32 entries in Coin / Sleights / Vanish / Single Coin Vanishes / Gaffed
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Vanishing a Dime coin vanishes from between two bigger coins
Related to 1935 28
Coin on Thread
1938 676
L. Vosburgh Lyons The "Good-Bye" Coin coin on pull
July 1940
The Jinx (Issue 100)
Joseph Ovette A Penny "Sucker" dime and penny version, one coin vanishes
Jan. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Lloyd W. Chambers New Coin Vanish elastic pull up sleeve, alternate method of hooking up elastic to coin (no hole)
1941 10
James F. Herpick Sight and Touch Vanish coin vanish from trouser fold
1941 42
T. Nelson Downs Fallacy of Vision "Two Impromptus By T. Nelson Downs", gaff on coin to clip coin to finger
1941/49 29
The Phantom Coin shell applications, coin travels, coin vanishes
1942 122
Ronald B. Edwards Silver Vanish sticky tape
Dec. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 116)
A. Vantur La pièce qui disparait au pli du pantalon coin vanishes in fold of trouser followed by german translation "Das Geldstück welches in der Falte der Hose verschwindet"
Nov. 1946 14
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia, José "Jomar" Rodriquez Camblor La Moneda que Camina (Homenaje a José M. Rodriguez Camblor "Jomar") rubber band attached to coin
1967 85
Jules DeBarros The Neurotic Coin one of two coins vanishes
1971 41
Amedeo Vacca Lightning Coin Vanish lightning pull, also on silk or for last through-table
Related to 1974 83
The Dissolving Coin coin dropped in glass of water
1974 31
Patrick Page The Bare Hand Vanish wax
1974 38
Ted Prigg Der Beintrick oder die Kniefalte coin placed in trouser fold vanishes
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 3)
Bobby Bernard The Miser's Misers Dream coin stuck to hand for continuous production sequence
1978 17
Stephen Tucker, David Britland Three Coins vanishing coin with coin puzzle presentation
Inspired by 1978
The Talon (Issue 1)
John Blake Hook Or Crook complete vanish with hook coin
Apr. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Michael Skinner Slowly Folding slow motion coin vanish using a folding coin
Dec. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 16)
T. Nelson Downs Downs' Favorite Coin Vanish coin with finger clip
1983 83
Ron Dowse Tidier coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Tom Gagnon Pop Top coin vanish and appearance, thumb tip and folding coin
1988 386
Tom Gagnon The Tipsy Vanish
1988 387
Ron Dowse Krawitschko coin vanish under handkerchief, magnet in tie
Also published here Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Mark Lefler Deflation coin vanishes piece by piece
1994 949
Richard Bartram, Jr. Scotchman's Dilemma coin vanish, sticky tape on arm
1997 64
Ben Cohen Foiled Again! complete vanish of a coin from Spellbound position, homemade gaff
Labyrinth (Issue 7)
David Regal A Coin Holdout
2002 204
Al Schneider Coin Go
  • The Schneider Technique
coin on a pull
July 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 7)
Axel Hecklau One Coin coin vanish and reproduction
2008 14
Motoki Kaido No RAVEN Replicate a RAVEN vanish using a split coin
2021 238