58 entries in Rope / Penetration / Thumb Tie
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri Decremps Deux moyens différens, l'un ancien, l'autre nouveau, de le faire lier les pouces, & de se délier en un instant. "Métamorphose d'un verre en morceaux de papier. Réflexions sur les fausses théories. Prétention absurde. Preuve captieuse de cette prétention." (title continued) more tricks by Pilferer, two methods for thumb tie and a glass is thrown into the air where it changes into confetti / pieces of cards, seated, thoughts about vanishing an object by throwing it into the air and the advantages of using confetti
1785 18
Ten Ichi, Paul von Kalnassy Bindeproduktion nach Ten-Ichi
Feb. 1905
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Alonso Machado Machado's Version of the Thumb Tie
1933 3
Laurie Ireland Ireland's Rubber Band Thumb Tie Method thumb tie with rubber bands
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1934)
Joe Berg Adhesive Tape Thumb Tie
1937 17
Dr. Edward G. Ervin The Adhesive Tape Tie
Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 81)
Tom Sellers A Useful Thumb Tie
1943 18
William S. Houghton Comedy Thumb Tie Routine
1943 41
Tom Sellers A New Thumb Tie
1943 9
Ten Ichi Ten Ichi Thumb Tie longer routine
Also published here 1945 264
Modernized Ten Ichi Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 271
Tip-Top Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 272
Harlan Tarbell Chow Sen Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 274
Frank Ducrot Frank Ducrot Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 275
Jack Miller Jack Miller Thumb Tie knotting method
Variations 1945 276
Harlan Tarbell Simplex Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 277
Harlan Tarbell "Li Ling" Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 279
Harlan Tarbell Tarbell Tape Tie tape is simply cut through
1945 280
Harlan Tarbell Chinese Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 281
Mel Forrester Rubber Band Thumb Tie knotting method
1945 283
Jack Yeager The Jack Yeager Thumb Tie Trick gimmicked cord
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Jack Yeager Glorifying Your Magic
  • 1. Califaction of Handkerchiefs (silks in dove pan merge together)
  • 2. How to spell trust? (oddity on coin)
  • 3. Key Card Placement (Charlier Pass)
  • 4. 20th Century Silks idea
  • 5. Zombie Idea (floating flower pot)
  • 6. Comedy bits with a stooge
  • 7. Miser's Dream Shower (with handkerchief)
  • 8. Thumb Tip Idea (with scotch tape)
  • 9. Thimble color change
  • 10. The cotton bunny (cotton bunny to real one, dove pan)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Allessandro Magic Quickies
  • Deep Freeze Trick
  • Head Chopper
  • Children's Shows
  • Thumb Tie
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Dai Vernon The Thumb Tie
1957 231
Alex Elmsley Physical Medium jacket is removed while thumbs are tied
Also published here 1959 2
Dr. William Weyeneth Das Non Plus Ultra einer Daumenfesselung using sort of band-aid which is secretly cut during process, Sanitoplast
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Thumb Tie
1965 17
Karl Fulves Babel Willard's thumb tie presentation, coding with dog whistle over telephone (see also p. 68), ectoplasm
May 1968 176
Jay Ose, Faucett Ross Jay Ose's Thumb Tie
1968 74
Bruce Cole Thumb Tie Extraordinary
1968 287
Paul Rosini, Dai Vernon The Thumb Tie
1970 28
Tom Fitzgerald Tom's Thumb Tie Illusion illusion, wooden block penetrates hands, thumb tied around a guillotine-like stand
Magick (Issue 48)
Billy McComb How To Mix Two Tricks To Make One Good Presentation thumb tie combined with card to wallet
Variations 1972 63
Dai Vernon Vernon's Tape Thumb Tie No. 92
1972 28
Paul Fox Paul Fox's Notes: 1) Thumb Tie - Mardoni No. 381-1, which material to use
1972 104
Marshall's Thumb Tie No. 410, tip of using pipe cleaners
1972 111
Ten Ichi, Patrick Page The Thumb Tie
1976 298
Jim Ryan Jim's Thumb Tie
1977 14
Paul Fox The Thumb Tie
1978 140
Karrell Fox Ringaround phase for thumb tie routine with large ring
1979 267
Die Daumenfesselung
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
The Malayan Thumb Tie No. 82
1983 23
Hans-Peter Juling Die Daumenfesselung thumb tie routine
  • Der Zuschauer und Sie
  • Effektaufbau
  • Inszenierung
  • Die Requisiten
  • Das Geheimnis
  • Der Vortrag
1983 5
Wilhelm "Yrus" von Sury Die Yrus-Daumenfessel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
Shigeo Takagi Takagi Thumb-Tie
1986 99
Shigeo Takagi A Beautiful Thumb Tie full routine
1990 88
Alex Elmsley Physical Medium jacket is removed while thumbs are tied
Also published here 1991 200
Chapeau Die Daumenfessel
1991 90
Harry Anderson Cuff Links thumb tie style routine using handcuffs
Variations 1993 146
Ten Ichi Die Daumenfesselung à la Ten Ichi
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Steve Bedwell Bracelet Wrist Tie
Inspired by
  • "Dunninger's Thumb Tie" (Sixteen Thumb Tie Gems, Max Andrews)
1998 ca. 14
Rudolf Braunmüller Gags im Zusammenhang mit Tricks Eröffnung, Daumenfesselung, Afghanbänder, Fischtrick, Geldfang aus der Luft & Münzen, Handguillotine, Handschellen, Karten, Mentalmagie, Persiltrick, Schallplatten, Schaumgummi-Backstein, Schwebekunststücke, Seile, Würfel, Zeitungen & Zeitschriften, Party & Restaurant
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Alan "Ace" Greenberg In-Your-Face Thumbtie using fake fingertip
2007 138
John Lovick Houdini Outdone! handcuff escape, linking with spectators arms
Inspired by 2016 121
Knotted Rope Escape
  • Dan Sherer (additional comments)
  • Max Maven (additional comments and credit information)
Also published here
  • Hōkasen, 1764
May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)
Alexander de Cova Gedanken zur Daumenfessel thoughts on the thumb tie
  • Die Elmsley Variante
  • Der Taschendieb
2016 18
Alexander de Cova Karte in Brieftasche card to wallet combined with thumb tie
2016 22
Rhys "Morgan" Jones, Robert "West" Tay The Permanent Linking Rings
Inspired by 2020 273