81 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Do as I Do / Packet
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
U. F. Grant U Can't Do As I Do double facer
1937 131
Theodore Annemann, Hugh Mackay The Secret Order of the Aces blindfolded assistant duplicates things done with aces
Also published here Jan. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 28)
Louis Lam Predicto four aces are shuffled by each performer and spectator, they chose the same which is also predicted on slate, jumbo cards recommended
1937 7
Do As I Do - You Can't layout with four Aces and four indifferent cards
Variations 1937 42
The Five Cards Do As I Do - You Can't double backer
1938 485
Kent Arthur Spurious Pelf "do as i do" sequence with spectator and 5 bills each, selected bill remains upside down
Related to Sep. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 60)
Edward Marlo, Jean Hugard Do As I Do - U Can't Unless I Want U 2 eight cards for performer and spectator, basically 4&4 oil & water effect, two methods, Hugard's and Marlo's
Inspired byAlso published here 1941
Early Marlo (Issue Amazing, Isn't It?)
Edward Marlo, Jean Hugard Do As I Do - U Can't Unless I Want U 2 eight cards for performer and spectator, basically 4&4 oil & water effect, two methods, Hugard's and Marlo's
Inspired byAlso published here 1941 13
Theodore Annemann, Hugh Mackay The Secret Order of the Aces blindfolded assistant duplicates things done with aces
Also published here 1944 272
Jean Hugard The Automatic Deck and Opening Routine complete routine, deck rises from case, then cards are riffle shuffled twice, Hearts are removes and story told matching the cards, then second suit is removed and performer turns over same card spectator, as climax cards are spelled and turned over in an other suit, interlocking chains principle

  • I. The Rising Deck
The Automatic Deck - Routine
  • II. A Card Fairy Tale
  • III. Matching Cards
  • IV. Spelling Extraordinary
Apr. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Bert Allerton Community Do As I Do up to eight spectators follow along with a packet of card and locate their own card
1946 5
Do it and Fail red black dealing sequence
1948 100
Theodore Annemann, Hugh Mackay The Secret Order of the Aces blindfolded assistant duplicates things done with aces
1956 8
Rolf Andra Zweimal vier Asse do as I do type, using eight cards each, Aces end up together
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Pol Pollux, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) T-Wi-T Trick. "Tu wie ich tu" do as I do routine with twelve cards each, annotations by Ron Wohl
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Ken Brooke The Faulty Follower
VariationsAlso published here 1959 3
U. F. Grant Little Miracles I. do as I do with packet and double facer, no ESP relation
1960 6
Milton Kort Kortially Yours Vernon's Variant type of effect, each person handed five cards and cards are turned face up and down (do as i do), in the end all the cards are face down except their selection
Related to 1962 7
Dai Vernon Vernon's Variant four cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 226
Jochen Zmeck Tuwit
Inspired by 1967 24
Martin Gardner More Monge more notes on the Monge Shuffle:
  • References
  • Recycling the Deck
  • The M/S Shuffle
  • Tricks (position of selection predicted & Do as I Do)
  • Analog of the M/S Shuffe
Related to Nov. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 4)
Roger "Hervey" Vuille Faites Commes Moi (5 cartes) spectator and performer have five cards each, cards are turned-over and spectator is not able to follow
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 1)
Lady Valerie, Gene Nielsen Star Mate with zodiac cards, matching, locking-flap Card Box
Magick (Issue 7)
George Sands You Do As I Do spectator is not able to follow, each person has four cards, three phases
Inspired by 1971 9
Max Williams, Milton Tropp Topsy-Turvy Follow Me selections appear face-up in spectators' packets
1972 116
Herb Zarrow Herb's Variant four cards, with selection that travels into deck
Inspired byVariations Sep. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jerry K. Hartman A Common Mistake Vernon's Variant type of effect (Do as I do packet trick) where spectator cannot follow instructions, ending is each spectator get an Ace reversed in packet
Inspired by
  • "Kortially Yours" (Milton Kort, Kort is Now In Session, 1962)
Related to
1973 23
James G. Thompson Jr. Ah One Anna Two...
