262 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Hofzinser Ace Problem
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Victor The "Deo-Ace" Trick four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection
Variations 1937 29
Louis Lam The "Enormous" Four Ace Presentation chosen Ace transforms into previous selection, Ace from spectator's pocket
1939 12
Rolf Andra Seltsame Wege chosen Queen changes with selection, Queen found face-up in deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 6)
Larry Jennings Tell-Tale Aces rather complex handling
Related toVariations 1967 49
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Flipper
Variations 1968 25
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Two Unsolved Card Problems
  • 1. card vanishes and reappears rolled inside finger ring by spectator held behind his back
  • 2. Hofzinser Ace Problem
Related toVariations Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
Roy Walton You Name It I'll Change It
Related toAlso published here 1969 44
Paul Swinford Three Different Ways
Inspired by July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Jack Avis The "Lost Ace" Trick
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 11)
Ralph Gironda Jack-Jack jacks covered with card case, card chosen, jack of same suit vanishes and is found in card case
Inspired byVariations Feb. 1971 399
Mike Rogers Four Jacks jacks covered with card case, card chosen, jack of same suit vanishes and is found in card case
Inspired by Aug. 1971 437
Bill Derman Repeat Tap Reverse Ace to Four turn over, then chosen value changes to selection and then into Joker and selection is removed from pocket
Inspired by Mar. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Karl Fulves A la Hofzinser
1972 11
Jerry K. Hartman Hotfinger Ace of same suit as selection turns over in Ace packet, then changes into selection
1972 31
Jerry K. Hartman Face Lift variation of Hofzinser Ace Problem
1972 33
Jerry K. Hartman Ringer another variation Hofzinser Ace Problem, “a shortened version of Larry Jennings’ “Tell Tale Aces”, see reference
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 34
Jerry K. Hartman Final Solution last variation of Hofzinser Ace Problem
  • Alternate handling on p. 36
1972 35
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Variation Of Ed Victor's Duo Aces No. 229, four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection, transposition finale
Inspired byRelated to 1972 57
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Routine For Edward Victor's Duo Ace Effect No. 273, idea for detective story presentation
Inspired byRelated to 1972 67
Karl Fulves The Red-Backed Hofzinser with odd-backed Aces
Variations 1973 8
Karl Fulves Single Centers
1973 18
Father Cyprian Hofzinser - 70 in addition to classic effect all cards of chosen suit appear reversed and in order throughout deck, faro
Mar. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 17)
Jerry K. Hartman About Face I Hofzinser Ace Problem, the other three Aces change to match the value of selection
1973 21
Jerry K. Hartman About Face II Hofzinser Ace Problem, all four Aces change to match value of selection
Also published here 1973 22
Doug Alker Turncoat
Dec. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Roy Walton Hop-A-Long Hofzinser
Related toAlso published here 1976 6
Karl Fulves In Re Hofzinser Aces all transform at the end
1977 294
Martin A. Nash A Hard Ace To Follow see p. 449 for additional crediting
1977 271
Jerry L. Christensen Pyramid Aces
Related to Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Tom Craven Pyramid Variation
Related to Nov. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Jean Faré Criss Cross Triumph Selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
Variations 1977 32
Karl Fulves Other Applications of sleeving
  • Hofzinser Ace Problem with Aces in spectator's pocket
  • Rising Card Hook-up
  • Sticky Tape at outside of Sleeve
  • Sleeving into Envelopes
1977 47
Roger Smith Tarsat "Tabled Aces Reverse Sympathetic Ace Trick"
Aces revers in deck, when re-spread only three Aces are reversed and one face-down in between, four cards removed, another Ace reverses and reversed Ace turns out to be previous selection of same suit
Variations 1977 32
Roger Smith Son of Tarsat same effect with case involved
Inspired by 1977 33
Jon Racherbaumer Decking - Hofzinser Deluxe
Variations Mar. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Hofzinser Problem see note (B)
1978 8
Karl Fulves Hofzinser's 4-Ace Problem formulation of problem, in parts reprinted from reference
Related toVariations 1978 2
Father Cyprian Open Muk Aces performer doesn't know order of Aces
1978 3
