378 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Turnover & Reverse / Triumph / Effect Variations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
U. F. Grant Giant Acrobatic Cards some jumbo cards are dealt face up face down alternating, they turn over again while a second packet is now mixed alternately, double backers
VariationsAlso published here 1937 127
Kent Arthur "Never Idle" Cards slop shuffle Triumph with twelve card packet
Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 81)
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Restless Cards seven cards are shown, squared, then alternating face-up/face-down, repeated, partial rough-smooth
Also published here 1948 5
Bob Hummer The Stubborn Card No. 46
1950 81
Edward Marlo Effect No. 11 cards dealt face-up/face-down alternately, yet all cards are face-down again
1951 6
Toni Koynini Switch It deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer sorts cards out behind his back except free selection, deck switch
  • The Basic Switch
  • Switch It
  • Alternative Routine
1951 5
Eddie Joseph Give Me Another Chance selection not found after slop shuffle, second selection made, then both found
1951 6
Eddie Joseph Everything Goes By Three shuffled deck, card chosen from one half put anywhere in spread of second half, slop shuffle, wrong card cut to, wrong card face-up in Triumph climax, selection spelled to
1951 10
Eddie Joseph Triple Discovery three cards lost and revealed, slop shuffle triumph climax
1951 11
Bill Simon The Turnabout six or seven packets put together face-up and face-down, they sort themselves the same way
Variations 1954 18
Tony Kardyro The Boxed Cards from the Pockets "or The Reversed Cards from the Pockets or The Sloppy-Mixed Cards from the Pockets"
deck mixed face-up/face-down, deck put in two pockets, performer removes cards oriented one way in stages, selection remains in pocket
1955 32
Edward Marlo The Time Machine 3&3, three reds and blacks are alternated, Ace of Spades put in center of one half, the other half shuffled upside-down, all things are undone when traveled back in time, writing of time written on a business card vanishes
Variations Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Edward Marlo All One Way eight cards mixed face-up/face-down, then all one way again, repeat, two extra cards
  • Notes to All One Way (with roughed deck idea)
Variations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo Hummer-Marlo packet mixed with cato procedure by spectator under table, one card remembered, performer sorts all except selection, faro
Related to Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 32
Al Leech Easy Aces Reversed
1959 24
Bob Hutcheson, Jr. Remarkable Face Up and Face Down Revelation cards are turned over, number chosen by spectator, selection is only reversed card at the end
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen Ups and Downs
Inspired by 1967 213
Tan Hock Chuan Ruhelose Karten seven cards are shown, squared, then alternating face-up/face-down, repeated, partial rough-smooth
Also published here 1967 26
Roy Walton The Overworked Card Triumph type of effect, one card travels from bottom to top and turns every reversed card over
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1969 33
Bruce Cervon Turnabout Is Faro Play "Method II", spectator separates face-up/face-down with closed eyes
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Karl Fulves Triumff
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Miss triumph, only Aces face up with one card in between each, three selections, dated 1962
1970 97
Bob Still Sight Unseen eight or nine cards placed under head, spectator reaches underneath and turns some cards over, then performer, then spectator again, when hat is lifted only selection is face-down
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Also published here 1970
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Allan Ackerman Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
1971 32
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up color changing Triumph, red-blue double backer, including "Non-Gimmicked Method"
1971 3
Derek Dingle Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
Related toVariations 1971 3
Roy Walton Travellers in Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
VariationsAlso published here 1971 22
Roy Walton Parrott Fashion triumph, red Queens face-up with selection in the middle
Also published here 1971 38
Jim Lee, Edward Marlo Triumph Plus with four-of-a-kind productions
Inspired by 1972 78
Derek Dingle Mental Triumph mathematical selection procedure
Related to July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Derek Dingle Gambler's Triumph matching the cards / triumph combo
