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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
S. W. Erdnase Erdnase System of Stock Shuffling
  • Two-Card Stock
  • Three-Card Stock
  • Four-Card Stock
  • Five-Card Stock
  • Twelve-Card Stock--For Draw Poker
  • Euchre Stock--Four-Handed Game-1
  • Euchre Stock--Four-Hande Game-2
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1902 68
Jack Merlin Stacking Formula as Patter
Related to 1927/28 3
Norman Ashworth Before your Eyes message on slate becomes name of selection when wiping over it, idea by Charles Nyquist on page 270
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Eddie Taytelbaum Surprise Jumbo selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card version of the selection
Related toAlso published here
  • in "De Magier"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Karrell Fox, George Jason Jason's Favorite big and small valued cards are found as jumbo and miniature cards from deck in pocket
Related toAlso published here 1960 24
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card version of the selection
Related to 1961 126
Al Koran Encore Card Stab stacked, estimation, apparently by Patrick Page, see "Magic Page by Page" for credits
Related toVariations 1968 57
Al Koran Double Thought spectator finds performer's card and the other way around, marked deck
Related toVariations 1968 89
Dr. William Weyeneth Okay Gag! button is reattached on vest, magnetic
Related to 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
Richard Lyn Name Dropper! name is selected from clear plastic forcing bag, divined and appears on soot
Related to 1975
Magick (Issue 119)
Edward Marlo Spectator Cuts To Locate Aces spectator cuts four piles, numbers of top cards are counted and every Ace is found
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Karl Fulves Workshop (3) two books, one with blank pages, named page transposes from regular book with blank page in other book, posed as a problem
Related to 1976
Interlocutor (Issue 13)
Richard Kaufman Karate Card card is stabbed with forefinger from shower of cards
Related to 1979 7
Roy Walton Grown Up Hofzinser four jumbo Aces, suit that matches selection is turned-over and when turned over the jumbo card became the selection and the selection became the Ace
VariationsAlso published here 1979 2
Daryl Martinez Convincing Tilt
VariationsAlso published here 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Tommy Wonder Pocket Slates Routine
Related toVariations May 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Leslie Anderson, Harry Anderson The Shadow Card spectator thinks of a card, card vanishes and appears in sealed envelope
Related to 1981
Magick (Issue 294)
Stephen Tucker Soul Searcher contract with devil, vanishes in flames, gag
Related to July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Peter Wilker Eröffnung des Zauberschlössli Grenchen on the magic club house Zaubertürmli in Grenchen, Roberto Furegati, Peter Wilker, Pino Pan, Roberto Giobbi, Orsani, Andreas Glocker, José Mercier, Sveroni, Erino, Christoph Borer, Ernst Lüthy
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Gemini Twins No. 1, two cards inserted where spectator stops dealing, both next to mates
VariationsAlso published here 1984 1
Christoph Borer (reviewer) Gedanken und Eindrücke von der Close-Up Show in Baden on the close-up show in Baden, Pino Pan, Robero Giobbi, Christian Scherer, Mark Vincent 1986
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
(reviewer) Eine nachträgliche Reminiszenz an Baden Christoph Borer, Walter Boeniger, pictures of Christian Scherer, Pino Pan, Mark Vincent, Roberto Giobbi 1986
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 4)
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on Oro, Martin Rutz, Durox, The Hedonists, Michael Ammar, Roberto Giobbi, Jean Garance, Jean-Pierre Nicod, Daryl, Pino Pan, Harold Voit, Silvano, Thomas, Markus, Gradi Wohlo, Rico Leitner, Romano, Yvonne, Bobby Tenaris, Jo Mobino, Christoph Borer, Jacky Steel & Athene, Jean Garance, Almeico, Tommy Wonder, Arsene Lupin, Marino, Magrée
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 6)
John V. Hope Trouser Pocket Topit see title
Related to June 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 6)
John C. Wagner Twisted Underground Transposition
Variations 1987 34
Christoph Borer Congrès Suisse de l'Illusion - Genève: 3-4-5 Avril 1987 on the Swiss magic convention in Geneva, Jean-Pierre Nicod, Aurelio Paviato, Roberto Giobbi, Al Goshman, Jean Salangros, Jean Garance, Pierrot et Colombine, Jean Garin, Domenico Dante, Arsène Lupin, Jean Merlin, Joel et Jill, The Great Maharadja
  • Close Up Gala (3.4.87)
  • Gala International (4.4.87)