Father Cyprian Alternate Handlings performer doesn't know order of Aces
1978 7
Karl Fulves Notes By Karl Fulves credit information
1978 14
Karl Fulves First Method
1978 14
Karl Fulves Second Method gaffed
1978 15
Karl Fulves Third Method
1978 16
Karl Fulves Fourflinger Ace with matching suit changes into selection, other Aces in matching value
1978 18
Karl Fulves Hofshuffle Aces reversed in deck, riffle shuffle version, posed as problem
1978 20
Karl Fulves A Scanner Darkly any four cards, one is agreed upon by three spectators, they all note position of the card in packet one by one, then it is divined, application to Hofzinser Ace Problem
Related to 1978 21
Jon Racherbaumer Hofzinser Triumphs selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
Inspired by 1978 6
Jon Racherbaumer About the So-Called Hofzinser Problem
1978 8
David Solomon Triumphant Aces selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
  • Racherbaumer Addition
Inspired by 1978 10
Barry Nelson Jennings Improved
Inspired by 1978 119
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978 19
Roy Walton Grown Up Hofzinser four jumbo Aces, suit that matches selection is turned-over and when turned over the jumbo card became the selection and the selection became the Ace
VariationsAlso published here 1979 2
Jerry K. Hartman Elastic Ace card chosen von miniature deck, four regular-sized Aces shown and tabled face down, when selection is brought together with Ace of same suit, the Ace becomes the miniature card and vice versa
Inspired by 1979 1
Karl Fulves More Notes Yet notes on the Interlock principle
  • (A) No-Break approach
  • (B) alternate procedure
  • (C) switch with double card
  • (D) paper clip addition, paper clip version of Hofzinser problem
  • (E) connection to Tilt
  • (F) allusion to Haunted Pack set-up with Interlock
Related to 1980 59
Francois Ziegler Layla queens are removed, card chosen, queen of same suit vanishes, reappears when counted down the value of selection
Nov. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Father Cyprian Hofzinser's Departure Aces transform into selection, Aces back in deck, double facer
Also published here 1980 54
Martin A. Nash A Hard Ace to Follow
Related to 1980 6
Richard Kaufman The Hofzinser Ace Problem
1980 89
Richard Kaufman Variations on a Non Musical Theme
1980 90
Eric Mason For Johann
Feb. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Richard Kaufman The Amazing Ace Tunnel combined with Hofzinser Ace Plot, all Aces pushed through deck
Related to 1981 113
Richard Kaufman, David Arthur, Ken Krenzel Ace Tunnel: Second Position combined with Hofzinser Ace Plot, all Aces pushed through deck, gaffed (card with corner missing
1981 119
Don England Twisted Hofzinser combo
1981 9
Walt Lees Hofzinser/Jennings with two selections, one of which ends up in the pocket
Inspired by 1981 21
Roy Walton You Name It I'll Change It
Also published here 1981 35
Roy Walton Hop-A-Long Hofzinser
Also published here 1981 139
Roy Walton Grown Up Hofzinser four jumbo Aces, suit that matches selection is turned-over and when turned over the jumbo card became the selection and the selection became the Ace
Also published here 1981 166
Peter Duffie Hofzinser in My Pocket selection is pocketed, twisting sequence
Variations 1982 22
Richard Kaufman The Hofzinser Ace Tunnel
1982 71
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Another Hofzinser Twist twisting/transformation combo
Oct. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Don England Twisted Hofzinser combo
Variations 1982 420
Ian Land Snap Count Lost Ace
Aug. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Ian Land Getting Lost in the Shuffle Hofzinser Ace Trick combined with Triumph, optional red black separation climax
Aug. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Larry Jennings Hofzinser Ace Problem Solution
Related to 1982 3
Christian Scherer Achten Sie auf den König not same suit, as an observation test, two versions
Related to 1982 39
Christian Scherer Freie Wahl ace to four of hearts, named one transposes with selection
1982 84
Christian Scherer Unmöglich selection in deck, four aces, named one turns into selection and ace is found in card case
1982 90
Tim Gan Wow four Aces, Ace with same suit turns over, when repeated, Ace turns into selection
Variations Oct. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Meir Yedid Birds of a Feather three Aces turn into cards with same value as selection, except Ace with same suit, selection found reversed in the deck
1982 74
Jerry K. Hartman Ringer
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 33
Michael Louis Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Aug. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Roger Crosthwaite Wow Wow!
