135 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Penetration / Hand
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
T. Nelson Downs V. Kunststück mit zwei Münzen two coins, they travel from hand to hand in various combinations
May 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Nelson Hahne Deviating Dime dime placed on performer's closed hand, covered with half dollar, dime penetrates hand
1930 50
A Coin Through the Hand back of hand
1935 15
Bob Hummer A Rare Coin Stunt coin in closed fist, other hand on top, quick upward motion and coin lies on top of fist
VariationsAlso published here 1941 11
Laurie Ireland Through the Palm
1942 31
Harry Baker Penny-Tration seven pennies counted in spectator's hand, one penetrates it
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 3)
Eddie Joseph The Penetration Change coin through hand as secret switch
1942 28
Eddie Joseph The Repeat Coin Trick marked coin penetrates into left fist, repeated a few times, then coin travels into spectator's pocket which is loaded during routine
1942 71
Nelson Hahne Dime Through Hand
Related to 1943 145
William S. Houghton Another Shell Coin Routine penny coin through hand, coin becomes two pennies, one changes into a quarter, another quarter produced, coin vanishes from spectator's hand, dull/shiny double-headed coin
1943 47
Tom Sellers The Penetrative Coins four coins penetrate the hand one by one
1943 15
3. Die Durchdringung der Materie coin penetrates hand, with matchbook
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 1)
Don Tanner Coin Thru the Hand two methods (sticky and sleeving)
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Ross Bertram The Porous Paw
Variations 1951
Stars of Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Bob Hummer A Rare Coin Stunt coin in closed fist, other hand on top, quick upward motion and coin lies on top of fist
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Ross Bertram, Clyde Cairy, Through the Hand three methods a. Inside out (Clyde Cairy Method) b. through the fist, rubbing c. Inside out (Ross Bertram Method)
1952 66
Coin through Hand
1952 183
John Ramsay Coin through Hand with extra coin
1952 185
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 1 With a Single Coin
1952 341
Eddie Joseph Slow Penetration Through Hand repeated
1952 34
Fay Smith Follow Up on Hummer's Rare Coin Stunt coin penetrates from back of the hand into fist, reversed Hummer effect
Inspired by 1953
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Tommy Vanderschmidt No Rivet coins through hand, covered by match box drawer, cap and pence variation
Oct. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 291)
Harry Baker Penny-Tration seven pennies counted in spectator's hand, one penetrates it
Also published here 1956 36
Edward Marlo Hand Penetration wrapped in paper
1957 17
Fred Kaps Coin Through Hand penny is put on back of closet hand and covered with a silver dollar, penny penetrates hand
1960 (ca.) 5
Tony Kardyro X Change half Dollar and Quarter change places, then both penetrate hand
Apr. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Milton Kort Magnetic Stack of Quarters
1966 457
John Mulholland The Mulholland Box cross-breeding of Okito and Al-'N-Nate
  • To Cause Six Coins to Disappear Inside A Closed Box
  • To Return The Six Coins to the Box
  • Coin Penetrating Box and Hand
  • Another Coin Penetration
1966 491
Milton Kort Paul Fox Coin Cups Routine coins penetrate cup and hand, then cup penetrates and coins remain
1966 495
Milton Kort, Walter Wilson, Ron Bauer The O-Korto Box Routine coins penetrate hand, spectator cannot place coins into box, box penetrates hand and coins remain, two routines
Related toVariations 1966 497
Stewart Judah "Mystic Coins" Routine coins and chrome cap
Also published here 1966 506
Tony Slydini One Coin Routine many phases, featuring lapping vanishes, retrievals, hand penetration
  • Slydini "Touches"
VariationsAlso published here 1966 35
Jack Ganson German Box Routine six pennies penetrate hand and handkerchief
1967 57
Dan Tong Perambulating Coins various travels and hand penetration with penny and nickle, using gimmick with penny/nickle glued together