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Christoph Borer (reviewer) New Wave Close Up by Thomas HierlingRelated to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Christoph Borer 1. Zaubermatinée im Zaubertürmli Grenchen on a public show in Grenchen, Sveroni, Pino Pan, Christoph Borer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Christoph Borer (reviewer) New Wave Close Up by Thomas HierlingRelated to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Paul Maurer Pot-Au-Feu on Piet Forton, Karo & Doré, Retonio, Jean Michel Cahtery, Primera, Roberto Giobbi, Magie à Genève, Pavel, Mc Saimn, Almeico, Christoph Borer, Wilker's Magische Blätter, Ivan Starcevic, Hermanion, Santo & Monique, Chris Maurer, Marco Tempest & Midi Gottet
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Christoph Borer 7. Magie à Genève on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom, Mac Fink, Devil, Claude Rix
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Jean de Merry Magie à Genève - 1987 on the magic convention in Geneva, Pavel, Gaeton Bloom, Mac Fink, Devil, Almeico, Hornecker, Albert Charra, Jean-Yves Prost, Claude Pahud, Paul Maurer, Bertrand Frank, Christoph Borer, Marc & Eric, Christian Scherer, Peter Wilker, Gil Mystère, Najaros, Marvin Roy, Claude Rix, Michel Fontaine, Rob-Suvac, Geo Ray, Tony Yann
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Christoph Borer Das Wunder - Struktur eines Phänomens on astonishment / wonder
  • 1. Ist es überhaupt nötig, Wunder vorzuführen?
  • 2. Was ist ein Wunder?
  • 3. Wie kann ich dem Zuschauer helfen, ein Wunder zu erleben?
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Christoph Borer (reviewer) CardPerfect by Roberto Giobbi 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Peter Wilker Zauberei im Restaurant: Christoph Borer analysis of Christoph Borer performing restaurant magic, description of style and tricks used
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Christoph Borer Schwarz und Rot slop shuffle triumph, colors are separated and named card is found among contrasting colors
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Peter Wilker, Christoph Borer Gewichtig digital scale is used to divine selected cards, in the end pack is cut and rest placed on scale to find selection
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Peter Wilker, Christoph Borer Die Auskultation finding mate of card, deck in spectator's pocket
  • Medizinische Kartenkunst
Inspired by 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Peter Wilker, Christoph Borer Die Wonder-Tafeln two slates, multiple things appear on various sides
Inspired by 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Darwin Ortiz The Dream Card odd-backed "signed card" type effect, card to wallet
Related toVariations 1988 81
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection
Related toAlso published here 1988 1
Christoph Borer X Production deck of cards appears in pyro flash
Also published here 1988 2
Christoph Borer Die Macht der Psychologie
Also published here 1988 3
Christoph Borer Thought Rise thought of card ends up on top of the deck
Also published here 1988 4
Christoph Borer Gamblers Ace Opener
Also published here 1988 5
Christoph Borer Ace, Flip four chosen cards change into Aces
Also published here 1988 6
Christoph Borer Tips und Ideen
1988 7
Christoph Borer 1. Münzen durchs Tuch subtlety for coin through handkerchief
Also published here 1988 7
Christoph Borer 2. Expansion of Texture subtlety
Also published here 1988 8
Christoph Borer 3. Tuchfärbung color changing handkerchief, from red to yellow to green
Also published here 1988 8
Christoph Borer 4. Der geschickte Zauberer matchbox is thrown into the air and match is lit
Also published here 1988 8
Christoph Borer 5. Dribble Force subtlety Erdnase Break handling
Also published here 1988 9
Christoph Borer The Magic Pen coin appears and is vanished with a wand, then coin changes into jumbo coin
1988 9
Christoph Borer Tüchlein, Du musst wandern handkerchief vanishes in a pyro flash and appears in matchbox, gaffed matchbox
Also published here 1988 12
Christoph Borer Spare in der Zeit.... bill transforms into coin, then a mini piggy bank appears from which a lot of coins are produced
Also published here 1988 13
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection change back, then back of color only change to the center, eventually all cards change back color, red/blue double backer
Also published here 1988 14
Christoph Borer MZvD-Kongress in Triberg on the magic convention in Triberg, Roy Roth, Sir Henry & Miss Fantasia, Juno, Wladimir Mikek, Gerry, Stephan Kirschbaum, Michael Gerhardt, Jörg Weber, Max Maven, Terry Seabrooke, Bernd Menne, Manfred Geiss, Sven Richter, Chess Litten, Günther Puchinger, Jean Marc, Thierry Collet, Philius und Jane,