Inspired by Jan. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Al Smith Off-Skanner
Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Philip T. Goldstein Hof-Ace odd back color of Aces
Inspired by 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Justin Higham Ghost Room
Inspired byVariations Aug. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Marc Russell Tell Tale Triumph selection lost, then Aces lost, face-up/face-down shuffle, Ace of same suit as selection found, then other Aces are reversed in deck with selection in between
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
David Britland Going Under Ground involving a Joker as well
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Frank Simon Hot Zinger
Inspired by 1983 134
David Tropeano Hofzinser Triumphs! Triumph-Kartenkunste-combo
June 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Mack Picknick What's in the Envelope signed selection in sealed envelope transposes with ace
1984 51
Ian Land Without a Paddle
Inspired by
  • "Think Touch Turn" (Ed Marlo)
Mar. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 35)
Jon Racherbaumer Deck-ing Hofzinser Aces turn up in center except one which is no selection, value used to count to missing Ace
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Sep. 1977
1984 89
Edward Marlo Hofzinser's Dream Solution
1984 95
Richard Kaufman Gaff/ace Tunnel combined with Hofzinser Ace Plot, all Aces pushed through deck
Related to 1984 13
David Britland Austrian Aces "A simple solution to Johann's problem"
1985 24
David Britland Dust Busters "The Queens 'about face' then change' for the better"
twisting, then Daley's last with two card transformation
Inspired by 1985 41
Justin Higham Aceven Aces on table, selection chosen and lost, Ace of matching suit found, other Aces put face up in deck, remaining Ace changes into selection and its mates are now face up in center of deck
Nov. 1985 18
Roger Crosthwaite The Lost Card
Also published here
  • Don England's "The Direct Twist" in "The Sorcerer's Eye" Vol. 3, Nr. 33-36.
1985 26
Larry Jennings A Problem With Hofzinser
Related toVariations 1986 17
Paul Swinford The Deo-Ace Trick Revisited four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection
Inspired byVariations May 1986 44
Edward Marlo The Deo-Ace Trick Updated four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection, two methods
Inspired byVariations Nov. 1986
Inside Out (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo The Ace Problem that Hofzinser Never Had
1987 60
Peter Duffie Hofzinser's Alternative with twisting sequence
Inspired by 1987 98
Jerry K. Hartman Mio-Deo four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1987
Inside Out (Issue 3)
Justin Higham Numerical Miracle Ace to Four Clubs are placed on four Kings on table, Club on Kings with same suit as selection changes into selection
Inspired byVariations Apr. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo Latest Deo-Ace Tricks four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection, three methods
Inspired by Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Robert Bengel One-Shot Hofzinser
Variations Sep. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Doug Edwards Half-Shot Hofzinser
Oct. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Dollar Hofzinser using dollar bill in handling
1989 24
Bruce Cervon The Transposing Ace four Aces, named suit put on top, it changes into selection, Ace reappears from pocket
1989 65
Randy Wakeman The Fortune-Telling Aces Ace with suit of chosen card turns over, selection turns over and is placed with Aces, it vanishes from Aces and reappears reversed in deck
1989 53
Father Cyprian New Hofzinser Four Aces
1989 29
Jon Racherbaumer A Case for Hofzinser Ace travels into card case at the end
1990 50
Edward Marlo Marlo's Third Solution to Hofzinser's Card Problem
Inspired by 1990 55
Justin Higham Numerical Miracle II Ace to Four Clubs are placed on four Kings on table, Club on Kings with same suit as selection changes into selection
Inspired by 1990
