142 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Paper Clip & Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Joe Berg A Card, A Case, And a Vanish card shuffled back, deck put in card case, selection vanishes from cased deck and is removed from pocket
1930 23
Joe Berg Hook Paper Clip Control paper clip with hook pin that is secretly put onto selection, card then attached to cloth
Related to 1930 23
The Long Card impromptu long card with paper clip
1938 477
Paul Curry Two Card Routine
  • Effect No. 1: Joker and Ace of Spades change places
  • Effect No. 2: Joker on top, Ace on the bottom vanish and are found together in the center
  • Effect No. 3: Joker and ace pushed in the deck, travel to top and bottom
  • Effect No. 4: two numbers are called, counted and the cards found at those positions are Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 5: Joker and Ace reverse in the deck
  • Effect No. 6: spectator reverses one card behind his back, it is the Joker
  • Effect No. 7: two selections are put face up into the deck, next to them the Joker and the Ace are found
  • Effect No. 8: selections transform into Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 9: two cards clipped by four paper clips are removed from the pocket, Joker and Ace
Also published here 1941 27
Martin Gardner, Bob Hummer Paper Clip Discovery chosen cards found to be paper clipped together with a message on them
Also published here 1942 12
Russell T. Barnhart, Edward Marlo Clipped card is paper-clipped, clip finds selection
Related to 1947 39
Frank Garcia Garcia's Clip It monte, card marked with paper clip
Also published here June 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 258)
Edward Marlo A Variation with Effect... Card with paper clip on changes
1954 9
Bill Simon Twice Clipped two mate predictions, cards clipped together with paper clips
Variations Feb. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 300)
Audley Walsh Paper Clip Climax
1955 17
Frank Garcia Clip It monte, card marked with paper clip
Also published here 1956 170
Edward Marlo Additional Climax to Marlo's Hofzinser after the three cards changed to the selection, they change into Aces, four-of-a-kind matching the selection is produced from pocket paper-clipped together
1957 29
Edward Marlo Roughed False Dealing Demonstration fifth dealing with roughed Aces, also suggestion of using a paper clip
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Clipped Aces four cards with paper clip on them transform into aces
1961 58
J. W. Sarles, Karl Fulves Necronomicron prediction paper clipped to indifferent card, see also p. 864 for comment by Fulves
Related to
  • p. 20 for idea by Gari Diringer
Nov. 1965 1
J. W. Sarles, Karl Fulves Paper Clip Slide Switch paper clip slides from one card to another with paper
Nov. 1965 2
Walt Maddison Clip Change card clipped with two paper clips changes into selection
Apr. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 395/396)
Karl Fulves Paper Clip Holdout inside case
Related to
  • p. 122 for idea by George Blake
July 1967 112
Sid Lorraine, Karl Fulves Modified Paper Clip Holdout inside case
Inspired by Sep. 1967 122
Audley Walsh Three Card Monte one card is marked with matchbook or paper clip
1972 67
Frank Csuri Clipped card change, with paper clip
1972 4
Jack Vosburgh Clip paper clip vanishes and is found on selection in the deck
1972 98
Frank Garcia Clip Monte using paper clip for final phase
1973 75
Steve Spillman The Paper-Clipped Card paper clip put onto wrong card and put in deck, when pulled out it is now selection
Inspired by 1973 17
Karl Fulves Wired Thot performer puts a paper clip on thought of ace
Related to 1974 28
Karl Fulves Klip Notes notes, techniques, ideas with paper clips and cards
  • Add-On Technique
  • Flap Card Technique
  • Paper Clip Problems (4)
1974 32
Karl Fulves Sample Effect folded blank card changes into signed selection, optional with paper clip
May 1974 740
Rick Johnsson, Dai Vernon, Jerry Mentzer Optical Move with Paper Clip
1975 144
Karl Fulves Flying Clipper joker with paper clip and aces in case, chosen ace penetrates table with clip on, case with slit
Related to 1975 62
Karl Fulves Paper-Clip Variation queen rises to top of two-card packet, other card changes
1975 101
Karl Fulves The Cage Effect visible sandwich, sandwich cards are placed perpendicular on deck, when lifted top card is between them
  • Notes On The Handling
  • Added Notes (impromptu method, paper clip addition)
Related to 1975 117
Roger Smith Paper Clip Surprise card peeked in IF condition, paper clip appears clipped to selection
Inspired by
  • "Fast Clip" (Roger Smith, Linking Ring, May 1975, Vol. 55 No. 3)
1975 14
Roger Smith Open Paper Clip Surprise card openly paper clipped, card chosen in IF condition turns out to be clipped card
Inspired by 1975 14
Karrell Fox "Clippety-Slip" card with paper clip on it thrown to table, it changes into selection, throw-change with paper clip
1976 73
