Two Person Telepathy
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Juggling knacks by confederacie, and how to know whether one cast crosse or pile by the ringing | 1584 |
The Discoverie of Witchcraft
(Issue XXX)
Robert Heller, Professor Hoffmann | "Second Sight" Tricks | 1890 | ||||||
Carl Willmann | Der Gedächtniskünstler im Salon | Jan. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 1)
Carl Willmann | Der Gedächtniskünstler im Salon | Feb. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 2)
Gedankenübertragung - 1. Methode - 1. Experiment mit Karten | Mar. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 3)
2. Experimente mit Banknoten | Mar. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 3)
Erklärung | Apr. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
3. Experimente mit Zahlen | Apr. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Gedankenübertragung - 2. Methode | May. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 5)
Gedankenübertragung | June 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
Gedankenübertragung | July 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 7)
Gedankenübertragung | Aug. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 8)
Gedankenübertragung | Sep. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Gedankenübertragung - 3. Methode | Sep. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 9)
Gedankenübertragung | Oct. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 10)
Gedankenübertragung | Nov. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Gedankenübertragung | Dec. 1895 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 1 No. 12)
Experimente mit Münzen | Jan. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Experimente mit Uhren | Jan. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Experimente mit Banknoten | Jan. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Die Tachypsychographie oder "Das Hellsehen" | Feb. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 2)
Die Tachypsychographie oder "Das Hellsehen" | Mar. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 3)
Zur Tachypsychographie oder Hellsehen | Oct. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 10)
Der Gedächtniskünstler im Salon | Mar. 1896 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 7)
Carl Willmann | Der Hellseher der Neuzeit | Apr. 1899 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 5 No. 4)
Carl Willmann | Der Hellseher der Neuzeit | May 1899 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 5 No. 5)
Carl Willmann | Der Hellseher der Neuzeit | June 1899 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 5 No. 6)
Joseph Michael Hartz | The Second-Sight Trick | 1911 | ||||||
Joseph Michael Hartz | The Second-Sight Trick | 1911 | ||||||
Oswald Rae | Musical Thought Transference | 1926 | ||||||
Oswald Rae | A Complete Silent Thought Transference Act | 1926 | ||||||
William Larsen, T. Page Wright | Musical Mind Reading | 1928 | ||||||
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | Die Hellseherin | 1930 | ||||||
Stuart Robson | Mental Coloring Telepathy in Silk | 1931 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | A Rule of the Thumb | 1934 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Music in the Air | 1934 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | Telepathy on the Cuff | 1935 |
The Jinx
(Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Theodore Annemann | Thoughts in the Air | Nov. 1935 |
The Jinx
(Issue 14)
Theodore Annemann, Hugh Mackay | The Secret Order of the Aces | Jan. 1937 |
The Jinx
(Issue 28)
Robert Parrish | Duo Telepathy | Feb. 1937 |
The Jinx
(Issue 29)
Theodore Annemann | En Rapport | 1937 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Cards Divination by Medium | 1937 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann, Al Baker | Medium Writes Card Predictions | 1937 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann, Ellis Stanyon | Challenge Card Divination | 1937 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Serial Number Divination | 1937 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann, Audley Walsh | Coin Experiment | 1937 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Word, Number and Picture Divination | 1937 | ||||||
Ashes! | 1937 | |||||||
Transmission of Thought | 1937 | |||||||
The Finger Code | 1937 | |||||||
Charles T. Jordan, Theodore Annemann | Telethot | Jan. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 52)
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart | Thought Transmission | May 1939 |
Chap's Scrapbook
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
James G. Thompson Jr. | The Passing of Sherlock Holmes | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 103)
Orville Wayne Meyer | Hit Parade | 1941 |