1969 70
Eddie Joseph Crash Entry empty left hand wrapped in handkerchief with rubber band around wrist, coins in right hand slapped against wrapped hand, coins penetrate handkerchief and hand into left hand
1969 86
Jules Lenier Triple Penetration coin through hand, three phases
1970 2
Tom Fitzgerald Penny-Tration one of three coins penetrates hand, moving two coins quickly to produce optical illusion of third coin
Nov. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 39)
Horace E. Bennett Marked Coin Thru Hand three times, with extra coin
Dec. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 43)
George Sands Coins Through Hand two coins one back of closed fist penetrate hand, one by one
1971 ca. 10
Al And Nate Box No. 438, coins through hand using coin box, folding coin for unclear effect
Related to 1972 126
Tony Kardyro Stand Up Quarter and Half Penetration quarter and half penetrate back of performer's hand
1973 96
Jochen Zmeck Durch die Hand two phases, first phase as in Genii
Inspired by
  • Loyd, Genii magazine
1974 14
Tenkai Ishida Penetrating Coin hand on knee, coin penetrates hand
Also published here
  • Tenkai's "My Fifty Years In Magic"
1974 76
Al Schneider Dynamic Coin one coin routine
1975 87
Scotty York A Triple Penetration of a Coin Through the Hand three times, two coins
Variations 1975 3
John Ramsay Coin Through Hand
1975 3
Jerry Mentzer Penny thru Hand penny grows to dollar-sized penny during hand penetration
1975 7
Derek Dingle Coins Thru the Hand
  • Stand-Up Coins Thru The Table
  • In The Spectator's Hand Version (coins penetrate performer's hand and drop into spectator's hand)
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #4)
Tony Slydini Applying the Moves short coin routine, vanish, reproduction and through the hand
1976 28
Tony Slydini Another Routine short coin routine, vanish, reproduction and through the hand
1976 28
Tony Slydini One Coin Routine eleven phases, featuring lapping vanishes, retrievals, hand penetration
Related toAlso published here 1976 70
Darion Sagan, Philip T. Goldstein Half Through coin through hand
Aug. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Anath Viswanathan Coin Through Hand same movement as reference
Inspired by June 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Ross Bertram The Porous Paw
1978 16
Ross Bertram Through the Hand
1978 21
Ross Bertram A Penny-Tration extra coin
1978 30
Ross Bertram The Penetrating Coin - Method #2
1978 31
Bobby Bernard, Bob Hummer The Hummer Coin Penetration
1978 22
Lewis Ganson Coin through Box and Hand
1978 8
Coin Through Hand
  • ....and back again
1978 146
Bob Hummer A Rare Coin Stunt coin in closed fist, other hand on top, quick upward motion and coin lies on top of fist
VariationsAlso published here 1980 19
Steve Beam Through the Hand through back of hand into glass
1981 55
Phillip Young Up Through the Slot coin through back of the hand
1982 67
Stephen Tucker Blood-Money coin through hand, then blood appears on coin
Jan. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Paul Brignall Suckered coin vanish and coin through hand, sucker element
Mar. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 11)
William Goldman Coined three coins penetrate hand one by one
Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
John Carney The Particle Push coin through hand, several phases
Mar. 1983 60
Stephen Tucker Yippee! coin through hand or table, with a coin half
Mar. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 23)
Mike Gallo Making Change - Backward silver dollar kicker
June 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 6)
John M. Bauman Back Handed three coins penetrate back of hand
Nov. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Michael Weber Coin Through Spectator's Hand seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1984 3
Mike Gallo More Than a Penetration coin penetrates hand three times, then coin grows in two step
Inspired by 1984 104
David Roth Coins Through Hand coins penetrate coin box and hand
1985 231
Stewart Judah Mystic Coins coins and chrome cap