July 1974
Epilogue (Issue 21)
Paul Diamond How About That! two packets from different decks
Related toAlso published here
  • marketed ca. 1966
1975 9
Jack Avis Five Card Do As I Did
July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Karl Fulves Entropy Ace to Five removed and mixed, then back in numerical order
1975 206
Karl Fulves Calculated Colors 3&3 or 4&4, weird mixing procedure, "mathematical oil & water"
Variations 1975 208
Lawrence Nudelman Do As I Do with four bills and Elmsley Count
1975-1978 ca. 1
Peter Duffie Aces With A Twist Twisting the Aces with "do as I do" element, red and blue backed sets, in the end Aces change places
Variations Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Bob Ostin A Use for the Faulty Follower (Vernon't Variant) ideas for Vernon's Variant (here called Faulty Follower)
  • To Add a Card
  • Lucky Charm Idea
Inspired byAlso published here 1976 ca. 10
Jochen Zmeck Plus Eins: Die Ansage classic Do as I Do, the card the ends up reversed in the spectator's packet announces the next trick each time, running gag
1977 32
Larry Becker Simpli-City Effect two sets of sixteen business cards with names of cities written on them, Do As I Do and prediction in envelope
Also published here 1978 55
Harry Lorayne Follow The Leader Reversal spectator and performer reverse count packet multiple times, outcome different, four-card and five-card version
1979 17
Ken Brooke The Faulty Follower
Also published here 1980 144
Mike O'Dowd Four Card - Do As I Do spectator and performer have four cards and go through a series of moves, outcome is different
1982 32
Milton Kort Kort Aces Each spectator given packet of five cards, after following instructions, one reversed card in each packet, they are Aces, Vernon's Variant type of trick
Related to 1983 7
Peter Duffie A Commercial Twist Twisting the Aces with "do as I do" element, red and blue backed sets, in the end Aces change places
Inspired by 1984 40
Larry Becker "Will The Cards Match" ESP-style order matching with five torn-in-half cards
Variations May 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Larry Becker Simpli-City two sets of sixteen business cards with names of cities written on them, Do As I Do and prediction in envelope
Also published here 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Daniel McCarthy Now it's my Problem
Aug. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 8)
Ken Brooke Die ungehorsame Karte
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Peter Duffie Only a Game Down under Deal, spectators get matches
Also published here 1991 10
Peter Duffie Only a Game Down under Deal, spectators get matches
Also published here 1995 202
Clayton Rawson, Karl Fulves Simon Says No. 34, five cards each, spectator cannot follow
1995 64
Lou Gallo Matedburger two five-card hands, two cards exchanged, they match
1996 82
Nick Trost Abra-Card-Abra Performer and spectator's selections match, rest of cards are Jokers
Inspired by 1997 201
Nick Trost, Frank Garcia, Dr. Stanley Jaks Kopy Kat Performer and spectator exchange cards from packets, shown to match, other cards are completely different
Inspired byRelated to 1997 202
Milton Kort Quintimodo Performer and spectator has five cards, Do as I Do effect but audience cannot get same result, diminishing number of cards, credit information on the plot
Inspired by
  • "Quasimodo" (Stephen Tucker, Abracadabra No. 2589, Sept 1995)
1999 31
Milton Kort The Straight-backed Method ungaffed variation of Quintimodo
Related to 1999 36
Milton Kort Vernon's Variant Variant Similar effect to Vernon's Variant, but with color changing back as a kicker ending (first published in Swami, Vol. I, Issue 2, Feb 1972)
Inspired by 1999 43
James G. Thompson Jr. Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern with two quartets
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Cue Cards No. 55, spectator and performer remember card and its position in five-card packets, found by each other
2001 82
Philip T. Goldstein 力ルイ千ビンナコネコナンビ千イル力? a/k/a Stack Cats
Related toVariations 2002 26
Philip T. Goldstein Senile Felines repeat version of previous trick
Variations 2002 29
Philip T. Goldstein Swap Paws
2002 31
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Daley's Do-As-I-Do four phases
2003 34
Gary Plants Match Me do as i do with mates, four Aces finale
VariationsAlso published here June 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 6)
Gary Plants Match Me do as i do with mates, four Aces finale
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2004 22
Bob Ostin Uses For The Faulty Follower ideas for Vernon's Variant (here called Faulty Follower)
  • To Add a Card
  • Lucky Charm Idea
Also published here 2005 48
Jack Parker The Three Stooges Ace Assembly routine with three spectators involved, holding each packet (uses McDonald's Aces gaffs)
Related to
  • "Mason's Aces" (Jay Sankey, Revolutionary Card Magic 2, DVD, 2004)
Also published here
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Peter Duffie Only a Game Down under Deal, spectators get matches
  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
Also published here 2005 22
Ken De Courcy Well And Truly Shuffled cards added via bottom-and-lid-style card case, applied to an Ace production in which three spectators follow along with a packet and end up with an Ace reversed each
  • KF Notes
Prolix (Issue 2)
Dai Vernon 4 card you do as I do
Also published here 2007 51
Jack Parker The Three Stooges Ace Assembly routine with three spectators involved, holding each packet (uses McDonald's Aces gaffs)
Also published here 2007 179
Jack Parker The Three Stooges Ace Assembly routine with three spectators involved, holding each packet (uses McDonald's Aces gaffs)
Also published here June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Jeff Pierce You Do As I Do ... Or Else four cards, with several spectators
Inspired by 2008 30
Joe Rindfleisch Out-Stripped aces found from packets with reverse-faro do-as-i-do procedure
2010 272
Nick Trost Royal Flush Routine three tricks using two royal flushes
  • Ferris' Royal Flushes (two poker hands change to royal flushes)
  • Last Two Cards Match (Ramasee matching)
  • Royal Mind Reading (two Royal Flushes given to two spectators, they select one card and put it in the middle, hands gathered, mixed and re-dealt, spectators get their Royal Flush with chosen cards transposed, Fulves reference)
Inspired by 2015 1141
Max Maven Stack Cats, Senile Felines, And The Switchless Rotor
  • Lost Horizons
Inspired by Oct. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 10)
Bob Farmer Triharder fifteen-card-packets shuffled and dealt into three piles by both performer and spectator, performer gets them in order, spectator doesn't
  • Mini-me Version (thirteen cards)
Variations 2017 9
Bob Farmer Blackjack Bushwhack packet ends up in magic square configuration for 21
Inspired byAlso published here 2017 1
Johnny Thompson Expert Vernon's Variant card vanish finale
Inspired by 2018 59
Bob Farmer Blackjack Bushwhack packet ends up in magic square configuration for 21
Also published here 2019 22
Michael Powers No Palm Match Me
Inspired by 2019 70
Michał Kociołek Match Up two sets of Ace-through-Five, Do As I Do type matching with performer and spectator
Related to Mar. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Ken Niinuma Mirrorage twenty cards
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2011
2022 1082