141 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Cards / Holes or sections missing
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Der Kunstschütze No. 20, hole shot in Ace, gaff card with hole that can be pushed open
1895 24
Der Kunstschütze Eine Kartensoirée No. 3
card held by spectator is shot at, a hole appears in its middle
Oct. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Missing Corner Second Deal whole corner is missing
Also published here 1913 28
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The Holy Deck deck has dollar-sized hole through all cards, ribbon through deck, two selection penetrate ribbon
Inspired by
  • version of Larsen & Wright in "Magical Bulletin", Dec. 1924
1928 13
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card, see page 99 for improvement by Charles W. Fricke
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Eddie Clever Three in One Gaff
Oct. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 1)
Sleeve Fooling Trick No. 27, deck with hole through center, two selections lost and cards put onto ribbon, under handkerchief the two selections are removed, then put back on reversed
1935 28
U. F. Grant Effect No. 3 second deal demo, top card has corner missing
1936 2
Missing Corner Second Deal whole corner is missing
Also published here 1937 79
Dai Vernon Automatic Second Deal hole in card
Related to 1937 305
Read Them Off cover card with torn off corner to provide window
1937 363
Dai Vernon By Means of a Faked Card hole in top card
1938 210
Harlan Tarbell The Card and Stamp Mystery stamp is glued partially onto wrong card and put in deck, when pulled out it is now selection
Variations 1938 508
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card
Also published here 1945 128
Bruce Elliott Joker spectator sees selection from other spectator on a joker, punched card
Dec. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 167)
Missing Corner Second Deal
1950 9
Automatic Glide corner missing
1950 25
Missing Corner Second Deal
1957 20
Jochen Zmeck Al Capone II deck with hole, ribbon is threaded through hole, selection penetrates off the ribbon
Inspired by
  • Al Capone trick, marketed in 1940s
1960 38
Dai Vernon Vernon Automatic Second Deal hole in top card
Related to 1962 28
Die Karten-Guillotine three cards with holes, center card penetrates finger through hole, partial rough-smooth
1962 24
Dr. William Weyeneth Eine Karten Kaprice card at number, duplicate, easy second deal with missing part
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Card Flight card on tabled deck changes with coin on top, hole in card, tosheroon
Related toVariations Aug. 1966 49
Ramon Varela, Juan Tamariz Las reinas invisibles (para mesa y escenario) four Queens change into Fives
1970 129
Ramon Varela Versión para escenario, con cartas gigantes ("Jumbo") four Queens change into Fives, using jumbo cards
1970 132
Pavel Viereckige Kreise cards with different-colored circles on them, the circles change to squares
1971 14
Bob Driebeek, Frank Garcia Razzle Dazzle card under coin in deck chances, one method visible, using card with hole of half-dollar size (Tosheroon)
1972 40
Peter A. McDonald Mit einem Messer knife stabbed into deck, part of deck has a cut-out
1972 6
Francis J. Baker Alpha Card Act
  • First Trick (spectator choses card from one deck, performer from another, they match)
  • Second Trick (spectator initials card on back, performer the Three of Hearts on face, but later the Nine of Hearts is initialed on face and on back)
  • Third Trick (two cards reversed in two decks match)
June 1973 629
Steve Spillman The Rising Cards three selections rise from deck in different manners, half the deck with section missing
1974 47
Charles T. Jordan New Card Reading performer names several cards from shuffled deck, using a card with missing corner
VariationsAlso published here 1975 169
Cannibal Climax cards with cut out centers
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Bernard Bilis Rising in China Card appears face up under Chinese coin on deck (original idea for gimmick: Tosheroon by Bob Dreibeck, marketed by Harry Stanley.)
