15 entries in Coin / Sleights / Cuffing
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Nelson Hahne Another Method coin folded into trouser cloth above knee, spectator feels coin, it vanishes
Related to 1930 25
Trouser Cuff Vanish while picking up a dropped coin it's loaded in cuff
1935 30
Eddie Joseph Down Below Vanish coin dropped down the leg into cuff
1942 9
Eddie Joseph The Cuff Throw Vanish coin apparently tossed onto floor where it vanishes, really into cuff
1942 10
Louis Tannen "Cuff"-ing a Coin
Oct. 1945 156
Max Katz Perfect Vanish Tip coin vanish while picking it up from floor, cuff
Related to Aug. 1951 828
Take Advantage of a Fumble three methods for vanishing a coin while picking it up from the floor (throw into the other hand, cuffing, under the shoe)
Related toVariations 1952 20
Dr. E. M. Roberts, Louis Tannen, Cuffing two methods
1952 96
Horace E. Bennett Dissimilar Coins Through Table four different coins penetrate table, last one upwards
Inspired byVariations 1969 138
Martin Gardner Coin to Cuff marked coin travels down to cuff, two methods, one with secret tube slide and one impromptu
Aug. 1974 780
Ronald Zollweg On Cuffing
Inspired by Oct. 1974 815
Procedures for the Vanish of the Coin several methods including lapping, false transfer, cuff, sleeving, ...
1988 25
Christoph Borer Hosenumschlag on cuffing
2006 169
Tom Stone Kamikaze Cuffing spectator holds tray/book, performer picks up coin from it which is dropped into cuff
2007 18
Chuck King Muscling In muscle passing a coin into cuff
2022 197