99 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Vanish Routines / With Props / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Magic Cover and Vanishing Halfpence hollow coin stack
1876 184
The Miraculous Casket coins vanish one at a time from mechanical box
1876 202
The Vanishing Plate, or Salver coins vanish when picket up from plate
1876 208
Die verschwundenen Thaler coins after miser's dream are poured on table and then swiped onto a plate where they vanish in a flash, table servante
Dec. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Die verschwundenen Thaler coins put in small box with lid, the vanish, switch of box itself
Aug. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Coins vanish from Plate dumped into servante
Related to Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Professor Ernst Das Verschwinden eines Gegenstandes item like borrowed watch wrapped into flash paper, it vanishes from there
Related to Jan. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Die amerikanische Thalerkassette No. 11, box in which four coins are in slits, they vanish one by one mechanically each time the lid is opened and closed, variation in which they all vanish at once or a finger ring vanishes
1900 31
Eine Variation zum Geldfang im Hut all coins vanish at the end
Oct. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Professor Hoffmann The Melting Coin (Improved) coin becomes soft, held into flame, becomes tin-foil ball
Related to
  • "La Pièce Fusible" (Robert-Houdin, Secrets of Conjuring and Magic)
1903 484
C. Begemann Zum "Thalerfang im Hut" coins vanish in hat as finale
Mar. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Die verschwindenden Taler four coins vanish from a small box
Dec. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 12)
The Disappearing Dollars dollar coins dropped into vase disappear, small bag on pull inserted into vase
1909 261
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die aus einer Schachtel in einen leeren Umschlag wandernde Karte signed card vanishes from cigar box and appears inside envelope
1930 74
Joe Berg The Coin Disappears coin folded into trouser cloth above knee, spectator feels coin, it vanishes
Related to 1930 24
Nelson Hahne Another Method coin folded into trouser cloth above knee, spectator feels coin, it vanishes
Related to 1930 25
Lu Brent A Simple Coin Vanish Coin placed under fold in trousers, covered with hankerchief. Spectator can feel the coin under the handkerchief until last minute before it vanishes
1932 5
Dime and Matchbox coin vanishes from under matchbox, coin penetrates matchbox
1935 26
The Triangular Coin Stand to vanish coins
1935 34
The "Wiesenheimer" Coin Trick coin vanishes from ring put on table covered with a card, alternative method
1935 39
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die verschwundene Münze coin placed inside ring and covered with disk vanishes
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
The Dissolving Coin marked coin vanishs from glass, reappears in purse, glass disc
1941 85
Edward Marlo Two Halves and a Dime two half dollars appear, dime placed between them vanishes, wax
1942 7
Eddie Joseph The Paper Bag Vanish coin put in small paper bag, blown up and vanishes, really sucked into mouth
1942 15
Eddie Joseph The Garter Vanish trouser-fold vanish with duplicate inside trouser so spectator can feel it after steal
1942 19
Eddie Joseph The Heel Vanish vanish under shoe with slot in heel of shoe, sucker element
1942 20
Eddie Joseph Super-Subtle Secret Extraction stealing a coin out of a match box
1942 51
Eddie Joseph The Secret Pick-Up coin covered with match box drawer, secretly picked up with it, also multiple coins
1942 52
Eddie Joseph The Basement Steal coin steal from out of match box with slit
1942 54
James G. Thompson Jr. Double or Nothing coin held with clothespin is put in a handkerchief and vanishes
Variations Aug. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 67)
James G. Thompson Jr. Double or Nothing Coin disappears with the help of a spring clothes-pin and a handkerchief
1945 195
Arthur H. Buckley The Vanish of a Coin from the Fold of a Pants Leg
1948 63
Arthur H. Buckley On the Leg Pass with a Silver Dollar two more methods to vanish coin from trouser fold
1948 64
Milbourne Christopher Melting Money coin vanish, with lighter
Jan. 1948 385
Al Baker The Vanishing Quarter using ring and two playing cards and shell
Also published here 1951 80
Jack Yeager Presto Coin Stand as John Yeager, coins can vanish or appear on stand under cover of handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Stewart Judah The Magic Coin Block Routine trick with dealer's item
1966 469
Al Flosso, Karl Fulves The Wonderful Coin Trick coin held with visible pull as gag, then really vanishes from end of pull
Variations Aug. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Tom Rooney X-Cel from between two sheets of paper
1972 234
Brooks Conner Baffling Bayer Box coin vanishes from aspirin tin
1972 386
Fred Kaps A "Sound" Coin Vanish coins vanish from cup
Also published here 1972 7
Tenkai Ishida Coin in Cone Vanish coin vanishes when dropped in paper cone
Also published here
  • in "Genii" March, 1958.