The Jinx
(Issue 139)
Al Baker | Seeing Through Solid Matter | 1941 | ||||||
Al Baker | The Celebrity Feat | 1941 | ||||||
Al Baker | The Polish Psychic | 1941 | ||||||
Al Baker | Living and Dead Test Plus | 1941 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Stunner No. 5 | 1941 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | The Mental Marvel | 1942 | ||||||
Eddie Joseph | Distant Thought Penetration | 1942 | ||||||
John Mulholland | Mind Signals | 1944 | ||||||
John Mulholland | Coding Playing Cards | 1944 | ||||||
John Mulholland | Coding Denominations of Money | 1944 | ||||||
John Mulholland | Coding Type of Jewelry | 1944 | ||||||
John Mulholland | Coding Personal Property | 1944 | ||||||
John Mulholland | Expedited Coding – Arm Signals | 1944 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | The Perfect Book Test | 1944 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan, Theodore Annemann | Telethot | 1944 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | Telepathy on the Cuff! | 1944 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | Duo Telepathy | 1944 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann, Hugh Mackay | The Secret Order of the Aces | 1944 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Thoughts in the Air | 1944 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | A Complete "Silent Thought Transmission" Act | 1944 | ||||||
James G. Thompson Jr. | Moonlight Madness | 1944 | ||||||
Orville Wayne Meyer | Hit Parade | 1944 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Like An Open Book | 1944 | ||||||
Dr. Edward G. Ervin | Easy Mark | 1944 | ||||||
Conrad H. Haden | Whose Name? | 1944 | ||||||
Milbourne Christopher | Color Code | May 1946 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 105)
Telepathy without Tears | Feb. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 9)
Warner Perry | Telepathy Without Tears | Apr. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 11)
Gerald Lynton Kaufman | Telepathy Without Tears | July 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 2)
Paul Curry | Ripping, Eh, What! | July 1947 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 129)
Harvey P. Graham | Your Song! | Aug. 1947 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 133)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley | Astral Addition | 1947 | ||||||
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley | The Telepathic Band Leader | 1947 | ||||||
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley | Astrological Mentalism | 1947 | ||||||
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley | Birthday Telepathy | 1947 | ||||||
Gerald Lynton Kaufman | Thotransference | Dec. 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 5 No. 7)
Bob Somerfeld | Nice Doggy! | 1948 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1948)
Bob Somerfeld | Paper | 1948 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1948)
Cy Keller | Say it with Music!!! | Oct. 1949 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 188)
Milbourne Christopher | Milbourne Christopher's Column | Nov. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 7 No. 6)
Cyril Marriott | An Amazing Demonstration | Dec. 1950 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 219)
Fred Fletcher | Eye Cue | Feb. 1951 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 223)
John Murray | Dancing Dollar | Mar. 1951 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 225)
Victor Farelli | "Sixty Seconds" | Aug. 1951 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 9 No. 3)
Cigarette (23) | Sep. 1951 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 9 No. 4)
Al Baker | The Telepathic Miracle | 1951 | ||||||
Jack Harper | Jack Harper's Letter to Hubert Lambert | Feb. 1952 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 248)
Bob Somerfeld | Mind over Miles | 1952 | ||||||
Aage Darling | Pin Up Girl Test | 1953 | ||||||
I. Mentalmagie zu Zweien | 1955 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 16 No. 6)
Burlesco | 2. Telepathie mit einer Schiefertafel | 1955 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 16 No. 6)
Robert Parrish | Duo Telepathy | 1956 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Impromptu Frame Up | 1956 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | Telepathy on the Cuff! | 1956 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | The Perfect Book Test | 1956 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann, Hugh Mackay | The Secret Order of the Aces | 1956 | ||||||
Theodore Annemann | Thoughts in the Air | 1956 | ||||||
Jack Yates | Three Thoughts Alone | 1956 | ||||||
Jack Yates | She Has the Number | 1956 | ||||||
Jack Yates | Designed to Order | 1956 | ||||||
Jack Yates | Operator Calling | 1956 | ||||||
