257 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Cards / Rough and Smooth (not full deck)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dr. Ford Rogers Rough-Smooth as Haptic Cue
Also published here 1919/1920 71
Eric F. Impey Mysto - The Masterpiece thought-of card vanishes, thirteen half-waxed pairs in deck, also as named vanish
Also published here 1928 2
Jean Hugard Diachylon history and basic information, more sticky than rough-smooth
1937 104
Eric C. Lewis King of Clubs "King of Clubs" forced and name of local club appears on backs of some cards
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Coloroto four-of-a-kind changes front and back with partial rough-smooth
Also published here Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 71)
Theodore Annemann The Roughened Card Formulae
Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 71)
1940 33
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue "Well, I'm D----d!" double facer and duplicate
Related to 1942 5
Dr. Raymond L. Beebe Ships that pass in the night three cards
1945 174
Harlan Tarbell Red and Black Transposition ten red and ten black cards change places, rough and smooth
1945 177
Ned Rutledge Well, Well! face up ace should find spectator's card
Related to 1945 31
J. B. Bobo A New Key Card single rough-smooth pair
1947 31
Mitchell Dyszel A Royal Drama story trick about Kings, transformation packet trick
Feb. 1947 291
James G. Thompson Jr. Pocket Seance blank cards, name is divined and message appears
May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 150)
Appendix A where to obtain roughing fluid
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Giant Monte odd-backed queen cannot be followed, changes in joker as kicker, partial rough-smooth
Inspired by 1948 1
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Poker Hand Routine pair of deuces changes into Royal Flush, backs change as well, partial rough-smooth
1948 3
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Restless Cards seven cards are shown, squared, then alternating face-up/face-down, repeated, partial rough-smooth
Also published here 1948 5
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Hallucination two spectators look at the same card which is placed on one hand, they have seen different cards and the card changed to a third one, suggested with Walt Disney cards
1948 14
Jack Yeager The Vanishing Reds fan of ten cards, red and black alternating, then all red cards vanish and are produced from pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Peter Warlock Rhinegold by spectator, with card stand and envelopes
June 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 180)
Edward Marlo Unknown - Effect No. 1 stop trick as prediction, several methods, some with roughed cards, impromptu double backer
Inspired by 1951 1
Edward Marlo Unknown - Effect No. 2 two selections appear at selected numbers up to ten, several methods, some with roughed cards, impromptu double backer
1951 1
Edward Marlo Ambitious Card Routine roughed duplicate
Variations 1951 11
Don Alan Card in the Egg card is selected and miniature version found in plastic egg, all cards in deck are the same as climax
Variations 1951 9
Milbourne Christopher Postcard Prophesy chosen postcard is predicted, X on the back
Variations 1954 12
Edward Marlo All One Way eight cards mixed face-up/face-down, then all one way again, repeat, two extra cards
  • Notes to All One Way (with roughed deck idea)
Variations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Bob "Hardell" Ecklund Hardell's Three Card Monte with whole deck, duplicates, climax all three cards are the same
Aug. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Thoughts on Piano on the piano card trick
  • First Method (two roughed pairs)
  • Second Method
  • Third Method
Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Edward Marlo The Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected hand for an unexpected number of players, Aces vanish as finale
Variations Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo The Returning Jack four Aces and a black Jack, tabled cards change to red Kings then, with fake index cards, see also p. 44 for handling detail on count
  • Added Kicker (color changing backs kicker)
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo The Three Roughskeeters three roughed cards
Inspired by Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Vanishing Thought spectator names a card he sees, it vanishes
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Roughly a New Approach intro on ideas with pairs of rough/smooth cards to form impromptu double facers or backers
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Two Card Monte DeLand's Two Card Monte with pairs of roughed cards
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Tis Rough on Hofzinser