Edward Marlo Paper Clip Miracle Changes note
1977 157
Edward Marlo Clipped Transposition one card is paper clipped
1977 287
Karl Fulves Evilopes five cards and envelopes, spectator paper clips one card, all in envelopes, selection vanishes from envelope leaving clip behind
1977 10
Karrell Fox The "Signa-Tare" Card Illusion card signed on face and torn face-up into quarters, restores except for one fitting quarter
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Bruce Elliott, Frank Garcia Clip Monte card marked with paper clip
1978 89
Edward Marlo More Card Switches two methods, also with paper clip on card
1979 254
Karl Fulves Paper Clip Holdout inside case
1979 94
Karl Fulves More Notes Yet notes on the Interlock principle
  • (A) No-Break approach
  • (B) alternate procedure
  • (C) switch with double card
  • (D) paper clip addition, paper clip version of Hofzinser problem
  • (E) connection to Tilt
  • (F) allusion to Haunted Pack set-up with Interlock
Related to 1980 59
Gene Maze, Richard Kaufman A Monte for the Unemployed duplicates, paper clip
1980 71
Karl Fulves Endings
  • five card fooler idea, trick in which five stepped cards are printed on cardboard the the queen must be paper clipped from other side
  • oil & water packet paper clipped and one color becomes free
1980 48
Michael Ammar The Clip Card Vanish vanishing torn pieces of card in paper clip
  • Alternate Handling
Also published here 1980 27
Ken Brooke A Clip of a Climax for Edward Victor's "EYE"
Also published here 1980 154
Bob Hummer, Martin Gardner Paper Clip Discovery chosen cards found to be paper clipped together with a message on them
Also published here 1981 118
Wayne Dobson Tunnel Vision Queen between Jokers is paper clipped and changes into Joker
Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Edward Marlo The Un-Stapled Cards two faced Cards change place with 2 other faces cards
Inspired by 1983 296
Karl Fulves No-Gaff Brainwave paper clip vanishes and appears around named four-of-a-kind, using comb type gaff which allows to locate any card in the deck open index like
Inspired by
  • "Card Trick" (Clinton Burgess, Magic And Its Professors, Evans, 1902)
1983 114
Sol Stone Clipped Again paper clip
Related to July 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Bob Farmer Clip Miracle Monte variation of Takagi's "Miracle Monte" with paper clip
Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Jay Sankey Once is Never Enough two jokers paper clipped face to face transpose with 2 signed selections
1986 56
Ken Krenzel Incredible Full Deck Levitation paper clip gimmick
1987 1
Karl Fulves Non-Working Trix #3 several cards torn in half and paper-clipped together, chosen pair is put in glass and restores
Interlocutor (Issue 49)
Karrell Fox "Karrell's Klipper" deck with signed selection in paper bag, yarn with paper clip at end used to fish out selection
1988 108
Edward Marlo Clipped Thought spectator thinks of an Ace and performer puts paper clip on correct Ace behind his back, three phases, plot suggested by Tom Wright, with variation and ESP suggestion
Also published here
  • The New Tops, June 1963
1988 1
Bill Woodfield Woodfield Clip Transfer
1988 6
Doug Edwards Clipped at Monte using paper Clip
Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Martin Gardner MG Trio #3 orientation of head on QS and KH used for monte type guessing game, turning on vertical or horizontal axis ("The principle behind this trick has floated around a while.")
Variations 1989 20
Karl Fulves Longitudinal Aces paper clip on top card, deck set on table, when spectator turns over top card with clip it changed into previous selection or
(B) into the four Aces
(C) into named Ace
Variations 1989 24
Jay Sankey "#*@!" folded paper clipped card turns out to be later signed selection
Related toVariations 1990 36
Ken Brooke Errare Humanum Est! letter cards, E-Y-E
  • Der Büroklammer-Klimax
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Michael Ammar Clip Card Vanish vanishing torn pieces of card in paper clip
Also published here 1991 54
Tomo Maeda Ambitious Clip paper clip is placed on the ambitious card
1992 31
Karl Fulves Wire Room packet placed in case, selection paper clipped to top of case, cards removed until stopped, this card is forced and matches clipped selection, two methods
Related to 1992 7
Karl Fulves Fly by Wire card paper clipped to case as prediction, card chosen from cased cards matches prediction, clip vanishes an reappears at mates with other color
1992 17
Karl Fulves Wire Copy paper-clipped AS in center changes into selection
1992 32
Karl Fulves Wire Service paper clip transferred from AS to other card which then changes into AS
1992 56
Jed B. Smith Clipped Escape although cards are fixed with paper clip
Nov. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Sacked Notes multiple cards variation of "Sacked", problem of having named card in paper back with odd back
Related to 1994 12
