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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Escape No. 12, card travels from rubber-banded half to other half, cards are secretly propelled to other half
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 42
Louis Lam Center to Top Reverse similar to Future Reverse, but to top instead of to center
Related to 1935 8
Paul Harris Super Swindle sandwiched signed card, sandwich folded up, card vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1977 1
Looy Simonoff Flippant
Variations Sep. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Edward Marlo Banded: That's Impossible!
  • First Effect: face card on banded deck changes
  • Second Effect: top and bottom card of banded deck change, a center card turns over
  • Third Effect: face card of banded deck changes
  • Fourth Effect (An Ambitious Bit): card comes to top in banded deck
  • Emphasizing the Difference: card peeked at in banded deck turns over
Related to 1981 85
Bill Kalush Rubber Ringer finger ring on rubber band
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Roger Klause Klause's Bill Switch
Variations 1983 18
Frank Garcia, Bill Spooner Topper bluff display
Related to 1985/87 20
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Squiggle spectator marks card, marking, pen color and card are predicted
Variations 1986 25
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Red Prediction signature travels onto odd-backed prediction
1986 31
Richard Sanders Signature Duplication apparently wiping signature away, here with coins
1986 68
Richard Sanders Two-Card Monte Switch Variation
1986 78
Richard Sanders Richard Sanders bill vanishes and appears in cap of pen which was lying on the table
Gimmick (Issue 7)
Roberto Giobbi Seminar-Voranzeige announcement of lecture by John Carney and Richard Sanders in Basel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on the John Carney lecture, Dondo Burghardo, Hermanion, Richard Sanders lecture, Paul Diamond lecture, Rolf Andra, Albert Sala, Ivan, Yrus, Joe Galabs, Johannes Held, Chris Maurer, Max Giebe, Kurt Baldrian, Die Magischen Zehn, Robert Kaldy-Karo, Doré, Santo & Monique, Salvano, Aremi, Pavel, Jacky Steel & Athene
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 4)
Richard Sanders Trick Photography card appears on photograph of performer, selection
Variations May 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Richard Sanders Force from Packet
May 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Notes on some of the tricks, at back of book actually
1987 xi
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Bio's... at back of book actually
1987 xiii
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Name Your Price price tag from jacket ripped off, changed from $50 to $300 and reattached to string, see also p. xi at back of book
1987 1
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Bound to Fool two rubber-banded Queens, card selected, Queens whisper name to performer, selection appears between, see also p. xi at back of book
Variations 1987 4
Richard Sanders Combination Force/Control selection outjogged, pushed in and top card pushed forward when hand is raised, bold
Related to 1987 5
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Breaking the Habit with borrowed cigarette
1987 7
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Making Change quarter in bull dog clip over a flame, changes into two dimes and a nickel, see also p. xi at back of book
Variations 1987 11
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Switch-Places Aces a red Ace and a black Ace transpose multiple times, then both change into previous selections
1987 13
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Topper Tack outjogged center card removed while pivoting the deck upwards, switched for top card
Related toAlso published here 1987 15
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Twice Lit match torn out of match book is lit, blown out, lit again, vanishes and reappears attached inside
1987 20
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Seventy-Five Persent corner torn off borrowed bill changes into quarter coin, bill folded in spectator's hand, quarter pushed in hand and bill is restored, see also p. xi at back of book
1987 23
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Bill Switch folded
1987 25
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Thought Thief card shown around, the spectator who chose it cannot recall it while everyone else can, see also p. xii at back of book
1987 26
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders A Change for the Better copper and silver coins transpose twice, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands
Variations 1987 30
Tenkai Ishida, Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Pointing Transfer Move
Related to 1987 31
