153 entries in Coin / Gaffed / Magnetic
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edwin Tabor Transmutation of Metal coin changes on palm of hand, magnet, Raven precursor
Sep. 1945 153
Dr. William Weyeneth Die Geldrolle finding marked coin among others in hat, followed by french translation "Le rouleau d'argent"
Mar. 1945 1
Dr. William Weyeneth Das verschwindende Geldstück coin vanishes on table, with handkerchief, followed by french translation "La pièce envolée"
Mar. 1945 2
Dr. William Weyeneth Zündholzschachtel und Geldstück coin penetrates matchbox, followed by french translation "La boite d'allumettes et la pièce"
Mar. 1945 4
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty, Dr. William Weyeneth Fluidum coins and cigarette cling to deck of cards, followed by french translation "Fluide"
Mar. 1945 5
Milbourne Christopher Magnetic Magic magnetic holdout in trousers at back of leg
Related to Feb. 1947 293
Arthur H. Buckley The Magnetic Pass with One or Several Coins magnetic holdout in trousers at back of leg
Related to 1948 76
3. Die Durchdringung der Materie coin penetrates hand, with matchbook
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 1)
Dr. William Weyeneth Gagnez vos paris coin in bottle filled with water is removed under handkerchief without spilling, followed by german translation "Um Ihre Wette zu gewinnen"
Jan. 1948 5
The Magnet handlings for steel coin and magnet
1952 258
Milton Kort Vanish vanish of a steel coin, with magnet
1952 259
Dr. William Weyeneth Seltsame Wanderung einer Münze coin travels from one matchbox to another
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Dr. William Weyeneth Die springende Münze coin in glass vanishes, covered with handkerchief
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Portemonnaie Trick ten and twenty cent pieces, are either placed inside a purse, divination by performer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 6)
Fred Kaps Coin Vanish Under Card coin vanishes and reappears under card, with swivel magnet gaff
1960 (ca.) 5
P. Howard Lyons Arsey Versey coin divination, magnetism
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Ben Maghy Karo und Karola small coin placed inside ring is covered with card and cork, coin vanishes and appears inside a matchbox
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 5)
Gerald Kosky Penny-Thru two effects with steel pennies and postcard with magnet, coin to glass and coin assembly
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Magnetic Coins
1966 438
The New Quarter and Half Dollar Transposition gaffed version
Inspired by 1966 439
Stewart Judah The Coins and the Matchbooks coins travel around underneath matchbooks
Also published here 1966 452
Milton Kort Magnetic Stack of Quarters
1966 457
U. F. Grant The Queen Bows coin penetrates tray and falls into glass underneath
1966 482
Dr. William Weyeneth Das Fünferli an der Bureaunadel two signed coins are placed inside a glass with other coins, signed coins cling to paper clip on thread and are fished from glass
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 1)
Dr. William Weyeneth Magische Feinkost peg on card used to cover coin, coin vanishes and appears again
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
Bill Ewington Nickel Nickel six coins, three in hand and three under cigarette package, they travel into hand one by one, cigarette pack as coin tray and with magnet
July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen Coins Apart four copper and four silver coins are mixed in the hand, copper coins travel to the other hand, with a stick
1969 109
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Spieler-Glück one of two coins penetrates glass
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 2)
Dr. William Weyeneth Unmögliches möglich machen signed coin located blindfolded among other coins
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 4)
Jörg Benz Eine kleine Münzenwanderung coin penetrates coaster
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Ellison Poland Okito Box Innovations
  • magnetic base, coin through box application
  • magnetic lid
1969 123
Ger Copper Speaking of Money half dollar changes to dollar and back, then to quarter and giant coin
