128 entries in Cards / Sleights / Stacking / Stacking without Shuffling
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das Mischen und gleichzeitige Ordnen der Karten "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
open mixing procedure which stacks cards, for game Écarté
Aug. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Theodore Annemann The Gambler in Person pick-up stack
Also published here 1931 22
William Larsen Insertion Stacking with thumb count
1931 5
An Effective Poker Deal re-deal stacking done by spectator, double duke suggestion
Related toVariations 1935 108
Audley Walsh Thumb Count Stacking
June 1936
The Jinx (Issue 21)
U. F. Grant Effect No. 1 spectator deals five hands, no good hand, but when the magician deals he get's a straight flush, re-deal stacking
Related toVariations 1936 1
A Subtle Set Up thumb count stack
1937 365
Theodore Annemann The Gambler in Person pick-up stack
Variations 1937 372
Stadelman Effective Poker Deal redistribution to stack royal flush
1937 373
Edward Victor Stacking the Aces thumb count
1937 21
William Larsen The Four Ace Deal thumb riffle stacking
1938 305
Val Evans Pseudo Stacking Aces pushed into deck next to already stacked cards with marks on their backs
1941 21
Martin Gardner, Edward Marlo Gardner-Marlo Poker Routine
Related toVariations 1942 28
Audley Walsh Thumb Count Stacking
1943 7
The Hold Out and Pick Up Builds redealing principle in combination with pick up stack
1946 112
Royal Flush Royal Flush for any number of players, counting stacking method
1946 55
Al Leech Simplified Poker Deal Ace stacking for five hands via re-dealing
1949 26
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Build Up (Streamlined)
Inspired by Nov. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 189)
Edward Marlo Bottom Deal Stacking Bottom Deal Count, while cards are counted, they are set via bottom deal
Also published here 1950 23
Hugh Carroll Solitaired! solitaire stacking
Sep. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 264)
Bill Simon Set-Up of Four Cards stacking four cards, when deck is cut one of the cards is on top and on bottom of each heap
1952 95
Edward Marlo Bottom Deal Stacking Bottom Deal Count, while cards are counted, they are set via bottom deal
VariationsAlso published here 1953 33
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck Run-Up dealing again after poker demo, to have the deck back in order
June 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 283)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck 3 'n' 1 solitaire stacking
Jan. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 298)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck E-Z Poker thumb count stacking of a poker hand
June 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 310)
Brother John Hamman The Perfect Bridge Hand Spades stacked in preliminary dealing round
Variations 1958 24
Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Jean Hugard Color Separation separating suits and stacking deck in the hands, see Tom Ransom's idea in No. 6
Related to Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
William P. Miesel Another Impromptu Out of this World doing Miraskill for separating red and black cards
Related to Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Version with Any Deck shuffled deck, all cards are memorized and named, the deck is stacked
Apr. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 7)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck Run-Up bringing deck back in order, when doing gambling (dealing) routines
June 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo The Bottom Deal Count rearranging cards while counting them in the hands via bottom deals
Variations 1959 12
Edward Marlo Strike Bottom Deal Count rearranging cards while counting them in the hands via bottom deals
1959 15
Edward Marlo The Opening Gambit stacking a hand while dealing through the deck
Related to 1959 136
Edward Marlo Key Card System pseudo stacking, actually key cards next to aces, face up deal and second deal
1959 111
Charlie Miller Poker Deal target cards from shuffled first deal placed into own hand via bottom deals
1961 28
Gerald Kosky Double-Cut Poker Run-Up
Also published here Mar. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 378)
Edward Marlo Marlo Placement Cull spread cull procedure to set cards at desired positions from top, e.g. Aces at positions 6-15-19-25
1964 6
Edward Marlo Marlo Simplex Placement Cull spread cull procedure to set cards at desired positions from top, e.g. Aces at positions 6-15-19-25
1964 8
Edward Marlo Any Number of Hands shuffled deck, any number of hands named, performer looks through deck, when cards are dealt, the named value four-of-a-kind is in the named hand
1964 10
Karl Fulves Auto-Stack stripper deck application for stacking
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Third Supplement)
Doc Mifflin Found - One Poker Hand chosen hand contains chosen poker hand, easy stacking
1972 87
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Riffle Quadruple Peek Poker Deal Demonstration No. 296, four cards peeked at and then are found in one hand of five-hand poker deal, peek force and dropping five cards on every peek
1972 76
Edward Marlo Sixth Objective using in-jog and out-jog cull to set-up cards for poker demonstration
Related to 1973 14
Edward Marlo Seventh Objective using in-jog and out-jog cull to set-up cards for poker demonstration
1973 15
Karl Fulves Cut To Stack The Aces stacking with cutting procedure, posed as a problem
July 1973
Epilogue (Issue 18)
Lin Searles Idiot's Shuffle cards shuffled face-up/face-down (for real), then four eights (instead of aces) are dealt
Variations Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Gene Maze The Universal Stock stack and second deal combination to deal out the Aces for three to seven players
Related to 1973 39