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Short-Changed for the Better copper and silver coins transpose once, then given to spectator, they change into Chinese coins in his hands, see also p. xii at back of book
Inspired by 1987 35
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Coin Drop Transfer as hands pass each other, top change dynamics
1987 36
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders T.A.R. clean look, piece stuck to back of thumb
Related to 1987 37
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Making Change Again quarter changes into two dimes and a nickel, impromptu version without the clip
Inspired by 1987 39
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders An Ambitious Section general comments
1987 41
Richard Sanders A Not so Humble Beginning getting into a routine, selection suddenly appears face-up on deck
1987 41
Richard Sanders Reverse from Center to Top for visual appearance
Related to 1987 42
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #1: Face-up Finale deck rubber-banded, thrown in other hand, selection appears face-up on deck
Related to 1987 43
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #2: The Rubber Room Rise deck rubber banded, spectator checks that his card is not on top, but then it is
1987 45
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #3: Top Card "TOP CARD" written on back of top card before selection is pushed flush, yet top card becomes the ambitious card
1987 47
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Stretching the Habit cigarette torn in half, both halves stretched to full cigarettes again
1987 49
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Impromptu Link two phases
Inspired by 1987 52
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Mr. Stickman stickman drawn on paper, it vanishes from there and appears on back of selection
Inspired byVariations 1987 57
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders One-Bill Wonder using only single bill, torn in two pieces, both pieces put in one hand one by one, the restore
1987 61
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Dryspell play doh hardens
1987 65
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Pure Delight Ring Flight ring put in purse vanishes and appears on finger of other hand behind back
Related to 1987 68
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Gesture Drop Transfer as sleeve is pushed up a bit
1987 69
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Collision conversation
1987 71
Mark Vincent Mark Vincent based on a routine by Richard Sanders, performer places card next to selection in spread
Gimmick (Issue 10)
Ben Harris Green Card Transpo two rubber bands, one has a hundred dollar bill stapled to it, the bands transpose but the bill remains
  • Additional Convincer (related to "T.A.R." in reference)
Related to 1987 7
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders One for Fifty-One! signed card on table transposes with whole deck in rubber-banded case
Related to Mar. 1987 82
Mark Sicher Rubberband Sandwich
Inspired by Mar. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 3)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Pointing Transfer
Variations 1990 20
Douglas Cameron Check It Out mentioning lost tricks in the literature
Related to Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
Jerry K. Hartman A Well Designed Prediction spectator marks card, marking, pen color and card are predicted
Inspired byVariations 1991 657
David Acer Lickety Flip Ace split in two, suddenly all four Aces are produced
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Alexander de Cova Hangman Plus stick figure on cardboard vanishes and appears on back of signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 108
Jim Sisti (reviewer) On Foot by Richard Sanders
with Patrick Reymond
Sep./Oct. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 25)
David Acer A Word About the Contributors Rick Bronson, Barry Julien, Simon Lovell, Richard Sanders
1995 11
Richard Sanders, David Acer Four on the Floor card selected, indifferent card changes into mate and other cards of same value are on either side
Inspired by 1995 18
Richard Sanders Sleight of Elbow
1995 38
Richard Sanders Finger Ring False Placement ring apparently put in purse
1995 55
David Acer Transposition Ring Flight borrowed finger ring put in coin purse, it changes into key, ring now on hook in key case
Related toAlso published here 1995 60
David Acer The Camera Never Lies deck used as camera, FISM Flash, previously indifferent card changes into selection
VariationsAlso published here 1995 81
Richard Sanders A New Development blank card changes into selection, deck used as camera
Inspired by 1995 84
Richard Sanders Richie's Double Bill Switch bill changes twice and then back
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1995 111
David Acer Around the World in 80 Dollars multiple currency changes
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 117