Also published here July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Michael Weber Coin Through Spectator's Hand seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Also published here 1985 4
Larry Jennings The Chinese Connection in spectator's hand where they change into chinese as a climax
1986 75
Hank Miller Added Touch coin through Specatator's hand with nice subtlety
Dec. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Gary Kurtz Coin Through the Hand
  • Coin Through Hand Vanish
1988 7
Bruce Berkowitz The Upsy-Daisy Change through the fist
Dec. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 12)
Bob Hummer Slap Coin No. 9, coin in closed fist, other hand on top, quick upward motion and coin lies on top of fist
Also published here 1989 12
Bruce Elliott Slap Coin Variation several coins penetrate from inside fist to top
Inspired by 1989 13
Gary Kurtz Variation on Ramsey's Coin Through the Hand
1989 10
Michael Close Chicken Teryaki coin through hand, c/s transpo
1993 89
Steve Draun An Okito Favorite coins penetrate hand, spectator cannot place coins into box, box penetrates hand and coins remain
Inspired by May 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Through the Hand
1994 85
Ray Kosby Coin Thru Hand With Conservation of Linear Momentum
1994 8
Mike Bornstein Ultra Coin Penetration stack of coin through hand of performer, rolled bill as cover tube
1994 54
Karl Norman The Coin Collection copper and silver coins change places with silver coin, twice, coins travel to empty box, climax: coins pentrate the hand
1995 30
Anthony Davis Skin Graft pealing of some skin, also to remove a coin from under skin
Mar. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 1)
David Acer Through the Hand into glass
1995 42
Felix Farrell Back to the Future coin penetrates back of the hand and appears inside closed fist
1995 92
Ray Kosby Jumbo Coin Thru Hand jumbo coin and half dollar switch places
Feb. 1995
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Paul Cummins Multiple Choice
1996 32
Paul Cummins Pitchin' Penetration with dollar kicker, backclip, clean
1996 34
Milton Kort Okito Less Box Routine with invisible Okito box, four coins through hand
1997 27
Paul Cummins Pitchin' Penetration half dollar through performer's hand three times, second half dollar appears, they change into a single silver dollar
July 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Jack Avis Salute to Ramsay metal cap (Oktio box without lid) with four coins, one penetrates hand
1998 18
Milton Kort Going, Going, Going, gnioG, Gone Coin through hand four times, then vanishes (sequences include those by Felicien Trewey, Jose Frakson)
Inspired by 1999 151
Milton Kort The Okorto Box Routine Coins in coin box penetrate out through hand, then box penetrates hand
Related to 1999 209
Milton Kort The Invisible Okito Box Four coins penetrate through hand one by one (presented as Invisible Okito Box for magicians) first published in The New Tops, vol. 34, no. 2, Feb 1994
1999 243
Chuck Smith Cap and Pence
2000 3
Patrik Stenberg The Stenberg Penetration coin through spectator's hand, muscle pass
Also published here Oct. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Al Baker Stack of Coins through the Hand
2003 740
David Ben Wonder Coin coin through hand, coin above chose card, melts through cards in second phase leaving hole, see also Bob Farmer's "Journey to the Center of the Deck" (Linking Ring Sep. 1983)
2003 85
Bob Fitch Flipped applications of flipping coin and catching it on hand
  • Phase 1: Production
  • Phase 2: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 3: Feint
  • Phase 4: Mid-air Disappearance and Reproduction
  • Phase 5: Penetration
  • Phase 6: Revolve Penetration
  • Phase 7: Reverse Penetration
  • Phase 8: Crazed
  • Phase 9: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 10: Disappearance and Ditch
  • Phase 11: Reproduction and Jumbo Climax
2003 236
Miguel Ángel Gea Coins Through Everything through hand, table and a glass
2005 (ca.) 2
Curtis Kam Fourth Verse: Leave 'em Laughing comment on "Thru and Thru", no details
Related to
