82 entries in Paper / Envelopes / Peeking
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, on using "professor", Embryoskop (Prof. Dr. W. Preyer), reading letter inside envelope (alcohol), x-rays, colored ashes from bowl of water (sand-like)
May 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Magische X-Strahlen performer is able to read content of envelope, x-ray patter, alcohol
Mar. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Making Envelope Transparent alcohol, method with box and sponge in pocket
Related to 1911 22
T. Page Wright Envelope Card Reading cards in envelope, performer names them one by one
1933 19
Theodore Annemann Dead or Alive? cards placed inside envelope, name of dead person is revealed
Also published here Dec. 1934
The Jinx (Issue 3)
Charles T. Jordan The Whispering Envelope card placed in envelope is divined, see-through envelope for only black cards
Also published here 1937 301
Robert Parrish The Ultimate One Man Sealed Message Reading System 1. Collecting the Envelopes
2. Reading the Messages
3. Returning the Card and Envelope
4. Returning the Next to the Last Message
5. Reading the Last Message
1937 22
Making Envelope transparent alcohol
May 1939
The Jinx (Issue 56)
Frank Kelly A Telepathic Experiment number and geometric design divined
1939 116
Making Envelope transparent alcohol
The Jinx (Issue 114)
Glimpse Envelope to glimpse single card in envelope
1941 200
William S. Houghton Thought Vision word or drawing on blank card is put in envelope, performer divines it
1943 16
Theodore Annemann Dead or Alive cards placed inside envelope, name of dead person is revealed
Also published here 1944 54
Fredric Kolb Envelope Switch and Peek
1945 10
Harlan Tarbell Postal Inspection card is placed in envelope and divined, peek envelope
Also published here 1945 30
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Open Window divination of a city, written on paper and sealed in envelope
1947 90
Harold Braunhut Thoughts Afire secret reading method for text written on postcard put in envelope
1948 166
George B. Anderson Getting the Impression questions are written on paper and put into envelopes, after the questions have been answered the envelopes are burnt in a bowl
Variations 1949 15
C. E. Young The Invisible Window special design for window envelope, peek
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Sydney Bergson Sid's Seer sponge with alcohol dispenser for sealed message reading
Related to Aug. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 313)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Challenge Dollar Bill Test bill in envelope and between slates, still performer divines serial number
1955 10
Tony Corinda (3) The Window Envelope
1959 345
Harlan Tarbell Postal Inspektion card is placed in envelope and divined, peek envelope
Also published here 1960
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Dan Tong Prognostica three businsess cards with number, word and design are sealed into envelopes and information is divined
Mar. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Paul Siegel Frame of Mind messages written on paper and sealed in envelopes are divined
Aug. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 28)
Max Lister Easy Message Reading alcohol to make envelope transparent
1972 62
James G. Thompson Jr. Third Eye window envelope handling, see p. 527 for idea by Bob Still
Winter 1972
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
James G. Thompson Jr. Improved Question Reading envelopes
  • Part Two (shorter test with only three envelopes)
  • Part Three (as a two-person act)
Also published here Winter 1972
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
James G. Thompson Jr. Strongest Thought five spectators write stuff on billets, secret instructions on what type of information to write on billet, sealed envelope reading method, chalk with razor blade
Winter 1972
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
Al Mann Instant Mindreader
June 1974 744
Robert Parrish Great Slate Test chosen card divined on slate and duplicate writing appears on another slate, repeated with random name written down by spectator
Inspired by
  • Laurie Ireland's "Three Slate Routines" (1930s)
Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
Charles T. Jordan Jordan's Whispering Envelope card placed in envelope is divined, see-through envelope for only black cards
Also published here 1975 217
Louis Haley Haley's Whispering Envelope split corner that can be opened to glimpse index of card
1975 237
Ronnie Gann It's About Time! time is set behind back and put in envelope, time is divined
Magick (Issue 147)
Al Mann The Sibylline Messages cards in envelopes with questions and messages on it are divined and answered
1977 1
Al Mann The Preparation constructing The Sibylline Envelope
1977 2
Al Mann The Flight of the Griffins spectator writes a question and drops it addressed to the performer into the mail box, performer does the same with the answer, the next day they find out it is correct, with Sibylline envelopes
Inspired by
  • Spencer Thornton's "Anytime, Anywhere - For Newspaper Publicity" in "Secrets of Mental Magic"
1977 9
Al Mann Notes ideas and tips for the Sibylline Envelope
1977 11
James G. Thompson Jr. Modernes Zettellesen envelopes
  • Teil 2 (shorter test with only three envelopes)
  • Teil 3 (as a two-person act)
Also published here July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Mike Gancia Colour in View item written on card and sealed in envelope is secretly read
Related to 1977 29
Theodore Annemann Verschiedene Spezialdaumenspitzen - 1. sponge in thumb tip with chemical that makes envelopes translucent