Richard Sanders, David Acer The Body Swap two persons hold up a big sheet of cloth and things travel from one face to the other, eventually the persons transpose
Also published here 1995 141
Richard Sanders, David Acer The Sanders Inquisition interview with Richard Sanders
May/June 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 35)
David Acer The Magic of Richard Sanders intro
May/June 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 35)
Richard Sanders Cramped signed bill vanishes and appears inside cap of marker
May/June 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 35)
Richard Sanders Employee of the Month card appears on photograph of performer
Inspired by May/June 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 35)
Richard Sanders Sanders on The Belanger Cigarette Through Quarter using Paul Belanger Cigarette Through Quarter by Camirand Academy of Magic
May/June 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 35)
Richard Sanders Four Ace Me Not four Ace production, in the hands at once
Sep./Oct. 1996
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 37)
Joe Rindfleisch Card Force
Related to 1997 1231
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Three Ropes and a Baby by Richard Sanders Mar./Apr. 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 40)
Michael Close (reviewer) Three Ropes and a Baby by Richard Sanders Aug. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Michael Close (reviewer) Picture This! by Richard Sanders Aug. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Michael Close (reviewer) Richard Sanders: Close-Up Assassin by Richard Sanders (written by David Acer) Oct. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
David Acer A Day in The Life #1 - The Sanders Incident anecdote with Richard Sanders
1999 37
David Acer, Richard Sanders The Time Machine chop cup presentation
1999 180
Robert Herritt, Jay Sankey Pointing Transfer Variation
Inspired by Aug. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 8)
Richard Sanders Plop Small rubber ball visually appears as invisible purse frame is opened
Also published here May/June 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 53)
David Oliver (reviewer) Snowstorm by Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Apr. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 4)
Matthew Field (reviewer) Roadkillers by David Acer, Richard Sanders May 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 5)
David Acer, Richard Sanders Splittant a Four visibly splits into two Twos
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 8)
Mark Zacharia (reviewer) Richard Sanders' Visi-Bill by Richard Sanders Spring 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 62)
Michael Close (reviewer) Roadkillers by Richard Sanders, David Acer Mar. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 7)
David Acer, Richard Sanders Expertalk: David Acer & Richard Sanders on the Rub-Away Vanish
Also published here Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Richard Sanders Introduction
2003 3
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Pointing Transfer
Apr. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 4)
Joe M. Turner (reviewer) Slow Burn by Richard Sanders Apr. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 4)
Michael Close (reviewer) Slow Burn by Richard Sanders Feb. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 6)
David Acer Splittant Aces Magician visually splits a red Two and black Two into four Aces
Related to 2004 36
David Acer, Richard Sanders Splittant
2004 36
Richard Sanders, David Acer Unlawful Entry Card penetrates a door
2004 76
Richard Sanders, David Acer Time Boards Triumph-shuffled deck rights itself except for three cards, which tell the time
VariationsAlso published here 2004 139
Richard Sanders Ringworm Knot on rope visually changes into a finger ring, coin purse (where ring was previously) shown to contain the knot
2004 212
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders The Pointing Transfer
2004 229
Richard Sanders, David Acer Pocket Exchange Coin in hand visually transposes with coin in pocket
2004 241
Richard Sanders Plop! Small rubber ball visually appears as invisible purse frame is opened
Also published here 2004 273
Justin Hanes, Richard Sanders Slide Change
2004 4
Jay Sankey Wham Bam! face-up prediction, three chosen cards match the prediction, backs are boldly marked, rest of deck blank
Inspired by
  • an unnamed Richard Sanders trick
2004 20
Jay Sankey, Frank Garcia Topper Tack outjogged center card removed while pivoting the deck upwards, switched for top card
Related toAlso published here 2004 55
Jay Sankey Drew as I Drew two scribblings made with pen on business cards without looking match
Inspired by 2004 131
Richard Sanders Pile of Change spectator holds out some change, performer takes a penny and changes it into a quarter and hands it back
June 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 6)
Richard Sanders Richie's Double Bill Switch Fiver bill borrowed, becomes Ten, then Twenty, then Five