Jerry K. Hartman Cull-de-Stack four Aces (or other good hand) are stacked under guise of spreading through deck and up-jogging some cards
Related to 1974 45
Gerald Kosky Double-Cut Poker Run-Up stacking four Kings for five hands, using double undercut
Also published here 1975 87
Paul Curry Position Change a card's position is changed while turned over
1977 40
Seymour Berkley Stacked all cards are named to stack deck, without repetition of single card
Magick (Issue 199)
Karl Fulves Impromptu Poker Deal deck set up for poker deal during location via Riffle Shuffle Control
1979 21
Jerry K. Hartman Hokum Poker shuffled deck, hand removed and later mated hand is dealt, featuring impromptu stacking, Dead Man's Hand presentation
Also published here 1981 3
Karl Fulves Hokum Notes variations on the impromptu stacking method
1981 7
Karl Fulves 5 As 5 while hiding one, as stacking
Related to 1981 15
Karl Fulves I. Q. Poker after some guessing game performer receives four-of-a-kind from shuffled deck, stacking as other cards are removed from deck
1981 26
Karl Fulves Elliott's Run-Ups
  • Poker Problem #3
on the incomplete notes in "Elliott's Last Legacy"
1981 31
Edward Marlo The Zero Second Stack Aces put on top of deck, spectator says "go" and performer immediately "stop", Aces dealt to five players, stacking during display sequence
Inspired by 1983 50
Michael F. Zens, Karl Fulves Any Hand Called For No. 72, double-deal stacking
Related toVariations 1984 106
Juan Tamariz Rutina Hamilton three phases, pick-up stack
Inspired by 1984 21
Juan Tamariz Cortes Clasificadores stacking four Aces by cutting
1984 25
John Riggs Loading Cards Between a Four of a Kind with the pack, several breaks
1985 211
Louis Histed, Frederick Braue Crimp Four Aces aces fairly lost in deck, then they arrive in poker hand
1985 24
Karl Fulves Swivel Stack Aces placed in different parts of deck and squared, then Kings, two hands dealt, they are Aces and Kings
1989 44
Karl Fulves The Gambler weird stacking procedure, then two hands dealt and performer has four-of-a-kind
1989 15
Karl Fulves Gambler's Dream five red and black cards, one chosen from each, open stacking procedure, two hands dealt and the selections are exchanged
1989 26
Ken Krenzel, Edward Marlo The Doppelgänger Deck applying the JB Kard Kop
Inspired by 1990 102
Karl Fulves Amateur Night on the pick-up stack
  • (3) 3-4-5
  • Category Two
Cheat Sheet (Issue 4)
The Palm Stock
Also published here
  • "How Gamblers Win" (1868)
Cheat Sheet (Issue 5)
Edward Marlo Prestacking Sequence
Apr. 1991 13
Edward Marlo The Unexpected Seven-Card Stack faro
Inspired by
  • "The Zero Stack" (Bill Kalush, Precursor #28)
Aug. 1991 14
Jerry K. Hartman Hokum Poker shuffled deck, hand removed and later mated hand is dealt, featuring impromptu stacking, Dead Man's Hand presentation
Also published here 1991 435
Dave Ossip Double Cut as Stacking
Related to 1992 61
Edward Marlo Latest Opening Gambit stacking hand while counting to see if all 52 are there, in the hands
Related to Sep. 1993
The Olram File (Issue 13)
Double Deal Stacking
1994 93
Karl Fulves What This Is Not pseudo/fake vs. real methods, brief explanation of stacking with transfer cuts
1995 2
Karl Fulves 5 As 5 Count as Stacking
Related to 1995 13
Karl Fulves Center To Center stacking challenge, posed as problem
Related to 1996 109
Ken Krenzel Opti-Stack aces inserted in fan
1997 131
Pit Hartling Drop Stack stacking cards while throwing heaps on table
1998 16
Thumb Count Stacking
1999 189
Steve Mayhew Getting Ready stacking cards for the Angel Shuffle
1999 10
Paul Gordon Hayden On Duty displaying cards in bunches, with cuts in between, at the end the Aces are stacked
Inspired by
  • "The Buffalo Cornstack" (Allan Hayden, Card Shark On Duty)
Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Roberto Giobbi Stacking Introduction
2000 913
Thumb Count Stacking as cards are inserted into deck
2000 923
Pick-up Stack
2000 925
Baltazar Fuentes Fuentes Step Insertion Aces apparently put on bottom, but inserted into two breaks near bottom
2000 35
Barry Price The Stealth Stack Aces placed reversed at different positions where spectator's say stop during riffling, immediately a five-handed game is dealt out and all Aces are stacked
2000 11
Joshua Jay Shuffle-Proof Poker Shuffling Lesson type procedure to stack cards, then spectator gets Kings, which appear in performer's hand between bad cards, spectator then has Aces
Related to 2000 11
Karl Fulves Multi-Stack shuffled deck, performer takes out Aces and loses them again, immediately deals out two poker hands and performer gets Aces
Related to 2001 212
Karl Fulves Jacks Are Better shuffled deck, performer takes out named value and loses them again, immediately deals out two poker hands and performer gets Jacks and spectator his value
Related to 2001 213
Steve Beam Mora-Cull stacking by using the spread cull
2002 78
Ron Bauer Insertion Stacking cards distributed into tabled deck via thumb count
2004 8
Karl Fulves The Expert Returns spectator stacks two cards himself by repeated dealing (overhand shuffle single run substitute)
Inspired by 2006
Prolix (Issue 2)
Pit Hartling Drop Stack stacking cards while throwing heaps on table
2007 54
Benjamin Earl C.O.P. Cull Stack very brief
Jan. 2009
Gambit (Issue 1)
Nick Trost The Zens Poker Deal, Redealt double-deal stacking
Inspired by 2011 676
Bottom Deal Stacking
2012 4
Justin Higham Spread-Count Poker 1 groups spread off and dropped onto table to stack Aces which start on top, drop stack
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2013 9
Justin Higham Spread-Count Poker 2 memory presentation
Inspired byRelated to 2013 10
Joseph Barry Freedom Stacking Drop Stack
Also published here 2013 11
Justin Higham Bottom-Deal Count Substitute milk build combined with drop stack
Inspired by 2013 14
Joseph Barry On-the-fly Stacking culling, arranging, pile-cutting, ...
