95 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Gambling / Poker / Stacking / Overhand
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Eddie Joseph The Sensational Poker Demonstration two phase routine, overhand shuffle stack of Aces, then all players can draw
1941 11
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Two in One double duke
1942 7
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Easy Skill three aces, then royal flush
1942 8
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Ace in the Hole
1942 9
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Transparent Cards performer stacks himself three Aces and knows some cards (because they are apparently transparent)
1942 9
Bruce Elliott, S. W. Erdnase The Expert at the Card Table stacking three Aces in a four hands game, modified Erdnase System, openly shown
Inspired byRelated to
  • corrections on p. 28
Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 5)
Neal Elias "Tell Ya What I'm Gonna Do" using a combination cull stock shuffle
1946 14
Al Leech Simplified Poker Deal Ace stacking for five hands via re-dealing
1949 26
Ken Beale Pseudo Seconds fake second dealing and stacking demonstration, Tantalizer deal with red Aces, black Aces show up as well, then stacking with the Aces, four duplicate Aces
  • Let's Get Fancy (half-deck gambling stack preserved during deals and Tantalizer deal for finale)
Related to Apr. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 5)
The Milk Build Shuffle
May 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 2)
Gerald Kosky Poker Run-Up System no jogs, no breaks, no milk build shuffle
Also published here Aug. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Card Stack Demo Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, for correction see Facsimile reference
Related to 1964 37
Fred Lowe The Innocent Cheat performer stacks the Aces, then a spectator takes one card from a hand and puts it in his sleeve, performer deals again, spectator switches his sleeved card for one from his chosen hand and receives royal flush
Related to 1967 190
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Larry Jennings The Future Gambler overhand stacking demo, riffle stacking demo, triumph finish
Related to 1969
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
David Moore Ultimate Erdnase Royal Flush face-up in deck, overhand stacked, with surprise, Magician vs. Gambler theme, see also p. 332 and p. 337
Variations Mar. 1970 328
Bruce Cervon Face Up Stacks overhand stack demo, then Triumph Stack
1971 7
Bruce Elliott The Expert at the Card Table stacking Aces and selections
Inspired by 1972 85
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Poker Deal No. 611, overhand stacking demonstration with Aces, then repeat deal with Nines in one hand and Royal Flush in another
Variations 1972 169
Jerry K. Hartman All Hands On Deck: a dishonest lecture on dishonesty gambling expose consisting of false overhand and riffle shuffles, false deals (second and bottom) and “switching”, for finale the magician shows that everyone got a great hand, outline of entire routine’s handling on p. 39
1974 30
Nick Trost The Stacking Demonstration overhand stacking demo with two cards, then it is completed to Royal Flush as a surprise, reciting formula as presentation
1975 14
Frank Thompson Phase 2 Aces put on top, overhand stacking for five players, with variations on p. 6
1976 2
Edward Marlo The Overhand Routine two stacking phases
1979 316
Mack Picknick Challenge Poker draw poker, performer has flush, overhand shuffle stacking
1982 34
Steve Beam Super Stack - The One Second Poker Stack
  • The Work
  • Status Report
  • Synopsis of the Cull and Set-Up
  • Overhand Shuffle - Four Hand Stack
  • The Riffle Shuffle
  • Synopsis of the Riffle Shuffles
Inspired byRelated to 1983 2
Edward Marlo Triple Power Poker bottom deal, overhand and riffle stacking demo
1984 86
Larry Jennings, Jeff Busby The Return of the Future Gambler variation of Jennings' "Future Gambler" , overhand stacking demo, riffle stacking demo, triumph finish
Related to 1984
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Larry Jennings Shut Up And Deal nice structure
1986 60
John C. Wagner Sweepstack two phases
Inspired by 1987 161
Dai Vernon Stacked to Formula
1989 116
Randy Wakeman Watch Me Work four Aces are quickly stacked, two handlings
1989 103
Simon Aronson "Repeat" Surprise Climax overhand stacking, repeat in which a Royal Flush is received instead, Gardner-Marlo re-deal
1990 38
Edward Marlo Simpler Than Simple Simon stacking four cards in one overhand shuffle
Inspired by Apr. 1991 13
Edward Marlo The Repeat Surprise multiple phase overhand stacking demo
Apr. 1991 15
John Scarne 3-Second Stack
Related toVariations 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo Card Stack Demo Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, correction for reference
Related toAlso published here June 1992
The Olram File (Issue 12)
Steve Draun A Slick Trick overhand
1993 76
Howard Wurst Howard Wurst on Scarne's Shuffle Systems
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 7)
Mike Bornstein All Hands on Deck overhand
Sep. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 9)
Richard Vollmer The Miredieu Poker Deal set-up
Dec. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 12)
John Scarne Fast Shuffle #1 "Scarne Shuffle Systems"
three Aces for five-handed game for first player
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
John Scarne The Apparent Miss "Scarne Shuffle Systems"
three Aces for five-handed game for first player, apparent miss in third Ace
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
John Scarne 3 Aces and a Kicker "Scarne Shuffle Systems"
three Aces for five-handed game for first player, fourth Ace as kicker
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
John Scarne Fast Shuffle #2 "Scarne Shuffle Systems"
three Aces for five-handed game for dealer, crimp
Variations 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