1970 6
Roger Smith Will I Never Again coin is placed inside a triangle of matches and covered with a playing card coin vanishes
Oct. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Roger Smith A Simple But Quite Expensive Coin Routine You'll Like - Part 1 sandwiched coin in box penetrates box and hand, Jo-pro Box
Nov. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Cushing Strout Gaffed Coins coin through plastic case into glass from Okito box, magnetic
July 1971 431
Dr. William Weyeneth Die folgsamen Fünferli ten coins placed inside a plastic cup, coins can be released in groups of five, then number is named and only that amount drops from cup, potato is produced as climax
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 3)
Sam Schwartz Incredi-Box Magic combination of Boston & Okito box with shims in bottom and lid
  • Construction
  • Instant Push Through (coin through bottom of box)
  • Quick Change (four half dollars change to four quarters in box)
Related to Mar. 1972 510
J. W. Sarles A Coin Switch table edge, suggestions with magnetic or hook coin in "Added Notes", see also p. 679 for reference
Related to
  • "The Portcullis Coin Switch" (Abra #803)
Nov. 1972 569
Victor Torsberg Money-Back Guarantee magnetic coins unloaded on magnet in pocket
Magick (Issue 42)
Jerry Mentzer Magnet Matrix magnetic coin and shimmed card
1973 87
Jerry Mentzer Miracle Coins Thru Playing Cards repeat penetration of card, falls into glass underneath
Inspired by
  • J. H. Thompson's "A Good 5c Pass" (Linking Ring)
1973 91
Marvin Johnson Okito Box Notes 4
Inspired by Oct. 1973 680
Ellison Poland Conjuring Coins Concocted
  • home-made copper-silver coin with foil impression
  • making magnetic coins
1973 77
Karl Fulves Money in the Bank penny dropped in piggy bank, then it turns out that piggy bank has no slit, see also p. 758 for comment by Marvin Johnson
Feb. 1974 709
Jerry Mentzer One Cup and Coins coins produced from small metal cup, then coins travel from hand to cup one by one, two handlings

Inspired by
  • routine by John Murray
1975 5
The Jo Pro Coin Box Okito box with steel insert, coin from hand to box, then through box and playing card
1975 25
Jon von Gillern Drop Cop "Two with Coins"
playing card on glass, coin on top, other glass on top, card pulled out, coin drops in lower glass and changes to copper
Related to Feb. 1975 859
Jerry Mentzer Magnetic Matrix
1975 19
Jerry Mentzer Miracle Coins thru Playing Card card rests on glass and coin repeatedly penetrates it and fall in glass
1975 24
Tom Fitzgerald 16c Mental X-per-a-ment three coins in a cup, turned over and only one drops out, repeated
Magick (Issue 134)
Marshall Weinstein Witch's Coin marked coin among other coins is found in bag
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 138)
Harold "Harix" Matt Wetten, dass... coin on spectator's hand is covered with a die and a handkerchief, spectator removes die and handkerchief and closes hand, coin changes to other coin
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 3)
Lawrence Nudelman Traveling Coins with 2 One-Dollar Bills four coins in square formation assemble under cover of two bills
1975-1978 ca. 4
Lawrence Nudelman Vanishing Four Coins - (One at a Time) tabled routine, magnetic
1975-1978 ca. 10
Gene Castillon Magnetic Marlo Meets Okito shimmed Okito Box, magnetic copper/silver coin
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Clayton Rawson, Walter B. Gibson, Jerry Ross Date Sense coins in handkerchief, one with specific date is found, several versions
Magick (Issue 161)
Rolf Mayr Münzen + Becher à la Chop coins in cup vanish and appear, two magnetic cups are used
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 4)
Scotty York I. Borrowed Nickel Thru Spectator Hand - (Almost) borrowed Nickel turns into five Pennies when tapped with pen, on spectator's hand
1977 1
Lewis Ganson, Bob Gill, Eddie Gibson, J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen Magnetic Coins uses of magnetic coins with Okito box
1. coin through box
2. box load (Bob Gill)
3. handlings with box and a card (Bob Gill)
4. Eddie Gibson's Coin Unique gaff set for vanish sequence
5. other magnetic materials (Rink)
1978 11
