67 entries in Coin / Gaffed / Hooked Coin
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die unsichtbare Wanderung eines Thalers borrowed marked coin vanishes from hand of spectator and reappears in another spectator's pocket, attachable hook gimmick
July 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Der Luftthaler coin vanishes and is taken from spectator's pocket, clean handling
Nov. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Ein kleiner Zauberscherz coin clings to wall or door
Dec. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Professor Bellonie Die Vermehrung der Thaler coin production routine
July 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Josef Löffler Der wandernde Thaler coin with black back and hook, vanished and ditched by hanging it on the clothing, borrowed coin vanishes and reappears
Apr. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Emil Clauß Eine Geldangelegenheit confetti in glass, changes into coins, twelve coins placed in two handkerchiefs held by two spectators each, four travel across, plate used as coin tray
Feb. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Pêle-Mêle coin is produced from selection, then coin is marked, placed under handkerchief and dropped inside glass, coin travels to second glass which is covered with the deck, finally coin vanishes again and appears inside spectator's breast pocket
  • 1. Der Taler im Kartenblatt
  • 2. Der Fliegende Taler
  • 3. Der Lufttaler (hook is added to coin to form a temporary hooked coin)
1903 74
The Hooked Coin sequence to fit into miser's dream routine
1938 702
John Ramsay Hypno Coin coin stands on edge on thumb
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Joseph Ovette A Penny "Sucker" dime and penny version, one coin vanishes
Jan. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Entwischt, und doch erwischt. borrowed coin vanishes and appears, impromptu hooked coin, from the unpublished book "Luzifer im Frack"
Also published here Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Edward Marlo Two Ideas hooked coin in sleeve, pocket ditch for complete vanish
1942 19
Phil Huckabee Money Money Money six coins are produced and vanish again, on spectator's lapel
Jan. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 98)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Entwischt und doch erischt borrowed coin vanishes and appears, impromptu hooked coin, from the unpublished book "Luzifer im Frack"
Also published here 1946
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Milbourne Christopher Silver From Dollar coin produced from bill
June 1950 671
Milbourne Christopher Coin From Check coin produced from check
June 1950 671
D. L. Brown Coin Magic - Coin Load stealing hooked coin while rolling up sleeve
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
The Hook Coin different stratagems
1952 256
Gene Gordon Short Changed several coins vanish, glued coins with hook
1952 262
The Modern Miser five coins appear
1952 285
Fred Kaps Hoo Coin Routine
1960 (ca.) 4
Ronnie Gann Coin-a-matic coin vanish and production
Sep. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Bob Ostin Perfection Penetration handkerchief on table and coin placed on top, coin penetrates
Related toVariations 1968 9
Bob Ostin The "Good Company" Penetration handkerchief held by spectators and coin placed on top, coin penetrates, with variations
Related toAlso published here 1968 42
George B. Anderson Let the Volunteer Do It transmitting message to spectator, using a hooked coin
1968 21
Harvey Rosenthal Demon Coin coin from bill, see also p. 270 for reference
Feb. 1969 238
Jay Weiler Hook Coin Gag for magicians
Feb. 1970 318
John Dowdell Here's a Tip how to make a hooked coin with a needle and wax
Oct. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 32)
Pete Biro No Lapping Coins Through Table hook coin, hoo-coin
1972 299
J. W. Sarles A Coin Switch table edge, suggestions with magnetic or hook coin in "Added Notes", see also p. 679 for reference
Related to
  • "The Portcullis Coin Switch" (Abra #803)
Nov. 1972 569
Amedeo Vacca Cinquevalli Coins balancing coin on top of other, top one spins
1974 81
Amedeo Vacca Pin-Coin pin on coin used for production
1974 88
Karl Fulves Hook Coin + Okito Box three coins in box, one penetrates, playing card used in handling
Apr. 1974 727
Karl Fulves Thru The Table single coin through table, playing card used in handling