John Scarne Fast Shuffle #3 "Scarne Shuffle Systems"
three Aces for five-handed game for dealer, fourth Ace after spectator shuffle
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Jack Avis Jack Avis on Scarne's Run-up Systems
Inspired byAlso published here 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 10)
Guy Hollingworth Reset Routine ends in New Pack Order
Also published here 1994 154
Joseph K. Schmidt Blockbuster No. 1 two times, "deal stack", overhand
1995 19
Joseph K. Schmidt Blockbuster No. 2 stacking two hands, overhand
1995 20
Joseph K. Schmidt "Easy Poker" from shuffled deck, overhand
Inspired by 1995 24
Joseph K. Schmidt The "Sore-Armed" Bandid another system
1995 52
Karl Fulves Another Word on "Last Word" overhand
1995 60
Karl Fulves The Three - Er, Four King Deal stacking two hands, overhand
1995 62
Joseph K. Schmidt Blockbuster No. 3 stacking three hands (!), overhand
1995 65
Simon Aronson Simple Double Duke Aces shown, short overhand shuffle, stacked except one, performer has Royal Flush
Related toAlso published here 1995 47
Simon Aronson Stack In Trade Aces stacked to performer and shown during deal, then another player has Aces and performer Royal Flush
  • Overhand Shuffle Methode (Version 1)
  • Streamlined Handling
  • Collins Method (Version 2)
Inspired by 1995 52
Wylee Packer Overhand Shuffle Stack Extension
Dec. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Card Stack Demo Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, correction from reference
  • Triple Faro Control
Related to 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Harry Riser The Poker Lesson twelve-card set-up
  • The First Lesson: overhand stack
  • The Second Lesson: talking about holding out, several good hands dealt
  • The Third Lesson: Royal flush controlled to top
Related to 1996 86
Al Mann Five Aces hand gets four aces and joker
1997 21
Bruce Cervon The Vernon-Cervon Run-Up Demonstration complex
1998 21
Jack Avis Variations on Scarne's Runup System three variations
Also published here 1998 64
Lew R. Brooks The 4 Second Stack fast overhand stack demo with the four Kings, using thirteen extra Kings, inspired by John Scarne performance
Inspired by 1998 13
Lew R. Brooks The LRB Stacking Demo overhand stacking demo, others get good hands
1998 31
Guy Hollingworth A Gambling Routine ends in New Deck Order, for an idea see also p. 28 of Behr reference
Related toAlso published here 1999 181
Edward Marlo Stacking Attack Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, correction from reference
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Roberto Giobbi Final Observations on stacking
2000 920
The Pseudo-Stack spectator specifies the order of the aces and the winning hand
2000 923
Neal Elias Four Handed Partnership Pinochle four Aces to partner and four Aces to dealer
2000 9
S. W. Erdnase, Jack Merlin Four Card Stock Shuffle with presentational idea by Merlin
2001 7
Karl Fulves Speed Stacking No. 15, overhand stacking the already stacked cards to a different player, spectator previously removes as many cards that corresponds to the player
2001 31
John Scarne Instant Stack three-of-a-kind is overhand stacked in five seconds, fourth card shown as kicker
Variations 2001
Charlatan (Issue 5)
Darwin Ortiz The Professional poker and bridge
Inspired by
  • "Johnny Mnemonic" (Andrew Wimhurst, The Card Artistry of Andrew Wimhurst, 2001, video)
  • "The Expert at the Bridge Table" (The Card Artistry of Andrew Wimhurst, 2001, video)
2002 48
Simon Aronson Simple Double Duke Aces shown, short overhand shuffle, stacked except one, performer has Royal Flush
Also published here 2003 10
Edward Marlo Lessinout Shuffle brief
Also published here 2004 340
Karl Fulves On-Command Stack overhand stacking demonstration with borrowed deck
Charlatan (Issue 10)
Ian Baxter Pokerun-Up fast
2007 65
Karl Fulves Year With Meaning "Unexplained"
overhand stacking the values that combine to a year, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 3)
Sam Leo Horowitz, Roberto Giobbi The Horowitz Poker Deal
  • The Genii Session
overhand stacking demonstration with Aces, then repeat deal with Nines in one hand and Royal Flush in another
Inspired by Aug. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 8)
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here 2008 36
Allan Slaight Erdnaces openly overhand stacking Aces while reciting formula, then royal flush deal
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1990
2008 114
Nick Trost A Stacking Demonstration three phase routine
Inspired by 2009 389
John Bannon Riverboat Poker openly recited overhand shuffling formula, combined with Gardner/Marlo deal
Also published here 2009 47
Tony Cabral The Memory Expert at the Bridge Table overhand stacking demonstration, bridge deal in which performer names all cards in one hand and saves selection for last, thirteen memorized cards set-up
Inspired by 2011 46
John Bannon Riverboat Poker openly recited overhand shuffling formula, combined with Gardner/Marlo deal
Also published here 2013 46
Justin Higham 1-5-4 Pseudo Overhand Cull-Stack
2014 5
Vic Trabucco Power Poker Magician demonstrates how to stack cards during a shuffle and receives four aces on the first deal. On the next round, he receives a royal flush.
Related to 2015 66
Harry Lorayne Three Mechanics three four-of-a-kinds stacked
Inspired by 2015 41
Harry Lorayne 8451 Plus stacking to formula, red-black separation kicker
Inspired by 2015 169
Harry Lorayne My Best Overhand Shuffle Stack
Inspired byRelated to 2015 240
Christoph Borer, S. W. Erdnase, Jack Merlin Die echte Erklärung card stacking, Stacking Formula as Patter
Inspired byRelated to 2016 84
Overhand Stacking to formula
2019 7
Steve Forte haymow getting into incremental haymow (segmented?)
Related to 2020 889
Steve Forte Overhand Shuffle Cooler Stack Aces stacked, other players get good hands as well
2020 917
Edward Marlo The Double Stack four Kings stacked with two faros, then Aces overhand stacked to eight hands as surprise, from unpublished notes
Output (Issue 6)