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Derek Dingle Progressive Triumph four selections, funny presentation, solution
Inspired by July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Dai Vernon Vernon's Magic Mix No. 21, cards put alternately face-up/face-down with spectator, all straighten out except selections, half the deck is double backers, cheek to cheek
1972 11
Dr. Jacob Daley Birthday Trick No. 570, triumph with four cards face-up that consist of the spectator's birth year
1972 159
Karl Fulves Progressive Triumph posed as a problem
Related toVariations 1973 18
Jack Avis Topsy Turvy triumph with ambitious phases and four-of-a-kind kicker
July 1973
Epilogue (Issue 18)
Derek Dingle Royal Triumph "Progressive Triumph" with color changing back kicker, simplified handling
Inspired by 1973
Innovations (Issue 2)
Derek Dingle Royal Triumph Variation with Zarrow shuffle
Also published here 1973
Innovations (Issue 2)
John Carney Color Triumphant...Again triumph, then all cards except selection change color of the back
Related to 1973 (ca.) 4
Edward Marlo Impossible Location Triumph
1974 135
Edward Marlo Surprise - Surprise - Surprise Aces produced, triumph effect with no reversed cards, Aces reverse at once
1974 156
John Miller Riffle Ups and Downs based on Gene Finnell's "Ups and Downs" (Free Cut Principle)
1974 216
Jerry K. Hartman Over-reaction deck divided into four piles, shuffled together face up and face down, deck rights itself except for selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1974 25
Jerry K. Hartman Every Which Way a mini-Triumph with nine cards, “essentially a packet version of (see reference)”
Related to
  • “The Jabberwock at the Card Table” (Bill Zavis, The Gen, November 1965)
1974 27
Jerry K. Hartman Multiple Turnovers two selections lost in deck, packets are cut into hand, alternating face up and face down throughout deck until all is reassembled, deck is spread and all cards face same way except both selections
Also published here 1974 28
Gustave Southall Pseudo Strippers simulating a stripper deck with Zarrow shuffle
1975 30
Derek Dingle 4-Way Triumph with four named cards from poker hands, Daley's Blindfold Poker Deal meets Triumph
Variations 1975 31
Jerry Mentzer Card Mix Up cards mixed face-up/face-down without a riffle shuffle
1975 27
Jerry K. Hartman Poker Face-to-Face Four cards selected from Poker hands, Triumph
Inspired by 1975 23
Bruce Cervon Triumph Fast Flush royal flush production, pivot revelation, combined with triumph
1976 53
Frederick Braue Count-Down Triumph wrong card used to count to selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 11)
David Britland Through the Fourth Dimension
Oct. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Paul Harris Joker Poker triumph with color changing back kicker, Color Stunner
1976 33
Paul Harris Color Stunner color changing deck triumph, credit to Dingle for plot
VariationsAlso published here 1976 41
Frederick Braue Counting On Triumph wrong card used to count to selection
Also published here 1976 3
Martin A. Nash Collectors Triumphant plot combo, faro
1977 230
Martin A. Nash In His Cuts Triumph/Magician vs. Gambler - combo
1977 262
Jerry Mentzer Phase II
1977 136
Kevin Davie Red-Black Surprise see p. 531 for corrections
Inspired by Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Philip T. Goldstein Disguise Aces, slop shuffle, three Aces + x, x is transformed into last Ace
1977 20
Jean Faré Criss Cross Triumph Selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
Variations 1977 32
Jean Faré Triumph Color Change Handling of Color Triumphant by Derek Dingle (uses Marlo's Hung Card gimmick)
Inspired by 1977 35
Allan Ackerman, Derek Dingle Thinking it Through color chaning deck climax
1978 37
Allan Ackerman, Heck The Spectator's Triumph spectator shuffles cards face up and face down, ungaffed (almost)
Inspired byVariations 1978 68
Brother John Hamman 2 Shuffles Harry red black kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Richard Kaufman Triumph cards rise from face up / face down deck which is then rightened
1978 20
John C. Wagner J.C.'s Color Changing Deck Routine
Inspired by 1978 36
Doug Alker Rainbow Triumph three cards, triumph, rainbow deck as a kicker
Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Simon Aronson Triumph for Two two cards selected, Triumph and one card shows, cards re-spread and same selection is face-up and first one transformed into second one
1978 4
Jon Racherbaumer Hofzinser Triumphs selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
Inspired by 1978 6
David Solomon Triumphant Aces selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
  • Racherbaumer Addition
Inspired by 1978 10
Edward Marlo Swindle Triumph color changing deck, single odd-backed card used
1978 12