Inspired by 1976 30
Jumping Joker No. 61, Joker (with missing corner) jumps out when riffled, next to selection
1976 92
Richard Himber Calculator Cards No. 62, selection is "six and three quarters cards" down in deck, it's correct with a card in which a quarter is torn out
1976 94
Paul Harris Pen-Ultimate* card clipped on pen is covered and then impaled on pen
1978 1
Dr. James William Elliott, Theodore Annemann Elliott-Annemann Automatic Second Deal with torn-off corner
Related to
  • Elliott's Last Legacy (1923)
1979 2
Karl Fulves, Dai Vernon Automatic Second & Third Deal top card has hole
Related to 1979 2
Karl Fulves Automatic Jacks two jacks placed on top, two hands dealt and performer receives jacks, repeat, using card with hole
1979 3
Karl Fulves The Contact Count using card with cut-out section in center of one side
1979 5
Karl Fulves One-Hand Second from Top Palm top card has corner missing
1979 5
Karl Fulves The Faro Box Effect with card changing back color
1979 7
Karl Fulves Contact Colors 2&2, with card with cut-out section
1979 7
Karl Fulves Scam On Rye two black card between two reds, after a count it is two reds between two blacks, using extra card with cut-out section
1979 8
Karl Fulves Contact Spread using a card with hole, rough-smooth substitute
1979 10
Karl Fulves Four Card Catch catching two cards between 2 sandwich cards
Inspired by 1979 11
Karl Fulves Contact 5-as-4 using card with hole
1979 12
Karl Fulves Contact 5-as-5 using card with hole
1979 12
Karl Fulves Contact Double using card with hole
1979 13
Karl Fulves Contacting The Spirits top card on small packet floats up, using card with hole in center
Inspired byRelated to 1979 14
Karl Fulves The Hole Card Routine small packet blackjack sequence, at one point spectator gets "hole card" with actual hole
  • The Cheat Phase
  • The Finish
  • You Want Footnotes?
1979 15
Bernard Bilis Torn Card exploiting optical illusion
1980 51
Richard Kaufman, David Arthur, Ken Krenzel Ace Tunnel: Second Position combined with Hofzinser Ace Plot, all Aces pushed through deck, gaffed (card with corner missing
1981 119
Jerry Andrus, Derek Dingle Super Floating Card rubber ball and card with hole
Related to 1982 120
David Britland A 4th for Dinner selection placed between two Jokers, teeth marks cut out, it vanishes and reappears
Variations July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Stephen Tucker Simplex four-card packet, a card (Four of Diamonds) changes back and one corner so it predicts the Three of Diamonds
Aug. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Karl Fulves Non-Sight Location performer names several cards from shuffled deck, using a card with torn-off corner
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 5
David Britland Sea Shell coin turns into cut out circle of a card
June 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Karl Fulves Experimental Submarines different gaff idea
Related to 1983 35
Martin Gardner, Karl Fulves Hole Second Deal handling for the fake second deal with hole card on top, also third deal demo
May 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Reinhard Müller Ass-Wanderung Express center pips of three Aces vanish and appear on fourth Ace, holes remain in other three Aces, jumbo cards
Inspired by
  • "See-Through Aces" (Shigeo Futugawa, MUM 71, 24, Dec. 1981)
1986 10
Edward Marlo Holee Revelation coin is placed on each the four piles (Tosheroon)
Inspired by 1987 72
Karrell Fox "Two-Easy" Card Force automatic second deal with corner cut off
1988 47
Philip T. Goldstein Spectacle two holes appear in card a climax (image of glasses), red/blue double backer, optional twisting phase
1989 35
David Britland, Rudolf Braunmüller Ein Viertel zu Diner selection placed between two Jokers, teeth marks cut out, it vanishes and reappears
Inspired by Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Michael Powers No Palm Corner in the Glass two handlings
Inspired by 1990 119
Karl Fulves Beginner's Luck four Kings change to a Royal Flush, using a double facer with cut out section at corner
Variations 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 5)
Paul Douglas A Brief Second practice method for dealing strikes with increasingly finer cut-offs at corner
Swindle Sheet (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Tyro four duplicate Kings are dealt on the table, they change into a Royal Flush, using card with cut out section at corner for automatic second deal
Inspired by 1991 1
Karl Fulves Transpo/Transmo three duplicate Jacks of Clubs are dealt into one packet, three Kings of Clubs into another, two cards of each pile change into number cards that add up to eleven for Jack and thirteen for King respectively
Inspired by 1991 2
Jack Carpenter Lazy Man's Greek Deal bottom card has corner torn off
1992 108
Peter Kane The Pincushion Lady marked card partially covered with business card and impaled with pen, shown unharmed
1992 6
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Court Card named picture card put in five-card packet, it vanishes and appears back in pack, biddle trick, index of twelve index sections