Inside Out (Issue Special No. 1)
Alex Elmsley Hoftwister combo
Variations 1991 47
Alex Elmsley Bare-Aced Hofzinser clean handling with Aces in possession of spectator from the start
Variations 1991 253
John Bannon Reversal of Fourtune
Related toVariations 1991 82
John Bannon Vicious Rumors
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 153
Jerry K. Hartman Optionzer
1991 254
Jerry K. Hartman Ringer
1991 256
Jerry K. Hartman About Face Hofzinser Ace Problem, all four Aces change to match value of selection
Also published here 1991 259
Jerry K. Hartman One Stop Swapping
1991 262
Jerry K. Hartman Elastic Ace face of miniature card transposes with face of regular card
Inspired by 1991 266
Jerry K. Hartman Over and Over and Out
1991 269
Jerry K. Hartman Mio Deo four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection
Also published here 1991 593
John Bannon Vicious Rumors
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Justin Higham Hofzinser Triumphs In One Shuffle selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
Inspired by Mar. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 9)
Meir Yedid Sandwichange for Hofzinser
May 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 5)
David Arthur Silver Aces coin jumps from beneath wrong ace to correct ace which transforms into selection
1992 xxi
Bob Gill, Peter Duffie Collusion Illusion three cards selected, Aces used, Ace with selected suit turns over, all have selected King of Hearts, other Aces change into three Kings of Hearts, then Aces are the four Kings
Inspired byVariations Aug. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Thomas Baxter Ascanio Meets Hofzinser
1993 887
Peter Duffie A Curious Incident three selections made, four Aces, suit that matches the selections turn over and back one by one, three Aces change to selections, using PAUS
1993 36
Peter Duffie Collusion three cards selected, Aces used, Ace with selected suit turns over, all have selected King of Hearts, other Aces change into three Kings of Hearts, then Aces are the four Kings, using PAUS
Variations 1993 38
Paul Weir Collision Course Aces in envelopes with hole in them
Inspired by Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Verne Chesbro, Vicente Canuto Viaje Insospechado
Inspired byVariations 1993 267
Father Cyprian ¿Dónde Están los Ases? Aces transform into selection, Aces back in deck, double facer
Also published here 1993 339
Aldo Colombini Mini-Maxi Hofzinser selection made from miniature deck
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Hofzinser's Wallet odd-backed Aces from wallet placed on deck, one changes into signed selection (now odd-backed)
1994 114
Jackie McClements Half Price Hofzinser card chosen, Kings removed, one turns face up which matches the suit of selected card, other three Kings change into mates of selection
1994 1
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Also published here 1994 31
Peter Duffie Triggered Hofzinser
Inspired by 1995 113
Peter Duffie No-Trigger Hofzinser
1995 116
Peter Duffie A Mild Solution
1995 117
Peter Duffie The Final Solution
Inspired by 1995 235
Darwin Ortiz Kartenkunste
Related toVariations 1995 65
Aldo Colombini Hof-Mini-Maxi selection made from miniature deck
Also published here 1995 39
Philip T. Goldstein Twistful twisting combined with Hofzinser Aces
Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Jon Racherbaumer Hofzinser, Carried Away
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie Directorial
1996 4
Peter Duffie Brag-Artist one of four cards thought of, shuffled back, four three-card hands dealt, top cards are selection and the three Aces of other suits
1996 4
Peter Duffie Twixy Twisted Hofzinser
1996 9
Udo Wächter Der Charme der Herz Dame long routine
  • spectator cuts to the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts appears
  • the Queen of Hearts whispers the spectators thought
  • the Queen of Hearts turns an Ace face down
  • the Queen of Hearts changes into the Ace
  • the vanished Queen of Hearts appears between the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts and two Aces change places in a flash