Simon Aronson, David Solomon, Edward Marlo Stop Perfecting Triumph! first selection used to count down to second after Triumph
  • Dave Solomon Handling
Inspired byVariations 1978 27
Jon Racherbaumer Push-thru Failure Triumphs
1978 29
David Solomon Toss-in Triumph no card reversed after Triumph, indicator is tossed next to selection
1978 33
Frederick Braue Deal-down Triumph
Also published here 1978 43
Paul Swinford, William Zavis, Mike Rogers Every Which Way Mini Packet Triumph (nine cards), three methods:
  • I. Paul Swinford
  • II. William Zavis
  • III. Mike Rogers
Inspired byAlso published here 1978 75
Martin A. Nash A Problem With Fulves Progressive Triumph Plot
1979 355
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Triple Triumph red black kicker and four king production
Related to June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Daryl Martinez Double-Dazzling Triumph two selections, deck shuffled face up into face down, two cards are reversed, indicator cards to find selections, then deck is separated into red and black cards
VariationsAlso published here 1979 1
John F. Mendoza Timing of "Color Triumphant" see also p. 69
Related to 1979 14
Edward Marlo The Melding Pot two decks are shuffled together and separate
The Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Roy Johnson Farbtriumph color changing deck climax
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 11
Stephen Minch San-Sub
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Don England Very Simple R/B Triumph red-black separation climax
1981 21
Don England Color Changing Deck Triumph with kicker
1981 41
Derek Dingle Poker Triumph with four named cards from poker hands
1981 9
Karl Fulves Notes by Karl Fulves "Poker Triumph" variation, with color changing back kicker for four-of-a-kind
1981 12
Ken Simmons A Triumph For You two selections, Triumph with one selection face-up in center, cards re-spread, now second selection in center and first in pocket
1981 31
Roy Walton The Overworked Card Triumph type of effect, one card travels from bottom to top and turns every reversed card over
Also published here 1981 24
Roy Walton Travellers in Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here 1981 69
Roy Walton Parrott Fashion triumph, red Queens face-up with selection in the middle
Also published here 1981 87
Derek Dingle CutOff
Variations 1982 27
Derek Dingle Little Miracle selection changes back color, two handlings
1982 140
Derek Dingle Four Poker Triumph combined with Triumph
Related toVariations 1982 144
Derek Dingle Progressive Triumph four selections, funny presentation
1982 145
Derek Dingle Royal Triumph "Progressive Triumph" with color changing back kicker
VariationsAlso published here 1982 147
Derek Dingle Deluxe Anytime Color Triumphant color chaning deck kicker
Variations 1982 196
Derek Dingle Color Triumphant II color changing deck climax
Related to 1982 199
Michael Farmer Eight Is Enough eight turns up but is wrong, is used to count to selections
Feb. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 2)
David Grenewetzki, Brother John Hamman "TSHocker" with new deck order kicker
Inspired by 1982 97
Ian Land Getting Lost in the Shuffle Hofzinser Ace Trick combined with Triumph, optional red black separation climax
Aug. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Bob Farmer Double-Dazzling Slop Shuffle Triumph two selections, deck shuffled face up into face down, two cards are reversed, indicator cards to find selections, then deck is separated into red and black cards
Inspired by 1982 15
Ian Land Imperfect Triumph? another card ends up reversed and its value is used to count to selection, without stack
Inspired by Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Card Mix Up mixed face-up/face-down in bunches without riffle shuffle, at the end the card named by performer is only reversed card
1982 14
Mike Bornstein Two Card Reverse two selections, cards shuffled face up into face down, deck is cut and selections end up as only reversed card in each pile
Related to 1982 22
Mike Bornstein Sandwich Triumph sandwich cards end up reversed with selection in between, after triumph
Variations 1982 24
Mike Bornstein Cherchez La Femme Triumph collectors meets triumph, using four Aces and four Queens
1982 26
Mike Bornstein Lalapalooza Aces Aces lost in one pile and four selections in second pile, piles shuffled face up into face down, all cards end up face down except four pairs each consisting of an Ace and a selection
1982 30
Mike Bornstein Four Pile Triumph deck shuffled face up into face down, cut into four piles and Aces appear on the bottom of each pile, triumph ending
1982 33
Mike Bornstein Color Poker Triumph deck shuffled face up into face down, Royal Flush is produced which then turns out to be with different colored backs, triumph ending