2014 24
Joseph Barry On-the-fly Stacking culling, arranging, pile-cutting, ...
2014 11
Justin Higham Spread-Count Poker 3 drop stacking after royal flush has been palmed onto top
  • Prediction Versions
  • Full-House Version
  • Face-Down Version
Related to 2014 1
Justin Higham Spread-Count Poker 4 drop stack
2014 3
Justin Higham Spread-Count Poker 5 drop stack
2014 4
Justin Higham Split Pick-Up Spread-Count Stack
  • For Brag
  • For Poker 1
  • For Poker 2
  • For Poker 3
  • For Poker 4
2014 7
Justin Higham The Spread-Separation Concept credit information
  • Spread-Separation Cull-Stack
  • Seven-Card Full-House Combination Cull
Variations 2014 11
Benjamin Earl Pick-Up Restacking performer receives Aces, when hands are gathered, Aces are stacked again for next deal
  • Method One
  • Method Two
  • Method Three
Variations 2014 17
Justin Higham Pick-Up Restacking - Method Four performer receives Aces, when hands are gathered, Aces are stacked again for next deal
Inspired by 2014 20
Justin Higham Spread-Loaded Pseudo Centres
  • Method One
  • Method Two
2014 22
Joseph Barry Freedom Stacking Drop Stack
Also published here 2015 4
Jon Racherbaumer History historical discussion, excerpt from reference, re-deal stacking
Also published here
  • Dust-Motes in the Grid, 1999
2015 221
Harry Lorayne Poker Power Explored Cull Down Variation to back instead of bottom, jog and strip out, simultaneous stacking for three players
Inspired by 2015 207
Justin Higham Spread-Count Poker 6 groups spread off and dropped onto table to stack Royal Flush which starts on top, drop stack
Related to 2015 11
Justin Higham, Will Houstoun Eight-Card Spread-Separation Cull drop-stacking a hand on the fly
  • End Notes
Inspired byRelated to 2015 12
Nick Trost Deal Me In deck dealt into five hands and all cards are bad, cards dealt into chosen number of piles, then again into five and chosen hand wins
Related to 2015 1195
Nick Trost Four Royal Flushes packet dealt into two to six piles as often as wishes, then five hands are dealt, four royal flushes and performer wins with five-of-a-kind
Inspired by 2015 1213
Joseph Barry The Stacking Drill
Related to Feb. 2016
Operandi (Issue 1)
Michael Skinner, Edward Marlo Skinner on Marlo's Poker Deal spectator deals himself the aces, bottom deal stacking, same as Marlo's really
Inspired byRelated to
  • Michael Skinner Private Tape (DVD, ca. 1988, edited by Richard Kaufman)
Hidden Agenda (Issue Oct 24)
Pepe Lirrojo Pick Up Stack con Faros pick-up stack and faro stacking
Inspired by 2016 27
Cull Stacking
Dec. 2017
Operandi (Issue 2)
Steve Forte One-card-removal Cut getting rid of extra card between two target cards via slip cut sequence
2020 271
Steve Forte Cut-Stacking four Aces cut into deck one at a time without shuffling, then deal
2020 908
Steve Forte Pushoff Cut-stacking four Aces cut into deck one at a time without shuffling, then deal
2020 910
Brother John Hamman Expertalk: Brother John Hamman on Culling sorting strategy to get four-of-a-kind together, packets dropped on table
  • Stacking the Aces
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2007
2022 595
Jack Carpenter Strike Bottom Deal Count Handling rearranging cards while counting them in the hands via bottom deals
Inspired by 2024 52