Also published here 1996 161
Peter Duffie Hands Off Hofzinser Hofzinser Ace Problem, almost everything happens in spectator's hands
Also published here Apr. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Joe Rindfleisch Process of Elimination with twisting phase
Nov. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 11)
Tom Daugherty Almost Hofzinser
Dec. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Looks Like named jack changes into previous selection
1997 116
Karl Fulves Line Up named black ace turns over in ace packet and changes into jack of same suit
1997 123
Peter Duffie, Iain Girdwood, Max Maven Return to Suabia Hofzinser Ace Problem + Twisting the Aces
Inspired by
  • "The Suabian Twist" (Peter Duffie, Cards in Principle, 1994)
1997 129
Peter Duffie Hands Off Hofzinser Hofzinser Ace Problem, almost everything happens in spectator's hands
Also published here 1997 134
Peter Duffie Hofzinser On The Up Hofzinser Ace Problem with sandwich plot, card appears between black Jacks is the Ace
1997 136
Peter Duffie Hofzinser By Stealth Hofzinser Ace Problem but super easy to do
1997 139
Paul Cummins Overtwist Transposed combo with Hofzinser Problem ending
1997 124
Richard Bartram, Jr. Problem Child same suit Ace changes to selection and back to Ace, divided in suits
1997 29
Chris Sutton Instant Hofzinser
Inspired by 1997 99
Simon Lovell The Lemming Ace Exchange four jumbo Aces, suit that matches selection is turned-over and when turned over the jumbo card became the selection and the selection became the Ace
Inspired by 1997 103
Jack Avis Hofzinser Ace Trick
VariationsAlso published here 1998 75
Russell T. Barnhart Barnhardt's Four Ace Trick named Ace changes into selection
Variations Jan. 1998
Onyx (Issue 2)
Guy Hollingworth The Hofzinser Problem outlined Routine
1999 44
David Acer Hofsinzer's Delusion "Hofzinser's", selection between spectator's palms, Aces taken out, Ace of same suit turns over and changes into selection, Ace now between spectator's hands, duplicate
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 76
Joshua Jay Hofzinserprise two selection transpose with Ace one by one
Inspired by
  • Michael DeMarco routine in his Precursor One-Man Issue
Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Jason Tang Dancing With JNH selection lost, Aces shown, Ace on face has same suit as selection, other three turn over at once and then change to mates of selection, then all four cards change into the selection on the deck
1999 93
David Acer The Acer File
  • Hofzinser's Delusion
"Hofzinser's", selection between spectator's palms, Aces taken out, Ace of same suit turns over and changes into selection, Ace now between spectator's hands, duplicate
Inspired byAlso published here Jan./Feb. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 51)
Udo Wächter The Charm of the Queen of Hearts long routine
  • spectator cuts to the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts appears
  • the Queen of Hearts whispers the spectators thought
  • the Queen of Hearts turns an Ace face down
  • the Queen of Hearts changes into the Ace
  • the vanished Queen of Hearts appears between the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts and two Aces change places in a flash
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 166
Karl Fulves Hofzinser + Math Aces shuffled reversed into packet, another card chosen, face-up/face-down mix, all cards right except a chosen Ace but selection instead
Inspired byRelated to 2000 55
Aldo Colombini Jump and Pass two selections transpose with four Kings, Hofzinse Ace problem with two selections, inspired by a Phil Goldstein routine
VariationsAlso published here 2000 4
Peter Duffie Erdnase Meets Hofzinser
Related to Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Aldo Colombini Jump and Pass two selections transpose with four Kings, Hofzinse Ace problem with two selections, inspired by a Phil Goldstein routine
VariationsAlso published here 2000 10
R. Paul Wilson Simplex Hofzinser