Edward Marlo Clipper Passage top card paper clipped and placed in table, transforms into selection
Facsimile (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Clipped Blocks stacking exercise for thick block hold-backs using paper clips
1995 31
Guy Hollingworth Stationary Card Magic using paper clip
1996 22
Guy Hollingworth Jacket Addition using paper clip & magnet
1996 26
Guy Hollingworth Jacket Ditch using paper clip & magnet
Related to 1996 26
Guy Hollingworth A Stationary Assembly paper clip, double facers, backfire
1996 27
Nick Trost Mini Match two chosen mini cards match paper clipped predictions of normal sized cards
1997 190
U. F. Grant Grant Switch Switch mini cards that are paper clipped on opposite sides of poker sized card, in the action of revealing the faces
1997 191
Nick Trost Klip Joint Two chosen mini cards match two paper clipped prediction cards
1997 203
Guy Hollingworth Chapter Three paper clip, backfire
Also published here Nov. 1997
Opus (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Harry Lorayne Flip To Clip card placed in Himber wallet, two paper clips are vanished, they reappear in wallet clipped to card, envelope variation
1998 210
Harry Lorayne Clips Trip two cards put in Himber wallet, one with paper clips on it, they transpose
1998 217
Joshua Jay A Preposterous Paper Clip Problem Indifferent cards placed in paperclip change into Jokers, then paperclip suddenly grows larger than the card
Inspired by May/June 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 47)
Guy Hollingworth The Control of Chosen Cards paper clip
Related to 1999 89
Guy Hollingworth Paper Clip Strike
1999 94
Guy Hollingworth Jacket Addition using paper clip & magnet
1999 95
Guy Hollingworth Jacket Ditching using paper clip & magnet
1999 95
Guy Hollingworth An Ace Assembly paper clip, backfire
Also published here 1999 96
Guy Hollingworth The Homing Card paper clip
1999 106
Guy Hollingworth Cannibal Cards paper clip, outlined Routine
1999 114
Joshua Jay Card, Clip, Gasp Spectator names a card, paperclipped folded card shown to be it
Inspired by 1999 107
Joshua Jay A Preposterous Paperclip Problem Indifferent cards placed in paperclip change into Jokers, then paperclip suddenly grows larger than the card
Variations 1999 110
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note simplified Travellers with only one palm, four Aces are paper clipped and put in trouser pocket, then removed from different pockets
1999 35
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note version of the game with paper-clipped pairs, another version without a system given posed as problem
Inspired by 1999 64
Ellis Stanyon The "Key" Card Forcing and Self-shifting Pack No. 20, having a piece of metal around one end of a card (similar to paper clip) as key card
  • The "Waterfall" Shuffle (with the key card)
  • Dispensing with the "Key"
  • "Bridging"
  • To Force any Two Cards (performer cuts apparently randomly)
Related to 1999 203
Guy Hollingworth Stationary Card Magic using paper clip
2000 17
Guy Hollingworth Jacket Addition using paper clip & magnet
2000 21
Guy Hollingworth Jacket Ditch using paper clip & magnet
2000 21
Guy Hollingworth A Stationary Assembly paper clip, double facers, backfire
2000 22
Karl Fulves Unsolved Disappearances two cards paper clipped face to face on deck, top half cut and turned over, spread and cards next to clipped cards remembered, they vanish and now are the clipped cards
2000 145
Karl Fulves At Stake four jacks and paper clip in envelope, spectator names any jack and this has clip on when removed
2000 166
Karl Fulves Clip through Card effect problems in which a straightened paper clip penetrates a cased card or impales a card
Related to 2000 168
Karl Fulves Vampire Slayer Ace of Spades with paper clip is used to turn Four of Hearts over on table, Four of Hearts now is duplicate Ace of Spades with another clip on, with alternate gaff
2000 169
Paul Curry, John Scarne, Myles Lyons, Theodore Annemann Two-Card Routine
  • Effect No. 1: Joker and Ace of Spades change places
  • Effect No. 2: Joker on top, Ace on the bottom vanish and are found together in the center
  • Effect No. 3: Joker and ace pushed in the deck, travel to top and bottom
  • Effect No. 4: two numbers are called, counted and the cards found at those positions are Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 5: Joker and Ace reverse in the deck
  • Effect No. 6: spectator reverses one card behind his back, it is the Joker
  • Effect No. 7: two selections are put face up into the deck, next to them the Joker and the Ace are found
  • Effect No. 8: selections transform into Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 9: two cards clipped by four paper clips are removed from the pocket, Joker and Ace
Also published here 2001 45
Karl Fulves Subliminal Force No. 49, one of ten cards selected by putting paper clip on it, "You will choose the only red card", for correction see "Lady in Red"
Variations 2001 113
