88 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Penetration / With Other Objects / Table
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Hänsel Kastner La carte tournée und deren Variation back palm applications
  • I. card tossed against door vanishes, is reproduced from other side
  • II. card through table
Sep. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 9)
The Mene Tekel Deck - 3. card through table
1937 257
Passing a Card Through a Table basic stripper deck application
1937 265
Through the Tabletop stranger card, two methods
1940 365
Eddie Joseph Gone Right Through top card of tabled deck lapped with handkerchief
1942 27
Bill Simon Tabled single card through table
Also published here Sep. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 159)
Edward Marlo Card Thru Table lapping a short card method
Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 193)
Dudley Fossum Card Through Table lapping technique, while squaring deck, as penetration
Mar. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Edward Marlo Card Thru Table clean handling due to short card
Variations 1953 15
Tony Kardyro "Hot Weather Handy" card through table, card sticks to back of wet hand
1955 23
Tony Kardyro The Magic Genii card sticks to back of wet hand
1955 25
Bill Simon Tabled single card through table
Also published here 1956 147
Brother John Hamman Kings Through the Table one by one, change to Aces, Kings in pocket
Related toVariations 1958 18
John Benzais Through the Table card falls through the table into spectator's hand
Related toVariations 1962 128
Colin Fox Two from Four two aces penetrate table and are found reversed in center of the deck
Jan. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 365)
Jochen Zmeck Das Mene-Tekel-Spiel roughed short/long menetekel and applications
1. card to top
2. card through table
3. divination
4. rising card
5. card to pocket
6. card travels between two slates
7. having multiple cards chosen
1962 21
Ronnie Gann What The??? chosen card placed on top, pips penetrate table and card is shown to be blank
Sep. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 17)
James Porter Case Rise & Card Through Table inverted case over deck rises with card underneath, second selection penetrates table, Devano Deck
Feb. 1969 240
Derek Dingle, John Mernard Ace - Two - Three - Four last card through table, duplicate
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Edward Marlo Card(s) Through Table lapping
1970 153
Gene Nielsen Four Thru one by one, change to Aces, see p. 333 for comments by Hyim Levy
Inspired by Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 46)
Joe Beierle Chimerical Card signed card through table
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 18)
James G. Thompson Jr. Through the Table bold lapping move
1972 18
Eddie Joseph Gone Right Through card through table, with handkerchief
1972 18
Karl Fulves Card through Table Suggestion small suggestion
1973 71
Karl Fulves Split Second two cards from two decks (same face, different backs) change place through table
Variations Dec. 1973 690
Edward Marlo Repeat Card Through Bar (or Table) two versions
1974 171
Robert Zürcher Eine von 4 Karten spectator selects one of four cards from deck, cards are replaced and eventually selection penetrates through table
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 5)
Martin A. Nash Matter through Matter that Matters three cards singly
1975 89
Karl Fulves Flying Clipper joker with paper clip and aces in case, chosen ace penetrates table with clip on, case with slit
Related to 1975 62
60 Seconds Flat No. 59, selection vanishes from deck and reappears in deck under table
1976 90
Karl Fulves Going Once... one card through table
1977 212
Karl Fulves Going Twice... two cards through table
1977 212
Karl Fulves Quinary Colors five reds and five blacks are shuffled, one color penetrates table
1977 214
Karl Fulves Four On The Floor off-beat presentation
Related to 1977 304
Karte durch den Tisch
1978 75
Joe Dignam A Telling Penetration card through table
The Talon (Issue 1)
Martin A. Nash Double Indemnity mistake and recovery
1979 376
Gene Maze, Richard Kaufman Through Thick And Thin kings through table, as climax a cut-out king penetrates, blank card stays on top
1979 115
Eric Mason Card Through Table
Sep. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Fallout named ace through case and table
1979 77
Gene Maze Boxing named four-of-a-kind in box, penetrates table, Aces in box instead
1980 36
Gene Maze Cease, Queenie! two selections through table
1980 62
Rovi Card Through Table card falls into spectator's hand, duplicate
Inspired by 1980 17
Edward Marlo Carta Atraves de la Mesa using Multeffect deck
Inspired by 1980 67
Jack McMillen The Old Gambler elevator trick with three cards, last card through table
1981 4
Pascal Monmoine Card Through the Table from a Distance signed card, spectator lights a piece if pyropaper on the deck, the card flutters beneath the center of the table to the floor
May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Gerald Deutsch Four Through four aces through the table one by one, similar to Miesel's "Four Aces Through the Table" (MUM, 11/1971)
1985 553
John Benzais Card Through Table
1985 44
