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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Phoenix Jr. (reviewer) Magic's-A-Poppin IBM New York Ring 26, Dell O'Dell, Chaplain Willard S. Smith, Jay Marshall, Ann Garland, Arthur Elmer, Samy Birch, Richard Dubois, Jack Miller, Miaco Nov. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 23)
Jack Miller Jack Miller Thumb Tie knotting method
Variations 1945 276
Herman L. Weber Emergency Routine two single rings, two linked rings
VariationsAlso published here 1945 306
Jack Miller Jack Miller's Spinning Rings nice display
1945 311
Jack Miller Knotty Silk knot disappears and reappears, using thread
1945 352
Jack Miller Jack Miller Slate Routine two slates, no flap
Related to 1945 396
Jack Miller Dis-Cards spectator puts amount of cards on the table and removes some again, the rest is named by the performer
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 96)
Jack Miller Count Ten! on from ten cards is divined, also possible over the phone
Nov. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 96)
Jack Miller Pick Up coin drops, after being picked up it vanishes
Related to Nov. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 96)
Jack Miller Twist It! coin starts flat between first and second fingers
Nov. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 96)
Jean Hugard Hu-gardenias to Jack Miller
July 1945 135
Paul Fleming (reviewer) Jack Miller's Linking Ring Routine by Jack Miller (written by Robert Novak) 1946 75
Dariel Fitzkee The Fitzkee Five Ace Routine
Inspired by
  • Jack Miller's Linking Ring Routine
1946 112
Jean Hugard Hu-Gardenias on Jack Miller
July 1948 445
Jack Miller Miller's Card Change face card of double is stolen to deck
1949 11
Jack Miller Discless coin under handkerchief is dropped in glass and vanishes, impromptu method
Related to Dec. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 218)
Jack Miller The Magic Number Trick No. 52, Mathematical card trick
1950 93
Jack Miller The Traveling Card No. 74, Ace to King stack
1950 135
Frank Joglar Backstage on Martin Gardner, Dai Vernon, Houdini, Fogel, Dunninger, Abbott, George Jason, Jack Miller, Walter Gibson, Cardini, Jay & Frances Marshall, Ballantine, Kay Kayser, Michael MacDonald, Bruce Elliott, Al Baker, Jay Palmer, Card Mondor, Orson Welles, Jean Hugard, Roy Benson, Stanley Jaks and more
  • Conclaves
  • TV Topics
  • Mystery of the Month
  • Parties
  • Grapevine
  • Jottings
  • Applause
  • Memory Book
  • Notes
Oct. 1950 714
Milbourne Christopher Perfect Vanish coin vanish while picking it up, under shoe type
Related to Nov. 1950 718
Jack Miller, Martin Gardner Jack Miller's Ring and Stick extra ring
Dec. 1950 735
Jack Miller Miller's Mighty Mite flourish with ball, rubber cement
Apr. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 227)
Take Advantage of a Fumble three methods for vanishing a coin while picking it up from the floor (throw into the other hand, cuffing, under the shoe)
Related toVariations 1952 20
Jack Miller Invisible Water glass of water appears behind wine list, see also p. 1097 for ideas by Jack Miller
June 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 257)
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Cy Endfield, Stan Musial, Francis Carlyle, Frank Garcia, Roy Benson, Ballantine, Dante, Don Alan, Del Ray, John Platt, Bert Allerton, Meyer Silberstein, Jack Miller, Leslie Guest, The Seven Circles, Frank Joglar, Raymonde
Sep. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 315)
Jack Miller Discard spectator puts amount of cards on the table and removes some again, the rest is named by the performer
Also published here 1956 105
Jack Miller Sliding Knot
Also published here 1957 4
Piet Forton 24th annual convention at Hastings 21. - 25. Sept. 60 on David Haggarty, Fred Lowe, Francis Haxton, Gus Southall, Peter Warlock, George Blake, Edward Victor, Jack Avis, Devano, Ron Mc Millan, Claude Rix, Mystic Craig, Jerry Andrus, Jack Miller, Al Koran, Johnny Geddes, Tom Harris, Alan Alan, Mila Trnka, Roberta & Hella
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Jack Miller, Al Koran Lazy Man's Card Trick
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1962 199