Lewis Ganson Two Times Ten coin penetration with coin box and cigarette pack, using magnetic shell set "Coin Unique" (Eddie Gibson)
1978 13
Bob Gill Box Clever coin through card into glass with Okito box, magnetic coins
1978 18
Larry Becker The 35 Millimiracle II five film capsules, marked coin is placed in one and found by performer
1978 88
Stephen Tucker Music to My Ears coins in a box, box secured with rubber bands and held by spectator, chosen coin disappears and appears in performer's hand
1978 5
Magnetic Half-Dollar, English Penny Set
1978 120
Magnetic Coin
1978 122
Steel Shim Coin (Steel Core Coin)
1978 122
Coin Through Glass
1978 160
Copper/Silver Transposition
1978 174
Bill Tarr Coins and Magnets
  • Magnetic Coin
  • Steel-Core Coin
  • Disadvantages
  • Magnets
  • Jacket Holder
  • Sleeve Holder
  • Pocket Holder
  • Under-the-Jacket-Holder
1978 176
Bill Tarr Cuff Steal
1978 178
Bill Tarr Close-up Magnetic Coin Routine
1978 180
Stephen Minch Dreams in the Witch-House water turns to blood (chemical) and back to water when stirred with a bone, coin travels to cloth bag in locked box, case moves on table uses Joseph Fenichel's "The Crawler"
Also published here 1979 27
Albert Verity Crawling 10p Piece coin moves on paper, magnetic
1980 49
Steve Dusheck By the Handful single penny changes into dime, then bunch of pennies change into dimes
Also published here 1980 ca. 2
Steve Dusheck By the Handful single penny changes into dime, then bunch of pennies change into dimes
Also published here 1980 ca. 8
Ron Dowse Tidier coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
David Himelrick Witching Rod paperclip is bent into miniature dowsing rod, finding half dollar coin in one of several envelopes, others contain pennies
Sep. 1984
Magick (Issue 339)
Stewart Judah Münzen und Streichholzheftchen coins travel around underneath matchbooks
Also published here July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Stewart Judah Eine Aufsitzer-Routine routine with coins and matchbook
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Stewart Judah Der unsichtbare Münzenflug coin travels from cup to hand, then from box apparatus to cup
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Pat Conway Coin and Tin Penetration
Also published here
  • Ron MacMillan's "Magic Info" of Oct. 1972
1987 144
Bob King Cig Through Quarter Get Away
1989 18
Ron Dowse Krawitschko coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Neil Somerville Money Sense coins placed inside envelopes, performer locates marked coin
June 1990
Magick (Issue 441)
Michael Powers China Syndrome card repeatedly penetrates table, also into spectator's hands, then coin penetrates into spectator's hands, multiple handlings
Inspired by 1990 130
Keith Walker The Elusive Penny several coins, penny penetrates lid of matchbox, then travel to second lid
Sep. 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Steve Dusheck Experiment No. 10 magnet hidden in one-finger Sanada type gimmick
1991 53
Bob King Way Ahead Coins to Glass
1991 17
Steve Dusheck Innocent coin balanced on finger, touched with card, it instantly changes
1992 11
Steve Dusheck Migration four coins assemble under one card one by one
1992 14
Steve Dusheck Capital Pennyshment coin appears and reappears under any of three pill caps, monte/cups&balls
1992 17
Steve Dusheck Inner Sanctum coin changes twice in plastic tube
1992 23
Steve Dusheck Magnetic Chinese Ring Illusion coin vanishes when covered with rings (à la Wisenheimer Coin Trick), reappears, penetrates into plastic card case
1992 27
Steve Dusheck Turnover Penny penny on card turns over, then is found glued onto card
1992 30
Steve Dusheck 3 Mile Nukel paddle routine with coin
1992 39
Steve Dusheck Concave Con coin looks smaller through lens, then it actually is smaller
1992 42
Steve Dusheck Tumble Vision coin vanishes when covered with glass, can also penetrate, mouth covered with working surface paper
1992 66
Larry Becker Mail Mental named number on label attached to coin, Lippincott coin box
Inspired by 1992 217
Larry Becker Kliptomaniac three coins with different dates are sealed in three envelopes, performer divines dates, with variation
Related toAlso published here
  • in "M.U.M." February, 1987.