Jack Yates | Astral Headline | 1956 | ||||||
Jack Yates | Money and the Medium | 1956 | ||||||
Dr. Conrad, Wanda | Musical Telepathy with Add-A-Number | 1957 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1957)
Tony Corinda, Al Baker | The Application of the Mnemonic Number Code | 1958 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | Take My Word | 1958 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (10) Blindfold "Noughts and Crosses" | 1958 | ||||||
Dr. Spencer Thornton | Mind to Mind | 1958 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | Introduction | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (1) The Code Act: Verbal | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Telepathy for Two | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 1 - The Basic Number Code | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 2 - Coins | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 3 - Colours | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 4 - Materials | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 5 - The Alphabet Code | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 6 - Objects | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 7 - The Final Object List | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 8 - Cards | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 2 - Countries | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Section 10 - Christian Names | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Conclusion | 1959 | ||||||
Walford Taylor | Appendix | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (2) Sub-Miniature Radio Equipment | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (3) Electrical Two-Person Communicator Unit: CODE | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | Improved Light Communicator | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | How to Code with the Light Communicator | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (4) Summary of the Light Communicator | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (5) Miscellaneous Code Systems for Full Routines | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (6) Conclusion of Major Code Systems | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | Part Two: Minor Systems | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (7) The Pre-Arranged List of Objects or Numbers | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (8) Playing Cards in Pre-Arranged Order | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (9) Time Codes | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (10) Positional Codes | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (11) Graph or Chart Code | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (12) White Elastic Indicator | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (13) Conclusion of Part Two | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (2) Smoke Gets in Your Eyes | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (3) All in Order | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda | (4) Reference to Effects for Two Person Telepathy in Other Steps | 1959 | ||||||
Tony Corinda, Punx | (8) Musical Mindreading | 1959 | ||||||
J. G. Reed | The Million Dollar Test | 1959 | ||||||
Paul Marcus | Across the Void | 1959 | ||||||
Fredric Kolb | Telepathy in HI-FI | 1959 | ||||||
Frank Potts | Triple Test | 1960 | ||||||
Len Belcher | Control Board | 1960 | ||||||
Gerry Findler | Mystic Signs | 1960 | ||||||
Gerry Findler | Clip Board Substitutes | 1960 | ||||||
Hedley Wilcox | More Mystic Signs | 1960 | ||||||
Gerry Findler | Those Mystic Signs Again | 1960 | ||||||
P. Howard Lyons | Direct Code | Sep. 1962 |
(Issue 26)
Paul Curry | Chapter Ten: The Power of Thought | 1965 | ||||||
Robert Heller | Coding System | 1965 | ||||||
Paul Curry | Thoughts from Afar | 1965 | ||||||
Ali Bongo | Symbols in the Sand | 1966 | ||||||
Paul Siegel | Solus Intra Tercet | Mar. 1966 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 4 No. 47)
James G. Thompson Jr. | Sympathesia | 1967 | ||||||
Ned Rutledge, James G. Thompson Jr. | Two Minutes to Telepathy | 1967 | ||||||
James G. Thompson Jr. | Telepathy by the Clock | 1967 | ||||||
Ned Rutledge | The Babbling Coins | 1967 | ||||||
Paul Siegel | Quest of Canore | Mar. 1967 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 5 No. 59)
B. B. Koch | VIP | Apr. 1969 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4
(Vol. 4 No. 6)
Al Davids | Mental Music | 1969 | ||||||
Ernest W. Brady | Tea-Lepathy For Two | 1970 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Francis J. Baker, Ron Baillie | In the Sands | May 1971 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8
(Vol. 6 No. 7)