Variations Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo The Rough Magician vs the Gambler
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Rough Handling
  • handling for a rough-smooth deck, overhand shuffling, also by spectator (Hull), description by Bill Simon, regular sleight demonstrations as throw-offs
  • handling of rough-smooth pairs
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Roughed False Dealing Demonstration fifth dealing with roughed Aces, also suggestion of using a paper clip
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Roughed Pair Flourish roughed pair is pivoted between fingers
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Roughed Pair Key Card
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo 2nd Roughed Hofzinser - No duplicates version
Inspired by Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
George Armstrong Living or Dead? rough smooth cards
1960 41
Jochen Zmeck Die Präparation how to gaff for rough-smooth, different recipes and how to apply them
1. Standard-Tinktur
2. Kolophonium-Lösung
3. Mastix-Lösung
Related to 1962 7
Jochen Zmeck Ein Zweimännertrick
1962 22
Die Kartenwanderung
1962 22
Dr. Reinhard Rohnstein, Jochen Zmeck Der Hexenring cards travel from glass to glass, partial rough/smooth
1962 23
Arthur Rasper Karo Dame auf Wanderschaft four blank cards in three glasses each, the Queen of Diamonds travels into chosen glass, then around to another glass, partial rough-smooth
1962 25
Jochen Zmeck Mein Rauh-Glatt-Kümmelblättchen partial rough-smooth
Variations 1962 26
Arthur Rasper Die im Quartett wandernde Karte partial rough-smooth with three sections
Inspired by 1962 27
Arthur Rasper Kartenpaar-Wanderung von Glas zu Glas two Aces in one glass transpose with King and Queen of Clubs in another glass, partial rough-smooth
1962 30
Malvano Kartenwanderung twelve black cards in one envelope, three red cards from twelve red cards named, they travel across
1962 32
Jochen Zmeck Der abgedankte König King changes into blank card with "I resigned", partial rough-smooth
Related to 1962 5
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Leichte Kartenverwandlung one card from a small packet changes, partial rough-smooth
1962 5
Arthur Rasper Mehrfache Kartenverwandlung four cards transform on both sides multiple times, partial rough-smooth in three sections
1962 6
Arthur Rasper Der Tempel der Venus three cards, some transformations with story presentation, partial rough-smooth in three sections
1962 7
Arthur Rasper Der halbe Zauberspruch three Tens of Hearts, one changes to a King, then it changes back half-way (divided card is shown openly), then back to a Ten
1962 9
Jochen Zmeck Ein neuer Sechskartentrick partial rough-smooth
1962 16
Arthur Rasper Die sich drehende Karte three cards, center one turns over, partial rough-smooth
1962 17
Die Karten-Guillotine three cards with holes, center card penetrates finger through hole, partial rough-smooth
1962 24
Trevor H. Hall, Jochen Zmeck Ein R.-G.-Vierastrick partial rough-smooth
1962 27
Edward Marlo Impromptu Illogical Routine Aces are stacked with faros multiple times, but each time come out in an unexpected positions, then are spelled out, Aces vanish as finale, five phases
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Don Tanner O. Henry Monte - Two Card Monte Perfected with traveling kicker, see also p. 336 for ideas by Sid Lorraine
Variations Jan. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 376)
L. K. Stevenson More on the Monte
Inspired by Mar. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 378)
Ralph Greenwood Three Card Monte Idea
Jan. 1965
The New Phoenix (Issue 394)
Edward Marlo Named Red Card in Black Packet solution to Miesel's problem
Inspired by Aug. 1966 51
Murry Graham Rough Smooth Card on Ceiling not-so-serious idea
Dec. 1966 71
James G. Thompson Jr. The "In" Card two cards, written on blank card, card stabbed in center
Also published here 1967 19
Die verrückte Zehn ten cards, two spectators chose one each by naming a number which is counted to, they are the same card, the rest are duplicates of another card
1967 4
Jochen Zmeck Vorherbestimmt oder vorausgesagt? four Queens in envelope, one is named, it is odd-backed and reversed, repeated with Kings, partial rough-smooth
1967 7
Kartenverwandlung three cards shown, center card tabled, it changes, partial rough-smooth
1967 13
Jochen Zmeck Kartenverwandlung trotz anderer Rückseite three cards shown, center odd-backed card tabled, it changes, partial rough-smooth
Related to 1967 13
Arthur Rasper Sittenpolizei packet trick with story presentation, pin-up girl on card as finale, partial rough-smooth
1967 14
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Die verwandelte Dame pin-up girl on card as finale, partial rough-smooth
1967 16
Conrad Schmoranzer, Jochen Zmeck Die Kontrollkarte cards put in glass, spectator selects card that are added, the pairs do not match, then they do, partial rough-smooth
