39 entries in Ring / Linking Rings / General Comments
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Briefkasten answering letters, on linking rings
Sep. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 1)
John Northern Hilliard The Chinese Rings
1938 803
The Opening in the Key Ring construction methods
1938 823
Bibliography list of publications of Linking Ring Routines
1938 823
Russell Prunier Linking Rings with Wire Coat Hangers only mentioned in passing
Feb. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 53)
The Chinese Rings slanting cut and locking cut, structure
1939 94
Linking Rings Presentational Ideas
The Jinx (Issue 115)
Edward Victor The Chinese Rings - Author’s original method of presentation eight-ring routine,
“Two advantages in the method here described are:
  • (1) That each ring is examined by the audience as the effect proceeds, before it is linked on to another.
  • (2) That the first half of the effect is performed without making use of the “key” ring, thus permitting the handing out of every ring for examination at a point half way through the trick.”
1940 ca. 56
Edward Victor Note (on routine) closing thoughts about routine, refers to reference
Related to 1940 ca. 72
Dariel Fitzkee Introduction
1946 11
Dariel Fitzkee Chapter One basic commentary on the Linking Rings effect
  • The Effect
  • The Presentation
  • The Fundamental Methods
  • The Apparatus
  • The Arrangement of the Rings
1946 15
Dariel Fitzkee Chapter Four - Simulated Linking and Unlinking intro to bluff linking phases without key ring
1946 46
Dariel Fitzkee Chapter Five - Methods of Linking intro to linking methods
1946 60
Dariel Fitzkee Chapter Six - Secreting and securing the key ring intro to how to add the key ring
1946 71
Dariel Fitzkee Chapter Nine - Routine With Key Rings chapter intro on Linking Ring routine construction
1946 95
Dariel Fitzkee Chapter Ten - Routines Without Using a Key Ring chapter intro
1946 116
Dariel Fitzkee Chapter Eleven - Final Suggestions and Ideas
1946 119
Chung Ling Soo, Victor Farelli Chung Ling Soo's Initial "Move" (With The Linking Rings)
May 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Jean Hugard The Linking Rings historical notes
Aug. 1949 572
Herman L. Weber Appendix VI. More Patter and P... The Picnic... P
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Lewis Ganson Introducing the Rings In A Close-Up Act
1969 47
Dai Vernon Magicians Only - Vernon Gag about Linking Rings only for magicians
1975 152
Dai Vernon Linking Rings short comments on links, Jacob's Ladder, ..
1976 10
Lewis Ganson Foreword
1977 3
Lewis Ganson Aldo Colombini's Linking Ring Moves intro
1977 15
Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Le Jeu des Anneaux Chinois study on the linking rings
  • Bibliographie
  • Passes applicable d'une maniere générale
    • I Présentation d'un anneau
      • a) L'enroulement: the twisting move
      • b) Autre présentation par enrouolement
      • c) Présentation de la clé
      • d) Présentation Al Koran de la clé
      • e) Présentation de la clé et d'un anneau enclavé
    • II Enclavage
      • a) Enclavage par glissement rotatif des anneaux
      • b) Enclavage par approchement simple des anneaux
      • c) Enclavage Al Koran
      • d) Enclavage Jack Miller
      • e) Enclavage de l'anneau passé sur l'avant-bras
      • f) Enclavage à la frappe.
    • III Désenclavage
      • a) Désenclavage diamétral
      • b) Désenclavage au lancé en rotation de Tommy Dowd
      • c) Désenclavage Aldo Colombini
    • IV Fioritures diverses
      • a) L'anneau désenclavé projeté en l'air
      • b) Deux et deux
      • c) La descente de l'anneau
      • d) L'échelle de Jakob
      • e) La goutte de rosée de Herman Weber
  • Passes nécessitant un anneau large
    • a) Premier passage
    • b) Deuxième passage
    • c) Troisième passage
  • Remarque finale
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 4)
Piet Forton Ring Presentation humorous byplay for linking rings
1984 7
Karrell Fox "Ring-Around" shower cap to transport linking rings
1986 171
Harald Kurz N - Nichts, das Tor zum using a bigger ring in manipulation routines, things appear and vanish inside it
1991 35
Harald Kurz R - Ringspiel using bicycle locks
1991 36
Mila Trnka Chinesische Quadrate using squares instead of rings
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Mila Trnka Das Geheimnis der Fahrradschläuche linking rings with bicycle tubes
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Harry Anderson Linking Rings thoughts on the Linking Rings
1993 50
Antonio Ferragut Cambio del Aro switching an object, psychological misdirection
2003 182
Harry Riser Chapter Four - The Riser Rings
2006 173
Roberto Giobbi Linking Rings general comments
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 31)
Alexander de Cova Enthymemata on ninja rings
Mar. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 8)
The Iron Rings
  • Dan Sherer (additional comments)
  • Max Maven (additional comments and credit information)
Also published here
  • Hōkasen, 1764
May 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 5)
Max Malini Chinese Linking Rings comment on Malini and the Linking Rings
2022 402