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Christoph Borer Exklusivwoche in Triberg on a magic holiday week in Triberg, Terry Seabrooke, Rainer Pfeiffer, Guido Schmalriede, Gerry, Christoph Borer, Max Maven, Eberhard Riese, Roberto Giobbi
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Christoph Borer Jugoslawischer Nationalkongress in Maribor on the magic convention in Maribor, Benno Strausak, Peter Wilker, Zoran Nikolin, Christoph Borer, Wladimir Mikek, Aldo Colombini, Arsène Lupin, H. Ziegler, Vasil Nacev, Christoph Borer, Barbara Prewin, Zeljiko Cor
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Paul Maurer Pot-au-feu on Daniel Schlatter, Rene Kaufman, Ivo Durox, Roger Linder, Louis Marino, Christoph Borer, Zoran Nikolin, Roberto Giobbi, Finn Jonn, George Schlick, Pollux, Eynar Grabowsky, Fritz, Mr. Magrée, Milo & Roger, James Randi, Moretti, Marnac, Yrus, Kravick, Pavel's Magie à Genève
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 3)
Paul Maurer Unsere Preisträger on Roberto Giobbi, Markus Gabriel, Christoph Borer, Magrée, Ivan Starcevic
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 4&5)
Paul Maurer Christoph Borer - Portät eines Zauberkünstlers on Christoph Borer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 49 No. 4&5)
Christoph Borer Die Reigen production of four Aces
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Christoph Borer Silk, Coin and Penn knot disappears from handkerchief, then coin appears which changes into chinese coin, eventually is transforms into jumbo coin
Also published here 1989 1
Christoph Borer Coin Vanish
1989 3
Christoph Borer Münzen ins Glas three coins to glass
Also published here 1989 8
Christoph Borer Tuchfärbung color changing handkerchief, from red to yellow to green
Also published here 1989 11
Christoph Borer Flash Production deck of cards appears in pyro flash
Also published here 1989 14
Christoph Borer Identitäts-Krise spectator's identity card / passport is burnt and reappears in performers wallet
1989 16
Christoph Borer Tips und Ideen
1989 20
Christoph Borer 1. Dribble Force Erdnase Break handling
Related toAlso published here 1989 20
Christoph Borer 2. Seil zerschneiden finesse
Also published here 1989 20
Christoph Borer 3. Der Geschickte Zauberer matchbox is thrown into the air and match is lit
Also published here 1989 22
Christoph Borer 4. Kurz - Mittel - Lang with shoelaces, brief idea
Also published here 1989 23
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection
Related toAlso published here 1989 24
Christoph Borer Twisting the DF Underground twisting the aces, then aces change places with kings
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 26
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection change back, then back of color only change to the center, eventually all cards change back color, red/blue double backer
Also published here 1989 28
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 32
Christoph Borer Vorwort
1991 5
Christoph Borer Risiko - einige Gedanken on using risk/hazard as a method
1991 7
Christoph Borer Wem die Stunde schlägt two spectators can form a time on a cardboard clock, time is predicted on pocket watch
1991 10
Christoph Borer Schöne Erinnerung twelve men write names of women on paper, one is selected by throwing dice, name was predicted
Related to 1991 16
Christoph Borer Mehrere-Würfel-Force forcing an object among twelve, two dice
Related to 1991 18
Christoph Borer Imaginäre Würfel Force forcing a number with invisible dice
1991 21
Pino Pan, Christoph Borer Die einsame Rote one of twelve cards is selected, it's the only red card, with dice force
1991 23
Christoph Borer Der Talisman tarot card is selected while performer is out of the room, when he returns he divines selection
1991 24
Christoph Borer Geheime Wünsche selected rune stone is predicted
1991 30
Christoph Borer Plastic Thought named card is found to be the only card with different colored back, deck in plastic bag
Also published here 1991 3
Christoph Borer Denise one of twelve names is predicted
Related toAlso published here 1991 5
Christoph Borer Mehrere-Würfel-Force forcing an object among twelve, two dice, with several outs
Related to 1991 6
Christoph Borer Runenmirakel one of several rune stones is selected and spectator draws symbol, performer duplicates the drawing
Also published here 1991 8
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection
Related toAlso published here 1991 9
Christoph Borer, Thomas Otto Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
VariationsAlso published here 1991 10
Christoph Borer Nichtraucher two cards, one is cut to, second is found under box of cigarettes, eventually a non-smoking sign appears on the first selection
Also published here 1991 12
Christoph Borer Geheime Wünsche rune stone prediction, one of thirteen