Jack Miller, Herman L. Weber Jack Miller's Version of the Herman L. Weber Ring Move
Inspired by 1968 48
Jack Miller Jack Miller's Causing the Rings to Jump from Arm to the Other Arm
1968 50
Jack Miller Jack Miller's Ring Monte
1968 54
Jack Miller Ball from Silk ball appears from silk, repeated for second ball, see also p. 410 for coin version by Harold Bester
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Jack Miller Miller Change
Epilogue (Issue Special No 2)
Jack Miller Jack Miller Palm "Loads/Palms/Steals"
finger palm, Ramsay subtlety
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #3)
The Controlled Cut No. 65, spectator cuts and this value is used to count down to selection, Ace through King of Hearts set-up, Al Baker credit given
Related to 1976 98
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Le Jeu des Anneaux Chinois study on the linking rings
  • Bibliographie
  • Passes applicable d'une maniere générale
    • I Présentation d'un anneau
      • a) L'enroulement: the twisting move
      • b) Autre présentation par enrouolement
      • c) Présentation de la clé
      • d) Présentation Al Koran de la clé
      • e) Présentation de la clé et d'un anneau enclavé
    • II Enclavage
      • a) Enclavage par glissement rotatif des anneaux
      • b) Enclavage par approchement simple des anneaux
      • c) Enclavage Al Koran
      • d) Enclavage Jack Miller
      • e) Enclavage de l'anneau passé sur l'avant-bras
      • f) Enclavage à la frappe.
    • III Désenclavage
      • a) Désenclavage diamétral
      • b) Désenclavage au lancé en rotation de Tommy Dowd
      • c) Désenclavage Aldo Colombini
    • IV Fioritures diverses
      • a) L'anneau désenclavé projeté en l'air
      • b) Deux et deux
      • c) La descente de l'anneau
      • d) L'échelle de Jakob
      • e) La goutte de rosée de Herman Weber
  • Passes nécessitant un anneau large
    • a) Premier passage
    • b) Deuxième passage
    • c) Troisième passage
  • Remarque finale
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 4)
Jack Miller Jack Miller Change Herrmann Pass
1978 166
Karl Fulves Tele-Poker No. 9, person phoned, he deals two hands of any number of cards, after some discarding only two cards remain in one hand, which is predicted
Inspired by 1979 11
Ghost Coin No. 3, coin under handkerchief is dropped into a glass, it penetrates glass
Related to 1981 4
Karl Fulves, J. W. Sarles, Jack Miller What's My Line? No. 97, on three envelopes are occupations and salaries written, three spectator chose an envelope and take the salary in matches, performer divines who took what, also as phone effect
1983 130
Jack Miller, Burling Hull Slate Display Sequence done with cardboard
Related to 1985 97
Jack Miller Sliding Slip Knot
Also published here 1986 2
Karl Fulves Sigma Ring bracelet ring penetrates onto string with knotted ends
Inspired by
  • Peter Warlock and Jack Miller principle
Also published here
1987 22
Jack Miller The "Jack Miller Knot" Pretzel knot handling
1987 3
Jack Miller King Koin king engraved on English penny is shaved
Variations 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 35)
Karl Fulves Mystery Ring No. 5, ring onto rope under handkerchief cover
Inspired by
  • Peter Warlock and Jack Miller principle
Related toAlso published here
1988 14
Jack Miller Paymaster $20 bill in envelope, changes into $1 bill, clean handling with thumb tip
1989 8
Jack Miller Miller's Magic No. 59, one-handed coin-through-handkerchief
1989 69
Jack Miller Jack Miller Color Change herrmann pass with arm swing
1990 121
Jack Miller Miller's Sliding Knots No. 14, knot slides from one end to the other
Also published here 1990 28
Jack Miller Miller's Move No. 58, ring onto rope with tied ends
Variations 1990 123
Karl Fulves, Peter Warlock Releaso No. 61, ring onto rope
Inspired byRelated to 1990 127
Jack Miller Momentum Sleeving any small object
1992 18
Jack Miller Knot Trick untieing, thread, very brief note
1994 1247
Tommy Wonder The Frozen Lock addition to the Jack Miller Holdout
1996 212
Michael Skinner, Al Koran A Deeper Mystery
Inspired by 1996 18
Scott Wells The Case Of The Disappearing Dealers
  • Conventions
Related to Sep. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Jack Miller What's the Deal?