Also published here
  • marketed 1921, see ad in Oct. 1921 Sphinx
Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Charles T. Jordan New Card Reading No. 115, performer names several cards from shuffled deck, using a card with missing corner
Also published here 1992 143
Karl Fulves "New Card Reading" Notes No. 116, performer names several cards from shuffled deck, using a card with torn-off corner
Also published here 1992 144
Bev Bergeron No Card Case Version card rises from center of deck, block with cut-out
1993 60
Paul Gertner The Headache Trick aspirin tin put on table, card to case announced, instead the tin comes out of case and card is folded inside it
1994 137
T. Page Wright Tip on Throwing Cards cutting out the center
Related toAlso published here
  • "The 'Holy' Pack"
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves The "Holy" Pack credit information about holes in cards
Related to 1994
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Aldo Colombini Mini & Maxi two card prediction with jumbo Five of Hearts that has a part cut off to predict both the Five and Three
1994 82
Aldo Colombini W-Hole odd-backed card with hole in center transposes, two center-pieces of two cards transpose
1994 102
Karl Fulves Mona Lisa No. 32, King of Spades changes into Queen of Hearts
Inspired by 1995 58
Karl Fulves Missing Corner Glide corner missing for self-working glide
1995 61
David Acer Swiss Pack many holes appear in chosen card, then the deck has a big hole through it
VariationsAlso published here 1995 133
Christian Scherer Ausgelöscht card on tabled deck changes with coin on top, hole in card, index of card engraved on coin
Inspired by 1995 17
Christian Scherer, Sveroni Hol(e)y King! coin penetrates card, card with hole and blank and index found engraved on coin
1995 22
Aldo Colombini Espial two cards and two ESP cards are chosen and one of each combined, the prediction consists of two cards which match the selections that have the shape of the ESP cards cut out
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, 1986
1995 69
Aldo Colombini Mouse Trap Ace of Spades and card representing cheese end up in sandwich, cheese card then has holes in it (like Swiss cheese)
Inspired by
  • Terry Lagerould routine from Australian magic magazine
1995 134
David Jockisch The holey Deck
  • Effect 1: centers of all cards fall out leaving a deck with a large hole in the center except selection
  • Effect 2: a center and a middle are then chosen, they match
Related to
  • "Heartless" (Simon Lovell, I'm Still Tapping!!, 1992)
June 1995
The Lemniscate (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Simon Lovell Heart-Less whole deck has a large whole in the center
Also published here Apr. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Simon Lovell The "Heartless" Deck whole deck has a large whole in the center
Also published here Apr. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Tony Miller Poke Salad card with hole
July 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Dr. Acula unknown sandwiched card, selection on deck, sandwich placed on top and deck cut, sandwiched card now is selection
1997 18
Karl Fulves Silver Kiss card on pile moves up against spectator's hand, hole in cards
1997 36
Karl Fulves Necromancer three selections rise to the top one by one, last one into the case, packet with cut-out hole
1997 38
Karl Fulves Gold Rush coin travels from inside packet to card, packet with cut-out hole, with additional ideas
1997 40
Karl Fulves A. K. A. four Fives, one suit named, reflection of this Five changes to a queen when seen in mirror
1997 107
Simon Lovell Hyperpoke first finger penetrates deck of cards and stops at selection
1997 123
Simon Lovell Heartless whole deck has a large whole in the center
Related toAlso published here 1997 141
Chris "Doc" Dixon Stick This tosheroon type, card with round sticker in the center, changes to selection
1997 21
Bob Still Dr. Elliott's Second Deal two cards chosen behind back, performer names both, then both found when spectator calls stop during dealing, automatic second deal with corner missing
Related to 1998 240
Bob King Turnabout is Foul Play Ace through Four in a row on the table, one card is moved to other end, they still are in order, repeat, color changing back kicker
1998 28
Hole Card Second Deal
1998 28
Clubs - Spades Silhouette Transformation
Related to
  • The Sphinx, Sept. 1945
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Second Deal with Half-Moon Cut-Out
1999 83
Ellis Stanyon "Pippin" No. 36, four changes in five, cut-out pip and black background
1999 150
Jerry Mentzer Signature Card Locator coin placed on top card of bottom half, face-up, other half on top and cut again, card changed, non-visual tosheroon
2000 19
David Acer Mousehunt selected card transposes with another card sandwiched between the Kings that has holes in it (like Swiss Cheese)
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 89
Paul LePaul Missing-Corner Pop Out deck riffled and card pops out
2000 16