Inspired by
  • "Die Kontrollkarte", MAGIE, 4/1963
1967 17
Jochen Zmeck Karten verwandeln sich two cards chosen, two wrong cards found, they are put face-to-face and change to selections, partial rough-smooth
1967 18
Jochen Zmeck Die Kartenfabel Seven, Eight and Nine of Diamonds change into Aces, then into other cards, then back into original cards, story presentation, partial rough-smooth in three sections
Inspired by
  • "Die unzufriedenen Piks" (MAGIE)
1967 20
Jochen Zmeck Irrtum using picture card for children for transformation routine, partial rough-smooth
1967 22
Jochen Zmeck Tuwit
Inspired by 1967 24
Tan Hock Chuan Ruhelose Karten seven cards are shown, squared, then alternating face-up/face-down, repeated, partial rough-smooth
Also published here 1967 26
Arthur Rasper Das Farbkartenmedium five color cards are placed in stand or glasses, spectator gets another five cards and manages to place them to the matching cards, partial rough-smooth
Inspired by 1967 27
Jochen Zmeck Symbol-Trix five ESP cards, one put aside, four spectators each look at a card, they all have the same, but this one is not there but the one on the table
1967 29
Arthur Rasper Der neue Geisterblock blank cards shown from both sides, one chosen, put in envelope with two holes, card marked through holes, yet a message appears on card
Inspired by
  • Out-to-Lunch principle
1967 30
Edward Marlo For the Informed card on deck is shown singly before and after transformation, three methods (tabled and ala Erdnase/Houdini Change)
Also published here Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Rolf Andra, Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Die Asse
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 6)
Alton Sharpe The Flying Queens rough-smooth queens
1969 94
Aldini, Joe Berg Explanation of "Super Roughing" Not covering entire surface with roughing fluid, so can easily split the cards up (reprinted from "Rough Stuff" by Joe Berg and Aldini)
1969 6
Aldini How to Apply Roughing Fluid
1969 6
Aldini Roughly Ambitious Ambitious Card routine with packet of twenty cards
1969 7
Aldini Monte Aces Aces travel from packet to packet
1969 8
Aldini, Bruce Florek The Transverse Travelers Ace Assembly with odd backed Aces
1969 9
Aldini Roughly Wild Wild Card
1969 11
Aldini Lie Detector Deck
1969 12
Aldini Slate-O-Vision ESP card prediction, cards clipped on slate
1969 14
Aldini Cardincidence Card freely chosen from packet of blue cards matches card chosen from red packet
1969 16
Aldini Aces on Stand Ace assembly with cards propped on easel
1969 18
Aldini ESP-GONE Selected ESP card in packet of five ESP cards turns blank
1969 20
Aldini Pre-cardiction Prediction written on blank card, the other spectator writes their name on it. Card freely chosen from six cards
1969 24
Aldini Hydrogen Aces Ace Assembly
1969 25
Aldini Aldini's Telstar Deck Freely chosen ESP symbol shown to be face up in the ESP deck as a prediction, back color also different
1969 30
Aldini Aldini's Nature Deck Mental Photography Deck type of routine, blank deck prints and unprints
1969 31
Aldini, Hen Fetsch Major Miracle Prediction card placed by spectator next to card
Inspired by
  • "Minor Miracle" (Hen Fetsch)
1969 33
Aldini, Tenkai Ishida, Harry Bernard Fooled Monte Two card monte routine
1969 34
Aldini Cards to Pocket Thought of card vanishes from packet of four cards, travels to pocket
1969 36
Aldini, Tenkai Ishida Remote Control Randomly placed card placed face up into deck, found next to previously selected card
1969 36
Aldini Predecktion prediction written on two cards, correctly predict two freely named cards
1969 41
Aldini Compared Mini card placed in envelope as prediction, freely selected card also placed in envelope, later shown to both match
1969 47
Alan Shaxon By Popular Request! MC trick, spectator can decide who comes next, and what they have to do, forcing the program of the evening
1970 68
Roy Johnson Predictafors card at named number is predicted, 1-0-1 mirage deck
1970 21
Edward Marlo Let's Ambush and Kill "The Collectors" odd-backed collectors cards, rough-smooth, three-way forcing deck
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Edward Marlo Notes on a Miracle Kings are inserted next to Queens by spectator, ten methods (ungaffed, double facers, double backers, roughed)
Related to Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Edward Marlo Those Wild, Wild Aces one red-backed AS, four blue-backed blank cards, condition reverses (red-backed blank card and all four blue aces), two methods
Inspired by 1971 1
Edward Marlo The Wild Deck "Bonus Effect", four aces removed from deck and changed to blank cards, then whole deck becomes blank
1971 5
Paul Maurer The Match-Maker six cards with women are shuffled and placed on stand, five blank cards and a King of Hearts are shuffled and placed on the other cards, King of Hearts ends up on chosen card