Also published here 2006 144
Richard Sanders Three Fold Ten to Fifty to One to Ten dollar bill
2006 146
Richard Sanders Fast Forward bill borrowed and serial number recorded, bill transforms into old worn-out bill with notes on it, has same number
Also published here
  • Visi-Bill (video, 2002)
2006 252
David Solomon The King Thing Revisited Kings found, lost again, produced from different locations
Inspired by
  • "The King Thing" (Richard Sanders Video)
2007 71
David Regal (reviewer) Any Ring by Richard Sanders June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
David Regal (reviewer) Interlace by Richard Sanders Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
Richard Sanders Foreword
2008 3
David Oliver (reviewer) Extreme Burn by Richard Sanders July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
David Oliver (reviewer) Tagged by Richard Sanders June 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 6)
Richard Sanders The Twinkle Change
Sep. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 9)
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Identity by Richard Sanders Oct. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 10)
Cameron Francis Business Burn blank stack of business cards prints visually
Inspired by
  • "Slow Burn" (Richard Sanders, marketed)
Dec. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 12)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders, Tenkai Ishida Tenkai's Pointing Transfer Variant Done with spongeballs
Related to 2010 50
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Powerball 60 by Richard Sanders, Bill Abbott Jan. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 1)
David Oliver (reviewer) Liquify by Bill Abbott, Richard Sanders Mar. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 3)
Bedros "Spidey" Akkelian Post That! spider drawn on post-it note is stuck to top card of deck, note travels to other cards, finally vanishes and appears on selection
Inspired by
  • "Little Stickman" (Richard Sanders, Genii, June 1992)
Aug. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 8)
Richard Sanders False Finger Ring Placement finger ring apparently put in purse
2011 11
Richard Sanders The Pointing Transfer Tenkai Pennies transfer
2011 17
David Acer Money Flies rope taken out of small purse, four coins produced from rope, then each coin travels into glass, last changes into many smaller coins
Part 1: Cord Coin Holder
Part 2: Flight of the First Coin
Part 3: Flight of the Second Coin
Part 4: Flight of the Third Coin
Part 5: Hands-Free Coin-to-Glass (Richard Sanders)
Part 6: Through the Hand
Part 7: From Pocket to Glass
Part 8: Through the Glass
Part 9: From Another Pocket to Glass
Part 10: The Big Finish
Also published here 2011 93
David Acer, Richard Sanders The Body Swap two persons hold up a big sheet of cloth and things travel from one face to the other, eventually the persons transpose
Also published here 2011 115
Richard Sanders Making Change quarter is split into two dimes and a nickel
May 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 5)
Danny Orleans (reviewer) Ultra Gum by Bedros "Spidey" Akkelian, Deven Ye
Richard Sanders
Oct. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 10)
Richard Sanders Pointing Transfer Tenkai Pennies transfer variation
June 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 6)
David Regal (reviewer) Uprising by Richard Sanders Oct. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 10)
Alexander de Cova Hangman Plus stick figure on cardboard vanishes and appears on back of signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 132
David Oliver (reviewer) Priceless by Richard Sanders, Michel Huot Aug. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 8)
Richard Sanders, David Acer Time Boards Triumph with ending that reveals three cards, which tell the current time, uses Slop Shuffle
Also published here 2019 3
Eugene Burger Greed four one-dollar bills change to twenties and back
  • Addendum
  • History of a Script
Inspired by
  • "Extreme Burn 2.0", Vertical Turnover (Richard Sanders, DVD)
2019 73
David Regal (reviewer) Any Card by Richard Sanders Jan. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 1)
John Graham Final Sale number prediction on price tag of jacket, spectator guess price correctly
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2021 115
David Acer, Richard Sanders Expertalk: David Acer & Richard Sanders on the Rub-Away Vanish
Also published here 2022 76
Fritz Alkemade Just In Time 2.0 Triumph with ending that reveals three cards, which tell the current time, uses Faro Shuffle and Goodwin/Jennings Display
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 1054
John Bannon Blind Pebble Ace Fling value on card indicates how many seconds the performer has to find the Aces, three are found "in the other hand", indicator card changes into final Ace
Inspired by Mar. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 3)