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Impressed information written on paper, folded, put in envelope
Variations 1979 47
Glimpse Through Envelope thin paper
1979 8
Mike Caveney A Bloody Prediction murder story, prediction of a stabbing wound, comedy routine
1981 57
Al Mann Peeking Envelope with window
1982 2
Neil Somerville Visual Images five images are placed inside envelopes, one is selected and divined
Feb. 1982
Magick (Issue 303)
Robert Cassidy Test of the White Dwarf information written on card and sealed inside two envelopes is divined, see-through
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1982
Magick (Issue 305)
Kate Shiels The Irish Factotum divination of drawn ESP symbol in envelope
Jan. 1984
Magick (Issue 327)
Robert Cassidy The Two Envelope Test (Also knwon as The White Dwarf) information written on card and sealed inside two envelopes is divined, see-through
VariationsAlso published here 1984 35
Robert Cassidy A Picture and A Word messages written and sealed inside two envelopes, using The White Dwarf principle
1984 36
Gerald Kosky Star Gazing photograph placed inside envelope is divined
Oct. 1986
Magick (Issue 379)
Richard Osterlind DI-1 information written on pieces of paper and always several pieces placed inside envelopes, Q&A, transparent envelopes
1986 2
Al Mann A Design Duplication Method design cards in envelopes, transparent
1986 6
Steve Dusheck Colored Writing divination of name and chosen color, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 8
Larry White Get The Picture peek envelope, mirror flap
1992 83
Steve Dusheck Playing Cards Get The Picture envelope used with playing cards
1992 87
Alan Wassilak Brain Wave card is selected from a deck and placed inside envelope, it is the same card which is reversed in second deck, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 87
Dan Tong Prediction dual reality, apparently spectator drew picture at home, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 87
Steve Dusheck Book Test using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 88
Larry Becker Wordarama divination of chosen word from a list, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 89
Larry Becker Stand-Up Modification variation for Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 89
Eddie Fields Window-Less Window Envelope glimpsing the index of a card placed in an envelope
1997 54
James G. Thompson Jr. Der Gedankenfänger spectator thinks of an umbrella word, five spectators write down a word belonging to that category, performer divines category and gives words back to correct spectators
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Jeff Sheridan The Svengali Envelopes image drawn on white card that is put in an envelope is divined
Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein Clairvoyage blank cards with countries on them, two are chosen and put unseen in envelopes, performer divines the countries, alphabetical stack (credit information), peek envelope (first letter only, credit information)
Also published here Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Barrie Richardson Guess What?
  • From My Thoughts
phone number and name and personal information written and put in envelope, all divined
June 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 6)
Robert Cassidy The Medium’s envelope test information written on card and sealed inside two envelopes is divined
  • The White Dwarf
Related to 2003 6
Basil Horwitz Challenge Body Language Zodiac Test divination of a chosen zodiac, zodiac cards, one put in envelope
2004 17
Robert Cassidy The Eye of the White Dwarf information written on card and sealed inside two envelopes is divined, hole
Inspired by 2004 191
Paolo Cavalli Deatharot spectator writes names of five dead people on cards which are inserted into envelopes, one name should be special and is found by performer using Tarot cards and cutting to Death card, name is revealed
2004 31
Barrie Richardson The Osmosis Envelope gimmicked pay envelope, spectator can seal message inside, yet performer can access and glimpse content
2011 181
Alexander de Cova SHAXON Peek Device Alan Shaxon style envelope for peeking
Also published here Nov. 2013 27
Alexander de Cova Das Fensterkuvert mal anders peeking with envelope
Also published here Feb. 2014 482
Alexander de Cova Die Feinheit mit dem Buch peek envelope is put in center of book, x-ray book with hole through pages
Also published here Feb. 2014 486
Alexander de Cova Window Envelope peeking with envelope
Also published here Apr. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 9)
Alexander de Cova The Book Idea peek envelope is put in center of book, x-ray book with hole through pages
Also published here Apr. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 9)
Alexander de Cova Shaxon-Peek-Device Alan Shaxon style envelope for peeking
Also published here 2015 272
Alexander de Cova Fensterkuvert-Alternative peeking with envelope
Also published here 2015 279
Alexander de Cova Die Feinheit mit dem Buch peek envelope is put in center of book, x-ray book with hole through pages
Also published here 2015 281
Luke Jermay Flapless Window Envelope modified construction
2019 18
Philip T. Goldstein Clairvoyage blank cards with countries on them, two are chosen and put unseen in envelopes, performer divines the countries, alphabetical stack (credit information), peek envelope (first letter only, credit information)
Also published here 2022 4
Richard Mark The Singular Dwarf card with information in pay envelope, divination
Related to 35 7