James G. Thompson Jr. | Improved Question Reading | Winter 1972 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8
(Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
Paul Siegel | Astral Relation | 1972 | ||||||
Jack Kent Tillar | Tiptoe Telepathy | 1972 |
(Issue 51)
Dr. Jacob Daley | Daley's Swami Book Test | 1972 | ||||||
Ben Christopher | Dead Slate | Sep. 1973 |
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8
(Vol. 8 No. 11)
John D. Pomeroy | The Secret Conception | 1973 | ||||||
Jack Kent Tillar | Mind to Mind | 1974 |
(Issue 99)
Joseph Dunninger | Sixth Sense | 1974 |
(Issue 101)
Uriah Fuller | 10. Blackboard tests | 1975 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan | A Complete "Silent Thought Transmission" Act | 1975 | ||||||
Charles T. Jordan, Theodore Annemann | Telethot | 1975 | ||||||
Burling Hull | Seventy Years of Progress in Thought Transmission Acts | 1976 | ||||||
The Stage Instructing Co.'s $5.00 Course in Stage Mind Reading or Second Sight | 1976 | |||||||
Julius Zancig, Laura G. Fixen | The Zancig-Fixen System | 1976 | ||||||
The Howe and Howe Second Sight Code Act | 1976 | |||||||
The Series System of Arranging a List of Articles | 1976 | |||||||
The Three Part Number System | 1976 | |||||||
The Silent "No Code" System of Second Sight | 1976 | |||||||
Burling Hull | The Burling Hull Second Sight Act | 1976 | ||||||
Burling Hull | The Volta Improved Second Sight Question Act | 1976 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Telepathy for Two | 1977 | ||||||
James G. Thompson Jr. | Modernes Zettellesen | July 1977 |
(Vol. 4 No. 3)
Charles Lambert, Janice Lambert | Lambert Test | 1978 |
(Issue 196)
Charlie Randall | Time on Mine... | 1978 |
(Issue 201)
Liz Tucker, Tommy Tucker | Two-Person Telepathy Act | 1978 |
(Issue 203)
Liz Tucker, Tommy Tucker | Two-Person Telepathy Act - Part Two | 1978 |
(Issue 205)
Liz Tucker, Tommy Tucker | The Two-Person Telepathy Act - Part Three | 1978 |
(Issue 207)
Larry Becker | Thumb Fun | 1978 | ||||||
Larry Becker | Tell-A-Phone | 1978 | ||||||
Fred Lowe | Die Wodu Puppe | Dec. 1978 |
(Vol. 5 No. 4)
Kathi DeFrancis, Steve Aldrich | Mind Touch | 1979 |
(Issue 234)
Time Will Tell | 1979 | |||||||
Karl Fulves | Faces and Slates | 1979 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | It's Murder | 1979 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | One Hand Clapping | 1980 | ||||||
Robin DeWitt | Color Code | 1980 |
(Issue 253)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini | Image | 1980 |
(Issue 259)
Thomas Alan Waters | Miscellaneous Notes | 1981 |
Mind, Myth & Magick
(Issue Psychometry)
Gene "Phantini" Grant | Thoughts Across Space | 1981 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Unlisted Numbers | 1981 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | The Mind Transmitter | 1981 | ||||||
James G. Thompson Jr. | Stegreif-Telefon-Telepathie | July 1982 |
(Vol. 9 No. 2)
Stewart James | Wählen Sie einen Namen | July 1982 |
(Vol. 9 No. 2)
David Ashton, Nikko, Robin DeWitt | The Gizmo | June 1984 |
(Issue 333)
Thomas Alan Waters, E. Leslie May | Cue-Bic | 1985 |
Mind, Myth & Magick
(Issue Fynys)
Fredric Kolb | Team Test | Aug. 1985 |
(Issue 355)
Karl Fulves, Aage Darling, George G. Kaplan | V.I.P. | 1985 | ||||||
Terry Seabrooke | An Object Lesson | 1986 | ||||||
Ned Rutledge, James G. Thompson Jr. | Einfache Zwei-Perseonen-Mentalcodes | Dec. 1987 |
(Vol. 13 No. 2)
James G. Thompson Jr. | Sympathesia | Dec. 1987 |
(Vol. 13 No. 2)
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge | Zwei Minuten zur Telepathie | Dec. 1987 |
(Vol. 13 No. 2)
James G. Thompson Jr. | Der Uhrzeit-Code | Dec. 1987 |
(Vol. 13 No. 2)
Ned Rutledge | Die sprechenden Münzen | Dec. 1987 |
(Vol. 13 No. 2)
James G. Thompson Jr. | Peekaboo! | Feb. 1988 |
(Vol. 13 No. 3)
Peter Kane | We'll Call You | 1988 ca. | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | Code of Silence | 1989 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | Code of Silence II | 1989 | ||||||
Ted Karmilovich | Test-Condition Telepathy | May 1989 |
(Issue 421)
David Burmeister | The Jinx Code | July 1989 |
(Issue 425)
David Burmeister | The Jinx Code - Part II | Aug. 1989 |
(Issue 427)
Sidney Piddington, Barry Wiley | Silent Psi | Nov. 1989 |
(Issue 430)
Jack Kent Tillar | Li'l Hooker | May 1991 |
(Issue 455)
Karroll Priest | Test Condition Second Sight - Part II | May 1991 |
(Issue 455)
Karroll Priest | Test Condition Second Sight - Part III | July 1991 |
(Issue 457)
Robert Cassidy | Outreacher | July 1991 |
(Issue 458)
Karroll Priest | Test Condition Second Sight - Part IV | Aug. 1991 |
(Issue 459)
Karroll Priest | Test Condition Second Sight - Part V | Sep. 1991 |
(Issue 461)
Ron Spencer | Tarot Nikola | 1991 | ||||||
Gary Kurtz | The Code of Silence | 1992 | ||||||
Rudy T. Hunter | Dualistic Deceit | Nov. 1992 |
(Issue 480)