79 entries in Cards / Sleights / Shuffles (non-riffle) / Faro Shuffle / Faro Stacking
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Perfect Shuffle Stock using faro for alternating set-ups
1940 149
Frederick Braue Braue Poker Deal see also following routines
Variations 1940 149
Jerry Andrus Stack the Aces
1956 176
Gerald Kosky Anyone for Bridge? stacking bridge with faro shuffles or milk build shuffles
VariationsAlso published here May 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 2)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Faro Fantasies spectators get remembered hands again, poker and bridge deal
Inspired byRelated toVariations June 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 3)
Edward Marlo Combining Riffle Shuffles & Faros for stacking cards, examples are ten hands and seven (!) hands
1958 31
Edward Marlo Placement Shuffle placing Aces thirteen cards apart, with stacking application
1958 18
Edward Marlo The Wrong Hand player receives Aces, performer straight flush
1958 38
Alex Elmsley Aces Up stacking with faro shuffle for any number from two to five
Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Winner's Weave in faros, positions after three shuffles, stacking
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo Faro Plus Seconds - Stud riffle and overhand combination
1959 108
Edward Marlo The Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected hand for an unexpected number of players, Aces vanish as finale
Variations Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Neal Elias Strip Faro Stock Shuffle Aces placed on top, stacked to any number from two to eight, faro and stripper deck combination
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Edward Marlo Impromptu Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected positions, then are spelled out, Aces vanish as finale, five phases
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Edward Marlo Card Stack Demo Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, for correction see Facsimile reference
Related to 1964 37
Father Cyprian Faro Flush after shuffling, performer gets Royal Flush
Variations Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Faro Variation any poker hand called for, using faro
Inspired byAlso published here 1968 24
Roger Smith The Faro Shuffler's Column #3 spelling to the Aces, top cards of packets are then turned over and they are blank cards with message
Oct. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Roger Smith In Case Collectors deck in case, then Aces placed in closed case, selections found between Aces
June 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Eddie Fechter Small Number Faro Stack faro slough-off handling
Also published here 1972 39
Edward Marlo Stacking a lot of Information distributed throughout the book
1974 1
Martin A. Nash The Three to Seven Hand Poker Stack faro & second dealing, see p. 444 for additional crediting
Related to 1975 96
Gerald Kosky Anyone for Bridge? stacking bridge hands with NDO and faro shuffles
Also published here 1975 88
Murray Bonfeld Placement For Thirds faro shuffle that distributes a group three cards apart, e.g. the spades then lie SxxSxxSxx..., not a perfect tripe faro
Related to 1977 31
Erhard Liebenow Your Favorite Value, Please! spectator names a value, performer cuts to the Aces, then the Aces transform into his selected value
1978 10
Karl Fulves 4-Ever spectator cuts, remembers card and replaces, faro
Related to 1981 16
Mack Picknick The Gambler and His Accomplice gambling demo, spectators see cards put down in front of accomplice, eventually they are found in hand of performer
1982 36
Eddie Fechter Small Number Faro Stack faro slough-off handling
Also published here 1984 2
Karl Fulves Primitive Cycles
Related to 1986 28
Karl Fulves Faro Slough-Off Stacking simple two-handed stacking
1987 6
Edward Marlo Expediting a Stack combining riffle shuffle with table faro
1988 92
Alex Elmsley Aces Up stacking with faro shuffle for any number from two to five
1991 395
Alex Elmsley Four Flusher stacking all four royal flushes one after the other, faro stacking
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1991 399
Al Smith Farostack
  • Confederace
  • Maximace
  • Kingfederaces
1991 15
Al Smith Smarloth multiple shift followed by faro stacking
1991 16
Edward Marlo Card Stack Demo Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, correction for reference
Related toAlso published here June 1992
The Olram File (Issue 12)
James Swain, Michael Skinner Dream Poker magician deals himself winning poker hand from spectator shuffled deck. Uses partial stack
Variations 1992 19
Vanni Bossi A Faro Subtlety faro with corner-shorted cards, stacking application with fewer shuffles
1992 10
Eddie Fechter Small Number Faro Stack faro slough-off handling
Also published here 1993 231
Alex Elmsley Royal Flush Deal royal flush deal for any number of players, faro shuffling
1994 308
Darwin Ortiz Darwin's Poker Deal travelling signatures
Inspired by 1995 159
Darwin Ortiz Pick-A-Card Poker with to-Royal-Flush-Transformation
Related to 1995 172
Darwin Ortiz The Cross faro stacking, transformation
Inspired byRelated to 1995 180
Edward Marlo Card Stack Demo Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, correction from reference
  • Triple Faro Control
Related to 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Pablo Domenèch Carta Al Numero (La Pequeña Historia de un Juego) placing a card at a number using the Faro shuffle
Also published here
  • "La Pequeña Historia de un Juego" in "La Circular de la EMM" March, 1980. P. 102.