1992 239
Ken Brooke The Ken Brooke Coin Trick edited reprint from 1964, coin penetrates silk into glass twice
Inspired by
  • "The Marconick Coin Trick", ca. 1963
Jan. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Bob Gill Bob Gill on The Ken Brooke Coin Trick observations on Brooke's coin-through-silk and magnetic coins
Inspired by Jan. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Cointact marked coin in envelope found among other envelopes with coins inside
May 1993
Magick (Issue 489)
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Der Hosenmagnet magnet in trousers as hold out, production of coin
Related to 1993 162
Charles McFarland Ghost Coin coin stand up on its edge by itself on the spectator's hand
July 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Frederick Braue Spirit Cartography - Version One
1996 1
Frederick Braue Spirit Cartography - Version Two
1996 3
Allan Ackerman A Clean Start choreography to have coins examined while holding out shell, magnetic ring
1997 10
Allan Ackerman, Looy Simonoff Some Put-Downs methods to release coin/shell from magnet Harlin ring
  • Slide Put-Down
  • Roll Over Put-Down
  • Looy's Put-Down
1997 13
Allan Ackerman Some Put-Ons getting shell from magnetic Harlin ring onto another coin
- In-Your-Hands-Put-On
- Tabled-Put-On
1997 16
Allan Ackerman A Good Pick-Up coin moved on table, simultaneously shell stolen off another coin, magnetic Harlin ring
1997 19
Bob King Coins Across using Miller hold-out
1999 7
David Acer Quartermain three coins penetrate a deck one by one that sits on top of a glass
1999 164
Vernon Winiecke Transpo Coins coin inside spectator's fist visually transposes with coin on top of his fist
Inspired by
  • "Pennys Thru Table" (Tony Kardyro)
Related to
Discoverie (Issue 4)
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones The coin can coin into can
  • Variant 1 (with the prop)
  • Variant 2 (with no props)
2002 259
Wayne Dobson Coin Flux 2 two coins threaded together
Inspired by
  • "Coin Flux" (Wayne Dobson, Pro-File)
2002 13
Hiroshi Sawa Mother and Daughter coins adhere to each other
Nov. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 11)
Michel Huot Signed Quarter in Balloon
  • Part I: The Penetration
  • Part II: The De-Penetration
Variations 2003 29
Don Nielsen Supercharged Silver ring changes to coin, involving a magnetic coin that is moved from sleeve to hand with magnetic pen
Related to 2005 414
Jack Avis Triple Coin Penetration coin through handkerchief, again, then through glass
2006 207
Michael Powers Ten To One with visible transformation on spectator's hand, magnetic shell
2006 179
Axel Hecklau One Coin coin vanish and reproduction
2008 14
Stéphane Bourgoin Final Flight coin travels from one spectator's hand to another, magnet under band-aid
Inspired by
  • Richard Robinson's "Fixed Raven" in "Absolute Vanish"
Jan. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 1)
Geoffrey Durham Thirty Years of Coins and Bottles
  • Coin In Bottle 1: coin openly placed in jar magically transports to small bottle that spectator holds
  • Coin In Bottle 2: fairly standard Coin in Bottle effect, much detail on handling and staging
2008 123
Stephen Minch Dreams in the Witch-House water turns to blood (chemical) and back to water when stirred with a bone, coin travels to cloth bag in locked box, case moves on table uses Joseph Fenichel's "The Crawler"
Also published here 2009 69
Wayne Houchin Expectation penny changes in dime in hand of spectator, magnet strap
June 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 6)
Tom Stone Dump Vanish to ditch multiple coins silently
Also published here 2009 36
Miguel Ángel Gea Enmangues con elementos externos sleeving with external elements, thread, magnet
  • Hilo
  • Imanes
2009 151
Jon Allen Isolated Isosceles three coins and three cards
2009 12
