third edition
Written by Christoph Borer
Work of Christoph Borer
50 pages (Stapled), published by Zauberkabinett Shop
Illustrated with drawings by Christoph Borer
Language: German
27 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Christoph Borer Vorwort zur ersten Auflage
Christoph Borer Vorwort zur zweiten Auflage
Christoph Borer Vorwort zur dritten Auflage
Christoph Borer Das halbe Forcierspiel half forcing deck
Christoph Borer Nomenklatur
Christoph Borer Die Handhabung eines halben Forcierspiels the handling of a half forcing deck
1. Verwendung als Normalspiel (using the normal cards)
2. Das Spiel auffächern (faning the deck)
3. Das Spiel ausbreiten (spreading the cards)
4. Das Spiel durchblättern (spreading through the cards)
5. Das Spiel auf dem Tisch ausbreiten (spreading the cards on the table)
6. Das Spiel vordribbeln (dribbling the cards on the table)
7. Das Spiel mischen (shuffling the deck)
Christoph Borer Die Force einer Karte forcing from a half forcing deck
1. Mit dem Spiel in den Händen (in the hands)
2. Das Spiel liegt auf dem Tisch (on the table)
3. In den Händen des Zuschauers (in the spectator's hands)
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection, with a half forcing deck
Related toAlso published here 13
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 15
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 17
Thomas Otto Joker Miracle card has written the word Joker on the back and put on table, this card changes into selection, different colored back
Christoph Borer Joker's Triumph triumph, reversed card at the end is a joker and selection is in card case
Ribbonspread Hideout
Christoph Borer Double Transposition red and blue deck, two selection interchange in decks
Edward Marlo Fingertip Control
Christoph Borer Erweiterung more ideas for the half forcing deck
U. F. Grant Cheeck to Cheeck brief
Christoph Borer Out of this World
Christoph Borer Eine halbe Sache back of selection change back, then back of color only change to the center, eventually all cards change back color, red/blue double backer
Also published here 31
Top Change face up, back color transformation
Thomas Otto Spectator Card Stab spectator stabs deck, wrapped in paper, half forcing deck
Christoph Borer Svengali Die Svengali Force (spectator shuffles Svengali deck and cuts to force card)
Christoph Borer Challenge Peek three cards are divined, half Al Koran deck
Stephan Kirschbaum Bonus von Stefan Kirschbaum
Stephan Kirschbaum Schoko-Stopp spectator stops at any card, chocolate written back of selection, then repeated and in prediction envelope is a piece of chocolate found with the selection as a miniature card attached
Stephan Kirschbaum Any Card at (almost) any Number spectator shuffles cards, half forcing deck
Christoph Borer Nachwort
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2017.