Juan Tamariz Biddle - Finale under the Table 4&4, one color penetrates table
1988 139
Brother John Hamman Kings Through the Table one by one, change to Aces, no lapping version
Inspired byVariations 1989 54
Juan Tamariz 2. Lapping switching out three cards from 4 and lapping them
Inspired by 1989/91 76
Michael Ammar The Card Through Bar using Tom Mullica's Bar Index
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Michael Powers Schrodinger's Dream signed card penetrates through table twice, down and up
1990 110
Michael Powers The Trap Door Card card with business information and trapdoor printed on it used for card-through-table, blank side of trapdoor card becomes signed selection
1990 115
Michael Powers China Syndrome card repeatedly penetrates table, also into spectator's hands, then coin penetrates into spectator's hands, multiple handlings
Inspired by 1990 130
Dr. Jacob Daley The Sequacious Spades translation
VariationsAlso published here
  • Dr. Daley's "Sequacious Spades" in "M.U.M" 1950
1992 141
Terry LaGerould Beware Of Strangers cards travel upwards through table one by one to join leader Ace
1992 18
Andrea Baioni Four Through Again four aces through table one at a time
Dec. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 12)
Russell T. Barnhart New York Card To Case card placed in card case penetrates case and table, in case is found previous selection
Nov. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Vicente Canuto La Carta a Través de la Mesa card through table
1993 175
Angelo Carbone Deck Through Table using Humbug
1994 14
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Card Through Table named card penetrates table
Also published here 1994 15
Gerry Griffin Griffin under Glass card through glass topped table
Related to 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Astonishing Friends)
Ariel Frailich Spy Story card falls through the table into spectator's hand
Inspired by 1997 37
Jack Avis Chosen Ace Through the Table
1998 72
Gregory Wilson Card Through Table
July/Aug. 1998
The Magic Menu (Vol. 8 No. 48)
Jay Sankey, David Acer All But One deck cased, deck except selection penetrates table
Variations 1999 61
David Acer All But One Two deck cased, deck except selection penetrates table
Inspired by 1999 63
Gaston Quieto Glassy-Pentro card through glass table
Related to July 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Through the Table card from below table to top
2000 870
Don England P-51, This Time the Cards are on the Table! with 51 through table Climax
Inspired by 2001 31
David Regal Still Holding On one card
2002 64
David Acer Rub Down Card through table
2004 80
Arturo de Ascanio Sequacious Spades four cards penetrate table and end up under cardboard, one by one, two versions
Inspired by 2008 137
Arturo de Ascanio Cards Through the Table one by one, change to Fives
Inspired by 2008 149
Peter Duffie Table d'hôte selection on table, Kings added to it, selection penetrates table
Inspired byVariations 2011 12
John Benzais, Jim Cellini Cellini's Card thru the Table
Inspired by 2012 5
Bruce Bernstein Mentalist's Card Through Table named card penetrates table
Also published here 2012 130
Jason Ladanye Through and Through card through table, then cased deck
2013 145
Ramón Riobóo Open Table Four aces penetrate the table one at a time.
2015 84
Alain Nu Thru the Table named card through table
  • The Move
  • Teleportation
  • Final Thoughts (Patrick Redford's Comments)
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Alain Nu's "Mind Over Matter" 1999.
2017 140
Michael Powers Shrödinger's Dream Revisited Schrödinger's, card through table, card through close-up mat, then card through table upwards
2019 88
David Britland, Joe Dignam Joe Dignam's Card Through Table
  • Cardopolis
Apr. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 4)
Andrew Hall The Inertia Shift deck held upright in end grip, front and back cards change one-handed
  • Inertia Simultaneous Revelation (selection appears at font and back of deck)
  • Tabled Vanish or Penetration
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2008
2022 779
Juan Tamariz The One-Armed Tribute routine performed one-handed with both hands simultaneously, one half on either side
  • Phase 1 - Ambitious Cards (deck cut in half, top card of both halves shown with one hand each and put in center of the half, they come back to top)
  • Phase 2 - Stop Together (cards lost in both halves again, both dealt simultaneously and spectator says stop, both cards are at that position)
  • Phase 3 - Slop Shuffle (tabled slop shuffle triumph with two halves, both done one-handed)
  • Phase 4 - Through the Table (both cards lost again, they travel through the table from each half)
  • Encore - Color Separation
2022 16
Juan Tamariz Aces Through a Book book examined, Aces signed, one penetrates deck, one the book, one the book to the inside of its pages, one the table, no lapping
2022 9
James Steranko Triplication
  • Part One (four-of-a-kind placed in deck on the table, deck covered with magazine, quartet penetrates table)
  • Part Two (whole deck penetrates table)
  • Part Three (four-of-a-kind penetrates table once more)
Also published here
  • Genii, Nov. 1962
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)