1991 14
Christoph Borer, Thomas Otto Die Wahrsagerin
Related toAlso published here 1991 17
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 18
Christoph Borer Eine Halbe Sache back of selection change back, then back of color only change to the center, eventually all cards change back color, red/blue double backer
Also published here 1991 20
Ted Lesley European Chit-Chat on the Mental Workshop, Chris & Paul Maurer, Christoph Borer, Dieter Fradl, Frascatelli & Treface, Hanussen
Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Christoph Borer A Spectator Ace Cut using flat palm
Nov. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 11)
Johnny "J.J." Johnston, Christoph Borer The Living Art Magic Theater
Jan. 1993
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Dominique Duvivier Printing Wild Card routine
Variations 1996 27
Christoph Borer Um die Ecke gebracht corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 1996 26
Christoph Borer Regenbogen back of prediction matches selection, rainbow deck
Also published here 1996 29
Christoph Borer Card Force from Ribbon Spread in steps
Also published here 1996 30
Lee Earle Dream Scheme dream of spectator predicted printed in a book
Related to 1996
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Hiromasa Fukai Water Monte water poured into one cup, monte sequence
Related to Aug. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Christoph Borer Vorwort
1997 1
Christoph Borer Denken und Vergessen magician finds two cards (one thought of and one "forgotten") of two spectators
Also published here 1997 3
Christoph Borer Feuer und Tod cards in front of burning candles, candle with dead person in front extinguishes
Also published here 1997 7
Christoph Borer Impossibile clever presentation, table is flipped over at the end
Also published here 1997 10
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Related to
  • Black Magic III (Ted Lesley, 1997)
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21
Also published here
1997 14
Christoph Borer Das Duft-Dreieck prediction of chosen fragrances
Related toAlso published here 1997 17
Christoph Borer Regenbogen back of prediction matches selection, rainbow deck
Also published here 1997 20
Christoph Borer Card Force from Ribbon Spread in steps
1997 21
Christoph Borer Die Traumfrau card with different colored back in wallet, turns out to be later signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 24
Christian Scherer Hofzinsers Handschuh cards put in a box, selection is fished out with a glove, that holds the card in an eery way
Related toVariations 1997 194
Ted Lesley Black Magic III four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins, with clever gaffed envelopes
Inspired by
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Wrong Banknight" in "Magische Perlen Band I", 1995.
Related to
Nov. 1997 8
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser, Christoph Borer Remember and Forget magician finds two cards (one thought of and one "forgotten") of two spectators
Also published here 1998 546
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Vorwort treatise on the clear forcing bag
1999 5
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Nomenklatur
1999 8
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Die Herstellung how to build a clear forcing bag
Related to 1999 10
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Einige Ideen zur Handhabung handling of the clear changing bag
  • 1. Alle Fächer sind schon geladen
  • 2. Das heimliche Laden des Beutels
  • Die Wahl
  • Varianten
1999 13
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Tigris spectator selects piece of newspaper and choses a word, prediction
1999 17
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Han number, city and word is selected and all predicted on a parcel encoded in the sender's address, clear forcing bag
Related toAlso published here 1999 21
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Hoops a daisy spectator selects a zodiac card among twelve from a clear bag, it matches his zodiac sign
1999 27
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Room Service from a clear bag, several numbers are selected which form a number, number is predicted on hotel key
1999 30
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Schöffel one of three CDs is selected, and a song, prediction is cover of cd with song written on the back in bold letters
1999 34
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Ni Perro Ni Gatto poetry book, number, name and events are selected, written dedication found in the book for chosen event
1999 38
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Kartenseil card rope, in clear plastic bag
1999 44
Daryl Martinez, Christoph Borer Tilt Finesse II
Inspired by 2000 1000