1982 35
Mike Bornstein Paint Brush Poker deck shuffled face up into face down, Royal Flush is produced, triumph ending
1982 39
Larry Jennings, Roy Walton Morlock's Revenge red-black shuffle, Triumph, single ambitious phase, time-travel presentation
Inspired byVariations 1983 56
Al Smith Fresh Sliced sandwich/triumph combo
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Ben Harris Super Cruel Triumph Triumph effect with color changing back kicker, half the deck is of different color
1983 72
John F. Mendoza, Bernard Bilis Calculated Triumph small packet cut off, selection made and returned, deck shuffled face-up and face-down, all one way except sandwich in center with selection, sandwich cards total cut-off packet
Inspired byVariations 1983 59
Ed Balducci, Frank Mireider The Auto Mazo Deck 1934, see also p. 63 for comment by Ralph W. Hull
  • #1 Thought of Card Reversed
  • #2 Alternate Reverse Trick
  • #3 Selected Card Found Reversed
  • #4 Selected Card Transferred from One Half of Pack to Another
  • #5 Three Card Monte
  • #6 The Vanishing Aces
Variations 1983 58
Karl Fulves Spectator's Named Triumph spectator sorts out face-up/face-down shuffled deck below the table by himself except for named card
1983 110
Marc Russell Tell Tale Triumph selection lost, then Aces lost, face-up/face-down shuffle, Ace of same suit as selection found, then other Aces are reversed in deck with selection in between
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Michael Powers Four-Tune Hunter named four-of-a-kind produced
1983 16
Ken De Courcy Any Which Way Slop shuffle triumph, deck is shown to fix themselves, red-black separation, except for four reversed Aces, cards are separated during slop shuffle
1983 16
Edward Marlo, Bernard Bilis I Missed impromptu version of Bilis' "Calculated Triumph", packet cut off, Triumph with rest, selection between two face up cards whose values add up to number of cut off cards
Inspired by 1984 57
Edward Marlo Eddie Still Shuffles Once aces in different parts, suits separated
1984 69
David Tropeano Hofzinser Triumphs! Triumph-Kartenkunste-combo
June 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Jerry Sadowitz Vendetta
1984 20
Stephen Tucker Stitches in time Triumph effect with pseudo-Bob-Hummer presentation/procedure, spectator "unmixes" deck themselves via long mathematical/Hummeresque procedure
Inspired by 1984 3
Paul Harris Sensuous Shuffle Triumph/Reverse routine with deck in incomplete riffle shuffle position, halves turn over and rise up
Related to 1984 20
Bill Kalush Trapped Triumph combination of Triumph and Sandwich effect, deck in order with card in correct position, with variations
Related to 1984 28
Ian Land Red Rust September backs of two selections change color as kicker
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Brother John Hamman New Shuffles Harry starting with shuffled deck
Related to Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Color Coordinated Triumph! color changing deck climax
1985 32
David Britland Tri-umph "In the midst of chaos something always turns up"
no shuffle, three packets placed face-up/face-down
Related to 1985 14
Roger Crosthwaite Another Triumph four Aces face-up sandwiching selection
Inspired by
  • Gordon Springstead's routine in "The Sorcerer's Eye" Vol. 1, Nr. 11. 1977.
1985 30
Larry Jennings The Bonus Trick four-of-a-kind kicker
Variations 1986 29
Ron Ferris Glamour-Ace weird concept for a triumph-collectors-combo
May 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Ken Simmons Triumphing for a Change color changing deck kicker
1986 33
Dai Vernon In Uniform eight cards small packet Triumph
1987 117
Karl Fulves Power of a kind slight effect variation
1987 38
John Carney Triumph Rip Off cards shuffled face up / face down, face up cards are "ripped through" deck except selection
Also published here 1987
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Conjuring con Carney)
Roberto Giobbi Die Zeitmaschine red-black shuffle, Triumph, single ambitious phase, time-travel presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 16
Jamy Ian Swiss The Obligatory Card Trick
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 7
Jamy Ian Swiss Brainy Triumph wrong card found and used to count down to selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 10
Jamy Ian Swiss Juan Betterini presentation for Daryl's effect
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 17
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up Color Changing Triumph
1988 242
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up - ungaffed Color Changing Triumph
1988 247
Edward Marlo The Spectator Really Triumphs spectator does shuffling, too
1988 214
Ron Ferris Mardi Gras Queens cards are not really "shuffled", rather bizzar