Troy Hooser Triple Threat Describes basic handlings for the Triple Threat gimmick by Todd Lassen, two shells and a coin that nests together with magnets
  • Simple Production
  • Three Coin Vanish
Related to 2010 63
Troy Hooser Wand Change Wand used to make three silver coins appear, then change to Chinese coins, uses magnetic coins
2010 75
Troy Hooser Breast Pocket Ditch Point to your face while ditching stack of coins into breast pocket of jacket, magnetic
2010 77
Troy Hooser Purse Stack Produce and vanish three coins with invisible purse, uses magnetic coins
2010 78
David Acer The Sock Catcher sock travels from dryer into change bag, then initialed coin does
  • Part One: Sockgate
  • Part Two: Coingate
Oct. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 10)
Tom Stone Magnetic Multiple Vanish to ditch multiple coins silently
Also published here 2011 24
Jeff Prace Slo-Mo Coin coin cut, then the coin visibly moves along in-the-hand spread towards selection
Apr. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 4)
Chris Westfall Magnetic Steal A marked penny is mixed around with other pennies in the card box, marked coin is secretly stolen out of the box
2013 22
Jonathan Pendragon Magneto ring with magnet, for Miser's Dream
2013 80
Mike Caveney The Nailed Card quarter to forehead with nailed coin, then presentation for invisible deck using fifty-two decks, card nailed to forehead
2013 61
Mahdi Gilbert Sleight of Foot coin vanishes and reappears at tip of shoe
2013 8
Christian Scherer Der kleinste 3D-Kopierer der Welt three different coins put in a coin box and they transform into china coins one by one
2014 50
Koudai Cointeger dollar is split in two half dollars, then in four quarters, then reversed back to a dollar
Mar. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova One Coin Killer jumbo coin production as end of one-coin routine
2015 66
Jeff Prace Split Winnings
  • Left-Handed
scratch ticket is scratched and restored, using split coin gaff
Mar. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 3)
Jan Logemann An Anfang war 'ne Münze three coins appear and vanish, jumbo coin finale, pendulum, incorporating appearing sand in presentation
2019 4
Motoki Kaido No RAVEN Replicate a RAVEN vanish using a split coin
2021 238
Ricardo Rodriguez Caudales por cabales multi-phase coin routine, three coins are produced, travel and vanish, using a glass and handkerchief
Inspired by 2021 109
Joshua Jay The Wager
  • The River
four coins in hand transpose with a bill inside a purse
Inspired by
  • "Four Coin Trick" (Eugene Burger)
Apr. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 4)
Covered Lapping multiple coins under cover of crossed arm, silent
Apr. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 4)
Doug Brewer Lethal Extender Chinese coin transposes with three half dollars one by one, ends with visual change on spectator's hand, with mug and card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2008
2022 718
Angelo Carbone Visible Coin Through Glass Table coin pushed through glass table so it falls into drinking glass underneath
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2009
2022 823
David Regal A Useful Vanisher
  • Material Concessions
magnet on nylon loop, can hang on back of hand
  • Performance: A Vanish and Recovery
  • A Sit-Down Vanish
Inspired by
  • "Now-U-C-It, Now-U-Don't" (Jeff Stewart, marketed)
June 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 6)
Mortenn Christiansen Stage Coin Vanish + Metal Detector coin vanishes and reappears multiple times, using electronic metal detector, card-to-coin ending
2023 44
Jonathan Pendragon Copentro Jr.
  • Panmagium
"Or, Coin in a Bottle Without the Bottle"
two glasses of different size are put mouth-to mouth to make a "locked" glass container that the spectator holds, coin is pushed through bottom of upper glass
Mar. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 3)