Inspired by
  • Jochen Zmeck's "Brautschau" in "Magie" January, 1967.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 2)
Ben Christopher Unlimited Elevator four Kings buried in deck, four queens one by one placed on top and attracting its King
  • Impromptu Method
Related toVariations Oct. 1972 567
Rolf Andra Ein verblüffender 10 Kartentrick card from red deck placed inside a glass, ten cards from blue deck places on stand, selected one matches card in glass
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 1)
Eric C. Lewis Das As, die Sieben und die Dame with duplicates so the cards that are thrown away are shown every time
Also published here
  • Abracadabra
July 1973
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Success Story Kings find Queens, rough-smooth
1974 37
Edward Marlo Signo-Transpo front and back signed card jumps from packet to packet, rough-smooth
Variations 1974 55
Karl Fulves Rough Rider billet switch with cards and roughing fluid to switch billets
1974 50
Karl Fulves Three In The Hand two card monte, third card appears, double facer openly shown as finale
1975 42
Stewart Judah Six-Card Stunner prediction on blank card matches free choice of six
Inspired by
  • "Pre-Cardiction" (Aldini, marketed by Joe Berg)
Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Paul Swinford The Swinford Version prediction on blank card matches free choice of six
Inspired by Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Peter Warlock Follow The Leader credit information, odd-backed version
Sep. 1975 1050
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Murder, He Said! cards with different people, prediction, murder theme
Magick (Issue 118)
Dr. Ford Rogers Rough-Smooth as Haptic Cue
Also published here 1975 223
Edward Marlo Unknown - Effect No. 1 stop trick as prediction, several methods, some with roughed cards, impromptu double backer
Inspired by 1976
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Edward Marlo Unknown - Effect No. 2 two selections appear at selected numbers up to ten, several methods, some with roughed cards, impromptu double backer
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Edward Marlo Ambitious Card Routine roughed duplicate
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Edward Marlo more mental reverses methods 4, 5, 6
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Stephen Minch Anthropophagic Jacks Jack put on card, card becomes blank with bone picture, more cards become blank between two Jacks, rubber-banded Three become miniature card, card with fly picture vanishes, Jacks transform in flap card case, partial rough-smooth
1977 11
Jochen Zmeck Tempo-Tempo a black card travels through a five-card packet of red cards one by one, partial rough-smooth
1977 11
Jochen Zmeck ESP-Voraussage freely chosen ESP card is predicted
Inspired by
  • Jochen Zmeck's ESP routine with slates in Magische Welt
1977 28
Sam Leo Horowitz Five-Card Brainwave two poker hands dealt, one card chosen, when re-dealt, this card reverses itself, two phases, double backers and rough-smooth
Related to 1978 14
Philip T. Goldstein Back Gammon packet all backs, changing back kicker
Related toAlso published here July 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein Prints Charming three cards, hand acts as a printing press
1978 6
Ash Vanish cigar/cigarette ashes on back of card for impromptu rough and smooth work
1979 170
Edward Marlo An Approach to D.F. Aces deal four Aces face down, yet they are double facers, roughed
1980 172
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magic Carpet divination of a four letter word from a list, with handkerchief and alphabet cards
Related toVariations 1980 25
Ken Brooke Ricochet Cards card travels from one pile reversed into rest of the deck sitting in card case
1980 148
Mike Caveney The Homing Card Comes Home four jumbo cards turn into blank cards on by one
1981 77
Leo Kostka Psychic Stigmata ESP sign appears on hand of performer and on various spectator, sugar cube as stamp
Inspired by 1981
Magick (Issue 285)
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer, Bud Dietrich, Eckhard Böttcher Die Nussbaumersuite: Eröffnungstrick für ein Mikromagie-Programm messages appear on five blank cards, start of a show
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 2)
Jochen Zmeck J. Z. - ESP - Voraussage ESP prediction, five rough-smooth pairs
1981 3
Philip T. Goldstein New Wave spectator reverses one of five ESP cards, same is reversed in packet in envelope
Variations 1982 3
Philip T. Goldstein Prints Charming three cards, hand acts as a printing press
1982 5
Philip T. Goldstein New Wave spectator reverses one of five ESP cards, same is reversed in packet in envelope
1982 1