Apr. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 4)
Jörg Alexander Weber DDT "Double Decker Triumph", presentation for Triumph, face-up/face-down shuffle deck put in case and ordered deck taken out
Inspired by 1988 46
Shigeo Takagi Reddish-Blue Triumph Color Changing Deck Kicker
Also published here Mar. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins True Triumph haphazard mixing on the table
Related toVariations May 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 5)
Brother John Hamman Two-Shuffles Harry begins with shuffled deck
Related toAlso published here 1989 87
Brother John Hamman The Pesky Card triumph with red-black kicker and selection to pocket finale
1989 89
Brother John Hamman Cream Rises to the Top triumph combo in which aces show up and change into selections
Related to 1989 191
Juan Tamariz I. Tamariz Jumble faro, cards rightened below table
1989/91 221
Jerry K. Hartman Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Jan. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Gary Ouellet Three Triumphant Cuts deck is cut somewhere and reversed three times, selection ends up on top and all cards are face down again
Variations 1990 147
Shigeo Takagi Rising Triumph deck shuffled face-up/face-down, selection rises, then Triumph
Variations 1990 51
Shigeo Takagi Color-Shift Triumph color changing deck climax
Also published here 1990 53
Dan Fleshman Triumphant Sandwich at the end two sandwich cards are found face up with a selection in between
1990 74
Robert Gardner "Sloppy" Spectator Spectator (!) does Slop Shuffle
Jan. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 1)
Alex Elmsley A Minor Triumph with ten cards
Related to 1991 256
John Carney Triumph Rip-Off cards shuffled face up / face down, face up cards are "ripped through" deck except selection
VariationsAlso published here 1991 164
John Bannon, Bob Farmer Clock O'Doom clock trick with small packet triumph sequence, selection travels from packet to deck, see Racherbaumer reference for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1991 20
Richard Bartram, Jr. The Ripper quarter shuffled face up into face down quarter, other half is shuffled into it and face up cards ripped out
VariationsAlso published here 1991 650
Jerry K. Hartman Over-Reaction deck divided into four piles, shuffled together face up and face down, deck rights itself except for selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 278
Jerry K. Hartman Multiple Turnovers two selections lost in deck, packets are cut into hand, alternating face up and face down throughout deck until all is reassembled, deck is spread and all cards face same way except both selections, updated explanation
Also published here 1991 280
Jerry K. Hartman Every Which Way Mini Packet Triumph (nine cards)
Also published here 1991 283
Al Smith Fresh Sliced sandwich/triumph combo
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 20
Justin Higham Hofzinser Triumphs In One Shuffle selection is lost, Triumph shuffle, reveal to have three Aces face up with selection face down amongst them, then selection's value used to find final Ace
Inspired by Mar. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 9)
Chris Kenner Paint by Numbers triumph with four Royal Flush climax, which are "painted" on rubber back of close up pad
Inspired byVariations 1992 140
Ken Simmons Triumphing for a Change color changing deck kicker
Related to 1993 24
Jerry Mentzer Color Change Deck Routine Triumph with four Aces, deck changes back color
1993 197
Richard Bartram, Jr. The Ripper quarter shuffled face up into face down quarter, other half is shuffled into it and face up cards ripped out
Also published here 1993 63
Richard Bartram, Jr. Fortunato quarter shuffled face up into face down quarter, other half is shuffled into it and face up cards ripped out, with selection reversed
1993 65
Richard Bartram, Jr. Morella quarter shuffled face up into face down quarter, other half is shuffled into it and face up cards ripped out, with Aces reversed
1993 66
Steve Mayhew, Jack Carpenter Mayhew's Master Deal Ace climax
Related to 1994 19
Karl Fulves Triumph With Math tapestry layout and foldover
1994 39
Karl Fulves Trapper Keeper Triumph in which two cards are reversed at end that sandwich selection
Variations 1994 96
David Neighbors Colorful Rip-Off Triumph cards shuffled face up / face down, face up cards are "ripped through" deck except selection, with color changing back kicker
Inspired by Sep. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Aldo Colombini Follow This! card chosen, Triumph in which deck except selection changes back color
1994 4
Aldo Colombini Triumph Trio Queens are only reversed cards in the end
1994 47
Aldo Colombini Las Vegas deck shuffled face-up/face-down by cutting piles on the table, two cards end up reversed sandwiching the selection