1996 97
Nick Trost The Perfecto Bridge Deal duplicate Spades
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1969
1997 235
Edward Marlo Marlo's Faro Variation any poker hand called for, using faro
Also published here 1997 103
Edward Marlo Stacking Attack Kings openly stacked, Tens and Aces end up also, faro and overhand stacking, correction from reference
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Eddie Fechter Small Number Faro Stack faro slough-off handling
Also published here Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Darwin Ortiz Déjà vu Poker four hands are redealt after shuffling, faro, Royal Flush kicker
Inspired by 2002 11
Harry Riser The Bottom Dealer Folds Ten through King of Spades lost, four hands dealt, some good hands with Royal Flush for performer, faros
Also published here
  • MUM, Oct. 2002
2006 169
Dai Vernon Black's stack four aces, kings and queens stacked for 6 hands, with faros
2007 35
Justin Higham Mini Faro Faroing Aces into deck in preparation for stacking later
2008 37
Karl Fulves Cheating Is Easy quick two-hand stacking demonstration
Prolix (Issue 7)
Steve Ehlers Hold'em Stack stacking up to eight hands, faro
2010 69
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham A Look Inside Perfect Shuffles Describes the mathematics of perfect faro shuffles, how to stack the deck using in and out shuffles
2012 92
Jason Ladanye The Big Stack performer stacks himself queen, someone else gets kings, queens change to aces
Inspired by 2013 181
Tony Cabral Quads also "Four the Hard Way", performer deals peeked selection to himself multiple times, those apparent duplicates change into four Aces
Inspired by 2014 10
Pepe Lirrojo Pick Up Stack con Faros pick-up stack and faro stacking
Inspired by 2016 27
Ryan Murray Stacking
  • Six Hands (using Weave in Thirds)
  • Five Hands (using Bizarre Weave)
  • Nine Hands (using Weave in Thirds)
2018 34
Steve Forte Faro Stacking introduction
2020 256
Steve Forte The Faro Process general comments and rules regarding faro stacking
2020 258
Steve Forte Off-the-table Faro Stack slough-off, hustler MG
2020 260
Steve Forte Bottom-to-top Stack tabled
2020 261
Steve Forte Basic Faro Stack partial faro into deck, extra cards removed afterwards
2020 262
The Faro System by hustler PMH, using "faro twist"
2020 263
faro twist by hustler PMH, table faro with break, after faro the break can be taken above or below the card that is faroed into the break
2020 264
Steve Forte Skip-Stack faro stacking for odd number of players
2020 267
Steve Forte Single Hole-card Hold' em Stack faro stacking for odd number of players, three-of-a-kind
2020 267
Steve Forte Riffle Faro only bottom half faroed, also while holding break
2020 268
Steve Forte Faro Review how to work out faro stacks and pre-faro stacks
2020 270
Steve Forte Faros and the Second Deal
2020 271
Steve Forte Summary
2020 276
Steve Forte faro stack on doing a simple faro stack for laypeople
2020 890
Steve Forte The 2-1-2-4 Faro Stack dealing the Aces after one faro for a five-handed game
2020 906
Steve Forte Balancer Faro Stack eon shuffle and one cut to stack the four Aces for hold 'em
2020 907
Steve Forte One-shuffle Stacks
  • one faro - four players - four aces
  • tap-tap stack
  • heads-up double-duke
  • dupes stack (duplicate Aces)
2020 915
Tony Cabral Two Routines - One: The Braue Poker Deal Redux faro stacking demo, spectator choses type of poker game
Inspired byAlso published here
  • “Cheats & Deceptions” column in M-U-M Magazine
2020 60
Edward Marlo The Double Stack four Kings stacked with two faros, then Aces overhand stacked to eight hands as surprise, from unpublished notes
Output (Issue 6)