Thomas Alan Waters, Bob Hummer Grayze divination of a card, five cards on the table, covered with a handkerchief
Related to 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Thomas Alan Waters Tricessive one behind triple prediction, ESP Symbol, vowels and one of five cards
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychl)
Karl Fulves Roughing Fluid history of its development
1983 17
Eric F. Impey Mysto, The Masterpiece thought-of card vanishes, thirteen half-waxed pairs in deck, also as named vanish
VariationsAlso published here 1983 42
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Coloroto four-of-a-kind changes front and back with partial rough-smooth, see also p. 89 for comment by John Crimmins
Also published here 1983 74
Al Baker Number Force with cards, waxed or roughed
1983 80
Karl Fulves The Market In Futures four reds and four blacks, spectator thinks a black, it ends up being only black in red backed
1983 117
Ali Bongo Voodoo Card deck in bag, selected card is pierced with pencil and burnt with a candle, same card in other deck has same stigmata
Also published here 1983 3
Basil Horwitz ESP Mindreading Plus Mindcontrol spectator divines ESP card of other spectator
Also published here 1984 20
Thomas Alan Waters, Philip T. Goldstein Showdiac twelve zodiac cards, named zodiac sign is removed, other cards are blank and on the named one "Happy Birthday" appears
Related to Oct. 1984
Magick (Issue 341)
Randy Wakeman Randy gets Rough on Hofzinser deck cut in three piles, top of each becomes selection, everywhere nowhere
Inspired by 1985 27
Thomas Alan Waters Spywave word and alphabet cards, word is selected and fitting letters reverse in alphabet deck
Inspired by 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Philip T. Goldstein Rackjobber
Related to 1985 4
Philip T. Goldstein Back Gammon packet all backs, changing back kicker
Related to 1985 6
Scott's Rough recipe for roughing fluid
1985 19
Frederick Braue FB Everywhere and Nowhere joker put in case, then selection found several times and put in glass, they change into indifferent cards and cased card is selection (1944)
Related to 1985 3
David Britland Consumer Control chosen ESP card is reversed in packet in envelope, partial rough-smooth
Inspired by 1986 25
Philip T. Goldstein Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Une Dame "s'allonge" card is stretched
Related to 1986
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 2)
James G. Thompson Jr. Mitten Dazwischen two cards, written on blank card, card stabbed in center
Also published here Dec. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Paul Maurer The Match-Maker one of eight cards is selected with wind-up toy, prediction in envelope, same eight cards, selection with different back
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Al Bertini Nostradamus twelve zodiac cards with numbers on back, one is chosen and number matches number on a key, Nostradamus story presentation
Variations 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Juan Tamariz Roughing Method 4&4
1988 175
Edward Marlo "The Blue Thought" odd-backed card tabled, card named, another card removed from another deck and brought to odd-backed card which turns out to be named card
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Mar. 1964
1988 57
René Lavand The Story of Antonio the Gypsy Monte
Also published here 1988 27
Edward Marlo Invisible Thought Transfer card thought of from ten-card packet vanishes and is named, reappears in odd-backed deck, partial roughing
  • Second Method (ungaffed)
  • Third Method (ungaffed)
Variations 1989 36
Philip T. Goldstein Overdose two blank cards with question marks on them print themselves into two selections
Variations 1989 43
Philip T. Goldstein Back Gammon packet all backs, changing back kicker
Also published here 1990 32
Patrick Page Princess Quatro
Also published here 1990 77
Alex Elmsley Rough Tracker edge marked and roughed locator card
1991 370
Philip T. Goldstein Digression: Concealed Cards rough-smooth marking method (through handkerchief)
1991 12
Ali Bongo Voodoo-Karten deck in bag, selected card is pierced with pencil and burnt with a candle, same card in other deck has same stigmata
Also published here 1991 31
Basil Horwitz Gedankenlesen und Kontrolle spectator divines ESP card of other spectator
Also published here June 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Patrick Page Princess Quatro
Also published here Dec. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 4 & 5)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Dream Prediction ESP cards drawn on billets, selected one matches selected ESP card and prediction in envelope
1991 2
Frederick Braue Card to Wallet duplicate
1992 18
Arturo de Ascanio Siempre Cuatro - Acerca de un Juego de Li-Chang six card repeat with four cards, cards are always fanned
Also published here
  • "CEDAM" 1966. P. 636.