Inspired by
  • Tom Craven effect
Related to
1994 61
Bill Simon, William P. Miesel, Karl Fulves The Forgetful Gambler No. 54, deck shuffled face-up/face-down, they right themselves except for Royal Flush, rest of deck changes back color
1995 107
U. F. Grant Die akrobatischen Riesenkarten some jumbo cards are dealt face up face down alternating, they turn over again while a second packet is now mixed alternately, double backers
Also published here 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Daryl Martinez Double Dazzling Triumph two selections, deck shuffled face up into face down, two cards are reversed, indicator cards to find selections, then deck is separated into red and black cards
Also published here 1995 79
James Swain The Airmail-Card Triumph done with signed card, this card is then removed from wallet with different back design and stamp
Also published here 1995 92
Aldo Colombini Flip Flop deck is cut somewhere and reversed three times, two cards are revealed at the end and transpose, variation with Aces
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Genii
1995 73
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Middle Deal Miracle deck shuffled face-up into face-down, all face-up cards are "center-dealt" out of the deck leaving only face-down cards, suggests a few variations, see Carpenter references for "a different write-up of this effect"
Related toVariations 1995
Labyrinth (Issue 3)
Steve Dry The Technicolor Divide deck with mixture of red- and blue-backed cards used, mixed in backs and also face-up/face-down, all cards sort out (faros) except two selection
Feb. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Paul Cummins The Trick that never happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 7
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins True Triumph mixing hapzardly on the table
1996 6
William Goodwin, Ray Kosby The Un-Topsy-Turvy Deck halves are left telescoped and spread - one half visibly rights
Related toVariations Spring 1996 73
Paul Harris Unshuffling Rebecca cards in incomplete faro condition reverse themself without being squared
Variations 1996 23
Paul Harris Color Stunner color changing deck triumph
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Peter Duffie Pasteboard Detection mathematical, CATO
May 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 5)
Dominique Duvivier Tri-Oomph! Locate Aces in Triumph routine
1996 35
Michael Kaminskas Triumphant Return red/black separation kicker
Variations 1996 7
James Swain The Airmail Card Triumph done with signed card, this card is then removed from wallet with different back design and stamp
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 1
James Swain Perfect Triumph ambitious card with joker, joker put in breast pocket, Triumph with all cards face-down, when spread face-up the deck is in new deck order with joker reversed and selection in breast pocket
Related to 1996 41
James Swain, Alex Elmsley Brainweave follow up with Play It Straight type effect
Inspired by 1996 84
Chad Long Sloppy Business slop shuffle triumph with business cards
1997 3
Nick Trost Dingle's "Royal Triumph" - Trost Version Four kings with odd backs will change into four selections
Inspired by 1997 182
Wesley James, Harry Lorayne Siamese Shuffle "shuffle" travels from one half to other
  • Method I
  • Method II (twenty-six double backers)
  • Method III (thirteen double backers)
  • Method IV - Cold Deck (deck switch presentation)
  • The Lorayne Approach (deck switch presentation)
Related to 1997 62
Peter Duffie Still Scheming Play it Straight Triumph type of effect with CATO procedure, use half a deck
Inspired by 1997 144
Peter Duffie Some Might Say Triumph type of effect, end with four of a kind
Inspired by 1997 159
Doug Edwards Jumping Colors Deck shuffled face up and face down - suddenly all the face up cards are black except one red card which is the selection
1997 21
Steve Mayhew Regressive Triumph: Part 1 - An Effect And A Problem deck is mixed face-up into face-down, a riffle causes some of the face-up cards to turn over, another riffle and all turn over except one - the selection, see reference for variation that ends clean
VariationsAlso published here 1997
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
Karen Beriss, Stephen Hobbs Regressive Triumph: Part 2 - A Solution same plot as Part 1 (see reference), but end by making the Aces reverse in the deck, or have the Aces available for a future trick
Inspired byAlso published here 1997
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
Bruce Cervon Turnabout is Faro Play spectator separates face-up/face-down with closed eyes, "This is an interesting effect. I don't say it is a good effect, but it is certainly novel."
