Ace Odyssey done from Particle Stack
  • Phase One: Open Travelers (with transformation kicker, Kings to Aces)
  • The Jennings Revelation (Kings reappear)
  • Oil & Water (4&4, no details, just references)
Inspired by 2024 53