Christoph Borer, Thomas Otto Cutting Corners corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 2000 13
Christoph Borer Rainbow back of prediction matches selection, rainbow deck
Also published here 2000 17
Christoph Borer Card Force from Ribbon Spread in steps
Also published here 2000 19
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Vorwort
2000 7
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Alhambra prediction of named cigarette brand, words appear on flash paper
Also published here 2000 9
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Han number, city and word is selected and all predicted on a parcel encoded in the sender's address, clear forcing bag
Also published here 2000 13
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler T.M. - R.H.D. paperclip method, diplicate
Also published here 2000 16
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Woogie II gag
2000 18
Christoph Borer Cosmos named card is found to be the only card with different colored back, deck in plastic bag
Also published here 2000 19
Christoph Borer Get Sharky! performer has one card in pocket, spectator peeks on card from the deck, the card vanishes and appears in the pocket
Related toAlso published here 2000 21
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Boga-Boga matchbox is thrown in the air and a match is lit
Also published here 2000 23
Christoph Borer Mery spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2000 25
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Orkanum one of several rune stones is selected, prediction of rune symbol on pendant
Related toAlso published here 2000 28
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Loft covered by newspaper
Also published here 2000 31
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Zur Post bill in pen, creating two bills with same number
Related toAlso published here 2000 34
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Schlusswort
2000 37
Christoph Borer Vorwort
2001 6
Christoph Borer Wunder on miracles and marvel
2001 7
Christoph Borer Die Schatulle seven keys to baldpate mixed with description of a spectator prediction, wooden box with lock
Related to 2001 11
Christoph Borer Die Force der Zuschauerin forcing a spectator
2001 15
Christoph Borer Memoiren spectator has imaginary date with performer, all is found predicted printed in the performer's memoirs, as a climax the performer hands a freely named flower to the spectator
Related to 2001 19
Christoph Borer Das heimliche Laden des Umschlages prediction loading technique, book in envelope, chair
2001 28
Christoph Borer Das Tarot Mirakel two selected Tarot cards are predicted in an envelope, with pendulum
2001 30
Christoph Borer Graf Dracula needle through balloon, balloon starts bleeding
2001 35
Christoph Borer Vorwort
2002 3
Christoph Borer Alcon words written on paper change color, clever switching pad
Also published here 2002 7
Christoph Borer Das Svengali-Spiel
  • Das Svengali-Spiel (general comments)
  • Das Forcieren einer Karte (forcing a card, spectator shuffles deck)
Also published here 2002 10
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection, with a half forcing deck
Related toAlso published here 2002 11
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Boga-Boga matchbox is thrown in the air and a match is lit
Also published here 2002 12
Christoph Borer Die Kartenlegerin chosen card has pentagram on back
Also published here 2002 14
Christoph Borer BOE spectator's name written on slate transforms into chosen word from a newspaper
Also published here 2002 16
Christoph Borer Die Intuition des Spielers
Also published here 2002 19
Christoph Borer Filmstars prediction of a VIP, Svengali force
2002 22
Christoph Borer Die Kraft des Pendels performer divines selected city on a map with a pendulum
Also published here 2002 24
Christoph Borer Die fehlende Seite three books, from two words are divined, the third spectator writes his chosen page number on a piece of paper which is burnt and eventually a burnt hole is found in his book at the chosen page
Also published here 2002 26
Christoph Borer Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here Feb. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Christoph Borer Herzlich willkommen!
2003 1
Christoph Borer Das Spiel erscheint deck of cards appears in pyro flash
Also published here 2003 5
Christoph Borer Der Zauberfreund number, city and word is selected and all predicted on a parcel encoded in the sender's address, clear forcing bag
Also published here 2003 6
Christoph Borer Das Runen-Mirakel one of several rune stones is selected, prediction of rune symbol on pendant
Also published here 2003 8
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Related to
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21.