Related to 1998 134
Bruce Cervon Turnabout is Faro Play II spectator separates face-up/face-down with closed eyes
Also published here 1998 136
Bruce Cervon Turnabout is Faro Play III spectator separates face-up/face-down with closed eyes
1998 137
Larry Jennings, Bruce Cervon Revealment triumph & dealing thing
1998 138
Karl Fulves Triumph With A Twist spectator and performer select a card from half the deck each, halves shuffled together face-up/face-down, top half spread, cards face-down except spectator's selection, bottom half face-up except performer's selection which is mate of spectator's selection
Related to 1998 183
David Solomon Solo-Hummer packet mixed with cato procedure by spectator under table, one card remembered, performer sorts all except selection
Inspired by
  • "Hummer Outdone" (Ken Simmons, Choice Effects No. 5)
Related to
Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Jason Alford Poker Triumph Magician vs. Gambler story
Inspired by 1998 27
Steve Bedwell Shake Shuffle and Twist invisible deck / Triumph combo
Also published here 1998 ca. 3
Allan Ackerman, Simon Aronson, Steve Mayhew Mayhew Poker Again Mayhew Poker Deal, mistakes turn out to be a Royal Flush
VariationsAlso published here 1999 32
Steve Mayhew Freedom Mayhew Poker Deal, face-up cards shuffled in face-down cards, then all reversed cards dealt out, four Ace kicker
VariationsAlso published here 1999 4
David Regal Letter Perfect Spectator mixes stack of alphabet cards face up/down, the face down cards spell his/her name
1999 88
Jon Racherbaumer Clocker Shocker clock trick with small packet triumph sequence, selection travels from packet to deck
Inspired by Oct. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 10)
Justin Higham Failure Turned Into Triumph
Inspired by 1999 57
Chas Roberts Try Myumph instant magical face-up/face-down mixing, then righting
Related to
  • "The Drunk Magician Triumphs" (Ken Simmons, Bob LaRue, Infinity April 1998)
Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Place The Aces twenty-card packet mixed face-up/face-down, all cards right except Aces
2000 56
Jack Avis Reverso seven cards triumph without selection
2000 133
Richard Bartram, Jr. Joker Assisted Triumph ends in new deck order, faros
Inspired by 2000 17
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Automatic Ace Triumph hands-off, dealing procedure, sixteen cards, parity
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 5)
Jerry K. Hartman Biumph small-packet Triumph effect, cards are openly alternated face-up/face-down, then all cards face same way
Also published here Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Steven Hamilton Stressed Out Card in-the hands, deck changes into rainbow deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 19
Jon Racherbaumer Tick-Tock Dot Doc clock trick with small packet triumph sequence in which the chosen hour and then the selection are reversed, selection vanishes, previously tabled prediction turns out to be selection
Inspired by 2000 37
Andrew Wimhurst Whispering Henry's Triumph adding a Triumph finale to Roy Walton's routine
Inspired by 2000 50
Reinhard Müller Surprise Ace Triumph Aces shuffled reversed into packet, face-up/face-down mix, all cards right except the Queens
Inspired byRelated to 2001 139
Roy Walton Back Into Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here 2001 8
Iain Moran A Colourful Triumph color changing deck climax, two cards taped together, used like a pocket card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Oct. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Jack Avis Club sandwich five packets put together face-up and -down, only two selections reversed at the end
Inspired byVariations 2002 97
Jack Jansen Variant five packets put together face-up and -down, only two selections reversed at the end, with further idea by Lewis Jones
Inspired by 2002 98
Jamy Ian Swiss The Obligatory Card Trick
Also published here 2002 7
Jamy Ian Swiss Brainy Triumph wrong card found and used to count down to selection
Also published here 2002 11
Jamy Ian Swiss Juan Betterini presentation for Daryl's effect
Also published here 2002 17
Paul Cummins The Trick That Never Happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Roberto Giobbi, Larry Jennings All's Well That Ends Well red-black shuffle, Triumph, single ambitious phase, time-travel presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 1361
Karl Fulves Select & Reject one of two cards decided upon, then triumph
Variations 2003
Off The Books (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Not Not True prediction written and torn up, two cards chosen and one put back, Triumph done, rejected card turns out to be dismissed prediction
Inspired by 2003
Off The Books (Issue 10)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shiftless Royalty ten cards taken from deck and every second card turned over, suddenly only selection is reversed
Related to 2003 42
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Impaired Royalty another method, small packet triumph
Related to 2003 44
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Ambitious and Overworked
Inspired by 2003 55
Armando Gutierrez Rising Card with Triumph deck shuffled face-up/face-down, selection rises, then Triumph, then selection is revealed
Inspired by 2003 17
Al Leech The Sandwich Aces distributed in one half which is placed reversed in center of rest, cards right themselves except Aces ("Hot Card Trick No. 3", ca. 1950)
2004 16
Max Maven Over Easier Small packet Triumph with nine cards - selection shown to have different colored back
Inspired by 2004 29