2001 15
Peter Duffie Hofzinser on Base bottom deals
2001 8
Paul Cummins Overtwist Transposed combo with Hofzinser Problem ending
2002 117
David Regal Sticky Hofzinser
2002 151
Thomas Baxter Ascanio/Hofzinser Reunion
2002 45
Peter McLanachan Route 9 selection lost, Queen of same suit vanishes from Queens packet and is found reversed in deck, then it turns over and changes into selection
Inspired by
  • unpublished Gavin Ross Hofzinser Aces routine
Jan. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Peter McLanachan Hofzinser 2001 no-deck handling
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Aldo Colombini Twist and Scram selection lost, twisting routine with Aces, then only matching suit Ace turns over, other Aces suddenly found on deck sandwiching selection and the other three cards in the packets are mates of selection
Mar. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue)
Mark Aspiazu Overlap Hofzinser
Related toAlso published here Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Roberto Giobbi The Knowledgeable Cards
2003 1233
Karl Fulves Alias card chosen and signed, Queen of same suit turns over, other three Queens change into same value as selection, face-down card is selection
Inspired byRelated to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Five Speed spectator deals a pile into four heaps, four Aces show up and the matching suit changes into previous selection
Off The Books (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Eight Speed two-packet version of Ace problem
Off The Books (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Clip Addition Aces outjogged, paper clip put on them, stripped out and put on deck, then on table, one is switched
Off The Books (Issue 10)
Max Maven Just a Little Off the Top, Please - Bonus Effect with location of second selection
Inspired by 2003 158
Karl Fulves Band o'Notes [H] - Hof And Hof
2004 14
Karl Fulves Hof Springer
2004 54
Karl Fulves Helen O'Ploy card chosen, Queen of same suit turns over, other three Queens change into same value as selection, face-down card is selection
Inspired byRelated to 2004 358
Karl Fulves Hofzinser's Ghost spectator finds only three Aces in deck, fourth one is invisible, it can be heard, changes into selection
2004 360
Ron Frost Table for Four Selected Ace changes places with the selected card
2004 60
Bruce Cervon Unsolved Card Problem "An Effect from The Castle Notes", dated 7/1/70
Oct. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 10)
"Magic" Christian Stelzel The Changed Aces reconstructed original Hofzinser Ace Problem, one of two Aces changes into selection, then the other Ace, then both are Aces again
Nov. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 11)
Edward Marlo Hofzinser's Lost Ace Problem
  • First Method (fake index)
  • Second Methode (duplicate)
  • Third Method
  • Fourth Method
  • Fifth Method
  • Sixth Method
  • Seventh Method
  • Dream Method
May 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Reinhard Müller Select Bibliography of "Hofzinser's Lost Ace-Problem"
Related to May 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jamie Badman The Huntsmen selection lost, twisting with Ace to Four of Diamonds, named Diamond changes into selection
Variations May 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Gene Taylor Impossible Hofzinser card selected, packet of Eights shown, three turn over one by one visibly, last Eight matches suit of chosen card, other three Eights change to match selection
Inspired by Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Joshua Jay, Mark Aspiazu Overlap Hofzinser
Related to 2005 103
Peter Duffie The Problem with Hofzinser
2005 52
Peter McLanachan Hofzinser 2001 no-deck handling
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 16
Gary Middleton King for a Day other Aces change to mates of selection
2005 26
Christoph Borer, Roy Walton Woogie four jumbo card jokers with suits, suit that matches selection is turned-over and when turned over the jumbo card became the selection and the selection became a joker.