Also published here
2003 10
Christoph Borer Das Duft-Dreieck prediction of chosen fragrances
Also published here 2003 13
Christoph Borer Bill in Envelope bill to envelope, serial number verification, creating two bills with same number
Also published here 2003 15
Christoph Borer Die Intuition des Spielers
Also published here 2003 18
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 21
Christoph Borer Vorwort
2004 11
Christoph Borer Rune Stone Force using scrabble
2004 285
Christoph Borer Guten Tag
2006 10
Christoph Borer Inspiration
2006 11
Christoph Borer Nahe dran
2006 13
Christoph Borer Alcon words written on paper change color, clever switching pad
Also published here 2006 14
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Alhambra prediction of named cigarette brand, words appear on flash paper
Also published here 2006 18
Christoph Borer Bill in Envelope bill to envelope, serial number verification, creating two bills with same number
Related toAlso published here 2006 21
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Boga-Boga matchbox is thrown in the air and a match is lit
Also published here 2006 24
Christoph Borer Der Zauberfreund number, city and word is selected and all predicted on a parcel encoded in the sender's address, clear forcing bag
Also published here 2006 26
Christoph Borer Lasset die Musik erklingen! several cards with music titles, selection is predicted with mechanical music box
Related toAlso published here 2006 28
Christoph Borer Münzen ins Glas three coins to glass
Also published here 2006 30
Christoph Borer Pralinen five spectators select a chocolate-truffle from a box, they are all brown, the one that is remaining is white, poison story
Also published here 2006 34
Christoph Borer Silk, Coin and Pen knot disappears from handkerchief, then coin appears which changes into chinese coin, eventually is transforms into jumbo coin
Also published here 2006 36
Christoph Borer Coin Vanish
2006 39
Christoph Borer Spare in der Zeit bill transforms into coin, then a mini piggy bank appears from which a lot of coins are produced
Also published here 2006 42
Christoph Borer Tüchlein, Du musst wandern handkerchief vanishes in a pyro flash and appears in matchbox, gaffed matchbox
Also published here 2006 43
Christoph Borer Wer alles weiss, versteht nichts on theory and the importance of getting a distance from it and not knowing things
Also published here
  • Wer alles weiss, versteht nichts in "Magsiche Welt" 3/2003
2006 45
Christoph Borer Karta Sutra
2006 47
Christoph Borer Ace Flip four chosen cards change into Aces
Also published here 2006 48
Christoph Borer Denken und Vergessen with two spectators
Also published here 2006 49
Christoph Borer Die Traumfrau card with different colored back in wallet, turns out to be later signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 52
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Also published here 2006 55
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection change back, then back of color only change to the center, eventually all cards change back color, red/blue double backer
Also published here 2006 58
Christoph Borer Flash Production deck of cards appears in pyro flash
Also published here 2006 62
Christoph Borer Gamblers Ace Opener
Also published here 2006 64
Christoph Borer Gambler - Die Intuition des Spielers
Related toAlso published here 2006 65
Christoph Borer Get Sharky! performer has one card in pocket, spectator peeks on card from the deck, the card vanishes and appears in the pocket
Also published here 2006 68
Christian Scherer, Christoph Borer Hofzinsers Handschuh cards put in a box, selection is fished out with a glove, that holds the card in an eery way
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2006 70
Christoph Borer Die Macht der Psychologie
Also published here 2006 73
Christoph Borer Matching the Himber Card matching the cards, first three cards found in wallet, Himber Wallet
Also published here
  • Matching the Himber Card in "ANAM CARA"
2006 75
Christoph Borer Nichtraucher two cards, one is cut to, second is found under box of cigarettes, eventually a non-smoking sign appears on the first selection
Also published here 2006 76
Christoph Borer Regenbogen back of prediction matches selection, rainbow deck
Also published here 2006 79
Christoph Borer Card Force from Ribbon Spread in steps
2006 82
Christoph Borer Svengali
  • Das Svengali-Spiel (general comments)
  • Das Forcieren einer Karte (forcing a card, spectator shuffles deck)
Also published here 2006 83
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection, using a Svengali deck
Related toAlso published here 2006 84
Christoph Borer Der Messerstecher wrapped in newspaper
2006 85
Christoph Borer Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 2006 86
Christoph Borer Thought Rise thought of card ends up on top of the deck
Also published here 2006 89
Christoph Borer T.M. - R.H.D. paperclip method, duplicate
Also published here 2006 91
Christoph Borer Twisting the DF Underground twisting the aces, then aces change places with kings
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 92
Christoph Borer, Roy Walton Woogie four jumbo card jokers with suits, suit that matches selection is turned-over and when turned over the jumbo card became the selection and the selection became a joker.