  • Letters
Related to Dec. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Jack Miller Coin of the Realm coin vanishes from under matchbox in hand, reappears inside
Underworld (Issue 6)
Bob King Magnet Miller on the Jack Miller Hold-out
1999 7
Bob King Holding Out the Holdout management for Jack Miller hold-out
1999 10
Walter Brusa Lizbeth engraved old queen on coin becomes young woman
Inspired by 2000 31
Darwin Ortiz The Zen Master performer repeatably knows position of card, memorized deck
Inspired by 2002 102
Magic Update
  • Solid Gold
  • fun-'n'-games
  • A Silver Celebration
  • The 50th Blackpool Magicians Club Convention
  • "Colonel" Frank Merrill Seymour - died
  • Jack Miller - died
Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Jack Miller Tip Over Change
2004 19
David Regal, Dan Garrett Speaking Volumes
Related to July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Eric Mead Lazy Restoration handling to restore reversed part of stack
Inspired by 2006 117
James Baker Vanishing Buffalo engraving on coin changes, exploiting two different five-cent pieces
Inspired by 2006
Prolix (Issue 2)
Harry Riser The Riser Rings three-ring routine, locking key ring
  • Phase One
    • The Inspection
    • The First Link
    • Spinning the Rings
    • The Jack Miller Unlink
    • Passing One Ring Through the Center of the Other
    • Jack Miller's Ring Through Arm
  • Phase Two
    • The Riser Twirl Display
    • A Ring Jumps from Arm to Arm
    • The Patterns
    • Unlinking the Chain
  • Phase Three
    • The Second Chain
    • The Butterfly
    • Rink's Penetration
    • The Illogical Unlink
    • The Shamrock Returns
    • The Ring in the Air
  • Fourth Phase
    • Vernon's Bookleaf Link
    • The Shamrock Variation
    • The Chains
    • The Final Unlinking
2006 176
Jack Miller The Jack Miller Unlink
2006 186
Jack Miller Ring Through Arm
2006 190
Jack Miller A One-Hand Pass with Jumbo Cards
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, May 1925
2007 46
Impromptu Lazy Man's Card Trick
Inspired by June 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Camille Gaultier Camille Gaultier two coins in two handkerchiefs, one travels over, Gypsy Switch
VariationsAlso published here
  • Magic Without Apparatus, 1914
Prolix (Issue 5)
Jack Miller Ring-Go ring in one handkerchief, coin in another, ring penetrates handkerchief, vanishes, reappears in other handkerchief with coin
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Paul Vigil The Lazy Man's Card Trick presentation to reveal selection on top
Inspired by 2014 240
Ondřej Pšenička Lazy Man on Edge Lazy Man Card Trick plot, uses Butterfly cards
Inspired by 2017 70
Michael Breggar 52! Repeatedly count and deal cards based on the card stopped at, magician predicts the final card
Inspired by Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Harry Lorayne Lazy Man's Card Trick
Also published here 2018 213
José Carroll Poosha D'Poosha multi-phase routine
Inspired by
  • routine in "Hold-out Miracles" (Jack Miller)
2019 250
Rhys "Morgan" Jones, Robert "West" Tay The Permanent Linking Rings
Inspired by 2020 273
John Graham The Lazy Man's Card Trick in-the-hands cutting, eight-card stack
Inspired by 2021 43
Juan Tamariz Prologue - A Preliminary Trick found by spinning a pocketknife
Inspired by 2022 20