Apr. 1974 727
Lawrence Nudelman Hook-Coins Penetration coin produced from two chosen playing cards, coin pocketed, it penetrates trouser pocket, penetration is repeated three more times
1975-1978 ca. 9
Hooked Coin
1976 94
Bob Ostin Coin Through Hank handkerchief on table and coin placed on top, coin penetrates, with variations
Related to 1976 ca. 4
Hooked Coin (Hoo Coin)
1978 122
Michael Skinner Ein unorthodoxer Münzentrick
Inspired byAlso published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Dime Museum coin stands up on palm
1981 56
Gerald Kosky Münzenproduktion coin produced under spectator's lapel, then it vanishes and is fairly produced from the same spot again
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Michael Skinner The Wonderful Coin Trick Revisited coin disappears and reappears, sucker trick with openly visible elastic thread, hook coin
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 12
Bobby Bernard The Hook Coin: Its Value in Sleeving
1982 70
Hen Fetsch Schnelles Geld coin vanishes in silk
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
John Blake Hook Or Crook complete vanish with hook coin
Apr. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Ross Bertram Hooked Again hook attached to borrowed coin
  • To Apply the Gimmick
  • To Remove the Gimmick
1983 204
Ross Bertram A Hooked Again Sampler
  • Seated at a Table
  • Seated Away from the Table
1983 206
William A. Morales Hoo Dunnit? using hook coin
Mar. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Catchbets No. 6, on bets in which the sneak solution does not work as expected
  • coin on strip of paper on edge of glass has to be put into glass
  • three coins in a row, some can be touched, some moved
  • tearing a strip of paper, one hand on each end, into three pieces, posed as a problem
Related to 1985 93
Lawrence Frame Spellbound Climax after spellbound routine, coin changes to coat button, and coin is now found attached to coat
Also published here 1986 4
Fred Kaps The Hoo Coin hook coin hangs on flesh instead of cloth
1986 13
Patrick Page Karate Chop Coin Trick coin covered with handkerchief on table, it is hit with hand, then shown to be broken in two parts
Also published here 1990 68
Steve Dusheck Mum's the Word coin to lapel flower
1991 9
Patrick Page Münzen-Karate coin covered with handkerchief on table, it is hit with hand, then shown to be broken in two parts
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Steve Dusheck Double Knit Coin coin through leg, special kind of hook coin made with knife, Hookless Hoo Coin
1992 5
Joe Rindfleisch Hooked on You keys vanish and reappear in hand
1994 996
Karl Fulves Smoke/Silver "A routine for the cigarette thru quarter"
cigarette and quarter held between first finger and thumb of both hands, the hands link and unlink
Related to 1996
Underworld (Issue 4)
Alan Alan Hung Up hook coin unloaded onto spectator
Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Bill Spooner Hoo-Doo Coin clean vanish and reappearance of coin, handling of Hook Coin
Sep. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Al Baker Hooked Coins for miser's dream
2003 716
Tom Burgoon Ultra Mint hooked jumbo coin with black art back
  • The Basic Vanish
  • The Recovery
  • The Split
Feb. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 2)
Tom Burgoon Ultra Mint II hooked jumbo coin with black art back
  • Vanish and Reappearance with a Silk
Feb. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 2)
Miguel Ángel Gea Un viaje - tercera parte essay and study on the traveling of coins, using gaffed coins
  • Pros y contras del viaje con o sin cascarilla
  • Manipulación
  • Trucajes
  • Efecto (routine with hooked coin)
  • Técnica y trucaje juntos
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Dr. Hook coin openly dropped into sleeve transposes with coin rubbed at outside of sleeve, method guess
Prolix (Issue 10)
Michael Kras The Weakness Magician can slide coin around on table, but spectator unable to slide coin on table surface
Inspired by Oct. 2017
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 2 (Autumn #1))
Max Malini Using a Hook Coin coin vanishes, reappears on the back of spectator
2022 117
Lawrence Frame Spellbound Climax after spellbound routine, coin changes to coat button, and coin is now found attached to coat
Also published here 2022 144