Karl Fulves Bite Size vampire card travels next to selection which then has a hole (bite) and is odd-backed
2003 22
Bob King Celebrating the Fourth on the false deal with a hole cut out of one or two cards for pseudo third/fourth deals
2003 17
Bob King Poker4 cards dealt and spectators can switch cards, two cards with holes
2003 17
Bob King Assembly4 three phases, two cards with holes
2003 18
Juan Tamariz El Trébol y la Pica Three of Clubs turns into Three of Spades, two methods
2003 159
Jay Sankey, David Acer Misguided Angels angel on the back of Bicycle card rotates 180 degrees
Variations 2004 105
David Acer MouseHunt selected card transposes with another card sandwiched between the Kings that has holes in it (like Swiss Cheese)
Also published here 2004 150
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Quarterback two selections, one pops out of deck, one quarter is missing, it is found glued to second selection
Inspired by 2004 29
Gene Taylor The Clear Exchange card in plastic sleeve is seen to be Joker, it is removed and changed into previous selection, featuring a method for switching a card with a clear plastic sleeve
Inspired by Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jack Avis Ideas for Forcing glide with force card that has a cut-out
2006 162
Jack Parker Rabbits two white stickers representing rabbits and initialed by spectator and performer are stuck to a card, many small stickers appear around them
June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Jack Parker Labeled A Cheat card chosen, spectator and performer write guesses about its identity on a sticker which is stuck to its back, both wrong, performer's writing changes to selection
June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Jack Parker Altered States card chosen, performer and spectator write its initials on two stickers each which are stuck to front and back, performer's writing changes to another card and card changes to match
June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Joel Givens Hungry Cannibals ends by biting out a corner of the whole deck, see p. 161 for performance
Inspired by 2007 187
Karl Fulves Blankety Blank "Color Erase"
card with open cut-outs, put on deck, it becomes blank, then it changes into named Two value
Xtra Credit (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Hole Card Rise deck with hole though center, a card rises
  • KF Note (plug falls out of deck as intro)
Prolix (Issue 9)
David Acer, Jay Sankey Misguided Angels 2.0 angel on the back of Bicycle card rotates 180 degrees
Inspired by 2011 69
David Acer Swiss Pack many holes appear in chosen card, then the deck has a big hole through it
Also published here 2011 79
Steven Hamilton The Getaway flap gaff, card vanishes from between Jokes with holes and reappears anywhere
Inspired by 2013 82
Steve Valentine A Lesson in Impact Three of Diamond chosen, Four of Diamonds pops out of deck, turns out that one Diamond is torn off
2013 111
Alexander de Cova Eine Kartenforce für den Salon spectator says stop while performer is removed cards from bottom one by one, glide with corner of force card missing
  • Die Basis-Methode
  • Variante mit abgerissener Ecke (corner of card torn off, rest of card travels into anything)
Aug. 2014 748
Ribbon Escape card peeked at in deck with hole through all cards, ribbon through deck and pulled, selection jumps out
Errata (Issue 1)
Alexander de Cova Eckenforce glide stop force, bottom card is missing one corner, card to lemon or anything application, simulated corner tear
2015 105
Vanni Bossi The Secluded Card Rise deck in clear plastic bag, selection rises, optional use of metal crank attached to suction cup
2016 97
Denis Behr Haunted Herbert haunted deck into three directions, ends relatively clean
  • Tabled Handling
  • In-the-Hands Handling
Inspired byRelated to 2018 74
Jonathan Friedman Middle Man
  • WWPD ("What Would Paul Do?", Paul Harris)
one of the four Kings is chosen and signed and placed under the card case, only center portion of that Kings travels into the deck leaving behind a hole in the signed King
Dec. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 12)
Bob Farmer Hallucination 2.0 three spectators peek at top card, all claim to have seen different cards, card really is blank, three seen cards are found in a folded piece of paper
Inspired by 2022 10
Eddie Clever Hallucination three people look at top card, everybody sees a different card, see page 99 for improvement by Charles W. Fricke
Also published here 2022 20
Bruce Kinsey Expertalk: Bruce Kinsey on the Rub-a-Dub Vanish with small strip of card to simulate card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2005
2022 448
Steve Skomp Truth, Lies, and Machine Gun Seconds second deal demonstration, than a hole is shown in top card which is then restored
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2008
2022 810
Patrik Kuffs Very First Impression card named, it is seen to have a corner cut off, card then restored
May 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Paul LePaul Missing-Corner Pop Out deck riffled and card pops out
2023 21