1992 44
Ralph W. Hull El Juego de los Tres Efectos translation by Ascanio
prediction of card, then card travels into other half of the deck
Also published here
  • Ralph Hull's "The Three In One Card Trick" in Trevor Hull's "Testament of R.W. Hull"
1992 61
Steve Dusheck Cardeen two cards placed face to face, half-size card is produced, switched or vanished from them
1992 139
Edward Marlo Roughed Think Ace named ace is reversed and odd-backed, double-enders, rough-smooth
Sep. 1993
The Olram File (Issue 13)
Thomas Alan Waters Heartbreaker name prediction, cards with half hearts and half names are selected and a name is build, first published in "Genii" Vol. 54, No. 5, 1991
Inspired by 1993
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Magazine Miscellanea)
Steve Beam Impaired named card ends up between jokers
VariationsAlso published here 1993 871
Steve Beam Impaired named card between two face up jokers
Also published here 1993 136
Dave Campbell Reversomatic card reverses five times, color-changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Steve Beam Impaired named card between two face up jokers
Also published here 1993 12
René Lavand Three Card Monte with story presentation
1993 7
René Lavand Antonio's Three Card Monte Monte
Also published here 1993 147
Mike Caveney Half-Roughed Cards on the half-roughed cards and Senator Crandall's Jumbo Nitemare
1993 97
Harry Anderson Jumbo Marked Cards chosen card among several Jumbo card has different colored back, humorous memory presentation
1993 99
Harry Anderson Wise-Guy Poker very large cards used, five cards change to Royal Flush and change color of backs
1993 101
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: The Tactile Tarot tarot card under handkerchief is divined, reading, using tactile marking system
divination of a four letter word from a list, with handkerchief and alphabet cards
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Necessary Roughness alternative tactile marking system, Gray Code
Related to Oct. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Jim Krenz Nothing Too Loose monte trick in which card with large hole must be followed
Inspired by
  • "Nothing To Lose" (Bob Farmer)
1994 14
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: The Oracle using three cards with Yes and No written on them as oracle
Related to Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: The Oracle - Part Two using three cards with Yes and No written on them as oracle
Related to Mar. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Pavel Die Karte in der Luft ballon is bursted with needle, and selection appears pierced on needle
1995 8
Edward Marlo Diminishing Universal blank cards change into several selections one by one and back, two methods (one roughed)
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Dec. 1972
1995 95
Edward Marlo More Mental Reverses - Fifth Method roughed pairs
1995 271
Christian Chelman Belgian Travelers four Jacks produced, assembly with four additional indifferent cards
June 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Motion Mate eight card packet, card selected, mate rises out of packet in card case
1996 19
Rough-Smooth World roughed red-black pairs
1996 89
Wittus Witt Tele-Zauber selected Queen appears in frame
Also published here 1996 203
Basil Horwitz £100 Challenge Mind Control Test cards from red and blue deck match, red/blue double backer
1997 54
Christian Scherer Spektraldruck blank deck turns into normal deck
1997 140
David Solomon Technicolor Oil And Water 4&4, gaffed card with divided face
1997 101
Hiroyuki Sakai Wild Cards Primera blank cards turn into selection, first published in Japanese in 1993
1997 1
David Regal Triple Vision three cards selected from red deck and placed into blue deck - matches prediction
Inspired byVariations 1999 236
Kevin Kelly The Seven Percent Solution with seven cards
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Wittus Witt The Smoke Frame selected Queen appears in frame
Also published here 2000 219
Tony Binarelli Magnum Tranverse ten red-backed red spot cards and ten blue-backed black spot cards, three travel across, jumbo cards, partial rough-smooth
Related to July 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Tom Stone Among The Mad People odd-backed handling for Daryl's effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 5