1974 86
Karl Fulves Launch Pad on building black art possibilities into close-up pad
Related to 1975
Interlocutor (Issue 4)
Harvey Rosenthal Jacket Sleeve Miracle coin rolled into jacket sleeve near shoulder and vanishes, ditch in breast pocket, also as transformation or transpo
  • The Vanish
  • Miracle Coin Change
  • Copper Silver Transpo
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #1)
A. Berkeley Davis The Vanishing Chinatown on flexible close-up mat
1977 40
Fred Kaps Münzen-Verschwinden mit Geräusch coins vanish from cup
Also published here 1978 10
Bobby Bernard Tidy coin vanishes in tie, pinch vanish
The Talon (Issue 2)
Coin Vanishing Box small wooden box
1978/76 134
The Miraculous Box Effect four coins in small box held by spectator vanish one by one
1978/76 148
Stands for Vanishing Coins different designs
1978/76 166
Michael Skinner Ein unorthodoxer Münzentrick
Inspired byAlso published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
Al Baker Die verschwundenen Münzen coins vanish in purse
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Michael Skinner The Wonderful Coin Trick Revisited coin disappears and reappears, sucker trick with openly visible elastic thread, hook coin
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 12
Bobby Bernard The "Trouser-Vanish" Coin trapped in material of trousers, spectator can feel it, vanishes
1982 29
Eraser-Head coin vanish with aid of eraser, then eraser vanishes as well
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Vanishing Coin Box box to vanish coin, similar to card box
1982 183
Coin Vase coins vanish from vase, apparatus
1982 188
Meir Yedid Misdirection Coin Vanish toy spider jumps across table as misdirection, gag
1983 5
Derek Dingle Hands Off small rubber hand appears in hands and takes a coin which vanishes
1984 40
Philip T. Goldstein Sinology silver and chinese coin under paper on table, they travel around and finally disappear, gaffed
Also published here Apr. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 20)
The Buddha Papers No. 49
1985 88
Karl Fulves Snap Vanish coin vanish under cover of dollar bill
1985 13
Karl Fulves Dime n' Penny dime and penny under bill, one vanishes, ungaffed, sleeving
1985 81
Don Nielsen Ghost Vanish coin slides down a piece of glass and vanishes, Pepper's Ghost, no explanation given
1985 94
Karl Fulves Eagle Exit coin vanishes from top of bill, slit
1985 117
Larry Jennings Heads I Win, Tails You Lose under bill
1986 54
Fred Kaps Coins and Cup coins tossed into cup vanish, secret small cup behind to produce sound
Also published here 1986 9
Stephen Tucker Disapen fountain pen used to vanish a coin, first cap then pen change color, eventually coin vanishes, version seated and standing up
1987 1
Bruce Cervon Rewind - Phase 3 with Dollar Bill
1988 129
Philip T. Goldstein Sinology silver and chinese coin under paper on table, they travel around and finally disappear, gaffed
Also published here 1989 53
Al Lasher, Karl Fulves Coin-juring No. 89, coin displayed in the space between the hat band and the crown of the hat, coin vanishes when tossed up, reappears in glass in hat
Inspired by 1989 131
Chuck Brown In Your Cups, Effect #1 Coin disappears in clear plastic cup
May 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 5)
Gary Kurtz Lapping Coin into Purse coin secretly unloaded in purse
1991 23
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part Four
  • Interlude
  • 15. The Classic Han Ping Chien Coins Across
  • 16. Coda: Closing the Circle
  • The Clean-up
1991 26
Gary Kurtz Flash Glitter Finale coins wrapped in (flash) paper disappear
1992 45
Justin Higham The Money Eater theme of routine: coin put in hand, sponge ball pushed in, coin vanishes
1993 17
Martin Gardner Penny Tube stack of penny coins placed into a brass tube that is covered with a handkerchief vanish
Also published here
  • Martin Gardner Presents
Feb. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Alex Elmsley Milling a Coin small coin is smashed to dust between to large coins, recess in large coin
1994 280
Fred Kaps The Drop Vanish (With the Frame)
Related to 1994 10
Alexander de Cova Fingertip Hints using finger tip instead of thumb tip, coin in purse frame application
Also published here 1994 109
Alexander de Cova Fingertip Hints using finger tip instead of thumb tip, coin in purse frame application
Also published here 1994 20
Doug Conn Neck-Tied Dollar coin folded into bottom of tie vanishes
Also published here May 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Steve Dusheck The Pocket Bill utility bill gaff
Apr. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 4)
Chad Long Flash Vanish coin vanishes as fire is tossed onto it
1995 5
Gary Kurtz Lapping Coin into Purse
1995 ca. 19
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part Four
  • Interlude
  • 15. The Classic Han Ping Chien Coins Across
  • 16. Coda: Closing the Circle
  • The Clean-up
1995 ca. 21
Doug Conn Neck-Tied Dollar coin folded into bottom of tie vanishes
Also published here 1997 20
Troy Hooser Dis-Purse three coins pushed through purse frame, one by one they disappear
1998 1460
Doug Conn Fit to be Tie'd coin folded into bottom of tie vanishes
Also published here 1999 24
Al Baker The Vanishing Quarter using ring and two playing cards and shell
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Miguel Ángel Gea Hole Stretched to Infinite pen through coin, then hole in made bigger until coin is gone
  • No Sleeves Variant
2005 (ca.) 12
Tom Stone Kamikaze Cuffing spectator holds tray/book, performer picks up coin from it which is dropped into cuff
2007 18
Fred Robinson Coin in Tie coin vanishes when folded into tie
2009 244
Fred Robinson Coins in the Tie (for Magicians Only) additional ideas and gags
2009 248
Oliver Meech X-ray Coin Magician swallows initialled coin, picture of coin with initials appears on an X-ray photograph
2009 30
David Regal A Coin Routine
  • Material Concessions
four coins vanish one by one after taking them from a coin stand, they reappear audibly in a glass that's been sealed with a napkin cover
May 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 5)
Max Malini Spittoon Coin Vanish coin vanishes from paper cone which is crumpled up and thrown in the trash, reproduced from spectator (optional), variant with coin reappearing under ash tray and folding coin
Related to
  • Elwin T. Shaw's article in Hugard's Magic Monthly, Nov. 1961
2022 120
Eric Leclerc The Hand Bank Vanish Bob Farmer's Tiny Hand coin vanish on a pull for a complete vanish
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2008
2022 707
Gregory Wilson The Fake Take bowl with coins, vanish routine as coins are (apparently) picked out of bowl
  • The First Vanish
  • The Second Vanish
  • The Third Vanish
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)