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Woogie in "ANAM CARA"
2006 95
Max Maven Three-Piece Suit Aces are spelled out from four-Ace-packet, last one transforms into selection
2007 245
Max Maven Accessorized Three-Piece Suit Aces are spelled out from four-Ace-packet, last one transforms into selection, Ace reversed in deck
2007 247
Harry Lorayne Off-the-Rack 3-piece Suit Aces are spelled out from four-Ace-packet, last one transforms into selection, two variations
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 249
Jack Parker HofCity Hofzinser Ace Problem done with two selections, intermediate prediction effect
Inspired by 2007 101
David Solomon Hofzinser King City
Inspired byVariations 2007 65
Kevin Baker Illogcial Hofzinser
2007 9
Giorgio Tarchini Hofzinser's Not Problem Aces start isolated
Mar. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Miguel Gómez La parte y el todo Hofzinser Ace problem, with preamble
2007 147
Joel Givens Givens on Hofzinser Hofzinser Problem at the end the whole suit of the selection is produced from a pocket, see p. 49 for performance
2007 67
József Kovács Hofzinser in Hungary
Aug. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. Annual 2007)
Chris Mayhew F.D.S. "Asher Twist meets Hofzinser's Ace Problem"
2009 18
John Guastaferro Intuition
2010 120
Ryan Schlutz Misfit Queens
Inspired by 2011 65
David Acer iAces photo of Aces shown on smartphone, one of those Aces turns over and its suit matches selection between spectator's hands, card on photo turns over again and is now selection and spectator has Ace between hands
Inspired by
  • "Snapped" (Cameron Francis)
2011 167
Dr. Jacob Daley The Affable Aces four Twos face up on table in a row, four Aces cut to and placed on corresponding Twos, Ace with same suit as previous selection changes into the selection
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Genii, Aug. 1941
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Steven Hamilton Hofzinser... for a Change Aces, first Ace of same suit as selection changes into selection, then other Aces into mates
2013 18
Steven Hamilton Vienese Variation
2013 130
Doug Edwards Half Shot Hofzinser
Inspired by 2013 26
Tom Gagnon Invisible Fingertip Transpo Jacks placed aside, named Jack transposes with selection which is reversed in center of deck
2013 24
Mahdi Gilbert Hofzinser Ace Trick
2013 3
Tomas Blomberg Hoftwister card is selected and lost (say, Seven of Clubs), Jacks turn face down one by one except the Jack of Clubs (same suit), then it turns into the selection and the other Jacks into the rest of the Sevens
Inspired by 2014 165
Simon Aronson About Face Hofzinser Ace Problem combined with elements of Between Your Palms / The Signed Card
Also published here 2014 101
Chris Beason Hofzinger card chosen and lost, four Aces shown and Ace of same suit visibly changes into selection
Dec. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 12)
"Magic" Christian Stelzel To Change Each of the Four Aces with the Top Card of the Deck: A Solution to the Hofzinser Ace Problem
2017 122
Michał Kociołek Double Target "Hofzinser Ace Problem" meets Marlo's "Push Through Failure"
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 2013
2017 11
Yohei Kawabata Symphony Variation of Hofzinser Ace Problem, Ace with the same suit as the selection turns reverses itself, then packet of four Aces transforms into all the thirteen values of the selected suit
2017 31
Harry Lorayne Off-The-Rack 3-Piece Suit Aces are spelled out from four-Ace-packet, last one transforms into selection
Also published here 2017 134
Edo Huang Hofzinser Sweet Dream four cards turn over one by one and all change into selection, then back to normal and selection is found reversed in the deck
2017 30
Leo Reed H.I.P. (Hofzinser Inspired Plot) Aces in spread on table, selection changes into Ace of matching suit, on the table are now three Aces and the selection and the spread changes into a permanently glued spread
Aug. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 8)
Zhenjie Gao Hofzinser's Ace Problem Standard effect, four Aces, one turn over to indicate suit of selection, then transform into selection as the Ace appears reversed in deck
Inspired by 2018 17
David Solomon Hof Aces Again involving spelling to the selection
2018 185
Alexander Hansford Squash four Kings change into one King of same suit as selection, then it changes into selection itself
2018 46
Michael Powers Push Through Success push-through failure meets Hofzinser Ace Problem
Inspired by 2019 54
Matthew Martin Again, Hofzinser Spins In His Grave odd-backed, red/blue double backer
Output (Issue 1)
Cameron Francis Easy Hof all Aces change to matching value at the end
Nov. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 11)
Giancarlo Scalia Box of Aces to Go Aces in card case
2020 227
Larry Jennings Deep Transposition II selection in deck transposes with one of the tabled Aces
2020 200
Harapan Ong Solvedzinser Hofzinser Ace Problem, step-by-step divination (color, suit, value). Aces change into Jacks at the end to match the selection.
2021 76
Andrew Frost Hideout Switch showing to few cards of the deck and switching one of them
2022 85
Tom Dobrowolski Introduction on the Hofzinser Ace Problem
Jan. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Tom Dobrowolski The Real Hassel(less)hoff direct
Jan. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 10)