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Woogie in "ANAM CARA"
2006 95
Christoph Borer Pause on breaks / intervals in magic shows
Also published here
  • Pause in "Magische Welt" 1/2003
2006 98
Christoph Borer Pseudo-Wahrheiten on several magic guiding principles
Also published here
  • Pseudo-Wahrheiten in "Magische Welt" 6/2003
2006 100
Christoph Borer Weiter Weg
2006 103
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Inspired by
  • Eckhard Böttcher's "Bank Night verkehrt" in "Magische Perlen Band 1 - Das Beste aus meinem Routinen-Service" 1995, P. 21.
Also published here
2006 104
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Card Stab covered by newspaper
Also published here 2006 108
Christoph Borer Cosmos named card is found to be the only card with different colored back, deck in plastic bag
Also published here 2006 110
Christoph Borer Denise one of twelve names is predicted
Also published here 2006 112
Christoph Borer Mehrere-Würfel-Force
2006 113
Christoph Borer Filmstars prediction of a VIP, Svengali force
Related to
  • Attila on "ANAM CARA"
2006 115
Christoph Borer Geistertafeln spectator's name written on slate transforms into chosen word from a newspaper
Also published here 2006 118
Christoph Borer Impossibile clever presentation, table is flipped over at the end
Also published here 2006 120
Christoph Borer Tuch färben color changing handkerchief, from red to yellow to green
Also published here 2006 123
Christoph Borer Programmgestaltung für eine Zauber-Theatervosrtellung on how to structure a full evening show
  • Der zeitliche Ablauf
  • 1. Phase: Das Grundthema
  • 2. Phase: Das Konkretisieren
  • 3. Phase: Der letzte Schliff
  • 4. Phase: Die Nachbearbeitung
  • Die Gestaltung eines Programms
Also published here
  • Programmgestaltung für eine Zauber-Theatervorstellung in "Magische Welt" 6/2003
2006 127
Christoph Borer Die schwarze Kunst
2006 130
Christoph Borer Anagramm-Wahl from a piece of newspaper two selected words are mixed up to form a message, anagram
Related toAlso published here 2006 131
Christoph Borer Brandloch three books, from two words are divined, the third spectator writes his chosen page number on a piece of paper which is burnt and eventually a burnt hole is found in his book at the chosen page
Also published here 2006 133
Christoph Borer Duft-Dreieck prediction of chosen fragrances
Also published here 2006 135
Christoph Borer Feuer und Tod cards in front of burning candles, candle with dead person in front extinguishes
Also published here 2006 137
Christoph Borer Herz 10
Related to
  • Herz 10 in "Seminarnotizen 2006"
2006 140
Christoph Borer Kartenlegerin chosen card has pentagram on back
Also published here 2006 141
Christoph Borer Die Kraft des Pendels performer divines selected city on a map with a pendulum
Also published here 2006 143
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 2006 145
Christoph Borer Runenmirakel one of several rune stones is selected and spectator draws symbol, performer duplicates the drawing
Also published here 2006 148
Christoph Borer Runen-Wunder selected rune stone is divined
Also published here
  • Runen-Mirakel in "Seminar 1997"
2006 151
Christoph Borer Mentalmagische Gedankensplitter on mentalism
  • Grundeffekte in der Mentalmagie sin
-Direkter, aber nicht zu direkter Ablauf
  • Klare, meistens einteilige Effekte
  • Symbole vorsichtig einsetzen
  • Die innere Überzeugtheit macht die Echtheit aus
  • Bedeutung, eigene Klarheit
  • Wagnisse
  • Esoterik versus Mental
Also published here
  • Mentalmagische Gedankensplitter in "Magische Welt" 2/2003
2006 153
Christoph Borer Dies und Das
2006 157
Christoph Borer Tipps und Ideen
2006 158
Christoph Borer 1. Münzen durchs Tuch subtlety for coin through handkerchief
Also published here 2006 158
Christoph Borer 2. Expansion of Texture subtlety
Also published here 2006 158
Christoph Borer 3. Der geschickte Zauberer matchbox is thrown into the air and match is lit
Also published here 2006 159
Christoph Borer 4. Dribble Force subtlety Erdnase Break handling
Also published here 2006 160
Christoph Borer 5. Seil zerschneiden finesse
Also published here 2006 160