Karl Fulves Lady In Red one of ten cards selected by putting paper clip on it, "You will choose the only red card"
Inspired by 2002 244
Bob Ostin The Paper Clip Force forcing one of six cards, using a die and a paper clip
Also published here 2002
Discoverie (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Clip Addition Aces outjogged, paper clip put on them, stripped out and put on deck, then on table, one is switched
Off The Books (Issue 10)
Wesley James From Jacket to Lap packet secretly paper clipped, apparently put in sleeve, then dropped to lap
2004 137
Karl Fulves Clip Fed "Cut & Clip"
paper clip appears at selection
2004 344
Tom Stone Occhamman Now! "signed card", isolated card marked with paper clip
Also published here 2004 4
Tom Stone Paper Clip Switch in sandwich, Signed Card Switch
Also published here 2004 7
Bob Ostin The Paper Clip Force forcing one of six cards, using a die and a paper clip
Also published here 2005 108
Jerry K. Hartman Cliptrap performer and three spectator each choose a card and they are buried in separate parts of deck, during a cut, a paper-clipped packet falls from deck and it consists of all four cards
2007 116
Howard Hamburg Clip Ambicioso card with paper clip comes to top, clipped card transposes with another card
Also published here 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Howard Hamburg Clipped card with paper clip comes to top, clipped card transposes with another card
Related toAlso published here 2009 27
Tom Stone Occhamman Now! "signed card", isolated card marked with paper clip
Also published here 2011 171
Tom Stone Paper Clip Switch in sandwich, Signed Card Switch
Related to
  • Bill Woodfield's Paperclip Monte Move (Genii, Vol. 15 No. 6, Feb. 1951, p. 234)
Also published here
2011 177
Edward Marlo Double Unload with Paperclip done with square credit card reader, see reference
Related to 2012 23
Nick Trost Mississippi Monte four-card monte with paper clip, spectator cannot clip money card
Inspired by
  • "Four Card Monte" (Sam Schwartz, marketed ca. 1975)
2013 786
Alfred Lee Cohen Al Cohen's Routine four-card monte with paper clip, spectator cannot clip money card
Inspired by 2013 790
Guy Hollingworth Pendulum Holdout paper clip
2015 20
Adrian Vega El juego que yo haría a W. Thomas after a number gag with fingers under handkerchief a card is named and performer has this card in hand folded and held together with a paper clip
2017 11
Tom Gagnon Mystery Card unknown card with paper clip set aside, card signed and lost, deck placed on clipped card, deck spread and gathered, card shown to be selection
Variations 2019 86
Tom Gagnon Clip Load Gagnon Spread Control into paper clipped card
Related to 2019 88
Tom Gagnon Mystery Card Revisited different handling
Inspired by 2019 89
Tom Gagnon Clipped Sandwich card appears sandwiched between two paper clipped cards, spread loading technique
2019 91
Tom Gagnon Shorty's Holdout two bills with paper clip on them set aside, selection appears in them, loading with ribbon spread
2019 93
Tom Gagnon Clipped Triple Prediction three cards with paper clip on them, turn out to be later selections
2019 95
Tom Gagnon Twice Clipped Improved two cards predicted with cards from other deck, paper-clipped pairs
Inspired by 2019 97
Tom Gagnon Burglar's Big Break Out Jacks put into deck reversed one by one and then travel to Joker with paper clip on it, using Gagnon Spread Control, handkerchief as cover in last phase
Inspired by 2019 100
Tom Gagnon Clipped Thought unknown card with paper clip set aside, it turns out to be named Ace, then changes to another named Ace, then all Aces are in clip, ribbon spread techniques used
Inspired by 2019 104
Tom Gagnon Clip Joint black Kings with paper clip on them put aside, signed selection appears between them, ribbon spread techniques
2019 109
Tom Gagnon Clipped Transposition paper clipped card on table transposes with reversed card in deck, ribbon spread handling, optional double backer
Related to 2019 112
Tom Gagnon Four the Hard Way paper clipped and signed Joker put aside, transposes with four Kings in center of deck
2019 116
Tom Gagnon Easy Rider Clip Load with Marlo's Miracle Spread
Inspired byRelated to 2019 121
Tom Gagnon Clipped Exchange card from pocket transposes with paper clipped in hand, duplicate
2019 122
Tom Gagnon Loewy Palm from Paper Clipped Double
2019 124
David Hudspath Houdini Transposition paper-clipped card in card case transposes with card outside, duplicate
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2005
2022 446
Troy Hooser Troy Hooser's Clipped paper clip attached to top card, card chosen in center, then top card shown to be selected card
2022 34
David Britland Plenty of Fish
  • Cardopolis
card fished out of paper bag with magnet at string, paper clip attached to card
Inspired by
  • "Novelty Fishing Trick" (U. F. Grant, 1933)
  • "Cardangle" (Henri De'Seevah, marketed 1941, Linking Ring June 1943)
Mar. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 3)