  • "Thru and Thru" (Curtis Kam, Palms of Steel 3: Silverado)
2006 13
Gunnar Bårdsen Down Payment
Inspired by Feb. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 2)
John Ramsay Coin Through Hand
2006 42
Ken Krenzel Silver Fist
Apr. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 4)
Curtis Kam Coin through Hand
Mar. 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 1)
John Ramsay The Partial Penetrating Coin coin visibly penetrates hand
Nov. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 11)
John Ramsay Coin Through Hand
Nov. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 11)
Shiv Duggal Cash in Hand coin through hand, back up, coin vanishes and reappears
  • The First Penetration
  • The Second Penetration
  • The Final Penetration
July 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 7)
Miguel Ángel Gea A través de la mano coin penetrates hand several times
2009 155
Ian Kendall Stigmata
  • Part 1: Up
  • Part 2: Down
Jan. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 1)
Michael Weber Sevin seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Also published here 2010 1
Michael Weber Sevin coin through spectator's hand, clean
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 1
David Acer Money Flies rope taken out of small purse, four coins produced from rope, then each coin travels into glass, last changes into many smaller coins
Part 1: Cord Coin Holder
Part 2: Flight of the First Coin
Part 3: Flight of the Second Coin
Part 4: Flight of the Third Coin
Part 5: Hands-Free Coin-to-Glass (Richard Sanders)
Part 6: Through the Hand
Part 7: From Pocket to Glass
Part 8: Through the Glass
Part 9: From Another Pocket to Glass
Part 10: The Big Finish
Also published here 2011 93
Michael Weber Sevin seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Also published here 2011 1
Michael Weber Sevin coin through spectator's hand, clean
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 3
Eric Stevens Lazybones Three coins travel from hand to hand, then penetrate through fist
2015 17
Jonathan Friedman In Clenched Fist three phases
Jan. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 1)
Vanni Bossi No Fleshy Barrier large coin through hand
2016 132
Vanni Bossi A Simultaneous Turnover and Steal applied to coin through hand and box
Related to
  • David Lederman (MUM, Vol. 54 No. 9, Feb. 1965, p. 432)
2016 160
Pulling and Pushing a Ball Through the Back of the Hand ball through hand, similar to coin through hand methodology
  • Dan Sherer (additional comments)
  • Max Maven (additional comments)
Also published here
  • Hōkasen, 1764
May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)
Scott Robinson Carpal Tunnel coin penetrates through hand from inside fist, three phases
  • “Three-Coin Version” (see p. 83)
2018 78
Scott Robinson Carpal Tunnel (“Three-Coin Version”) three coins placed into fist and one at a time they penetrate out
2018 83
Ryan Plunkett Magnetic Silver two coins become apparently magnetic, one then travels across from hand to hand
  • Through-the-Hand Cleanup
2020 65
Carisa Hendrix The Polite Pickpocket five coins in spectator's hand, one vanishes and appears on spectator's shoulder, another vanishes, then four coins penetrate coin box and magician's hand
Inspired by 2020 139
Colin Robinson My Ice Pick Is in the Mail coin through performer's hand, three phases, coin apparently stuck in hand in last phase
Inspired by
  • "Carpal Tunnel" (Scott Robinson, Pure Imagination, 2019)
  • "Vertical Thumb Palm Muscle Pass" (Tomoya Horiki, DVD Sprout: Ideas for Coin Magic, 2016)
2020 218
John Carney Ramsay Redux coins appear to jump from hat to hand, penetrate hand, reappear in hat, hat full of spring bills
Inspired by
  • "Three Coins In the Hat" (Andrew Galloway, The Ramsay Legend, 1969)
2020 174
John Carney A Coin Penetrates
2020 185
Patrik Stenberg The Stenberg Penetration coin through spectator's hand, muscle pass
Also published here 2022 126
Jeffrey Wang Coin Through Hand(s) coin visually penetrates the performer's hand from bottom to top, then the spectator's hand
June 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 6)