Anthony Owen Who Wants to Be a Magician? "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" theme, comedy questions and answers on cards, spectator always selects correct answer
Also published here 2003 8
Max Maven Simplicide two different-backed cards transform into blank cards, "Appointment in Samarra" story presentation
Inspired by 2003 113
Davide Costi, René Lavand Three Card Monte
2004 80
Dave Campbell Reverso-matic card reverses five times, color-changing back kicker
Also published here 2004 327
Axel Hecklau Haben Sie mal 'ne Karte? printing of a business card
2004 18
David Solomon Double Open Open Prediction effect with two cards predicted correctly
Variations 2007 101
David Solomon Doubly Open
Inspired by 2007 172
David Solomon Everywhere And Nowhere duplicates
Inspired by
  • Ed Marlo method with roughed cards
2007 174
Edward Marlo For the Informed card on deck is shown singly before and after transformation, three methods (tabled and ala Erdnase/Houdini Change)
Also published here 2007 159
Tom Stone Among the Mad Men odd-backed handling for Daryl's effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 4
Mike Hopley A card in motion one of four cards thought of, cards lost in half the deck, performer divines card and it is found reversed
  • Impromptu Version (A)
  • Impromptu Version (B)
2008 133
Bob Ostin The Looper Dutch Looper elaboration
Prolix (Issue 6)
Max Maven Days Of Your divination of zodiac sign, cards with all signs used
2009 29
Tom Stone Among the Mad Men odd-backed handling for Daryl's effect
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 53
Patrick Page Acrobatic jacks and kings transpose
2011 228
Patrick Page Brainchild one of ten cards is named, named card has different colored back
2011 229
Patrick Page One More Time odd cards vanish among three other cards one at the time, then card changes to match other card
2011 235
Matt Mello The Zombie and the Joker Joker lies perpendicular on the box in the spectator's hands, he cannot move the Joker around on the box, pseudo-hypnosis
2012 1
Patrick Lehnen InkOgnito signature is taken off the card and replaced finally the card and the deck turn into blank cards and back to a normal deck again, blank card
2013 19
Jim Abrahams, Patrick Lehnen Signatory Piece the magician's writing (phone number) travels on the back of other cards and ends up on signed selection
2013 25
Ichiro Moriya One-Armed Tibetan Gambler performer tries to cut to four Aces, four cards are not Aces but form a Royal Flush when card previously selected by spectator is added
2013 158
Gabi Pareras Triunfo Versión with and without selection
Variations 2014 15
Helder Guimarães The Solo Act
  • 1. Triumph
  • 2. Anti-Oil and Water
  • 3. Kings Production
  • Finale - Cards to New Deck Order
2015 35
Joaquín Matas Las Cinco Cartas Rojas
2016 245
Alexander de Cova Racherbaumers Puzzle card changes while isolated in tabled spread, spread turned over twice, science friction
Inspired by 2016 109
John Guastaferro Flash Pocket spectator holds one four-of-a-kind
2017 77
Anthony Owen Who Wants to Be a Magician? "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" theme, comedy questions and answers on cards, spectator always selects correct answer
Also published here 2017 199
Harapan Ong Gag Packs packet tricks with four cards
  • Change Back (rainbow backs finale)
  • One Direction (photos as finale of boy band members)
2018 172
David Solomon Colorful Mates spectator selects to cards from red deck, performer inserts them into blue deck next to their mates
2018 68
David Solomon Numerology & You after some calculation with a starting number, a number is formed, the starting number is the only odd-backed value in the deck and the resulting number is written on its back
Inspired by 2018 110
Iñaki Zabaletta Impostors Comodines Csmbiantes, two Jokers change to selection and back
2019 117
Helder Guimarães The Empty Space "Worth Waiting For"
thought-of card appears between two Jokers in center of deck
Inspired by
  • "The Sculpture" (Helder Guimarães, Red Mirror DVD, 2010)
2019 256
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Tenth Solution three cards signed, cards replaced one by one with odd-backed cards, when turned over they still have spectator's signatures
2021 60